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1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

The thing is that whitefang confirmed chorfs are coming the next ed, so Malerion waiting another 3 years seems the obvious bet.

Did the rumor mention if chorfs would be a full faction in 4th? If not then it could be a situation where a chorf regiment box gets released for StD. That would technically fulfill the rumor. That way, they might get a full faction release in 5th ed or later but still be playable until then.

My thinking is that GW updating skaven for the launch of 4th breaks that pattern we've had for the last couple years of getting a new faction right at the start of an edition. Maybe 4th ed ends up being like a "breather" edition where existing factions get updates/reworks and new factions just get teased or built up until 5th? 🤔

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1 minute ago, Shiro Kabocha said:

Did the rumor mention if chorfs would be a full faction in 4th? If not then it could be a situation where a chorf regiment box gets released for StD. That would technically fulfill the rumor. That way, they might get a full faction release in 5th ed or later but still be playable until then.

My thinking is that GW updating skaven for the launch of 4th breaks that pattern we've had for the last couple years of getting a new faction right at the start of an edition. Maybe 4th ed ends up being like a "breather" edition where existing factions get updates/reworks and new factions just get teased or built up until 5th? 🤔

The full rumour was that Chorfs weren't going to be in TOW because they were going to be released for AOS instead. It didn't outright state that they would be their own full faction, but it was implied. 

It's also worth pointing out that we've already just had a "Breather" edition, given that the last new AOS faction was Soulblight Gravelords at the end of 2nd Edition

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27 minutes ago, Shiro Kabocha said:

Did the rumor mention if chorfs would be a full faction in 4th? If not then it could be a situation where a chorf regiment box gets released for StD. That would technically fulfill the rumor. That way, they might get a full faction release in 5th ed or later but still be playable until then.

My thinking is that GW updating skaven for the launch of 4th breaks that pattern we've had for the last couple years of getting a new faction right at the start of an edition. Maybe 4th ed ends up being like a "breather" edition where existing factions get updates/reworks and new factions just get teased or built up until 5th? 🤔

Just that they are coming.

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22 minutes ago, mawhis117 said:

The full rumour was that Chorfs weren't going to be in TOW because they were going to be released for AOS instead. It didn't outright state that they would be their own full faction, but it was implied. 

It's also worth pointing out that we've already just had a "Breather" edition, given that the last new AOS faction was Soulblight Gravelords at the end of 2nd Edition

Kruleboyzs don't agree.

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I see many peoples wants to see Malerion model. I know like you the waiting will be a very... very long periode. But don't desperate, this will be appears. Many of us research a new age/aspect for Shadow Aelves, me first. I will see too all of peoples here that have wait for him and say 《 See, the time his come, time give always gains ! 》 

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3 hours ago, mawhis117 said:

Which Beasts of Chaos kits would be getting moved to Slaves to Darkness? Can't see how that would make sense. As others have said, this feels like someone gathering together scraps and making a patchwork quilt

Well, off the top of my head:

*Chaos Gargants (In a dual-kit with Mancrushers so you can't get rid of them, have nothing that really ties them to beasts)

*Dragon Ogors (Have historically been able to be taken by both Beasts and Warriors of Chaos, avaliable to both factions in TOW)

*Chimera (Chaos monster that doesn't necessarily have to be associated with Beasts in particular)

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6 hours ago, mawhis117 said:

It's also worth pointing out that we've already just had a "Breather" edition, given that the last new AOS faction was Soulblight Gravelords at the end of 2nd Edition

I get what u are saying, we didnt get a new tome to add to the game. But the massive scope of some of the refreshes we got i wont say "breather" edition with Seraphon, CoS, FEC, S2D and Kruleboyz/Ironjawz for Orruk Warclans. Some of these updates feel like completely new armies. Kruleboyz are imho a new army, they share a tome but it has all the things new armies have like subfactions, traits, artifacts, etc.

Edited by Gitzdee
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46 minutes ago, Mutton said:

Warhammer Weekly seemed pretty confident on 4th ed Indexes. Any rumormongers want to confirm, deny, or post saucy emotes?

Whitefang Jr said indexes and Aqshy, in a post, for 4th ed.

Edited by Ejecutor
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Honestly, I don't really want to see Aqshy. It already got a boatload of focus in the Realmgate Wars, and honestly if they did stuff on Aqshy they'd probably focus on Hammerhal (which is to face it, boring) instead of more potentially interesting cities like Hallowheart, Tempest's Eye and Anvilgard. 

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4 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

Honnêtement, je n'ai pas vraiment envie de voir Aqshy. Cela a déjà fait l'objet d'une grande attention dans les Realmgate Wars, et honnêtement, s'ils faisaient des choses sur Aqshy, ils se concentreraient probablement sur Hammerhal (ce qui est, à vrai dire, ennuyeux) au lieu de villes plus potentiellement intéressantes comme Hallowheart, Tempest's Eye et Anvilgard. 


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8 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

Honestly, I don't really want to see Aqshy. It already got a boatload of focus in the Realmgate Wars, and honestly if they did stuff on Aqshy they'd probably focus on Hammerhal (which is to face it, boring) instead of more potentially interesting cities like Hallowheart, Tempest's Eye and Anvilgard. 


I dont think they will stick with Aqshy though. This edition they moved on from Ghur pretty fast (Warcry stuck around gladly). They also scrapped 1 or more season of war books. I think GW doesnt want to focus on a single realm for too long anymore.

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19 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

Honestly, I don't really want to see Aqshy. It already got a boatload of focus in the Realmgate Wars, and honestly if they did stuff on Aqshy they'd probably focus on Hammerhal (which is to face it, boring) instead of more potentially interesting cities like Hallowheart, Tempest's Eye and Anvilgard. 

I honestly love Hammerhal, it's my favourite CoS. And Aqshy is my favouritr realm too but I'm biased because I love fire. I'm dying for Aqshy terrain which isn't ruin/city/ruined city.

I hope they focus on more than one realm the next edition though, and flesh out areas such as the Great Parch for each. Realms are massive, you can't tell me that all the important stuff for one edition only haplens in a single realm. Dawnbringers is a great start to that already luckily.

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2 minutes ago, Snarff said:

I honestly love Hammerhal, it's my favourite CoS. And Aqshy is my favouritr realm too but I'm biased because I love fire. I'm dying for Aqshy terrain which isn't ruin/city/ruined city.

I hope they focus on more than one realm the next edition though, and flesh out areas such as the Great Parch for each. Realms are massive, you can't tell me that all the important stuff for one edition only haplens in a single realm. Dawnbringers is a great start to that already luckily.

Talking about the scenery. Whitefang Jr said the new ed boxes would include ruins (ofc, what else could it be...). The thing is, for a start here box, what kind of scenery could you put for sale that is not ruins?

I think it is a bit like the Stormcasts discussion when we talk about start-here boxes. Ruins are easy to mount, paint, visualise, and play with... so I see it tricky to move from ruins into something else. In order to have something different, I think we would have to move into more "specialist games" like Warcry or less global content like the Thondia book/ strongpoint.

Thoughts? Also, what kind of scenery would you release for Aqshy, for example?

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Croneseer Pariahs seems to be a better an army of renown than the other ones because it seems that the army buffs warlocks and witches, but you can still use scathborne too.  Btw, I'm not a fan of buffing units, I prefer some more subtle buffs or utility for the whole army, but that's another thing.

Doomfire warlocks can move 12" in the Hero Phase (try to cast spells 12" away), another 12" in the Move Phase, shoot 12" away, and if they are charged, they can retreat 2D6".

Krethusa has a situational option for a triple move, and her prayer is a coin-flip that can be really powerful with 18" range. But to be honest, this new type of Heroes are a bit meh, they have fancy names and an awesome story, but they are just "1-ability" models. Not sure if I like that...

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1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Yet another hint that Skaven are getting something very soon (as if we needed any) : Darren Latham is starting to post pictures of painting Skaven all over his socials. As if he’s preparing for a big release…

I wonder who the lead designer on the range is. There are quite a few Skaven fans in the studio. 

For example these Jezzails were converted by Maxime Pastourel who was the lead designer on the Death guard project after painting his own Death guard army. skaven.jpg.2e0563bae59275a4f7871dde3eac74ef.jpg

It's pretty common for GW to give the design job to someone who's a fan of the faction.  Steve Party designed some of the new Seraphon after converting his own army and Darren Latham, who is a massive Eldar fan, designed the new Avatar. 

Edited by Chikout
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Just an update for EVERYBODY.

TGA is a place for EVERYBODY, no matter your background, gender or race. We will not tolerate abusive behaviour towards anyone and there has been some comments made by @MitGas recently as well as in the past, which crosses the line. 

They have been banned from using the site for a month.

I have also chosen not to remove the comments as I try not to do censorship and I want people to see what happens if you behave in this way.

TGA is for everybody BUT if you act in a way that is abusive towards anyone, we will react. This is a forum to discuss Warhammer and how much we enjoy it. Please keep it that way



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Btw, Ive been seeing this making the rounds:


This seems 100% totally false. More elites than vainilla stuff? Only 10 clanrats with a box of 20 in the future? Weapon teams, which should totally be modular kits? Another assasin? No pressence of the new leaked machine? Nah.

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2 minutes ago, Garrac said:

Btw, Ive been seeing this making the rounds:


This seems 100% totally false. More elites than vainilla stuff? Only 10 clanrats with a box of 20 in the future? Weapon teams, which should totally be modular kits? Another assasin? No pressence of the new leaked machine? Nah.

Yeah. Doesn't look too based. Also, the fact that it contains so much Eshin stuff makes it look weird. And... no Liberators?

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27 minutes ago, Garrac said:

Btw, Ive been seeing this making the rounds:


This seems 100% totally false. More elites than vainilla stuff? Only 10 clanrats with a box of 20 in the future? Weapon teams, which should totally be modular kits? Another assasin? No pressence of the new leaked machine? Nah.

Very old debunked rumors 👎

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3 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Talking about the scenery. Whitefang Jr said the new ed boxes would include ruins (ofc, what else could it be...). The thing is, for a start here box, what kind of scenery could you put for sale that is not ruins?

I think it is a bit like the Stormcasts discussion when we talk about start-here boxes. Ruins are easy to mount, paint, visualise, and play with... so I see it tricky to move from ruins into something else. In order to have something different, I think we would have to move into more "specialist games" like Warcry or less global content like the Thondia book/ strongpoint.

Thoughts? Also, what kind of scenery would you release for Aqshy, for example?

You can do more than just ruins. Natural features (hot springs, mini volcanos, geysers, aqualiths, etc), flora/fauna of the realms (e.g. aqshyan firewood trees, giant blooming flowers, salamander remains), or at least much less generic ruin sets. Mining quarry with ore deposits and storages, or even faction based terrain rather than more generic CoS stuff. Magmahold pieces, Blades of Khorne camp, statues of aqshyan heroes.

But the terrain will probably just be the next set of generic sigmarite ruins yeah.

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