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The only way I can describe seeing that Ushoran leak whilst I was out walking the dog is probably the same feeling to when I first walked Into a shop and actually saw Warhammer.

The Only other time outside of that I’ve had that feeling was opening a White Dwarf and Seeing Be’Lakor. 

Congrats to the Design Team that produced that, not only a classic for the ages - but how on Earth can you possibly make something so otherworldly cool and be able to keep it a secret without ecstatic joy. It may have taken 30+ years to get an Ushoran model but it was worth it: fanboy rant over. 

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20 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

K.C. MO, represent! 🤜🤛

That model is very, very cool. 🤤

Barrington Illinois, aka the outskirts of the greater Chicagoland area. 

9 minutes ago, Kronos said:

The only way I can describe seeing that Ushoran leak whilst I was out walking the dog is probably the same feeling to when I first walked Into a shop and actually saw Warhammer.

The Only other time outside of that I’ve had that feeling was opening a White Dwarf and Seeing Be’Lakor. 

Congrats to the Design Team that produced that, not only a classic for the ages - but how on Earth can you possibly make something so otherworldly cool and be able to keep it a secret without ecstatic joy. It may have taken 30+ years to get an Ushoran model but it was worth it: fanboy rant over. 

My reaction to the Ushoran was essentially the same one I had when I first saw Optimus Prime day in the original 1986 movie back when I was two-three: confusion, then a mixture of horror and awe. All I’m gonna say is that THE LEGIONS OF LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!! Will gladly fight alongside this corpulent tyrant of a mortarch.

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