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3 hours ago, Vasshpit said:


Do you know who sclpted the Kruleboyz? Ive been trying to find out for awhile. 

Seb Perbet did the gnashtooth, the belcha banner and the boltboyz. Joe Tomaszweski did the gutrippas and the killaboss on foot. Christian Hardy did the shaman. Sergi Torras did the hobgrotz. Courtesy of White Dwarf 467.

Edited by Chikout
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6 hours ago, Chikout said:

Seb Perbet did the gnashtooth, the belcha banner and the boltboyz. Joe Tomaswezski did the gutrippas and the killaboss on foot. Christian Hardy did the shaman Sergi Torras did the hobgrotz. Courtesy of White Dwarf 467.

Sergi Torras did gobsprakk too

Joe Tomaszewski did marshcrawla sloggoth too 

Edited by Grunbag
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3 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Do we know if the sculptors are shared between games? Or each one has its own dedicated team of sculptors? Because if it is the first option, wouldn't surprise me that those working on the factions you've mentioned are the ones working in Bonesplitterz as well.

Yeah they are shared between games. They work via projects. A sculptor might be on a 40k project, then when it’s done they go on to an AoS project, etc.

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37 minutes ago, Chikout said:

Seb Perbet did the gnashtooth, the belcha banner and the boltboyz. Joe Tomaswezski did the gutrippas and the killaboss on foot. Christian Hardy did the shaman Sergi Torras did the hobgrotz. Courtesy of White Dwarf 467.

I dont know why they cant at least do just the same on the freaking Warcom articles. Its so disrespectful to talk about your artists that design the bulk of your products whitout using surnames...

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12 minutes ago, Garrac said:

I dont know why they cant at least do just the same on the freaking Warcom articles. Its so disrespectful to talk about your artists that design the bulk of your products whitout using surnames...

Even to know the artists' full names you gotta buy a printed publication :D

Edited by Marcvs
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17 minutes ago, Garrac said:

I dont know why they cant at least do just the same on the freaking Warcom articles. Its so disrespectful to talk about your artists that design the bulk of your products whitout using surnames...

The names Matt Ward and C.S. Goto spring immediately to mind - when the community takes a disliking to official creators they can be pretty brutal. 

I'm not saying that I agree, but I can understand why GW may have decided that it needed to protect its creators

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9 minutes ago, mawhis117 said:

The names Matt Ward and C.S. Goto spring immediately to mind - when the community takes a disliking to official creators they can be pretty brutal. 

I'm not saying that I agree, but I can understand why GW may have decided that it needed to protect its creators

If It were for that then Marvel would have started censoring their authors as well after Dan Slott received more death threats than all of GW designers in all of its history. Companies dont go full CSI when an author is hit by a shitstorm.

I dont buy It, Im totally convinced its to just blurr their authors fames for corporate branding.

Yes, I know Im deviating from the rumour thread discussion, but unless a leaker comes now from heavens to tell us chorf centaurs are back, or someone baits whitefang into revealing a new skaven Hero for Dawnbringers 5/6, It seems like were going to get a little bored while waiting for adepticon.

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30 minutes ago, Garrac said:

I dont know why they cant at least do just the same on the freaking Warcom articles. Its so disrespectful to talk about your artists that design the bulk of your products whitout using surnames...

Duncan Rhodes messed that up.  He was a nobody that gw built up to advertise the paints.  Then he left and made his own company even using his iconic catchphrase.  And while he's not the only one he's the biggest.

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14 minutes ago, Garrac said:

If It were for that then Marvel would have started censoring their authors as well after Dan Slott received more death threats than all of GW designers in all of its history. Companies dont go full CSI when an author is hit by a shitstorm.

I dont buy It, Im totally convinced its to just blurr their authors fames for corporate branding.

Yes, I know Im deviating from the rumour thread discussion, but unless a leaker comes now from heavens to tell us chorf centaurs are back, or someone baits whitefang into revealing a new skaven Hero for Dawnbringers 5/6, It seems like were going to get a little bored while waiting for adepticon.

Dawnbringers 4 is announced in 3 hours.

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2 hours ago, Chikout said:

Seb Perbet did the gnashtooth, the belcha banner and the boltboyz. Joe Tomaswezski did the gutrippas and the killaboss on foot. Christian Hardy did the shaman Sergi Torras did the hobgrotz. Courtesy of White Dwarf 467.

Tomaszewski 😂

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1 hour ago, Garrac said:

I dont buy It, Im totally convinced its to just blurr their authors fames for corporate branding.

Yeah, the Matt Ward situation has been debunked numerous times but it keeps popping up. GW is afraid their own talent getting too talented so rather than using that kind of individual draw they do the corporate thing and try to "protect" their IP. GW haven't quite caught on with how social media works and that influencers draw in new customers yet but they'll get there in 5-10 years. 

For example, Blanche's style of drawing is iconic and is heavily associated with warhammer. If you google his name the first thing you find is 40k art work. That kind of recognisability is fantastic since GW doesn't have to lift a finger to get exposure. Fans of X will get exposed to Y(GW) simply because of being interested in X.

Protecting your IP is important, for sure, but I think we'd struggle to find even a single person who doesn't understand the minis being produced by GW is a part of the warhammer IP.

Edited by pnkdth
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56 minutes ago, pnkdth said:

Yeah, the Matt Ward situation has been debunked numerous times but it keeps popping up. GW is afraid their own talent getting too talented so rather than using that kind of individual draw they do the corporate thing and try to "protect" their IP. GW haven't quite caught on with how social media works and that influencers draw in new customers yet but they'll get there in 5-10 years.

I am pretty sure they are totally aware of this, but the fame of certain influencers and names sometimes comes with a level of negativity and maybe as a corporation they tried to get rid of it? remember how HH lead from forge world passed away and so the HH died basicly with him?

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And it's Dawnbringers IV and Flesh-Eater Courts (inc. Ushoran)!




With Ushoran on his way, next week you can look forward to articles on painting this mouldering monarch and his attendants, as well as miniature reveals on Monday and Thursday, more coverage of the Dawnbringer Crusades, and the next Balance Dataslate for Warhammer 40,000.


Edited by Clan's Cynic
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1 minute ago, ScionOfOssia said:

“Every Death faction gets something”

-GW, on Dawnbringers 4.

If that’s just “Every faction gets access to these Regiments that are probably gone after 3rd edition is over, I’m gonna lose it. 

Yeah, it seems the Death support for Dawnbringers in the "Death themed" book is just 1 infantry model, and I guess an army update that was coming anyway as we hadn't had their book yet? Dissapointing.

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