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3 minutes ago, Luperci said:

I understand end times but was 40k 8th fluff bad? At the time I don't remember people disliking the narrative of the great rift, plague wars setting for dark imperium was cool and I enjoyed the vigilus campaign books, psychic awakening was a bit of a nothing burger but I liked the set up for 9th and the necron null space zone by the end.

First Primaris, GW said that Chaos can't touch them, that Cawl have cure every legions problems (Bye bye Black Rage, Wulfen and other), that they are nice. 

I can say that community hated them.

Edited by Gaball Slaaneshi
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3 minutes ago, Luperci said:

I understand end times but was 40k 8th fluff bad? At the time I don't remember people disliking the narrative of the great rift, plague wars setting for dark imperium was cool and I enjoyed the vigilus campaign books, psychic awakening was a bit of a nothing burger but I liked the set up for 9th and the necron null space zone by the end.

1st ed aos fluff wasn't bad either reading it now, I wasn't an aos player back then though. It just needed a bit more history and background to flesh it out, which realmgate wars did a decent job of.

The exact lore mechanics behind the introduction of Primaris (in particular) was (and kind of still is) very contentious. I think this line of reasoning is attributing too much creative control to the former CEO, but who knows.

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Real talk, back when the squatting of Beastmen was only a rumor people were saying "why doesn't GW just go out and honestly say this stuff instead of leaving us to speculate? If they have bad news just tell us openly."

And then they told the bad news openly, and everyone's having a ragevomit about now. 

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I guess today GW lost a lot more than it seems at first glance. They lost trust. Customers will now think twice before buying anything that is old enough that might get hammered. I sure will be careful with my expenditures.

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10 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

Please explain this. I really don't get it. 

They can been seen as a stereotype of ‘savage’ indigenous tribes encountered by the European colonists.

(Ignoring that many Englishmen like me probably descended from the locals that got their heads kicked in by Romans, Scandinavians and Normans. 😂)

However, Bonesplitters could easily be pivoted into the savages that occupied the British Isles before the romans turned up.

That’s how I see mine. They paint themselves blue and are obsessed by Boars, for goodness sake! 

And Spiderfang could have been done instead of Silent Ones or something.

Edited by Souleater
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4 minutes ago, Gaball Slaaneshi said:

First Primaris, GW said that Chaos can't touch them, that Cawl have cure every legions problems (Bye bye Black Rage, Wulfen and other), that they are nice. 

I can say that community hated them.

Most if not all marine players I knew at the time were all over primaris in a good way, either way it never felt like that big of deal to me, they made a different kind of plain white bread and told everyone it was better than the previous kind.

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10 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

Real talk, back when the squatting of Beastmen was only a rumor people were saying "why doesn't GW just go out and honestly say this stuff instead of leaving us to speculate? If they have bad news just tell us openly."

And then they told the bad news openly, and everyone's having a ragevomit about now. 

Well saying the bad news early doesn't change the fact that it's bad news. However I guarantee you this would be much worse if they waited for the release of the indexes. The one positive thing I can say for the news today is it was delivered much better than the stuff the 40k team pulled at the start of 10th. The bandage is ripped off, but at least there is a while to get some use out of your toys if one is still inclined to play. Obviously sucks for the people that bought kits last weekend, but at least nobody else is going to buy them for the next few months only to find they're not supported anymore. 

Edited by Grimrock
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10 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

Real talk, back when the squatting of Beastmen was only a rumor people were saying "why doesn't GW just go out and honestly say this stuff instead of leaving us to speculate? If they have bad news just tell us openly."

And then they told the bad news openly, and everyone's having a ragevomit about now. 

Maybe the people who asked for GW honesty aren't the ones raging now?

Edit: Also, you can both be upset about the range cuts and appreciate the GW honesty at the same time.

Edited by Sabush
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36 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

Please explain this. I really don't get it. 

Savage Orcs are Orcs from the Southlands aka “WFB Africa”, and they’re Stone Age primitives that are regarded as backwards even by the other Orcs. They’re known for their ritual dancing and chanting, playing drums, have war paints, are led by shamans and are known for carving wooden masks. Also in battle they like to rush their opponents super fast in hordes.

Aka, they’re essentially a fantasy version of 20th century stereotypes about African people and cultures. Especially the tabletop gameplay aspect, which to me feels like a direct stereotyping of the Brits’ visions of Zulus during their wars against each other.

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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Want to know what @The Red King and the rest of BoC owners think.

What if the new Chorfs, that would be released during the next 3 years, are the ones that have a mix of duardins and something like beasts/ goats/ bulls? Would you like that as a replacement?

We know that all the armies getting refreshes would, in more or less degree, be Aosified. It could be their approach, IMO.

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1 hour ago, EonChao said:

Castigators come in units of 3 and were released in an easy to build box back at the start of 2nd that is, in theory, still available if out of stock right now. That was the main way to get them outside of the starters (which came with the wrong number in Soul Wars), the same as Glaivewraiths and Myrmourn, both of which are also still available.

Do you mean the one with the Griph-hound that is a UW warband? I think that's the only thing outside of the Soul Wars sprue that sold them, which IMO wouldn't be considered a unit box.

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5 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Want to know what @The Red King and the rest of BoC owners think.

What if the new Chorfs, that would be released during the next 3 years, are the ones that have a mix of duardins and something like beasts/ goats/ bulls? Would you like that as a replacement?

We know that all the armies getting refreshes would, in more or less degree, be Aosified. It could be their approach, IMO.

As someone who owns a small amount of BoC, tying them visually into Chorfs would make sense, given the bull theming, but the lore side of things would be weird to me if they just drop them in there.

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1 hour ago, Chikout said:

You could quite easily make an alternative command corps with the cursed city heroes. It's something I've been thinking about doing. With a bit of light conversion you could get them pretty similar.

And even without converting. You can just say here are my Command Corpses.

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1 hour ago, Gaball Slaaneshi said:

Well, first of all I would like to extend my condolences to our Stormcast, Beasts of Chaos and Bonesplitterz players.

For me, the reason for all this is quite simple:
Tom Kirby. Yes you know the boss of GW until 2017.

Small reminder, GW prepares the games 3 to 4 years in advance.

So Tom Kirby, he ordered the End Times of Battle, the 8th and 9th edition of 40K and the start of AoS 1th BUT ALSO 2th.

Yes, V2, released in 2019, two years after his departure but already ready since 2016 if we follow the calculations. The same goes for the 40k V9 which was prepared in 2016/2017 to be released in 2020.

So, this guy who simply ordered the entire Fatcast range (the Stormcast 1th and somewhat 2th), left. But when he left, there were still 3 Stormcast Chambers to open, and knowing that he seemed to enjoy it since he had only OPENED 3 in the 1st edition (4 Battletome Stormcasts in 1st)

But also the Primaris V8 and V9 and their simply WRONG fluff.

We therefore note a pattern, bet everything on SM and Stormcast, and write lousy fluff (AoS 1th, End of Times, 40k 8th)

But he left. And what do we see now with several years of hindsight?

The fluff of the 3rd will make a huge stonk. the Eternals are finally beautiful and proportioned correctly, and do not come out in packs of 40. And the 3rd was not "we open a new room"
Old World was announced in 2019 for a 2024 release.
40k returns to solid foundations with mid-primaris, mid-firstborn Sternguard in terms of armor. As well as a simply rescale terminator armor.

My theory? Tom Kirby screwed up so much that the new boss wanted/had to correct all his ******. Quite simply, Old World is the panic to save the battle boat that Kirby sunk. AoS 3th and now 4th finally have a real solid artistic direction. And 40k returns to grimdark like in 7th.
and the Bonesplitterz/Chaos Beast? No one plays them, and it's too caricatured (may I remind you that the Wild Orcs are orcs from the South?)

And the Beasts of Chaos make thematic duplicates with several AoS factions

Chaos Undivided? StD
Talking animals? Skaven do it better and funnier.
Don't like civilization? Every faction of Destruction!

The only hope in my opinion is Morghur in a few years. But I wouldn't bet it.

Out of reactions, but that Tom Kirby's knowledge was pretty nice to read.

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So two things.



Hopefully they come back that they are just leaving AoS. I do tbh find it very hard to see Horns of Hashut being removed from Warcry as they are still from this current edition and pretty good. The rest are all from the first and second wave from the start of the game so more understandable, but still sad to see them go. Would still love to grab at least 4 of these.

2) I just realised that they said the entire Sacrosant chamber is going away.... There is no Knight Incantor pictured here on this list. Either they missed it off or we can still use it or it is getting an update.

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54 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

I can't imagine how miniatures can resemble such negative feelings to make you cast your army into fire. Totally, across 8 years I've probably spent like 400-500 hours on this hobby. Buying, assembling, playing, reading the lore and above all painting. I would consider it a self disrespect to just throw it away. Even if any of my models will no longer be supported with rules I will still keep it on my shelf. As I do with my first Stormcasts that will be in the cut.

Now that we were convincing you about SCE...

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15 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Want to know what @The Red King and the rest of BoC owners think.

What if the new Chorfs, that would be released during the next 3 years, are the ones that have a mix of duardins and something like beasts/ goats/ bulls? Would you like that as a replacement?

We know that all the armies getting refreshes would, in more or less degree, be Aosified. It could be their approach, IMO.

It's not about the aesthetic for me really. I play khorne painted beasts. If I want I'll rebase them and have a reasonable home for most of them in blades of khorne. It's more about the blatant disregard for the passion their fans have for their setting.


I read every scrap of lore I can find. Build, convert, paint, freehand dark tongue sigil GW has forgotten they even have and meanwhile GW can't be bothered to give us a battletome when they're already going to keep selling the minis for unclear reasons. Without communication (of the why) we're left with something that just looks a lot like disrespect for their loyal fans and customers.

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Personally I don't mind ditching bonesplitters (I disliked their core concept and felt they'd need to be reimagined to the point of becoming something else entirely to be worth keeping around), and winnowing stormcast was desperately needed, though I would have preferred it to take the form of combining warscrolls - eg 'evocators on dracolines now use the fulminators warscroll' - rather than keeping them as separate units that are simply no longer legal to play.

But ditching Beasts of Chaos feels wrong.  They never got the spotlight they deserved, but they were such an integral part of the setting's background lore.

regardless of what I think about the stuff getting dropped, though, Ouch.  It's always painful when factions are dropped.  I felt this back when Tomb Kings were dropped from Grand Alliance Death, and a minor version of it when my Legion of Sacrament were sacrificed in the transition from Legions of Nagash to the Soulblight Gravelords - though at least there all my existing models stayed playable, albeit not in the same army anymore.

At least Beasts of Chaos and Bonesplitters can pivot into Old World?  Not necessarily great consolation, depending on personal game preferences and the local player makeup?  It's a fun game, though, and closer to the one those models were originally made for.  If you're a player of these armies please try a few games - just cut out some cardboard rectangles to put your models on - and see if you enjoy it enough to be worth keeping your armies and rebasing them rather than getting rid of them.


But yeah, players of these armies, especially any new player who started with the Beastmen vanguard in the last year or so, or who built up armies of beast of chaos or the beast-hunting ork bonesplitters thinking they'd be relevant in the 'age of beasts', absolutely have grounds to be big mad about it.

Edited by Sception
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I still think the boc endless spell and terrain could be used for chorf with the bull representation related to hashut ? It’s weird they squat endless spell and terrain models 

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42 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

Real talk, back when the squatting of Beastmen was only a rumor people were saying "why doesn't GW just go out and honestly say this stuff instead of leaving us to speculate? If they have bad news just tell us openly."

And then they told the bad news openly, and everyone's having a ragevomit about now. 

No matter how you communicate something like that, the reaction will always be the same.

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I have never been interested in collecting Beasts as an army, especially with the range being pretty old, but I liked the idea of what they could have been. I really enjoyed the updated Beast Lord and have always been tempted to get it even just to paint and had wondered what this could mean for the rest of the range and enjoying the sculpt. The new Bloodbowl minotaur as well was a cool look of what sometihing like a bullgor could be too.

Now seeing that not being realised is sad. It felt like a sign of things to come and now it feels like an idea that started and was ditched a while ago so getting out the one that was made.

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The weirdest thing about all of this to me is that they're completely dropping support for the Warcry warbands. Not even "You'll be able to use them and maybe we'll do limited runs of them eventually", just full-stop "Nah, you can't use them in AoS or in Warcry". Which is a shame because the Splintered Fang and Tarantulos Brood look like they'd be fun to play in Warcry.

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44 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

Real talk, back when the squatting of Beastmen was only a rumor people were saying "why doesn't GW just go out and honestly say this stuff instead of leaving us to speculate? If they have bad news just tell us openly."

And then they told the bad news openly, and everyone's having a ragevomit about now. 

Imagine you stole money from your partner and they adamantly tell you they want you to come clean if you did it.


So then you tell them and they get mad you stole from them.


Do you tell them they can't be mad because they asked you to tell them? We're not raging at the communication (which needs MORE communication) we're raging at the act which is always wrong.

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