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17 hours ago, Vomikron said:

It’s funny, and great, how people can have such differing opinions but still basically love the same thing. 

Coming up with a narrative reason for an army that is far away to fight in the Old World was one of my favorite things. It really builds a story.
I see AoS as one huge Deus ex Machina. “How do they get there? I don’t know, a realmgate or something” is just so unfulfilling for me. In my opinion AoS still suffers from being a completely incoherent setting with no sense of place or time.

Totally! I think, for me, the very established setting of The World-that-was made making "my dudes" felt like I was shoving them in where there "was hardly any space left." The New World continent was relatively unexplored and left a lot of canvas to play with, but AoS having gargantuan maps where most the planet is blank makes me feel like I can dream up a whole earth-sized series of continents and still have space in the other realms and the GW narrative is so physically far away I can take what I like

I do agree with your critiques, though: I think some of the novels I've read have done a good job of making AoS feel like a place but time is something I agree is handled a bit weird. Is it hundreds of years between events? Less than a hundred? Thousands? There have been only a handful of specific "periods" of time and how "long" they lasted. I think having the narrative team sit down, discuss their options, and hammer down a specific timeline with dates and years for events would do a ton. Every battletome has the 15 paragraphs in a row that's just "random cool events" but time is weird. I doubt the behind-the-scenes stuff that had them nuke Broken Realms from orbit helped this much, tbh. 

The nice part about AoS (to me) is the vagueness of time lets you play with events in a way that makes sense to you. In my head, the Age of Myth was likely thousands of years marked by a slow warhammer-fantasy style societal decline. The Age of Chaos is one of the few things with a specific time period attached: the Age of Chaos lasted roughly 500 years. 

After the age of chaos, though, it's completely up in the air. "Years" is thrown around a ton as a unit of measurement to the point where it sort of becomes meaningless. For me, I decided it lets me choose the length of things and I decided, in my own head, to stretch stuff a ton. The Mortal Realms are gargantuan and the scope of things like the Realmgate Wars is always more than we see "onscreen."

I agree that having no system of dates has made it hard to stay invested in the narrative at times. How long has it been since the Necroquake? Or the Malign Portents? If I had to choose, I personally like having things be "too vague" over trying to look at the Warhammer Fantasy map and timeline and figuring where in what year My Dudes live. In AoS, with how vague timelines are, I just mentally handwave timeline stuff by blanket statement saying "most recent point in the GW narrative took place a few hundred years earlier than we are now." Get all the worldbuilding from the various books with none of the "how is my Freeguild General alive after a questionmark-number of years?"

19 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:


I get it, just being playful. 😉

I personally don't care for Skaven but imo Kruleboyz are the coolest thing to come from AoS.

It is all subjective and I am happy for the rat fans for sure. 

Kruleboyz rock. First Orks outside the heavily-armored ones that clicked for me! I love the scareshields and their whole vibe. I wouldn't complain at all if they got more stuff; hoping for some Hobgoblin calvary! They were the first "common orcs" by GW I've wanted to paint: I never loved the gorilla posture

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7 minutes ago, Pizzaprez said:

Get all the worldbuilding from the various books with none of the "how is my Freeguild General alive after a questionmark-number of years?"

The thing is that even that question about longevity is covered with Aqua Ghyranis. They covered really well their backs.

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11 minutes ago, Danaork said:

Can we hope for a new edition roadmap after revealed the launch box ?

I believe they did revease one for 40K during the full boxset reveal for Leviathan but it largely depends on how they doing internally when it comes to production.

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17 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Considering that Astreia is part of the Sacrosanct she will be gone. Maybe something related to her death by Ushoran.

her og model yes, but she absolutely got killed by Ushoran for a reason. She could be 5e though, as I forgot about Gardus 😭

16 hours ago, Luperci said:

Given the main colour scheme is that of the hallowed knights maybe Gardus will get a new mini? His current one is really nice but notably it isn't thunderstrike

Cannot believe I forgot our boy fought King Brodd.... he's gotta be Thunderstruck for sure.


16 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

that and they made a lore point that he want to be the last HK to done the Thunderstrike to ensure everyone of his brothers and sisters cross the not-Rubicon safely first 

he died in DB though, and I doubt he really gets a choice when he comes back? it wouldn't make sense to not give your commander the armor that ensures he comes back on death.

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4 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Lord-Headless. The new Caster for the Stormcasts Eternals (Am I the only one that sees it as a headless mage?).


it's gonna have that stupidly large neck cover isn't it :( really not a fan of that on the Ruination peeps. LOVE the giant torch though--fits with fighting the Skaven so well.

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I think the difference in content between leviathan and the upcoming 4.0 box is that 40k has a much bigger following already. Leviathan was always going to do very well because there are so many marine players and new marines will always appeal to way more players/collectors. Plus nids are a well established army.

With 4.0 it seems that GW are really trying to get new players into AoS. 
I bought Dominion (well actually I got 2) mainly for the Kruleboyz, but I can fully see how it wouldn’t have grabbed the attention of new players (even AoS fans for that matter if they didn’t like the factions), it was just core book and minis and whilst good value you’d still need to buy more to make proper armies.

The 4.0 box having everything someone would need to play is much more appealing to entice people to pick it up and try it. I think 4.0 launch will be much more successful than Dominion cos of the above reasons, but also I think Skaven will be very popular. Partly because the range has needed some love for a long time, and also cos Skaven are uniquely warhammer and tied into the nostalgia service that seems to be a trend currently.

Even for current AoS fans I can see a number getting the launch box to have the core rules, spearhead content/cards/terrain etc. They may sell the minis or keep them to try out a new force, but whatever the case I can see it having much more appeal than the dominion box.

I’m really looking forward to the full reveal.

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Two days without proper WarCom news. The changes of the preorders were changed in the last moment. But I am still confident with the release date of the box, my source still have confidence and is still working to have the material prepared to the release date.

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1 minute ago, Nezzhil said:

The changes of the preorders were changed in the last moment.

What changes were these? Guessing Dawnbringers?

2 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

But I am still confident with the release date of the box, my source still have confidence and is still working to have the material prepared to the release date.

What date do you have? In my head it's middle of June?

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4 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

Two days without proper WarCom news. The changes of the preorders were changed in the last moment. But I am still confident with the release date of the box, my source still have confidence and is still working to have the material prepared to the release date.

it's pretty clear GW is using the reveal events as a reason to not release any articles this week. Hoping you mean DB6 preorders lol

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4 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

it's pretty clear GW is using the reveal events as a reason to not release any articles this week. Hoping you mean DB6 preorders lol

Yes, DB6 was delayed.

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11 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

Two days without proper WarCom news. The changes of the preorders were changed in the last moment. But I am still confident with the release date of the box, my source still have confidence and is still working to have the material prepared to the release date.

So you also have sources... interesting.

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33 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

The thing is that even that question about longevity is covered with Aqua Ghyranis. They covered really well their backs.

I don't mind life-lengthening stuff in fiction at all: I'm reading the Dune series for the first time and the "geriatric properties of Spice" have come up quite a few times. But in Dune you know how much time passes, and the fact that people are older means something rather than being a handwavey way to let people Soulbond Role Play their way through every AoS current event. It is nice to have that built in, but imo it makes it even more difficult to nail down how much time is passing. If someone can be over 300 years old, there is not really a way to mark the passage of current events in-universe. 

If they don't want to lose miniatures/warscrolls but want to keep the story rolling on forward they could easily change the first name of the Van Densts and claim that we're focused on their descendants now: they just have some strong genes

13 minutes ago, GrimDork said:

I think the difference in content between leviathan and the upcoming 4.0 box is that 40k has a much bigger following already. Leviathan was always going to do very well because there are so many marine players and new marines will always appeal to way more players/collectors. Plus nids are a well established army.

With 4.0 it seems that GW are really trying to get new players into AoS. 
I bought Dominion (well actually I got 2) mainly for the Kruleboyz, but I can fully see how it wouldn’t have grabbed the attention of new players (even AoS fans for that matter if they didn’t like the factions), it was just core book and minis and whilst good value you’d still need to buy more to make proper armies.

The 4.0 box having everything someone would need to play is much more appealing to entice people to pick it up and try it. I think 4.0 launch will be much more successful than Dominion cos of the above reasons, but also I think Skaven will be very popular. Partly because the range has needed some love for a long time, and also cos Skaven are uniquely warhammer and tied into the nostalgia service that seems to be a trend currently.

Even for current AoS fans I can see a number getting the launch box to have the core rules, spearhead content/cards/terrain etc. They may sell the minis or keep them to try out a new force, but whatever the case I can see it having much more appeal than the dominion box.

I’m really looking forward to the full reveal.

Despite not wanting to play 4.0, I am very interested in this box! Mainly the Stormcast and whatever terrain might come bundled; if the Skaven half is good enough I might be able to get my friend into wargames. I have some stormcast from the extremis terrain box, so I might try to pick up Dominion in the next couple months providing I can nab a couple of the old-style heroes


4 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

it's pretty clear GW is using the reveal events as a reason to not release any articles this week. Hoping you mean DB6 preorders lol

Yeah I feel like that's been a pattern with a big reveal stream like this: they want to just tease the event rn.


If I wanted to let myself down, i'd hype myself up at the fact that the silhouette looks unintentionally like a stormcast duardin

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2 minutes ago, Elbaf said:

Rat ogre behind the half naked man-thing !

Screenshot 2024-05-14 at 17-44-35 Instagram.png

Better than that- two rat ogres with a pack master behind them. And are those stormvermin in the foreground with the helmets? 

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32 minutes ago, GrimDork said:

I think the difference in content between leviathan and the upcoming 4.0 box is that 40k has a much bigger following already. Leviathan was always going to do very well because there are so many marine players and new marines will always appeal to way more players/collectors. Plus nids are a well established army.

With 4.0 it seems that GW are really trying to get new players into AoS. 
I bought Dominion (well actually I got 2) mainly for the Kruleboyz, but I can fully see how it wouldn’t have grabbed the attention of new players (even AoS fans for that matter if they didn’t like the factions), it was just core book and minis and whilst good value you’d still need to buy more to make proper armies.

The 4.0 box having everything someone would need to play is much more appealing to entice people to pick it up and try it. I think 4.0 launch will be much more successful than Dominion cos of the above reasons, but also I think Skaven will be very popular. Partly because the range has needed some love for a long time, and also cos Skaven are uniquely warhammer and tied into the nostalgia service that seems to be a trend currently.

Even for current AoS fans I can see a number getting the launch box to have the core rules, spearhead content/cards/terrain etc. They may sell the minis or keep them to try out a new force, but whatever the case I can see it having much more appeal than the dominion box.

I’m really looking forward to the full reveal.

Granted Dominion had the Covid boost going for it, this boxset maybe going into a bit of a downturn without knowing it. (I mean the 4th edition trailer got 1/2 less view than Dominion).

Sometimes more stuff doesn’t equal more appeal as it can overwhelm people and customers.

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