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59 minutes ago, RileyArlic said:

I know a lot of people are getting excited for "golem-kind" but let me remind y'all that goblin sky-pirates were mentioned in the 2nd edition KO battletome that just got replaced and we've seen squat diddly for them. 

It's possible they're planting seeds, but it's more likely they're just giving nods to things from the old lore. I wouldn't put money on it happening until maybe late 4th or 5th edition AoS. 

I feel this a lot. WHFB always had seeds of things mentioned in the lore that were just that - it seems nowadays they do the same thing and everyone goes “SILENT PEOPLE CONFIRMED!”

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That’s because in olden days they were too busy praying to get their actual army books updated in the current edition and not get skipped over repeatedly to worry about what cool things could be brought in. xD 

GW cranked up the reliability of timely updates and even releases(people can say woe to only getting a hero when back when it Was just the book and nothing else) so now we have that luxury to move on to more exciting prospects that flesh out the Alliances and Mortal Realms.

Like I get wanting to keep expectations in check but if people can go crazy for chaos dwarves then Silent People, Sky Grot Pirates and Gholemkin are fair game too.

To back up the arguments though, Silent People could’ve just been pushed back by Covid as their lore did note they were woken up way too early from their hibernation cycle by the Necroquake so were planned further down the line anyway and then had to migrate out of Beastgrave while it fell(and we are both delving further underground into insectoid caverns with these seasons and heading closer to the western continent of Lendu where they were at so they could show up still)

And for Grotbags we did get a LOT of recent info from the “Arkanaut’s Oath” novel where Drekki battles their fleet.

“> Grotbag Scuttlers are Grots who vanished up to mountainside and then to the sky during the divergence of the Grot tribes. The Grotbag Scuttlers have armadas of airships and fought alongside the Gloomspite Gitz during the invasion of Barak-Khazzar.

> So far they have described to the best of my recollection 

> Grots, with striped shirts, baggy pants with cutlasses. 
 > - Grots with bows and black arrows (nothing new)
 > - Grots with black powder guns

> Ramshackle airships held a loft with "gasbags" with two rows of grots operating the canvas wings
> modified human ships
> ships with steam engines
> tamed flying beasts (I imagine flying squigs but they're not super descriptive
> ships are all almost exclusively armed with black powder weapons

> Grots flying with personal "gasbags" for boarding parties.

Little more on the Grotbags.

> “ Just to add another point, Kaptin Blackheart's flagship (no name given yet) had catapult throwing squigs and doom divers, and the whole ship (descrived as 3 times the Aesling, that's 3 frigattes large, smaller than a khrundal battle class ship but bigger than an Ironclad) was pushed by TWO MAWCRUSHAS (com’n Forgeworld, give me that 400$ resin ship that I can't play because it costs 1500p!!!).

> The whole ship uses a big squig to fly (it remind a Zeppelin), and it had a tatoo depicting the Jolly Orruk, that's a big deal for Grots and Orruks.”

> “ The important thing to note is that the flying grots aren't called doom-divers anymore. They were called "Wing Boyz" and were used to board the ship. ”

I will agree to probably being late AoS4 to even AoS5 needing to take place in the Realm of Metal before we see any of these Chamon factions but we are getting more and more stuff to chew on. ;) 

Edited by Baron Klatz
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My two cents on if grotbags ever become a thing is please dont make them goofy comical sky pirates or at least tone it down. Its all subjective but after seeing the tone set with kruleboyz its nice to have "scary" greenskins.

The snarlfang kit is a great step forward in this. 

Again, just my flavor. 

Edited by Vasshpit
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Not counting any stuff that's already out, that means we got...
Grotbags - grot sky pirates
"Umbraneth" - Malerion's shadow aelves
"Chorfs" - aka Chaos Dwarves
Kurnothi - wood aelves and the satyrs/centaurs that are part of that faction
Gholemkind - dwarf living constructs
Silent Ones - ancient insect people

as teasers into potential 'seeds' that could eventually be grown into brand new factions... or abandoned just as easily. I know I'm missing a dozen, what others can you guys think of? 

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2 hours ago, RileyArlic said:

Not counting any stuff that's already out, that means we got...
Grotbags - grot sky pirates
"Umbraneth" - Malerion's shadow aelves
"Chorfs" - aka Chaos Dwarves
Kurnothi - wood aelves and the satyrs/centaurs that are part of that faction
Gholemkind - dwarf living constructs
Silent Ones - ancient insect people

as teasers into potential 'seeds' that could eventually be grown into brand new factions... or abandoned just as easily. I know I'm missing a dozen, what others can you guys think of? 

I think most of these could also just be subfactions with Silent People being the exception.

Edit: Glareface Frazzlegitz are also heavily mentioned recently. Could see Gitmob and Grotbag sharing a tome. The Gloomspite tome tells us that the Snarlfang Riders(Gitmob) have a temporary alliance with Gloomspite. Dont see them sticking around the Gloomspite Git too for long. They feel like allies without having to allocate those points to actually being allies.

Edited by Gitzdee
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3 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

That’s because in olden days they were too busy praying to get their actual army books updated in the current edition and not get skipped over repeatedly to worry about what cool things could be brought in. xD 

GW cranked up the reliability of timely updates and even releases(people can say woe to only getting a hero when back when it Was just the book and nothing else) so now we have that luxury to move on to more exciting prospects that flesh out the Alliances and Mortal Realms.

Like I get wanting to keep expectations in check but if people can go crazy for chaos dwarves then Silent People, Sky Grot Pirates and Gholemkin are fair game too.

To back up the arguments though, Silent People could’ve just been pushed back by Covid as their lore did note they were woken up way too early from their hibernation cycle by the Necroquake so were planned further down the line anyway and then had to migrate out of Beastgrave while it fell(and we are both delving further underground into insectoid caverns with these seasons and heading closer to the western continent of Lendu where they were at so they could show up still)

And for Grotbags we did get a LOT of recent info from the “Arkanaut’s Oath” novel where Drekki battles their fleet.

“> Grotbag Scuttlers are Grots who vanished up to mountainside and then to the sky during the divergence of the Grot tribes. The Grotbag Scuttlers have armadas of airships and fought alongside the Gloomspite Gitz during the invasion of Barak-Khazzar.

> So far they have described to the best of my recollection 

> Grots, with striped shirts, baggy pants with cutlasses. 
 > - Grots with bows and black arrows (nothing new)
 > - Grots with black powder guns

> Ramshackle airships held a loft with "gasbags" with two rows of grots operating the canvas wings
> modified human ships
> ships with steam engines
> tamed flying beasts (I imagine flying squigs but they're not super descriptive
> ships are all almost exclusively armed with black powder weapons

> Grots flying with personal "gasbags" for boarding parties.

Little more on the Grotbags.

> “ Just to add another point, Kaptin Blackheart's flagship (no name given yet) had catapult throwing squigs and doom divers, and the whole ship (descrived as 3 times the Aesling, that's 3 frigattes large, smaller than a khrundal battle class ship but bigger than an Ironclad) was pushed by TWO MAWCRUSHAS (com’n Forgeworld, give me that 400$ resin ship that I can't play because it costs 1500p!!!).

> The whole ship uses a big squig to fly (it remind a Zeppelin), and it had a tatoo depicting the Jolly Orruk, that's a big deal for Grots and Orruks.”

> “ The important thing to note is that the flying grots aren't called doom-divers anymore. They were called "Wing Boyz" and were used to board the ship. ”

I will agree to probably being late AoS4 to even AoS5 needing to take place in the Realm of Metal before we see any of these Chamon factions but we are getting more and more stuff to chew on. ;) 

The thing is grotbag scuttlers already exist and even just got a new battletome. 

The descriptions you've put are blueprints to converted a Kharadron army into one of flying grot pirates. 

People have already done it and I'm sure more will come. 

Its not to say we'll never see a official release but I feel its more a inspirational thing than indicator of things to come. 

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22 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

The thing is grotbag scuttlers already exist and even just got a new battletome. 

Not one Grotbag unit in the book. There are 2 Gitmob units and those dont have any synergy with all the other units at all. Grotbag does get mentioned along with Gitmob in context with Glareface Frazzlegit.

Edited by Gitzdee
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3 hours ago, RileyArlic said:

Not counting any stuff that's already out, that means we got...
Grotbags - grot sky pirates
"Umbraneth" - Malerion's shadow aelves
"Chorfs" - aka Chaos Dwarves
Kurnothi - wood aelves and the satyrs/centaurs that are part of that faction
Gholemkind - dwarf living constructs
Silent Ones - ancient insect people

as teasers into potential 'seeds' that could eventually be grown into brand new factions... or abandoned just as easily. I know I'm missing a dozen, what others can you guys think of? 

Also weren't some Lovecraftian undersea race mentioned in the Idoneth book as a race that they had had a massive war and struggle for control of the oceans with? Could simply be a reference to the old WH:FB Fishmen, but could also be a hint or seed of another potential race.

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On the subject of seeds of other races/factions, wasn't there some lore a while back (sorry, no idea where but seem to remember it was official) about some scary malevolent forces in I think the space between the realms. Specifically not Chaos?

Edited by EntMan
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My bet is on Spooky elves because elves are the space marines of fantasy.

The rest are a roll of the dice. Plenty of factions and model ranges I'd prefer get done before seeing any of them. It would be especially rad to see a FEC update before the next edition. 🙃




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6 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

@Baron Klatz nice summary.

But since we are talking tga classics anyway. How about Kurnothi? Did they get mentioned in some of the newer tomes like funny hat Duardin, Malerion and Grotbag/ Gitmob?

Kurnothi get mentioned in the new Sylvaneth tome, they have a little section about them. It basically suggests that they're descended from Wanderers who stayed hidden in Ghyran instead of fleeing to Azyr, which is new lore. It also says some of them take on a beastial aspect and wear lamentiri but the Sylvaneth "do not speak of such things".

Edit: I should also point out that while the new KO tome ramps up the hype factor for Gholemkind considerably I don't believe there's a single mention of Grotbag/Skygrots unless I missed it.

Edited by madmac
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4 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

Not one Grotbag unit in the book. There are 2 Gitmob units and those dont have any synergy with all the other units at all. Grotbag does get mentioned along with Gitmob in context with Glareface Frazzlegit.

I believe they were referring to the KO 'tome (as being a book for running Grotbag Scuttlers), not the GSG's.

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4 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

Not one Grotbag unit in the book. There are 2 Gitmob units and those dont have any synergy with all the other units at all. Grotbag does get mentioned along with Gitmob in context with Glareface Frazzlegit.

I meant the Kharadron Overlords book is the grotbag scuttler book. Just need to convert the army. 

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10 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

That’s because in olden days they were too busy praying to get their actual army books updated in the current edition and not get skipped over repeatedly to worry about what cool things could be brought in. xD 

GW cranked up the reliability of timely updates and even releases(people can say woe to only getting a hero when back when it Was just the book and nothing else) so now we have that luxury to move on to more exciting prospects that flesh out the Alliances and Mortal Realms.

Like I get wanting to keep expectations in check but if people can go crazy for chaos dwarves then Silent People, Sky Grot Pirates and Gholemkin are fair game too.

To back up the arguments though, Silent People could’ve just been pushed back by Covid as their lore did note they were woken up way too early from their hibernation cycle by the Necroquake so were planned further down the line anyway and then had to migrate out of Beastgrave while it fell(and we are both delving further underground into insectoid caverns with these seasons and heading closer to the western continent of Lendu where they were at so they could show up still)

And for Grotbags we did get a LOT of recent info from the “Arkanaut’s Oath” novel where Drekki battles their fleet.

“> Grotbag Scuttlers are Grots who vanished up to mountainside and then to the sky during the divergence of the Grot tribes. The Grotbag Scuttlers have armadas of airships and fought alongside the Gloomspite Gitz during the invasion of Barak-Khazzar.

> So far they have described to the best of my recollection 

> Grots, with striped shirts, baggy pants with cutlasses. 
 > - Grots with bows and black arrows (nothing new)
 > - Grots with black powder guns

> Ramshackle airships held a loft with "gasbags" with two rows of grots operating the canvas wings
> modified human ships
> ships with steam engines
> tamed flying beasts (I imagine flying squigs but they're not super descriptive
> ships are all almost exclusively armed with black powder weapons

> Grots flying with personal "gasbags" for boarding parties.

Little more on the Grotbags.

> “ Just to add another point, Kaptin Blackheart's flagship (no name given yet) had catapult throwing squigs and doom divers, and the whole ship (descrived as 3 times the Aesling, that's 3 frigattes large, smaller than a khrundal battle class ship but bigger than an Ironclad) was pushed by TWO MAWCRUSHAS (com’n Forgeworld, give me that 400$ resin ship that I can't play because it costs 1500p!!!).

> The whole ship uses a big squig to fly (it remind a Zeppelin), and it had a tatoo depicting the Jolly Orruk, that's a big deal for Grots and Orruks.”

> “ The important thing to note is that the flying grots aren't called doom-divers anymore. They were called "Wing Boyz" and were used to board the ship. ”

I will agree to probably being late AoS4 to even AoS5 needing to take place in the Realm of Metal before we see any of these Chamon factions but we are getting more and more stuff to chew on. ;) 

Was this from my post? I seem to remember recounting the Grotbags..

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3 hours ago, madmac said:

Kurnothi get mentioned in the new Sylvaneth tome, they have a little section about them. It basically suggests that they're descended from Wanderers who stayed hidden in Ghyran instead of fleeing to Azyr, which is new lore. It also says some of them take on a beastial aspect and wear lamentiri but the Sylvaneth "do not speak of such things".

Edit: I should also point out that while the new KO tome ramps up the hype factor for Gholemkind considerably I don't believe there's a single mention of Grotbag/Skygrots unless I missed it.

Getting some proper wood *elves* (i.e. not trees) - especially Wild Hunt themed ones - would be a literal dream come true.

Especially if it included an iteration of Orion/avatar of Kurnos.

I know I'm already having my dreams fulfilled with the new Lizard wave but man would I be absolutely over the moon for that one.

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10 hours ago, RileyArlic said:

Not counting any stuff that's already out, that means we got...
Grotbags - grot sky pirates
"Umbraneth" - Malerion's shadow aelves
"Chorfs" - aka Chaos Dwarves
Kurnothi - wood aelves and the satyrs/centaurs that are part of that faction
Gholemkind - dwarf living constructs
Silent Ones - ancient insect people

as teasers into potential 'seeds' that could eventually be grown into brand new factions... or abandoned just as easily. I know I'm missing a dozen, what others can you guys think of? 

About potential "seeds" for future releases, and before we go out on Terminators vs Tyranids in 40k. Just saw this montage on my AoS FB group. I wish this was real and official, how cool would it be !
Peut être une illustration de texte qui dit ’/ARHAMME AGE OF SIGMAR SIG GHUR UNLEASHED MORGHUR’

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25 minutes ago, Kronos said:

Looks like a Tyranid SM box is incoming, strange way to just randomly tease this. New way of hyping from GW?



We got the first Kruleboyz teasers in early May and similar with the Silent King/Necrons teaser. So it's early but not outside the realms of possibility for them to start hyping 10th ed 40k now-ish. We have one more Ark of Omen book to be revealed (at Adepticon for release in May probably), and then the rumoured 10th ed launch box in June.

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