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The Rumour Thread

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BoC are exactly at the same point that FEC was before their range refresh . 

they had outdated mini but received underworld warband , endless spell and terrain , plus single heroes at BT releases . This is exactly what BoC got either , so I don’t worry about BoC .

Spiderfang are présent through the gobbapalooza (which seems based on a spiderfang rework from Blanche Artwork) , and I think skragrott have spider things on his sceptre so when they designed him they still think spiderfang will be a thing .

I am more torn about BS , which I was convinced that they will be squatted for the reason we already mentioned multiples times . But they aren’t really part of ToW (outside an upgrade) . So I am confused now

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15 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

Why are all of you worried or complaining for a faction that is gonna stay?

Same as Bonesplitterz, but it seems like BoC are far more popular after all XD.

Edited by Gitzdee
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1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

Today we gotta have a new Dawnbringers short, right? What do we expect from it? Would be something related to the 4th book or are we moving now into the 5th book territory?

Last week they said we'd get another story in the run-up to book 5 so I think there's nothing today. 

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1 minute ago, Gitzdee said:

Same as Bonesplitterz, but it seems like BoC are far more popular after all XD.

Bonesplitterz are in a different state. We have Krule and Ironjawz that are looking like Bonesplitterz and it seems they are making a transition to fuse all orruks in a near future (sorry for people that think that they are gonna have a separate BT for each orruk faction).

BoC are gonna get reimaginated like Skaven are gonna get reimaginated in less than a year.

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Ok so Nezzhil's rumour is that all the orruk warclans warscrolls will loose their KB/IJ keywords and get a common one instead to allow players to play more versatile army lists right?

Edited by Vagard
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52 minutes ago, Chikout said:

Last week they said we'd get another story in the run-up to book 5 so I think there's nothing today. 



With Ushoran on his way, next week you can look forward to articles on painting this mouldering monarch and his attendants, as well as miniature reveals on Monday and Thursday, more coverage of the Dawnbringer Crusades, and the next Balance Dataslate for Warhammer 40,000.

I was expecting a short today based on the "more coverage of the Dawnbringer Crusades" bit.

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7 minutes ago, Vagard said:

Ok so Nezzhil's rumour is that all the orruk warclans warscrolls will loose their KB/IJ keywords and get a common one instead to allow players to play more versatile army lists right?

I would expect Ironjawz and Kruleboyz to stick around as subfaction keywords, but with fewer restrictions on what you can mix in a list and just one common set of allegiance abilities.

You know, like every other battletome.

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I think the most realist scenario is that Orruk Warclans will align with COS as it is the most recent "soup" BT as there is duardins, aelves and humans in the same army. But you see very few synergies between races in the CoS BT. Would be surprising that OW will get a different treatment. Don't know if it makes sense

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16 hours ago, Thalassic Monstrosity said:

Narratively, GW seems to have filled the "threat from the dark, untamed wilds" with Kruleboyz. They even had a teaser image about eyes shining from the dark woods or something. I like Kruleboyz just fine but when they revealed the image was for a new breed of orruk and NOT new Beastmen, I said a bad word or two.

They don't even have horns. Losers.

For Destruction. If you look at each Grand Alliance, they all have their variant of “wild savage” - Sylvaneth, Flesh Eaters and Kruleboyz - and Beasts of Chaos are the Chaos equivalent. I would argue that the Kruleboyz weren’t the “replacement” for Beastmen, but Bonesplitterz. 

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3 minutes ago, Vagard said:

I think the most realist scenario is that Orruk Warclans will align with COS as it is the most recent "soup" BT as there is duardins, aelves and humans in the same army. But you see very few synergies between races in the CoS BT. Would be surprising that OW will get a different treatment. Don't know if it makes sense

It's hard to say. Soulblight also has its Deathrattle and Vampire subfactions, and some things key off of that distinction, but you can still give Grave Guard +1 attack from a Vampire Lord no problem.

I don't think there is a line that says "No synergies between different races" in the AoS master design document.

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Trying to find firm rules about the way GW handles anything is probably a fool's errand.

They're not exactly known for their consistency. Just when you think you can see a strong pattern... they'll turn around and do something differently for no apparent reason.

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12 minutes ago, RetconnedLegion said:

For Destruction. If you look at each Grand Alliance, they all have their variant of “wild savage” - Sylvaneth, Flesh Eaters and Kruleboyz - and Beasts of Chaos are the Chaos equivalent. I would argue that the Kruleboyz weren’t the “replacement” for Beastmen, but Bonesplitterz. 

How are Kruleboyz "wild savage" where their entire point is to be oversized goblins that just happen to use shields that look like the evil sun for some weird reason?

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I would just like to say that reading the forum this morning and seeing the avid defense for the BoC warmed my udders. There are more of us than I thought.

I am in the position that I like the goat design over introducing other animal types but seeing the passion makes me think perhaps a warcry or underworlds warband with a left of field animal inspiration might be cool. 

For people wondering what new beasts could look like, I personally like the raven twin miniatures ones.  I feel they are true to the warhammer aesthetic but with more dynamic poses and some interesting new ideas too:








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1 minute ago, Hawke said:

I would just like to say that reading the forum this morning and seeing the avid defense for the BoC warmed my udders. There are more of us than I thought.

I am in the position that I like the goat design over introducing other animal types but seeing the passion makes me think perhaps a warcry or underworlds warband with a left of field animal inspiration might be cool. 

For people wondering what new beasts could look like, I personally like the raven twin miniatures ones.  I feel they are true to the warhammer aesthetic but with more dynamic poses and some interesting new ideas too:








The goats over goats are not my thing, but apart from that this looks awesome! Hopefully you all goat lovers get something as cool as this.

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3 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

The goats over goats are not my thing, but apart from that this looks awesome! Hopefully you all goat lovers get something as cool as this.

It's funny you say that as I was thinking the idea of taming beasts to ride seems a little unbeastly to me, I think I would rather them riderless.

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7 minutes ago, Hawke said:

It's funny you say that as I was thinking the idea of taming beasts to ride seems a little unbeastly to me, I think I would rather them riderless.

They still use chariots, even if most beastmen think its a bit too much

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