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4 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:


I can already see Shoot in Combat missing from all KO warscrolls, to be updated in an FAQ two weeks after release.


I feel like this time my horrors will finally get the nerf people (other people) wanted to see. 😂

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I don't get what that means :


Instead of allocating damage points to a model in a unit, damage points are now allocated to the unit as a whole. When the total of damage points allocated to a unit equals the Health characteristic of that unit, the commanding player removes a model from that unit, but they must stay in coherency. 

If you have a 3 mini unit who each have 6 wounds, and I inflict 5 wounds, does that mean one mini has 1 wound and the others 6 ? Or the unit has 13/18 wounds ? Or he can split wounds between models, like all models lose 1 wound and 2 lose 2 ?

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1 minute ago, Grungnisson said:

Begone, you foul creature!

I'd just need to complain a bit about the new female Custodes (why when we have Sister of Silence, who are awesome) and I'd be gone for sure! 😝

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3 minutes ago, MitGas said:

Which seems pretty fitting for Slaanesh! Sure, Slaanesh isn't just that but I can remember the old, bald metal daemonettes before them with more classic crab claws and kinda wondered who'd find them irresistible in-universe, didn't really reflect the background. Different strokes for different folks I guess but they didn't have mass appeal for sure!

I really liked the horrors from back then though. I'd hope an update would mix their volatile/scary look with the cartoony one we got now.

Tbh I loved all the metals from that era; some of the sculpts that got me into GW! The box art was sick bc they were cross-game models so they just said CHAOS across the front. Instantly caught my eye. 

Daemonettes are some of my fav miniature ladies; cool poses and great sculpts (especially, as others have said, comparing them to the other ladies of the time; see Morathi). I'm all about the miniatures being their "true form" without the magic glamor that people see them as in-universe, but I don't love the way they look at all. They lost all their dynamism in the jump to plastic, and their faces arent as cool

Plaguebearers were so good their plastic pretty much just redid them exactly with some more options. Though, tbh, even looking back to Rogue Trader days Plaguebearers were pretty much one-and-done concept wise. Not that thats a problem!

Khorne's bloodletters all had sick faces and cool axes; I do like how the current plastics catch the vibe from their much older models; works best for bloodletters imo

Tzeentch was between eras where Horrors could split, and their "horror" models were beyond cool. Probably one of my favorite unit sculpts ever from any range; if any of y'all are looking to build some but not use their spindly metal arms (or, if you're like me, you lost a bunch of arms in the last decade or so) the current Blue Horror kit bashes perfectly with them. Limbs are perfect for it. I remember how let down I was seeing models that somehow managed to capture "constantly mutating" in a pewter toy turned into "squigs with arms" when they hit plastic


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Just now, The Lost Sigmarite said:

I don't get what that means :

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Instead of allocating damage points to a model in a unit, damage points are now allocated to the unit as a whole. When the total of damage points allocated to a unit equals the Health characteristic of that unit, the commanding player removes a model from that unit, but they must stay in coherency. 

If you have a 3 mini unit who each have 6 wounds, and I inflict 5 wounds, does that mean one mini has 1 wound and the others 6 ? Or the unit has 13/18 wounds ? Or he can split wounds between models, like all models lose 1 wound and 2 lose 2 ?

its more just the exact same as is now just the little dice you stick next to "this guy has 1 wound left" and removing specifically him the whole unit holds the wound dice and when it gets to 0 you pick a dude then to die and start counting again. All it is basically doing is stopping you needing to keep dice next to a specific guy  which can be bumped around mid game

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1 minute ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

I don't get what that means :

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Instead of allocating damage points to a model in a unit, damage points are now allocated to the unit as a whole. When the total of damage points allocated to a unit equals the Health characteristic of that unit, the commanding player removes a model from that unit, but they must stay in coherency. 

If you have a 3 mini unit who each have 6 wounds, and I inflict 5 wounds, does that mean one mini has 1 wound and the others 6 ? Or the unit has 13/18 wounds ? Or he can split wounds between models, like all models lose 1 wound and 2 lose 2 ?

In short, you can still count like we have so far. What it really means, is that you don't have to track, who's wounded. It's just declaring that 'one of these lads/lasses has one wound remaining'. 

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1 minute ago, Ejecutor said:

And the baldness. Never forget the baldness.

I was talking about the horrors there. :D I find Daemonettes very cool (I like all four basic daemons) but I'm not very invested as I'll probably never own the other 3. I'm just too lazy to collect all of Chaos.

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What a masterpiece of an article.

Retreat with a cost in mortal wounds.

Charging visible units.

Mystic shield gone.

Can't shoot in melee.

Health now per unit, not per model.

Unit roles in the book…

Amazing rules, amazing edition

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2 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

I don't get what that means :

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Instead of allocating damage points to a model in a unit, damage points are now allocated to the unit as a whole. When the total of damage points allocated to a unit equals the Health characteristic of that unit, the commanding player removes a model from that unit, but they must stay in coherency. 

If you have a 3 mini unit who each have 6 wounds, and I inflict 5 wounds, does that mean one mini has 1 wound and the others 6 ? Or the unit has 13/18 wounds ? Or he can split wounds between models, like all models lose 1 wound and 2 lose 2 ?

I think that instead you pile the damage counters on the warscroll and when you reach the amount, you remove a model. Previous the damage was allocated to a model. Atleast that is what I think it means.

I have to re-read the acticle a couple more times. I don't find it easy at all to understand what is said.

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1 minute ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

I don't get what that means :

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Instead of allocating damage points to a model in a unit, damage points are now allocated to the unit as a whole. When the total of damage points allocated to a unit equals the Health characteristic of that unit, the commanding player removes a model from that unit, but they must stay in coherency. 

If you have a 3 mini unit who each have 6 wounds, and I inflict 5 wounds, does that mean one mini has 1 wound and the others 6 ? Or the unit has 13/18 wounds ? Or he can split wounds between models, like all models lose 1 wound and 2 lose 2 ?

No, you allocate damage points to a unit, not models.

So the unit of Kroxigors who have 3 models and health 6. When inflicting damage, you put that damage in a pool on the unit. When the unit has 6 damage (equal to the health) you remove 1 of the Kroxigors, and clear the damage pool.

In practice, it will not change much from how you currently play. (except for some edge cases where you assigned damage to specific model and have to remove it or Mortal Wounds that target a specific model)

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3 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

I don't get what that means :

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Instead of allocating damage points to a model in a unit, damage points are now allocated to the unit as a whole. When the total of damage points allocated to a unit equals the Health characteristic of that unit, the commanding player removes a model from that unit, but they must stay in coherency. 

If you have a 3 mini unit who each have 6 wounds, and I inflict 5 wounds, does that mean one mini has 1 wound and the others 6 ? Or the unit has 13/18 wounds ? Or he can split wounds between models, like all models lose 1 wound and 2 lose 2 ?

To me it sounds like you keep a wound tracker for the unit. Say a unit us 5 Health. Each time the unit has suffered 5 damage you take a model. 

say a unit suffers 10 damage - you take 2 models of your choosing.

say the unit takes 3 damage in shooting and 3 in combat - you take a model in combat and when that unit takes 4 more damage you take another model.

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Just now, Ejecutor said:

This kind of gone?

Heart Ban Hammer Emote / Twitch Emote / Youtube Emote / Discord Emote /  Community Emote / Streamer Emote / Ban Hammer / Ban Emote - Etsy España

Yep! ❤️‍🔥 

I don't really mind (or care about) that new character (unlike the people on 9gag) but I dunno why she got created and when there are already the awesome Sisters of Silence anyways, who I'd like to see more of. Haven't read the book though.

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Overall, rend has been reduced throughout the game

Boo. More rend, fewer mortals.



Overall, rend has been reduced throughout the game, and while you can still positively modify your save profile with All-out Defence, this remains capped at +1. Most factions lack any other tools to further increase a unit’s save profile, so “save stacking” – the process of negating rend by adding extra save – is largely a thing of the past.

They want to address save stacking, but it sounds like they didn't fix it structurally (by making rend apply after save bonuses are calculated) but by limiting access to save bonuses. So potentially, some factions can still save stack or the mechanic will make a return as battletomes are released.



With combat range gone, you might have some questions about how a warrior with a hammer is set apart from one with a spear. This has been handled by further differentiating the role of each unit on the battlefield. Weapon and warscroll abilities now provide units with specific roles – take the bristling spear-wall of Stormcast Eternals Vindictors as an example. 

Really happy with unit roles. The game will benefit a lot from a stronger rock/paper/scissors and better functional signposting like the Anti-Charge ability on Vindictors.


The coherency range of units is now ½”

25mm base supremacy is a thing of the past.


But Retreat is now an ability used in the Movement Phase, a tactical decision that comes with a cost of D3 mortal damage, though some wily units may be able to use special abilities to slip out of combat without reprisal – including certain Skaven.

I don't really get why they want to discourage retreating. If anything, I think the game would benefit from players retreating more often.

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5 minutes ago, Ragest said:

What a masterpiece of an article.

Retreat with a cost in mortal wounds.

Charging visible units.

Mystic shield gone.

Can't shoot in melee.

Health now per unit, not per model.

Unit roles in the book…

Amazing rules, amazing edition

If "Health now per unit, not per model." then we can forget about putting heroes in the unit, isn't it?

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