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The Age of the Bristling Beard!

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This is a place for dwarves to be dwarfs. Where beer is quaffed; beards are grown and nurtured; grudges recorded and elves insulted. 


Ergo a general place of very generalist dwarven chatter not suited to the specific army faction threads for the specific races present within the Mortal Realms.

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My next project is all-metal Dwarfs.  50 Hammerers, 40 Ironbreakers, 20 (Long Drong Slayer Pirates proxying as) Handgunners, 20 (3rd party dwarfs proxying as) Longbeards, one Gyrocopter, and a dozen assorted heroes to use as Warden Kings or Runelords.

I've got all the bases built out of Sculpey (already baked), just waiting for spring to finally get here (it was -26C this morning!) so I can do a bit more paint stripping outside.

It's going to be a suuuuper terrible army.  But the greatest project of all time.  I can use my Flesheaters if I want to win a game.

Once I finish all the metal stuff, I'll consider branching into plastic.  I've got a plastic Steam Tank that is re-skinned to Dwarf themes, and a handful of Celestial Hurricanums/Hurricana in various states from sealed plastic to fully painted in a not-matching scheme to consider also re-skinning in Dwarf themes.  And 10 Irondrakes I suppose.

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My Chaos Dwarves and Dispossessed Dwarves are all completely painted. Thus the only dwarven project I've got on the table at present is adding the relevant half of an Aetherwar box to my Kharadron skyfleet.

I keep eyeing Fyreslayers, but have yet to branch out beyond the Forge and Magmadroth. The forge presently goes with my two anvils of doom, and the magmadroth tends to be ridden by Chaos Dwarves as a stand in for a K'daii destroyer. Once i've finished a few more projects their time will come and I'll actually buy some troops to make a proper fyreslayers army.

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13 minutes ago, EccentricCircle said:

My Chaos Dwarves and Dispossessed Dwarves are all completely painted. Thus the only dwarven project I've got on the table at present is adding the relevant half of an Aetherwar box to my Kharadron skyfleet.

I keep eyeing Fyreslayers, but have yet to branch out beyond the Forge and Magmadroth. The forge presently goes with my two anvils of doom, and the magmadroth tends to be ridden by Chaos Dwarves as a stand in for a K'daii destroyer. Once i've finished a few more projects their time will come and I'll actually buy some troops to make a proper fyreslayers army.

can I see a picture of your guys? I don't really see a lot of chaos dwarf conversions on this site.

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2 hours ago, TheR00zle said:

can I see a picture of your guys? I don't really see a lot of chaos dwarf conversions on this site.

Sure! always happy to show them off. The Chaos Dwarves are a mix of old 2nd hand models and forgeworld resin ones, rather than conversions. It took quite a while to assemble the force, but I was patient and got a few very good deals on some of the old metal models.


Dawi Zharr

Chaos Dwarves.JPG

Regular Dawi

Dwarf Army.JPG

And Kharadron Overlords, although I've got the Aetherwar models still to add, so will need to post an updated pic once they are done!1056651011_Kharadronoverlords.JPG.10b8504a3b240bfd30795b72e63197b8.JPG

Edited by EccentricCircle
Edited to get the pics in the right place
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I guess I should look into what warmachines made the cut in the Cities book, and figure out how to proxy my Dwarf ones in.  I've got a handful of Bolt Throwers and Grudgethrowers and engineers all that fit my metal criteria.

I'm also breaking up some old run down second-hand Anvils of Doom - the anvils are staying with my dwarf bits, but the Anvil Guards are going to be beautiful unit champions for the Ironbreakers.

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Just checking in to say that the last generation of metal longbeards were probably my favorite Duardin models made by GW. They were just full of character while the first generation of plastics were far inferior in at least dwarven character, across the board. Really impressed by what's left of the Dispossessed models however and even if they are not expanded, I would really like for Dispossessed to be supported in the smaller games such as Warcry and Underworlds. Being able to game with small bands of classic dwarves would be enough for me.

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Excellent thread. I love seeing things all dwarf related, past and present. Been a beloved race since my first fantasy days of DnD and Lord of the Rings. ❤️ 

My Cities of Sigmar is a massive project and while it does include heavy dwarves, it is all over the place in races and styles. Literally aiming for a rainbow of influences to replicate the old Colleges of Magic. So far Light and Metal are dwarf focused. 

Realm of Light is all about order and structure, that's about as Dawi as it can get, perhaps even more so than the elves! lol It is why I love Age of Sigmar, so much potential to take traditional ideas and shape it into something unique. 

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19 minutes ago, King Under the Mountain said:

Finally a thread of our own. 

So with the hopefully more traditional Dwarf army for AoS coming sometime what kind of units do you imagine would be in it?  You can think out of the box (Cow Mountains).

I hope for a Grungi center piece and Golems at the very least.

Since I'm one of the "evil" guys on this thread(though Grungi abandoned us), Im hoping for some plastic Chaos Dwarfs.

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39 minutes ago, TheR00zle said:

Since I'm one of the "evil" guys on this thread(though Grungi abandoned us), Im hoping for some plastic Chaos Dwarfs.

I'd love some Chaos Dwarfs.  Got into Fantasy long after they were gone and always wanted to see a full fleshed out plastic army of them.

With some hints and lore and how GW has been really pumping up the army numbers, I really think it's a possibility. 

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2 hours ago, King Under the Mountain said:

Finally a thread of our own. 

So with the hopefully more traditional Dwarf army for AoS coming sometime what kind of units do you imagine would be in it?  You can think out of the box (Cow Mountains).

I hope for a Grungi center piece and Golems at the very least.

I would go for full on mining, beer and heavy armour.

Pickaxes are one, of course, but also giant drills (land part of Squats) that can destroy scenery, blasting charges, gearpunk power armour and candles on their heads.

For the beer part, bring on a cart that brings resolve and fightimg spirit to the fore and chocks the empty barrels to the enemy. Have some drinks be strong enough so specialist characters can take a swig and breathe fire, or just breathe and make an enemy unit drunk just by the spray.

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I bet Ya beardlings did not even have a proper breakfast today!?

beer, beard wax and more ale!



just joking

I‘ve been playing me dwarves rather often recently (CoS) and those lads are fun. Yet for some reason I keep rolling bad if there‘s not at least one dark ale in the room...

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I don't have any Duardin army (yet!) but I can share some lore snippets of my homebrew stronghold (status - very WiP):

Karak Az-Karag (realm - Ghur)

Located in volcano. Legends say that it was created when Grimnir's axe bifurcated a mountain during his fight with Vulcatrix (yes, he tossed it so hard it flew to another Realm).

Home to two factions:

Clan Az-Karag: ruled by Warden King Aldrik Oathkeeper. Famous for using lava-spitting cannons while not being a Dawi Zharr  :).

Drakkaz lodge: ruled by Runefather Haraz-Grimnir. Probably descendants of Lofnir because they also share some level of unity with Magmadroths.

Both factions share a red/green color scheme on their clothing and heraldry.

Karak-Azkarag was a centre of trade and culture during Age of Myth but during Age of Chaos it was besieged by Beastclaw Raiders tribe. While the invaders were repelled, they left a frozen wasteland in their wake. Now Karak Az-Karag remains the only mainstay of civilization and must defend itself against barbaric chaos tribes,  beastmen and other monsters that stalk nearby forests. 

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I have embarked on a great project to get what I hope is at least 2k points of every dwarf army there is going from Kharadron, which I really like so probably more of them, then dispossesed, then moving on to Fyreslayers who I really like, and finally the Chaos Dwarfs because who doesn't like those evil little munchkins. I though of an amzing idea for the chaos dwarfs to not have beards, and convert them with some StD helms. Therefore the biggest beards (Fyreslayers/Dispossesed) are the goodest, while the ones with little to no beards are less good (Kharadron/LoA). But hey, at east the Kharadron tried.

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So, to start a bit of discussion, I would like to ask a question:

How do you all take non-Duardin Cities of Sigmar units and theme them/convert them into proper Duardin, just sans keywords?

So far, I have a Light Battlemage and plans for a Luminark of Hysh. I know, Dwarves and Magic don't mix from traditional point, but I like AoS for its boundary pushing. Call me a radical. Besides, light magic being about clean lines and geometry seems to fit perfectly into the Duardin ideal of structure and fortitude. 

I had a thought for making a mechanical golem/war suit to count as a War Hydra or something, but not sure on that one...

Thoughts? Will post some pictures a bit later.

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5 hours ago, flamingwalnut said:

So, to start a bit of discussion, I would like to ask a question:

How do you all take non-Duardin Cities of Sigmar units and theme them/convert them into proper Duardin, just sans keywords?

So far, I have a Light Battlemage and plans for a Luminark of Hysh. I know, Dwarves and Magic don't mix from traditional point, but I like AoS for its boundary pushing. Call me a radical. Besides, light magic being about clean lines and geometry seems to fit perfectly into the Duardin ideal of structure and fortitude. 

I had a thought for making a mechanical golem/war suit to count as a War Hydra or something, but not sure on that one...

Thoughts? Will post some pictures a bit later.

I had seen a cool conversion of the steam tank, which already is very duardin if you just scrape off those weird symbols on the sidem into a very right and proper steam tank, think i am going to be trying to replicate  that one

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