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24 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

The starter box could be Order vs Order. We've been expecting malerion to show up eventually and would fit as a bad guy for the box.

I agree with that.

I would see GW completing a kind of cycle for this 4th edition : 2015 (Stormcast vs. Chaos), 2018 (Stormcast vs. Death), 2021 (Stormcast vs. Destruction)... 2024 (Stormcast vs. Order ?). Malerion's aelves are good candidates I think : aelvish aristocracy with shadow daemons ! Don't forget also the gladitorium offered by Malerion to Sigmar... There would be a great lore development to exploit with that. And Ulgu would become the new narrative framework for this edition but also for Warcry (imagine the scenery), Underworlds... so much potential !

Anyway, I can't imagine for a single second GW not putting an SE in the launch box. Maybe an opportunity to redesign early units like liberators, judicators, etc.

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13 hours ago, Goatforce said:

Probably against Stormcast, unfortunately. I have a horrible feeling we are going to be stuck with them for Starter Box sets just as 40K is stuck with SMs in every starter, but would be happy to be proven wrong!

Don't be so sure ;) Darkoath seem to be poised as the complete Marauder refresh, and with Cities refresh coming I could easily see mortal humans being the new poster faction for starter boxes.

I would bet money GW has settled their Stormcast aesthetic/scale, so anything new for them would be updates to old models or smaller new additions like Logister or Ruination Chambers.

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6 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

Snappers would be cool as a hammer/anvil hybrid! I'm hoping to see the Kroxigors leaning into more astral or magitech gear even if they stay crocodilian.

I imagine that more astral or magitech will be a leading motif of this release - and I really like that. We're not in Lustria anymore. 

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1 hour ago, Flippy said:

I imagine that more astral or magitech will be a leading motif of this release - and I really like that. We're not in Lustria anymore. 

For sure. The exemplar of this change is probably the Saurus shields. They used to be just more dino hide and scales with a bit of a metal frame, and now they are not just all metal, but metal worked in stylized patterns that feel as much sci-fi as fantasy. From deadass basic to high tech without ever changing functionality or even much in the way of form.

The laser clubs or whatever the skink cavalry have are just icing on the cake. Lizardmen/Seraphon have always had some weird and esoteric tech in some cases. It's when it filters out to everyone that it gets even more noticeable.

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3 hours ago, Ganigumo said:

The starter box could be Order vs Order. We've been expecting malerion to show up eventually and would fit as a bad guy for the box.
Dark elves vs lumineth/stormcast/dawnbringers

I feel a Dark Aelf vs New Humans starter box would be very lucrative for GW

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Even if it would be a tremendous boxset, I don't believe in a Cities of Sigmar against Darkoath/Dark Elves as a starter set. 

That would be the same fatal mistake, imho, as Isle of Blood: two populars yet secondaries factions, with rather un-beginner to paint faction. 

One of the faction will always be Stormcasts, at this level, it's about the image of the brand. But Darkoath or Dark Elves as adversaries, why not. 

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Pretty sure any new edition box is going to be NEW faction v Stormcast, question is do they do Order v order or bring in new Chaos bois? 

Given GW has been pretty open about designing new stuff for Total war previously it seems safe to say Lizardmen are probably also going to go the same way, especially when the designs are just modern updates of the old minis anyhow :D

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5 minutes ago, Arzalyn said:

Anyone has info on when we can expect the next reveal?

I'm not expecting AoS releases for this month, but one of the tomes at march seems likely with the shear amount of tomes they have to release on spring.

Most likely Adepticon in March, unless someone manages to get a GW employee to leak something early.....

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40 minutes ago, Swamp Trogg said:

Even if it would be a tremendous boxset, I don't believe in a Cities of Sigmar against Darkoath/Dark Elves as a starter set. 

That would be the same fatal mistake, imho, as Isle of Blood: two populars yet secondaries factions, with rather un-beginner to paint faction. 

One of the faction will always be Stormcasts, at this level, it's about the image of the brand. But Darkoath or Dark Elves as adversaries, why not. 

Stormcast don't have nearly the playerbase saturation that space marines have, and honestly there are a couple AoS factions that could easily give stormcast a run for their money (or outstrip them) if they got pushed a little harder with starter sets and the like. I'm thinking Gitz, Soulblight, Slaves to Darkness, and Dawnbringers for starters, and maybe even Ironjawz.
I remember hearing years ago that Orcs and Goblins were one of if not THE most popular faction from fantasy, but I can't remember where I heard it.
Plus there's no reason a dawnbringer crusade couldn't be accompanied, assisted or even led by a stormcast.
IMO if they break the mold and remove stormcast its gonna be Lumineth vs Umbraneth.
I'd be super hype if they did baddies vs baddies though, like Gitz vs Chaos Dwarves, or OBR vs StD

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4 hours ago, Ganigumo said:

I really hope so.
Although If its for AoS I hope its not grom, just a reimagining of him. I love grom but we have enough resurrected characters to do us for a while I think.

I don’t think Grom actually is confirmed to be death in AOS lore? But I would be scared a new sculpt wouldn’t be as cool as the classic guy. 

Hoping the new look for Kroxigors includes feathers!

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2 minutes ago, return_of_grom said:

I don’t think Grom actually is confirmed to be death in AOS lore? But I would be scared a new sculpt wouldn’t be as cool as the classic guy. 

Hoping the new look for Kroxigors includes feathers!

In the 8th ed O&G book none of the O&G characters were ever confirmed dead, they were just described as missing (with exceptions for the characters that were active at the time like skarsnik, grimgor & wurrzag). Its basically code for "This character is dead but you can still play with the model & rules". Grom hasn't shown up in AoS lore in any form though.

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3 hours ago, Ganigumo said:

Stormcast don't have nearly the playerbase saturation that space marines have, and honestly there are a couple AoS factions that could easily give stormcast a run for their money (or outstrip them) if they got pushed a little harder with starter sets and the like. I'm thinking Gitz, Soulblight, Slaves to Darkness, and Dawnbringers for starters, and maybe even Ironjawz.
I remember hearing years ago that Orcs and Goblins were one of if not THE most popular faction from fantasy, but I can't remember where I heard it.
Plus there's no reason a dawnbringer crusade couldn't be accompanied, assisted or even led by a stormcast.
IMO if they break the mold and remove stormcast its gonna be Lumineth vs Umbraneth.
I'd be super hype if they did baddies vs baddies though, like Gitz vs Chaos Dwarves, or OBR vs StD

I would be beyond stoked for a Lumineth vs. Umbraneth box.  I will be over the moon for Malerion to show up, because when he does, Tyrion won't be far behind to lay the smack down!

Also, I'd like to point out that Isle of Blood did sell well among High Elf players, and they were the most played of the "good guy" factions.

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6 hours ago, Koradrel of Chrace said:

I would be beyond stoked for a Lumineth vs. Umbraneth box.  I will be over the moon for Malerion to show up, because when he does, Tyrion won't be far behind to lay the smack down!

Also, I'd like to point out that Isle of Blood did sell well among High Elf players, and they were the most played of the "good guy" factions.

They may have sold well, but not well enough, since the relaunch of island of blood in early AoS was in fact a reboxing of unsold models printed far earlier. 


Futhermore, starter set are not about pleasing an existing fan base: they are all about recruitment. That's why island of blood in 8th edition contributed to the doom of the old world. It did sold quite nicely among the existing player base, but failed to expand it significantly. Notably because none of the model inside was easy really they easy to paint or to sold to people anaware of the game or setting. 


That's why Stormcasts doesn't need to even be the most popular faction to justify their presence in a series of starter sets. They just need to be beginner friendly, which they are. Because they need to appeal to young players, to not rebuke their parents (who got the money) and to be recognisable poster boy. And they need to be easy to paint to keeps the new players long enough, to encourage them to keep painting, playing, ans buying. 

With this in mind, pitting religious zealots with a baroque iconography and numerous and detailed models against shadowy demons with fiddly bits as a starter set may please us, but will not help people from hobby center to recruit new players. Ence the fact that I, for one, doesn't not belive in a non Stormcasts starter set, and even more, doesn't believe in a starter set with a ultra detailed adversarie in front of them, but more with something rather simple to apprehend, like Nighthaunts, who can look nice with juste a wash over a base coat. 


But i don't want to be all doom and gloom : we're still gonna have our humans and shadowy demons, and probably with a nice army set 😀

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