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1 hour ago, novakai said:

Popularity is relative and often base on community bias over reality I find. You can say any set army is popular but they all probably all in the middle except a chosen few. You can say “insert army” is most popular but they may be magnitudes lower then say SCE or Warclans

Doesn’t mean the army is set to lavaish in obscurity like some armies end up in and won’t get an update but it doesn’t mean they jump the queue either and become a priority.

Obviously popularity can be subjective, and I’m not suggesting that should make one army higher priority than any other, but what I mean is they are both well established and commonly played armies (5.5% and 5.4% of the competitive meta according to HWG), so I don’t think their popularity is really in question. I use the term because I can see why they might fade out other more obscure, less focused ranges, and incorporate them into other factions such as old soulblight, but I don’t see that ever happening with them. They are also the two oldest model ranges (except maybe some COS) so despite all that, I wouldn’t consider them being renewed next as queue jumping anyway. 

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3 minutes ago, TechnoVampire said:

Obviously popularity can be subjective, and I’m not suggesting that should make one army higher priority than any other, but what I mean is they are both well established and commonly played armies (5.5% and 5.4% of the competitive meta according to HWG), so I don’t think their popularity is really in question. I use the term because I can see why they might fade out other more obscure, less focused ranges, and incorporate them into other factions such as old soulblight, but I don’t see that ever happening with them. They are also the two oldest model ranges (except maybe some COS) so despite all that, I wouldn’t consider them being renewed next as queue jumping anyway. 

… effectively all I’m saying is; they are old, commonly played, due an update, and I’m looking forward to that happening. 

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26 minutes ago, TechnoVampire said:

… effectively all I’m saying is; they are old, commonly played, due an update, and I’m looking forward to that happening. 

I mean Skaven is old and consider popular but it doesn’t they are in rush to be remade. Evidently by their 3.0 release.

of course I think Tournament data outside grand tournaments are not reliable data since it screwed by rule competitiveness more then popularity like how Gitz are perceived

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With regards to next AoS faction updates, we tend to get a range update per … 4? books.

Considering the numerous RE about seraphon, I would guess that Seraphon get the next range update. Since we just got S2D as a big update, hot on heels of Votann and IG which brought in a lot of new sprues (and thus factory time), I would venture the following guess (*tinfoil hat ON)

Q1 2023: Gitz, Blades of Khorne and KO each with minimal updates (slap a new hero and out the door you go; 40k getting World eaters major sprue allowance)

Q1.5: mandatory yearly DoK update :P

Q2: seraphon big update, FeC and SBG on the short stick

Q3: omens arc for 40k and 10th eathing all the production space here. BoC short stick (same cruel treatment as skaven). SGL shortstick

Q4 Isn’t it about time we get another Lumineth tome? Also, new Cities of sigmar big release. Talk about a new faction for 2024, my money being on “Coalition of Hashut” chorfs in Q2 2024.

Lets discuss!

Edited by Silphid
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18 hours ago, RocketPropelledGrenade said:

Soon? I doubt it. Soulblight were the very last 2E army to release, like right before 3E. Gitz, FEC, OBR, KO, etc all have much higher priority claims on new battletomes. GW doesn't always follow what seems like the obvious move externally, but I don't seen Soulblight line-jumping unless it's for a single-hero release to fill the gaps in product in while they polish one of the more challenging lines up. And honestly, while Soulblight could definitely use a bit of polish in places, they are far from needing to line-jump either. They're functional and have a diverse plastic model range, which is more than you can say for some others.

I wouldn't look too much on when the tome was released last edition as a predictor on when it gonna be released on the next one. DoK and Lumineth release this year show that don't mean much. So far the white dwarf "tome celestial" release order seem to be a much better predictor for which battletome is comming. The factions that didn't get one all were released this year (with the exception of gitz, which didn't get one on 3rd but got a couple at the end of 2nd). I wouldn't be surprised if seraphon and soulblight get a tome at the first half of the next year, as cities will probably be delayed to release with the dawnbringer crusade. Until this sequencing is proven wrong by the next battletome releases, it is the most reliable one we have to try to predict something.

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Imo we can see that armies that got minis during Broken realms are getting something new when released for 3rd edition.  Sylvaneth - new unit, Kragnos - Kruel Boys, Belakor - new STD, leaving Kroak so i guess we can expect Seraphon to be more then 1 hero release. I'm not counting slaneshi demons since they got a big release right before the campaign started.

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16 minutes ago, DeLewko said:

Imo we can see that armies that got minis during Broken realms are getting something new when released for 3rd edition.  Sylvaneth - new unit, Kragnos - Kruel Boys, Belakor - new STD, leaving Kroak so i guess we can expect Seraphon to be more then 1 hero release. I'm not counting slaneshi demons since they got a big release right before the campaign started.

And the two witch hunters with the Cities of Sigmar who will be also there soon

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38 minutes ago, Silphid said:

With regards to next AoS faction updates, we tend to get a range update per … 4? books.

Considering the numerous RE about seraphon, I would guess that Seraphon get the next range update. Since we just got S2D as a big update, hot on heels of Votann and IG which brought in a lot of new sprues (and thus factory time), I would venture the following guess (*tinfoil hat ON)

Q1 2023: Gitz, Blades of Khorne and KO each with minimal updates (slap a new hero and out the door you go; 40k getting World eaters major sprue allowance)

Q1.5: mandatory yearly DoK update :P

Q2: seraphon big update, FeC and SBG on the short stick

Q3: omens arc for 40k and 10th eathing all the production space here. BoC short stick (same cruel treatment as skaven). SGL shortstick

Q4 Isn’t it about time we get another Lumineth tome? Also, new Cities of sigmar big release. Talk about a new faction for 2024, my money being on “Coalition of Hashut” chorfs in Q2 2024.

Lets discuss!

If I were to bet I would say major updates would be for Seraphon and FEC (both seem to have REs pointing to them), if we get 2 that is. Maybe Seraphon next year and FEC the year after - either before 4th edition or early 4th - as they might not have the space for them with the Dawnbringer stuff I presume will be next year.


I think that the next Lumineth wave might come next edition around the time that I would assume Malarion comes into play (they can't hold him back forever), which I think would make sense narratively as I think it was inferred in BR:Teclis that Tyrion was in conflict with someone/something extremely powerful and Malarion would fit that bill - as well as be a good foil for the AoS HEs thematically - though Teclis may have been referring to Archaon trying to free Slaanesh or something I guess.

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1 hour ago, Silphid said:

With regards to next AoS faction updates, we tend to get a range update per … 4? books.

Considering the numerous RE about seraphon, I would guess that Seraphon get the next range update. Since we just got S2D as a big update, hot on heels of Votann and IG which brought in a lot of new sprues (and thus factory time), I would venture the following guess (*tinfoil hat ON)

Q1 2023: Gitz, Blades of Khorne and KO each with minimal updates (slap a new hero and out the door you go; 40k getting World eaters major sprue allowance)

Q1.5: mandatory yearly DoK update :P

Q2: seraphon big update, FeC and SBG on the short stick

Q3: omens arc for 40k and 10th eathing all the production space here. BoC short stick (same cruel treatment as skaven). SGL shortstick

Q4 Isn’t it about time we get another Lumineth tome? Also, new Cities of sigmar big release. Talk about a new faction for 2024, my money being on “Coalition of Hashut” chorfs in Q2 2024.

Quite optimistic that Ark of Omens is only in Q3 and not stretch out from here to next summer lol

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8 hours ago, Arzalyn said:

I wouldn't look too much on when the tome was released last edition as a predictor on when it gonna be released on the next one. DoK and Lumineth release this year show that don't mean much. So far the white dwarf "tome celestial" release order seem to be a much better predictor for which battletome is comming. The factions that didn't get one all were released this year (with the exception of gitz, which didn't get one on 3rd but got a couple at the end of 2nd). I wouldn't be surprised if seraphon and soulblight get a tome at the first half of the next year, as cities will probably be delayed to release with the dawnbringer crusade. Until this sequencing is proven wrong by the next battletome releases, it is the most reliable one we have to try to predict something.

I would usually agree, but Soulblight was so close to the 3.0 release and so obviously written for it in some of the wording (like Riders of Ruin) that I suspect it will still be taking a while. Certainly open to being proven wrong, though.

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7 hours ago, RocketPropelledGrenade said:

I would usually agree, but Soulblight was so close to the 3.0 release and so obviously written for it in some of the wording (like Riders of Ruin) that I suspect it will still be taking a while. Certainly open to being proven wrong, though.

Whilst true, third edition is starting to get old so it's expect that's not as important as it was.

That said, if I were GW I would prioritise other factions first as SBG are in a decent place (fairly modern range with a battletome that still does okay) but then I also wouldn't have released DoK when GW did so who knows what's going on in their heads.

I've got to say the fact they're (at least) releasing a GSG warband makes me feel positive about the possibility of a GSG battletome in the not too distant future. I guess I did have myself for disappointment, as I was sure GW wouldn't put a troggoth on the new GHB if GSG weren't going to be one of the winter battletome releases and I was proven wrong there 😂

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2 hours ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

My guess for the preview is:

Gloomspite and slaves battlebox

Gloomspite underworlds warband and battletome preview 

I would be so dissapointed with a STD vs GG box as it would hint at a single model release for the army.

Which if true means that the only Faction in Destruction that got a proper update was Warclans.

Mawtribes got a single mini.

Sons of Behemat got an upgrade sprue.

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6 hours ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

My guess for the preview is:

Gloomspite and slaves battlebox

Gloomspite underworlds warband and battletome preview 

I would love to see them just go crazy with Gloomspite. Warband, battletome, new hero or models, and a battlebox!!! I think it would be a great way to kick off 2023!!

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Another interesting antidote is the holiday battleforce for this year.... 6 of the 7 have a 3.0 battletome... Using optimistic analysis and calculation it would make sense for them to at least drop the news of new GSG battletome to push the sale of the squig box.... not that the box needs help for hype!!! 

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