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6 hours ago, Goatforce said:

Whilst yes, it is not the most ethical recruitment policy, ones morals tend to go by the wayside when one is desperate. Most of the Realms fell to Chaos and there was little anyone could do about it, and Sigmar has personally seen the consequences of Chaos winning before. Endless terror, ruination and torture by evil eldrich gods in which one's only hope is to join with one of the invaders and become part of the host destroying everything makes doing something pretty atrocious in order to resist said horror seem pretty small potatoes.


I think that Sigmar's actions are ultimately justifiable. Not good, in fact quite horrible, but asking beforehand risks reducing the army you need to fight the literal hordes of hell - indeed given the souls need to be stolen from the god of Death it might not even be possible to ask consent, though might be wrong on that one. That said if the situation was different, and this was peacetime or at least far less desparate Sigmar would be almost as much a villain of the narrative as Nagash.

also TBQH does the consent even matter if Nagash is going to abuse and torture those souls anyway? it seems like becoming a Stormcast is the better choice since you can protect your family and city/culture in some way instead of being enslaved to Nagash.

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One thing I just noticed about the trailer is the Stormcast's human form is dressed and armed very similar to some of the Darkoath. It's a little touch but it adds to that connection between those who remained and those who escaped to Azyr or became Stormcast.

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5 hours ago, EonChao said:

It's quite possible that whilst the Stormcast know about the perils of reforging in general, actually experiencing it in yourself and in those around you is a lot more traumatic. It could also be that how much is lost in reforging is much more significant than they might have thought.

Losing some memories might seem like a fair price to pay for power to fight back when your world is ending, but when all you have left of your former life is memories that price becomes much steeper

yeah tbh there's also a big possibility Sigmar and the Six Smiths didnt even know what exactly would happen over hundreds of deaths, so when these old veterans get to that point of course it would feel like he lied to them

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4 hours ago, Goatforce said:

Oh Sigmar is no saint, I have never claimed that. But an insecure abusive maniac? He created a pantheon of gods with rather diverse views and goals, which is hardly the action of a megalomaniacal control freak. His most questionable acts are generally done to stop the advances of a cause that wishes to destroy everything and embody the very worst aspects of existence (war, hate, despair, disease, sadism, etc), they are not done out of a desire to cause pain to others (by which I mean innocents, rather than said embodiments of destruction who invaded a relatively peaceful reality), and intent matters. Also he likely would have done nothing nearly as unethical if his back was not put against the wall (I would argue that in a situation where your survival was at stake you would do some pretty shady things to get out of it, as would anyone).

I find it curious that you seem to regard Sigmar as badly or worse than the Chaos Gods, because he believes he is doing the right thing - which overall he is trying to do, even if his methods are highly questionable.

i dont have any more reacts but +2 to this. Sigmar is a God-King, not King of the Gods like Odin or Zeus. he has some measure of regret for his choices, which were done to save Order. he allied with Gorkamorka and even went against his better judgement to release Nagash for help in saving mortals. he thinks the Stormcast should have wants beyond his own goals. he wants his Stormcast to retain their humanity.

like again, the Ruination stormcast are introduced as having been retired in monasteries before the Skaven arrived. he's supposed to be flawed, but those flaws don't make him Fantasy The Emperor. Gotta think of him more like Gilgamesh.

Edited by CommissarRotke
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1 hour ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

Also more interestingly, just noticed that some Annihilators are present and in a rough scale to the new elite units the trailers main lady is from - who are presumably ruination version Retributors (insert new paladin name here). The sun/comet trail collar is very reminiscent of them also.

this is a great catch on both accounts, the newsletter art of this raven thing looks like 2 legs!

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Without knowing the actual lore, I like the idea of Ruination members being brought out of retirement because of the extraordinarily desperate situation, rather than them being used as Death Company-style go-out-with-a-bang warriors as the default. It feels like a subtle difference between traditional grimdark ("Stormcast are reforged so many times, eventually they go mad") and a more humane, but equally tragic setup ("Stormcast are eventually retired under mostly dignified circumstances, but war demands that they go back to fighting.")

Having said that, I definitely also want to see some more unhinged warriors. I think the Dreadnought metaphor works quite well, with them being ancient, venerable, and impossible to replace.

Apropos nothing, but has there ever been mention or speculation of Stormcast tanks

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6 minutes ago, Magnusaur said:

Without knowing the actual lore, I like the idea of Ruination members being brought out of retirement because of the extraordinarily desperate situation, rather than them being used as Death Company-style go-out-with-a-bang warriors as the default. It feels like a subtle difference between traditional grimdark ("Stormcast are reforged so many times, eventually they go mad") and a more humane, but equally tragic setup ("Stormcast are eventually retired under mostly dignified circumstances, but war demands that they go back to fighting.")

i do hope your idea of them retiring to become administrators and warrior-poets has some merit!!! that would be such a great thing to do with old stormcast

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To beginning, i'll wait the Destruction indexs with the new rules for new edition, play with it, wait Kruleboyz wave, Ogors refresh and then i could pray for Malerion in the rest of this edition until his ending campaign. I'm waiting fabulous things for AoS 4 ! 😍

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2 hours ago, Sealven said:

It's kind of disingenuous to claim Sigmar as a purely colonial power when many of the Stormcast were inhabitants of the Mortal Realms who were forced to flee from their homes by the forces of chaos or were killed trying to defend them. Yndrasta, Bastian, and Vandus spring to mind but I'm sure there were more.

Is it really colonialism when you are fighting to take back your old home?


as for me  this sigmar's war is a pure spanish reconquista

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47 minutes ago, Magnusaur said:

Apropos nothing, but has there ever been mention or speculation of Stormcast tanks

Closest thing would probably be those SCE airships mentioned in the Drekki Flynt novel and general aether-vessel lore bits they travel around in Azyr with.

Probably won’t see anything like that for a few more editions(maybe the Logisticar chamber finding ways to convince the Ordinatiors to weaponize them for war instead of aetheric travel).

I’m imagine an AoS version of the Astartes land speeder but obviously more magical & Asgardiany



Also +1 on liking the Monastery retirement lore idea. That hits better for immortals trying to hold onto their last shreds of humanity but willing to sacrifice it for the greater good as the Realms are imperiled on a grander scale again.(also works for that whole Chambers are always active even if not opened with some going out anyway like Excelsiors before the Chamber called them)

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1 hour ago, CommissarRotke said:

this is a great catch on both accounts, the newsletter art of this raven thing looks like 2 legs!

It definitely has 4 legs in the cinematic, I think the newsletter art hides two of the legs behind something

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6 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

I heard preorder is 22th and It will come first July week after two preorder weeks.

My source has been wrong in the past, so we'll see - I'm not 100% confident with my date and your timeline makes a lot of sense as I've heard that GW has been trying to make the biggest new thing to be released on the first Saturday of each month, but it hasn't always been possible lately.

Edited by Elarin
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Anyone care to speculate on new/reforged Stormcast units?

Looks like we'll have updated Liberators and Prosecutors, in addition to the new "Ruinators". Then there's the Ruinator on bird-gryph.

I'm wondering if they will update Judicators as well. Ruinators feel like they fit the Paladin-class, so doubt we'll see updated Retributors.

With Prosecutors getting redone, I can't help but wonder if we'll see a new Celestant-Prime? Could even have it be a new character and/or a one-his-last-reforging version. "How the mighty have fallen."

In terms of pure speculation, I would love to see more artillery, chariots, altars - anything "artificial" that breaks up the monotony of armored dudes & dudettes. Would love an easy-to-build Knight-Draconis or even a Lord-Draconis on a majestic new dragon. Not that we really need another big dragon model, but I think we're automatically past talking about *need* when we're discussing Stormcast... 

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4 minutes ago, Magnusaur said:

Anyone care to speculate on new/reforged Stormcast units?

Looks like we'll have updated Liberators and Prosecutors, in addition to the new "Ruinators". Then there's the Ruinator on bird-gryph.

I'm wondering if they will update Judicators as well. Ruinators feel like they fit the Paladin-class, so doubt we'll see updated Retributors.

With Prosecutors getting redone, I can't help but wonder if we'll see a new Celestant-Prime? Could even have it be a new character and/or a one-his-last-reforging version. "How the mighty have fallen."

In terms of pure speculation, I would love to see more artillery, chariots, altars - anything "artificial" that breaks up the monotony of armored dudes & dudettes. Would love an easy-to-build Knight-Draconis or even a Lord-Draconis on a majestic new dragon. Not that we really need another big dragon model, but I think we're automatically past talking about *need* when we're discussing Stormcast... 

We don't really need Judicators since their bow build was soft replaced by Vigilors and their crossbow version is kinda represented by Vanguard Raptors. The only point against them going away I can see is that we have a Knight-Judicator (Which already surprised me back when he was revealed)

Out of the AoS 1.0 wave, not looking at characters, we have Liberators which are getting replaced, Judicators which we don't need anymore with Vigilors, the three Paladin flavors which could be getting replaced by the Ruinators and the Prosecutors which are getting replaced.
The Dracothian Guard and Stardrakes are the only ones without a replacement. Stormdrake Guard are kinda the spiritual successor to the Dracothian Guard, not the same since different Wargear and flying instead of foot drakes but still. And while they aren't the same at all, Krondys and Karazai at least fulfill the role of big dragon centerpiece model that the Stardrake had before. So while I would of course like actual replacements or at least keeping them I could also see GW discontinuing them.

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If the cinematic is previewing units from the big box, I'm actually really hyped to see the new Prosecutors. The spear & shield is so much better than the "energy hammers" of the 1.0 box, all they need now is modern sculpts & decent flying poses! 

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On 3/20/2024 at 10:05 PM, DoctorPerils said:

OK, this is my prediction:

Two hobgobz in a trenchcoat masquerading as Cities of Sigmar flagellants


On 3/21/2024 at 4:16 AM, Ejecutor said:

Underworlds Wintermaw:


I can't believe I got it half right :D

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5 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

Join the destruction side...

Far less politics...


I would like that destruction were a bit deeper though. Maybe they want to just protect their swamps because the humans are draining them to found their cities. Maybe they want to crush (Order's) enslaving institutions as a way to make any being free. Maybe because they are manipulated by Morgoth.

In this regard, I want to read "The last ringbearer" to see how the orcs portray themselves in a war "goos vs evil".

4 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

also TBQH does the consent even matter if Nagash is going to abuse and torture those souls anyway? it seems like becoming a Stormcast is the better choice since you can protect your family and city/culture in some way instead of being enslaved to Nagash.

Unless you have been reforged too many times. Then, maybe you purge them.

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6 hours ago, Hollow said:

Having re-watched the cinematic I must say that I really like it. Starting by being felled in battle after putting up a hell of a fight, chosen and stolen from Nagash (who looked fantastic) being killed across the epochs Chaos, Necro and Beast then seeing Blight City manifest in the realms. (We assume that this has only happened in Aqshy, but I wonder if Skaven have appeared elsewhere) If the 40k cinematic is anything to go by, the stuff we saw in the trailer will be a pretty accurate representation of what we will see in model form. 

Man... I wish GW would sort out their Amazon, Warhammer + stuff. This trailer could easily be the basis of a full series. Would be awesome. 

Skavens appeared everywhere, but just not as grandiose as it happened in Aqshy.

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5 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

hey uhh what if Edassa is the one that falls? if Hammerhal is under attack this feels like where the third might be image.png.51a5981eed4baf516eb36f4a83394792.png

The overall consensus in the Spanish wiki is that it would be a new non-named city created purely for the plot, like Forjaglymm or Amberstone.

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4 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

Sigmar is a God-King, not King of the Gods like Odin or Zeus. he has some measure of regret for his choices, which were done to save Order

I always thought that Gods (mainly, non-chaotic gods) should be on their back end of their power, thinking that their infinite might is still there, but the reality is that a mere mortal can kill them. That would be a good excuse to kill this god-like miniatures on the table or use avatars, so the gods themself don't need to be on the fight. 

I think that's a better setting for AoS than just a division between high level players and low level players, and brings more tension within the story without altering the whole AoS concept (gods are already killed, ascended or eaten alive, just push this concept a bit farther).

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