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16 hours ago, Captaniser said:

Any ideas what the Seraphon vanguard box will look like?


15 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

My guess is it will include the Slaan Starmaster and 10 Saurus Warriors, but only 5 of the Raptors and maybe something else instead of the other 5 Raptors. 

Hopefully it contains either the Kroxigors or the new Salamander along with more Saurus and whatever hero they pick... that would be optimal. If the vanguard box doesn't impress you same as the launch box, there's always the Christmas battleforce :')


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2 hours ago, Sabush said:

Maybe Bonesplitters?

Well if nothing else, I think lately Underworlds has proven itself to be a decent indicator of future releases on a long enough timeline, at least the ones that aren't just straight copies of existing models. Sylvaneth got a Revenant Warband and then a Kurnothi warband, and then a Revenant model update followed by (apparently) a Kurnothi one. The Snarlfang pack got turned into a real unit just this year, with some lore indicating that there might be more to come. Seraphon got modern redesigns in Underworlds before the avalanche of new models since then, etc etc.

Bonesplitters got their own Underworlds Warband which was literally the first new sculpts the had gotten in many years, and the designs were different in a lot of subtle ways from the existing models, reminds me a lot of the Seraphon situation. Not that I would expect them to get nearly as much as Seraphon but it makes sense to me that GW has been experimenting with new designs for them.

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30 minutes ago, madmac said:

Bonesplitters got their own Underworlds Warband which was literally the first new sculpts the had gotten in many years, and the designs were different in a lot of subtle ways from the existing models, reminds me a lot of the Seraphon situation. Not that I would expect them to get nearly as much as Seraphon but it makes sense to me that GW has been experimenting with new designs for them.

Bonesplitterz are currently an army made of two outdated boxes. Anything they get will be considered a massive release. And I really hope that they will get it soon; the Kruleboyz have been such a disappointment for me (I know, we have fans of Mordor slaves here) and I would love to see the proper Savage Orcs modernised.

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2 hours ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

I'm huffing copium but i think is Bonesplitterz.

I'm still amazed Bonesplitters are an existing faction, and survived the great greenskinz squatting. They've had no love since Warhammer fantasy. I was going to convert a bunch of beastsnagga orks into bonesplitterz to better mesh with my ironjaws, but the fear of that army being deleted has always kept me from doing so (and doubly so since we got Kreulboyz instead of a ironjawz/bonesplitters line expansion). 


If bonesplitters get more love than a single hero sculpt, I shall be amazed and overjoyed. Then ill go back to grumbling about a Ironjawz goregrunta hero 😋

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I guess in BS‘ case two kits with two weapon options and a hero would already be enough plus maybe a cool monster like a giant squig. Wouldn‘t feel much smaller than Fyreslayers then with the added benefit of getting to use KB or IJ in the same army. 

Not saying it‘s likely but they‘re one of the forces that don‘t need much to feel „complete“ if the kits are well done to me. Then again, I‘m far from an expert on their range. 

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I think the bonesplitterz plastic stuff is generally fine, I painted up an army of them in january (mostly pigs).
Some plastic heroes would be good, but for brand new stuff they'd really appreciate a proper centerpiece, maybe a plastic rogue idol or some sort of of shaman channeling a powerful beast spirit and controlling its bones. A box of bonesplitter brutes would be cool, with options for melee weapons (maybe big stabbas) and greatbows.

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50 minutes ago, Flippy said:

the Kruleboyz have been such a disappointment for me




In my eyes they are pure starlight 🤩🤣 as far as model design goes! I love my little bog ninjas!! 

Rules,... 😒 yeaaaaaaaeeehhhh...

If nighthaunt are anything to go by I'm sure they'll get the attention the faction deserves.

I really am curious what they do going forward. Are they going to lean into hobgrots more, or perhaps they'll become the new orcs & goblins with more emphasis on that aspect? Will they somehow tie into chaos duardin at all; they do have history if only a paragraph about "the war of the broken promise " Maybe they'll lean into the beast breaka sub more. 

I'm a fanboooyeeeee!!!🤘🤣

Edited by Vasshpit
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11 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:




In my eyes they are pure starlight 🤩🤣 as far as model design goes! I love my little bog ninjas!! 

Rules,... 😒 yeaaaaaaaeeehhhh...

If nighthaunt are anything to go by I'm sure they'll get the attention the faction deserves.

I really am curious what they do going forward. Are they going to lean into hobgrots more, or perhaps they'll become the new orcs & goblins with more emphasis on that aspect? Will they somehow tie into chaos duardin at all; they do have history if only a paragraph about "the war of the broken promise " Maybe they'll lean into the beast breaka sub more. 

I'm a fanboooyeeeee!!!🤘🤣

Design for me. I really like the sculpts as in I appreciate they look good and I really like the sloggoth, mirebrute the croc and the vulture. 

The hobgrots are wierd and different and I like them too.

I appreciated a new destruction faction, models are well made and they have a cohesive look. I'm just not wowed by them like I am with most GW stuff. I think they're very grounded looking which in the overall AoS landscape just comes across as slightly boring imo. In a way though that may be a good thing as it lends itself to a base for destruction to show the wackiness or ferocity of the rest of the Destecution range.

I'm sure I'll like them better when destruction are fleshed out more. Still needs a gitmob/skygrot force. A big expansion to ogres and a small expansion to Troggoths (feral sloggoth and mirebrute), spiderfang (3-4 units), bonesploterz (3 units) and ironjawz (1-2). After that it will be in a good place.

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10 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:




In my eyes they are pure starlight 🤩🤣 as far as model design goes! I love my little bog ninjas!! 

Desing and the concept behind the design. To me, Warhammer Orcs are the force of nature, neither good nor evil or cruel, never corrupted by Chaos. The Kruleboyz are different; they are very clearly vile creatures.

I like simple gym bros who boast their deadlift PRs and are overjoyed whenever they see a worthy opponent; a Stormcast, a Chaos Chosen, a vampire - who cares, it’s beating time! I like crazed hunters, driven by spirits, who will throw themselves at the biggest beast possible. And I can see these two coexisting as natural expressions of orcish nature. And then you have evil, mean creatures, who take apparent pleasure in enslaving and mutilating others - that’s quite a difference.

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On 3/27/2023 at 3:52 PM, Clan's Cynic said:

Golden Daemon winners.

Won't post them all here because SPAM, but well worth taking a look at some of the incredible work.





Golden Demons at interesting place at the moment. Obviously I understand that primarily it's not really for any purpose other than the promotion of Games Workshop so it's not strictly an art competition, that's a naive perspective. But it's achieved its prominence now because it *used* to be exactly that, and is less interesting now as a consequence. 


For the past 5 years or so I would say that there's the dominance of style now very specific, an incredibly technical form which is always going to win. There's no chance that you're going to win without high saturation of colour, non metallic metal, incredibly smooth blending. 

And I think what's a shame about this is while these things are all very impressive, they're nonetheless just artistic choices; others exist. Predominantly they're choices as well which require tens if not hundreds of hours of work. They make investment of time a virtue, and there's no artistic reason why that should be the case. Many great artistic masterpieces from different eras in different mediums where not laboured over for hundreds of hours.

As somebody who's got more into art in general over the last couple of years one of the reasons that it's still vital and still exciting is because art *evolves*. It's not just people replicating the single style again and again. If you look at say the difference between the pre-impressionists and what their contemporaries were doing at the time, it's moments like that which makes things really exciting and which move art forms forward, and I think if the miniature hobby ever has any aspirations for that it needs to have a brain trust to be able to admire and celebrate that rather than just repeat and request and respect only the same things over and over. 

Just thinking as a starter for ten, you can inspire greater creativity I think with more abstract categories; Things accomplished in a short space of time, mixed media, you could do something which rewards a particularly aesthetic eg bright, Dark. 

GD used to be the highlight of my hobby calendar but its become quite dull to me really because they're always just a parade for the same people providing ever more polished iterations of the same thing. One of the joys of the old Golden Demons was that there were so many different styles and takes, many of which were particularly notable because they *wernt* an 'Eavy Metal Replica. The Slayer Sword Winner each year nearly always had a different aesthetic or take on it's subject to those it beat. GD used to be this amazing synergy where the Art of GW and its models almost became one and the same thing. Now, while the painting quality from a technical perspective is frankly light years more advanced, it's essence and connection to me to that world seems much more disparate. I don't see these models and find them evocative, I see models which shout "Look at how *painted* I am".

The other thing as well is that theres now an industry, a professional one whereby incredibly talented artists do this for work, and they deserve all of the success they have for it. But I can't help but feel a lot of GD is now just watching a reality show of Content Creators vying amongst themselves.

And it's not competition which is producing innovation- its just everybody trying to do the same thing but better. The vast majority of painting "masterclasses" on YouTube say that the best most impressive way to paint is related to smoothness, repeat processes, thin paint etc. These are what win GDs so these are the true great and best ways to paint. It becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.

From a perspective of art for art's sake I think we're actually in quite a Tedious place at the moment unless youre willing to look pretty hard outside of the most popular spaces . The hobby has incredible masters of different formats of painting, it's not that they they don't exist, but they don't have official recognition and I think the hobby really requires its equivalent of punk or the impressionist school, which is recognised for its excellence of different techniques and focus and outlook which are not the same as the ones which are the most popular at the moment but ones which are nonetheless vibrant and exciting and which bring models to life.

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Actually a gobbapalooza style unit would be great for bonesplitterz as well.

1 hour ago, Vasshpit said:




In my eyes they are pure starlight 🤩🤣 as far as model design goes! I love my little bog ninjas!! 

Rules,... 😒 yeaaaaaaaeeehhhh...

If nighthaunt are anything to go by I'm sure they'll get the attention the faction deserves.

I really am curious what they do going forward. Are they going to lean into hobgrots more, or perhaps they'll become the new orcs & goblins with more emphasis on that aspect? Will they somehow tie into chaos duardin at all; they do have history if only a paragraph about "the war of the broken promise " Maybe they'll lean into the beast breaka sub more. 

I'm a fanboooyeeeee!!!🤘🤣

I can't speak for him, but from my perspective there's tons of issues with all aspects of the design.

The models look great. The narrative is really cool. They don't mesh. At all. The narrative tells a story about sneaky and kunnin orruks that use things like poisons to be horrifically efficient killers. The models are a Greenskinz revamp, so its all massed infantry and heroes/hero monsters with some ranged support. No part of the model line actually fits the sneaky or kunnin narrative they've spun (From a unit role perspective). Then you get to the rules that tried to bridge the gap and did a terrible job of it while also having tons of unnecessary restrictions and hard leaning into lottery mechanics because Destruction & poison, which immediately kills any efficiency.

I can kind of understand how this might've happened, a darker take on greenskinz with a swamp theme led to the model range, but then when it came time to write the narrative and rules they might have pushed in a different direction to differentiate them from Ironjawz/Bonesplitterz, plus a tight schedule for the warclans book ended with it feeling half baked (particularly KB and BS).

I hope they get to take another crack at the KB nut though, I really love the models. 

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11 minutes ago, Flippy said:

Desing and the concept behind the design. To me, Warhammer Orcs are the force of nature, neither good nor evil or cruel, never corrupted by Chaos. The Kruleboyz are different; they are very clearly vile creatures.

Greenskins gets delight also from torturing and pillagin though...is too "exaggerated" calling them "not vile" (while still being a force of nature as Gorkamorka intended).
Even in wh40k people downplay too much their "vile side" and focus too much on the "funny side".

Considering the 6th edition book of whfb i remember a nice quote about that:
"I'm gonna stomp 'em to dust. I'm gonna grind their bones. I'm gonna pile 'em up inna big fire and roast 'em. I'm gonna bash 'eads, break faces and jump up and down on da bits dat are left. An' den I'm gonna get really mean."

Skarnik book is even worse,they clearly love acts of pure sadism.

I like Kruleboyz embodied that side of Mork worship that not only is "Cunning" but mostly is "malice that comes from being too cunning(for their own good i'd say)".

But maybe i'm biased as a dawi fan XD (tbh "Greenskins vs dwarfs" will be always my iconic idea of rivals in warhammer,as i love them both).

Edited by Snorri Nelriksson
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3 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

Greenskins gets delight also from torturing and pillagin though...is too "exaggerated" calling them "not vile" (while still being a force of nature as Gorkamorka intended).
Even in wh40k people downplay too much their "vile side" and focus too much on the "funny side".

Considering the 6th edition book of whfb i remember a nice quote about that:
"I'm gonna stomp 'em to dust. I'm gonna grind their bones. I'm gonna pile 'em up inna big fire and roast 'em. I'm gonna bash 'eads, break faces and jump up and down on da bits dat are left. An' den I'm gonna get really mean."

Skarnik book is even worse,they clearly love acts of pure sadism.

I like Kruleboyz embodied that side of Mork worship that not only is "Cunning" but mostly is "malice that comes from being too cunning(for their own good i'd say)".

But maybe i'm biased as a dawi fan XD (tbh "Greenskins vs dwarfs" will be always my iconic idea of rivals in warhammer,as i love them both).

Every faction in GW's universes are bad in some respect. That's why Chaos is so central and so key. It's not about morality so much as moral Entropy.

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13 minutes ago, Nos said:

Every faction in GW's universes are bad in some respect. That's why Chaos is so central and so key. It's not about morality so much as moral Entropy.

That's the appeal of the settings(40k\whfb also) imho...while aos is more "heroic"to some extent there's only shades of gray and black(and the worst is obviously chaos).
Still my post was about the fact that imho Greenskins are too often seens as comedic while they are "much more scary" and "vile"(and that's a nice point imho).
I see many times also something similar is said for chaos imho sometimes that is seen by many as "misguided" or "anti-heroic"while they are obviously not (or at least i can say "road to hell is paved with good intentions").

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6 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

That's the appeal of the settings(40k\whfb also) imho...while aos is more "heroic"to some extent there's only shades of gray and black(and the worst is obviously chaos).
Still my post was about the fact that imho Greenskins are too often seens as comedic while they are "much more scary" and "vile"(and that's a nice point imho).
I see many times also something similar is said for chaos imho sometimes that is seen by many as "misguided" or "anti-heroic"while they are obviously not .

One of the better things about the hobby over the past decade is I think there's been more of tonal variety. There's multiple iterations of greenskins from comedy to really quite scary, and it's the same for most factions. That option to choose your ratings level as it were is better catered for.

I always felt that Dark Elves and their 40k equivalent where a tough proposition because they're just excessively horrible and sadistic. You can't have a society made up of sociopaths, it's an oxymoron. 

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7 minutes ago, Nos said:

One of the better things about the hobby over the past decade is I think there's been more of tonal variety. There's multiple iterations of greenskins from comedy to really quite scary, and it's the same for most factions. That option to choose your ratings level as it were is better catered for.

I always felt that Dark Elves and their 40k equivalent where a tough proposition because they're just excessively horrible and sadistic. You can't have a society made up of sociopaths, it's an oxymoron. 

Ah i see...i love having both sides of the spectrum though XD (greenskins without a comedic side also feels wrong tbh).
Warhammer "exaggerations" are the spices of the settings though dare i'd say...still is interesting how Idoneth refreshed the idea of a "more stable elven society that has the same problems of Dark eldar without resorting to that madness".
Dark elves in whfb still were not that less sociopath though (see some festivites of the Khainite cult) but at least were more centralized and stable(or at least i always felt that way).

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16 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

Greenskins gets delight also from torturing and pillagin though...is too "exaggerated" calling them "not vile" (while still being a force of nature as Gorkamorka intended).
Even in wh40k people downplay too much their "vile side" and focus too much on the "funny side".

Considering the 6th edition book of whfb i remember a nice quote about that:
"I'm gonna stomp 'em to dust. I'm gonna grind their bones. I'm gonna pile 'em up inna big fire and roast 'em. I'm gonna bash 'eads, break faces and jump up and down on da bits dat are left. An' den I'm gonna get really mean."

Skarnik book is even worse,they clearly love acts of pure sadism.

I like Kruleboyz embodied that side of Mork worship that not only is "Cunning" but mostly is "malice that comes from being too cunning(for their own good i'd say)".

But maybe i'm biased as a dawi fan XD (tbh "Greenskins vs dwarfs" will be always my iconic idea of rivals in warhammer).

That was certainly true for WHFB, a clear influence of earlier fantasy works. But it feels different in AoS; I don’t think that the Orruks hold any particular enmity towards Duardin (or Aelves, on that matter) of any sort. They are hools - Eightpoints? Excelsis? Who cares!

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