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AoS 3 - Nighthaunt Discussion


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7 hours ago, Liquidsteel said:

Grand Strategy up in the air, need to see how it plays with scenarios first.

Fight or Flight or A Soul to Claim from the tome seem like decent enough options.


Battle Tactics see pretty okay to be honest.


The big thing for the Battle Tactics is that my opponent won't be scoring an extra point with a Monster anymore. It really hurt Nighthaunt to be down a point from Ferocious Advance (Run 3 Monsters), Not be able to do Broken Ranks, Bring It Down, or Slay The Warlord for a bonus point. Not even be able to do Monstrous Takeover!

We're in a good place. The Battle Tactics are way easier for us compared to before.


Okay after some tweaking of lists, reading of rules and playing my first game with the ghosts (tts) they play way differently to sbg and I love it.

You're not a true Nighthaunt player until you play the army live. You have to experience the barrel of Monkeys style latching on of model on model on model that happens consistently with literally all of our units every time you move them. And sure, Spirit Hosts are a pain in the ass to assemble, but they are super low maintenance after that...

Edited by Boggler
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4 hours ago, Boggler said:


The big thing for the Battle Tactics is that my opponent won't be scoring an extra point with a Monster anymore. It really hurt Nighthaunt to be down a point from Ferocious Advance (Run 3 Monsters), Not be able to do Broken Ranks, Bring It Down, or Slay The Warlord for a bonus point. Not even be able to do Monstrous Takeover!

We're in a good place. The Battle Tactics are way easier for us compared to before.

You're not a true Nighthaunt player until you play the army live. You have to experience the barrel of Monkeys style latching on of model on model on model that happens consistently with literally all of our units every time you move them. And sure, Spirit Hosts are a pain in the ass to assemble, but they are super low maintenance after that...


3 hours ago, Neck-Romantic said:

God. Super finnicky, fragile, tiny thin appaendages and weapons sticking out all over tangling together, with often one teeeeny wisp connecting them to their bases 🤯

I got that beat. Not only do I have to deal with all the spindly bits, but I've magnetized my entire army. Can you imagine what happens if you happen to lift a Chainrasp and accidentally get too close to the next one? You know how in TTS you can shake a selection of models and they bunch together? That. That happens. A lot. In real life.

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Oh god Harridans sre awful for this reason. Their poses mean they hang over the base a little and the claws are mostly directed forward (Grimghast scythes, Bladegheist swords etc are often pointed up at least). It's a massive pain to get them in formation without getting them all tangled, and it gets do much worse when they're in combat.

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Played a 2k game against a friend who was playing Khorne Mortals yesterday. Battleplan was Won't Back Down and we called it at the top of turn 3 with me winning 12-8. Skarbrand missed a critical 3" charge (with rerolls) and  they didn't get the much needed double turn to start a comeback. They don't play much so they didn't field a super competitive list, but it was good to get a feel for our new book. I basically cribbed @Boggler's list but swapped Kurdoss and the Spirit Hosts for Reikenor, 10 more Chainrasps, and Chronomatic Cogs. I also put the 3x10 Bladegheists in to one big 30 model unit. I don't have a full battle report, just some musings.

-Scarlet Doom is my jam, Bladegheists are my favorite unit and those MWs on the charge were great. I really hope it works out as a  competitive choice.

-I usually don't like Hexwraiths but I used them as a suicide block to keep one of his flanks held back and was very impressed. They were able to retreat with one model left and I spiked Olynder's No Rest for the Wicked which brought them back to full strength, very nasty.

-I was initially very bummed about the Spirit Torment changes but was actually happy with the flat 3 models coming back every round. Felt like a sweet spot between not being worth my opponents attention but still making an impact.

-Galletian Veterans and the GHB 2022 changes were a chore to explain to someone not keeping up with the game. "How many rules does one game need" was uttered at least once haha. In practice though, I found it much easier to manage since it was mostly passive. 

-The new battle tactics are wayyyyy more fun compared to the last set when we didn't have Monsters.

Anyways that's all I've got, if I remember anything else worthwhile I'll edit the post.


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I mean why was Skarbrand even charging? Pile in 6" then fight twice seems to be the cookie cutter build for him.

How would that have effected the game if Skarbrand had been able to activate twice that turn?


I've put the Spirit Torment in after first few weeks without. 115 points means bringing back 6 Blades he's almost paid for himself. I was wanting an additional unit but it seems worth it. I'm also running 30 blades this time with full support.

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2 hours ago, Liquidsteel said:

I mean why was Skarbrand even charging? Pile in 6" then fight twice seems to be the cookie cutter build for him.

How would that have effected the game if Skarbrand had been able to activate twice that turn?

Like I said it wasn't a competitive list so they were Goretide, not Reapers of Vengeance. My opponent only really plays when I'm jonesing to try out new stuff on TTS.

However still a valid question. Skarbrand had a screen of Chainrasps he could have easily wiped out but I still had about 25 Bladegheists with Shademist on, Discorporate available, and the support of a Krulghast and Spirit Torment. I would have to do the math on if he could have lifted that, but my opponents army was almost wiped out except for Korghus Khul and Skarbrand, so I think I still would have got it in the end. 

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1 hour ago, Liquidsteel said:

It looks fun!

Personally I would run Bladegheists in 10s outside of Scarlett Doom. In EH they don't do impact mortals and they can't fight in two ranks. 20s are probably more hassle than they're worth at that point.


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2 hours ago, Liquidsteel said:

It looks fun!

Personally I would run Bladegheists in 10s outside of Scarlett Doom. In EH they don't do impact mortals and they can't fight in two ranks. 20s are probably more hassle than they're worth at that point.


You are right,

I have rethink the strategy, and came up with below idea:

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23 hours ago, relic456 said:

I basically cribbed @Boggler's list but swapped Kurdoss and the Spirit Hosts for Reikenor, 10 more Chainrasps, and Chronomatic Cogs.

Don't pay that much attention to me. I make decent battle reports but I'm not that good a player... I'm running:


Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead (955)
- Lore of the Underworlds: Shademist

20 x Bladegheist Revenants (350)
- Reinforced x 1
5 x Hexwraiths (160)
10 x Chainrasps (110)
20 x Bladegheist Revenants (350)
- Reinforced x 1

Endless Spells & Invocations
Umbral Spellportal (70)

Total: 1995 / 2000

Because I want to be able to score "This One's Mine!" and I'm not afraid of Alpha shooting anymore!

Spectral Tether + Spellportal + 30" move Hexwraith screens = lots of threat

Both BGR will likely be 4+/5++, regen 4 models/turn

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2 hours ago, lare2 said:

Got a game tomorrow night, the first using NH in the new season. I'm really struggling to decide on a grand strategy. What are people's thoughts? Which ones do people feel are the easiest for us?

Fright or Flight seems decent; I'm going to experiment with it over the next 4 games (lists locked in for a local league we're doing).

Basically don't be within 6" of the enemy whilst on an objective.

So if you have no units on objectives turn 5 you score it.

If you get tabled you still score it; if you go second in round 5 and aren't locked in no retreat you can guarantee it, might cost you an objective point or two but worth it to score 3.

There is one battle plan where table quarters act as objectives, that one might be a problem, suggest going hard early on or playing keep away turn 4/5.


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1 hour ago, Liquidsteel said:

Fright or Flight seems decent; I'm going to experiment with it over the next 4 games (lists locked in for a local league we're doing).

If you get tabled you still score it; if you go second in round 5 and aren't locked in no retreat you can guarantee it, might cost you an objective point or two but worth it to score 3.

Exactly. It's ahead of "A Soul to Claim" for me as there is a greater chance of my killing the big guy with Olynder/Kurdoss than being in your mentioned scenerios T5.

If the game is close on T5 you might have a decision to make. Score 1, 2 and more for 3 pts or take the 3 pts for Fright or Flight. So, at worse its a even trade whereas there are several situations where you can score 1, 2 and more for 3 pts and also score the Grand Strat.


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5 hours ago, Liquidsteel said:

Fright or Flight seems decent; I'm going to experiment with it over the next 4 games (lists locked in for a local league we're doing).

Basically don't be within 6" of the enemy whilst on an objective.

So if you have no units on objectives turn 5 you score it.

If you get tabled you still score it; if you go second in round 5 and aren't locked in no retreat you can guarantee it, might cost you an objective point or two but worth it to score 3.

There is one battle plan where table quarters act as objectives, that one might be a problem, suggest going hard early on or playing keep away turn 4/5.


Yeah, I think I'm leaning towards this. Either this or Take What's Theirs. I figure with our movement shenanigans we can set this up pretty well for turn 5. Would tie in with Desecrate and Barge for turns 4 and 5 as well. 

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On 6/29/2022 at 10:03 AM, lare2 said:

Got a game tomorrow night, the first using NH in the new season. I'm really struggling to decide on a grand strategy. What are people's thoughts? Which ones do people feel are the easiest for us?

I like Dismantle the Brave as some armies have the same bravery for every unit.  So you can achieve it by killing your opponents weakest unit.

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Hey guys,

Jumping back into AoS after a small break and trying to get a handle on the new GHB while finishing my Nighthaunt and I still have a lot to buy. I'm trying to get an idea of what I'd like to start with with initially as I might have a small for fun tournament coming up in a few weeks.

As far as list building for the new GHB and battalions, what are your thoughts? I'd be going with Emerald Host, considering running two blocks of Chainrasps at 30 and 20 as my GVs in the battalion. I feel like they can take quite a bit of abuse with a 5+ ethereal and 5+ ward. I have two boxes of Hexwraiths, along with a unit of three Spirit Hosts.

As for damage, I'm wondering if hero-hammer might be the way to go with what I'm thinking. It's pretty easy to get our heroes to 2+/2+ and generally with multiple charges at least rend -2, and -3 in many cases. I think this could take opponents by surprise, but I'm not 100% sold on it. Although having a little 25ish wound deathstar that's very easy to maneuver and keep in range of everything seems fun. They'd be at -1 damage, +1 hit, +1 wound with the spirit hosts taking some damage as they can, and possibly -1 wound in some cases as well.

The heroes essentially would be Reikenor, KoSoS, GoS, Krulghast, Spirit Torment, and Dreadblade Harrow. Make it three casters so throw some spells around. I would like to add in Kurdoss maybe but that takes points from elsewhere.

Everything is still so new so I'm just here trying to get ideas before I spend too much, but ultimately I think all these heroes and good anyway and I'm sure many lists will use Chainghasts in some number.

The other option would be to double down on a defensive horde list with Lady O, and maybe two Spirit Torments and weather the storm as long as possible!

tldr: Do you think a group of heroes can work pumping out debuffs and damage buffs? Do you think Chainghasts can stand up to bounty hunter charges if required(although I'd try to engage those units with Hexwraiths/Reikenor first)? What kind of list composition are you thinking for the new GHB?

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Apologies for not being active here and not updating the guide for the new GHB yet, or sounding off on any asks that have been here. I'm currently COVID positive, and between that and my current work contract coming to an end, I've not been able to do much of anything else than slowly die miserably.

Now that the book's out, what are some of the takeways we can get from it?

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14 hours ago, EnixLHQ said:

Now that the book's out, what are some of the takeways we can get from it?

I've only had the one game under new GHB, we played the auto win mission, short edge deployment with 3 objectives.

Played vs Nurgle Fly spam, with two Maggoth Lords.

Won turn 4, purple sun took out Bloab followed by his stinky LoA general.

30 Bladegheists with the full support package are super resilient, and I never even got to make their full 30 dice impact charge as they failed a 6" charge with a reroll turn 2 then got double turned, but they survived long enough for me to keep them topped up around 15 models.

Anyway my big takeaway is that Nighthaunt play the new GHB well. Scoring the new savage spearhead with 2 x GVs for the extra point on demand thanks to deep strike is great. Kruciator nullifies Bounty Hunters. Banshees provide extra magic defence vs new endless spells. Solid movement on all units. Seems good.

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New FAQs drop today. For Nighthaunt it clarifies that abilities like the Furies' Sneaky Little Devils still work when bound up by our Grieving Legion units. Meaning that an ability that causes a retreat is not the same as a retreat action, and can be used to get out of Dragged into the Grave. Cool.

I'm not sure anything else changed.

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‘Once per battle round, if your general has the Nighthaunt keyword and issues a command, this unit can issue the same command...

Dreadblade's copy ability now specifically doesn't work with Nagash anymore.


Namely Nagash has this fantastic command ability, which now can only be issued once:


Death Magic Incarnate: 

You can use this command ability if this unit is on the battlefield at the start of the combat phase. The unit that receives this command must be a different friendly DEATH unit. Add 1 to ward rolls for that unit until the end of that phase.



@EnixLHQGet well soon! I also only just recovered and wasn't sure wether to pray to Nurgle or to Nagash for that sweet sweet release 😇

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