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1 hour ago, Overread said:

I've a feeling that Warcry and Slaves to Darkness will give Slaanesh players enough mortals to play with for a long while yet! 

Yeah but are those models that can be taken as Hedonites or are they allied models like chaos warriors and knights?

If not it’s like taking away skinks, saurus warriors and dactyls  from seraphon and saying well you have judicators, and Sequitors to play with.

whats weirder is they even mention mortal wizards in the previews. Which I guess points to taking StD as actual Slaanesh units...

But here is breakdown of actual mortal units exclusive to a Chaos God:

Khorne: 20

Nurgle: 13

Tzeentch: 8

Slaanesh: 3 (two of them squatted when the book comes out) so 1 Hellstriders (go figure that one...)

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2 minutes ago, King Taloren said:

Yeah but are those models that can be taken as Hedonites or are they allied models like chaos warriors and knights?

If not it’s like taking away skinks, saurus warriors and dactyls  from seraphon and saying well you have judicators, and Sequitors to play with.

whats weirder is they even mention mortal wizards in the previews. Which I guess points to taking StD as actual Slaanesh units...

But here is breakdown of actual mortal units exclusive to a Chaos God:

Khorne: 20

Nurgle: 13

Tzeentch: 8

Are we including Tzaangors?

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10 minutes ago, King Taloren said:

Slaanesh: 3 (two of them squatted when the book comes out) so 1 Hellstriders (go figure that one...)

This one hurts me a little, but if we are getting a separate mortals book down the line then I hope we'll get some sweet new named characters and some mortals that can really play with the precedent set by hellstriders and have debuff gimmicks or buff up the more pain is being dished out. I could see flagellant type bdsm freaks that buff up or gain attacks the more of them die in a unit or perfectionist armoured knight type units that get bonuses for fighting other elite units. I'd be real happy if we saw the return of Sigvald or at least mirror guard but the former seems pretty unlikely. Still mirror guard as a bodyguard unit for your lords seems neat. I'd love to see a mechanic where the lord can admire his reflection in the guards shields and not be able to attack but in return the guard can take wounds for him 

Edited by Lucky Snake Eyes
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the complaints about slaanesh mortals is hard to sympathis with when you have things like:
-Flesh-Eater Courts - 12 warscrolls-7 are heroes,4 kits - most of the heroes are made from the Ghouls or Horror boxes, which doing so leaves you with models you cant use
-Fyreslayers - 13 warscrolls-10 are heroes,7 kits- rediculously small model range but more heroes than you can fit in a list
-Skaven - at the very least should have had some of the metal/resin models redone in plastic
just to name a few. Fyreslayers needed some new units to break up the repetitive nature of building and painting them. Flesh Eaters could have done with some new stuff too although im not too sure what, maybe some small Dire Wolves type unit?
i understand the current plan seems to be update the old books to 2.0 as quickly as possible, whuch means not every army will get new models, but it seems those who need them the most are the ones who miss out

also, Slaanesh are looking like they wont be a fun army to play against, most of the rules previewed so far are all about turning off your oppenents rules. i got put off Flesh Eaters due to complaints about them being op and that sucked all the fun out of playing them for me,  its looking like i best avoid slaanesh for the same reason

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10 minutes ago, Lucky Snake Eyes said:

This one hurts me a little, but if we are getting a separate mortals book down the line then I hope we'll get some sweet new named characters and some mortals that can really play with the precedent set by hellstriders and have debuff gimmicks or buff up the more pain is being dished out. I could see flagellant type bdsm freaks that buff up or gain attacks the more of them die in a unit or perfectionist armoured knight type units that get bonuses for fighting other elite units. I'd be real happy if we saw the return of Sigvald or at least mirror guard but the former seems pretty unlikely. Still mirror guard as a bodyguard unit for your lords seems neat. I'd love to see a mechanic where the lord can admire his reflection in the guards shields and not be able to attack but in return the guard can take wounds for him 

A mortal Slaanesh book? Lol, for GW Slaanesh is done now for a couple of years. It's a huge missed opportunity that there are no mortal units. It even hurts more when compared with three other Chaos gods.

But the people thinking there will be a seperate Slaanesh mortal battletome are imo dreaming. We can only hope that the Warcry kits are like the Necromunda kits so all those warbands can be build as real units and not like the Underworld bands.

Slaanesh is done and now GW will continue with the other battletomes that need updates.

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Just now, Joseph Mackay said:

the complaints about slaanesh mortals is hard to sympathis with when you have things like:
-Flesh-Eater Courts - 12 warscrolls-7 are heroes,4 kits - most of the heroes are made from the Ghouls or Horror boxes, which doing so leaves you with models you cant use
-Fyreslayers - 13 warscrolls-10 are heroes,7 kits- rediculously small model range but more heroes than you can fit in a list
-Skaven - at the very least should have had some of the metal/resin models redone in plastic
just to name a few. Fyreslayers needed some new units to break up the repetitive nature of building and painting them. Flesh Eaters could have done with some new stuff too although im not too sure what, maybe some small Dire Wolves type unit?
i understand the current plan seems to be update the old books to 2.0 as quickly as possible, whuch means not every army will get new models, but it seems those who need them the most are the ones who miss out

also, Slaanesh are looking like they wont be a fun army to play against, most of the rules previewed so far are all about turning off your oppenents rules. i got put off Flesh Eaters due to complaints about them being op and that sucked all the fun out of playing them for me,  its looking like i best avoid slaanesh for the same reason

I can see your point with the model ranges but I'll also point out that most of your examples are newer armies, meanwhile slaanesh has been around for decades and still ain't got squat for mortals. And yeah the slaanesh rules are disgusting and that's coming from a slaanesh player. Seems to me like they are a surprisingly well themed yet nonetheless reactionary counter to the growing prevalence of FeC and other 'fights first' rules being abused in the meta. If it's any consolation shooting looks like it will be the bane of slaanesh since we're losing the crazy speed buffs godseekers used to have and our low armour saves will leave us defenseless to shooting armies, especially ones with rend like shootcast.

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2 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

Slaanesh is done and now GW will continue with the other battletomes that need updates.

I missed the livestream due too work so hopefully someone else in this thread can correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember people quoting them as having said "mortals are not in this book because we haven't figured out how we want to do slaanesh mortals yet" Obviously paraphrasing a secondhand source here so hopefully someone who saw the livestream can confirm the quote. Besides they probably won't do a full book if they do get around to it and do something like a supplement book akin to the shadowspear supplements for 40k  with just the new warscrolls and maybe command traits and artifacts specific to mortals. But if it does happen then it would definitely be much later down the line possibly as a foil to one of the major aelves releases for a dual box themed around a slaanesh jailbreak or something. Slaanesh being freed does sound like a good reason for a bunch of mortals to roll up on the aelves doorstep and for the aelves to get off their butts and start doing stuff in the lore so that all the bereaved high elf players can feed their addiction like the rest of us.

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2 minutes ago, Lucky Snake Eyes said:

I can see your point with the model ranges but I'll also point out that most of your examples are newer armies, meanwhile slaanesh has been around for decades and still ain't got squat for mortals. And yeah the slaanesh rules are disgusting and that's coming from a slaanesh player. Seems to me like they are a surprisingly well themed yet nonetheless reactionary counter to the growing prevalence of FeC and other 'fights first' rules being abused in the meta. If it's any consolation shooting looks like it will be the bane of slaanesh since we're losing the crazy speed buffs godseekers used to have and our low armour saves will leave us defenseless to shooting armies, especially ones with rend like shootcast.

shooting is a massive weakness of Fyreslayers and Flesh Eaters too, and Khorne and Ironjaws, and Daughters Of Khaine, really any combat focused army

as for weather slaanesh being older means they deserve models more than the newer ones? i know slaanesh players dont like this answer, but you can take Slaanesh marked Slaves To Darkness and Beast Of Chaos units which massively bump up your unit counts (although this also applys to the other chaos armies, you cant use that as a reason to pretend they dont exist). the differince is you can take those units without affecting your alleignce, whereas Flesh Eaters and Fyreslayers dont have that option

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Lorewise Slaanesh should probably be on par with Khorne or even exceed mortal converts to his side just for what he represents. Though I guess it could be argued that they are too busy with excessive pleasure of the flesh to go out and be a presence in war. Not enough tempted by excess of murder and violence so his demons still do the brunt of the work...

And the rules make for a good counter of ASF builds and armies. Like a control deck in Magic the Gathering, he’s got some really good things to work with and playdown the attrition on beat down armies that have poor sustain. 

Which also fits lorewise since even he other three gods are scared of him because he can feed of them if they go too much into their own powers excessively.

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Just now, Joseph Mackay said:

as for weather slaanesh being older means they deserve models more than the newer ones? i know slaanesh players dont like this answer, but you can take Slaanesh marked Slaves To Darkness and Beast Of Chaos units which massively bump up your unit counts (although this also applys to the other chaos armies, you cant use that as a reason to pretend they dont exist). the differince is you can take those units without affecting your alleignce, whereas Flesh Eaters and Fyreslayers dont have that option

It's a fair point, I do it all the time because their are so many shooting armies in my local area. But by that same logic the same goes for the other gods as well so the disparity for slaanesh in comparison to the other gods doesn't change. I would hope that if soulblight ever get's a full release that they'd incorporate flesh eaters and legions in some way since ghoul kings are technically vampires unless the new book retconned that. As for fyreslayers yeah they're in a bad spot for models but from my brief time playing against the new ones their rules seem to have gotten really solid at least.

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3 minutes ago, King Taloren said:

Lorewise Slaanesh should probably be on par with Khorne or even exceed mortal converts to his side just for what he represents. Though I guess it could be argued that they are too busy with excessive pleasure of the flesh to go out and be a presence in war. Not enough tempted by excess of murder and violence so his demons still do the brunt of the work...

And the rules make for a good counter of ASF builds and armies. Like a control deck in Magic the Gathering, he’s got some really good things to work with and playdown the attrition on beat down armies that have poor sustain. 

Which also fits lorewise since even he other three gods are scared of him because he can feed of them if they go too much into their own powers excessively.

I mean hey, it's not just getting high and laid that slaanesh is about. Pursuit of martial perfection, the desire to accrue a legend and tales about ones victories, the pursuit of pain through combat, the desire to defeat all opponents and overcome all champions. There are a lot of fluffy hooks as to why slaanesh worshipers would pursue war.

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21 minutes ago, Lucky Snake Eyes said:

I mean hey, it's not just getting high and laid that slaanesh is about. Pursuit of martial perfection, the desire to accrue a legend and tales about ones victories, the pursuit of pain through combat, the desire to defeat all opponents and overcome all champions. There are a lot of fluffy hooks as to why slaanesh worshipers would pursue war.

Yes I’m not saying that snu-snu is the only draw though I am curious how big it is in WoG from the developers. (As a fervent enough worshiper of Slaanesh in my tendency to excessively collect things...)

It would be nice to have had at least one or two units and a mortal hero or wizard that is actually the in the faction. Marked units kind of barely work, it’s just slightly better than allying in units. 

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16 minutes ago, GeneralZero said:

I hope that the up-coming StD/Evershosen/Darkoath battletome will synergize well with chaos gods so we can play a mix with those wonderful  major daemons or champions. We can play them today but the synergy is quite poor.

I'm beginning to think that battletome got canceled considering the absolute lack of new StD and bros rumors. I think there is going to be a new paradigm in which GW explores Chaos mortals which Warcry will be the cornerstone of. I'm curious to see how those warbands get worked into AoS and how it compares to how they do the shadespire warbands.

Side Note: I'm also hoping for a surprise Bonesplitterz battletome release before Seraphon so my rumor doesn't get completely disproven. 

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4 minutes ago, King Taloren said:

Yes I’m not saying that snu-snu is the only draw though I am curious how big it is in WoG from the developers. (As a fervent enough worshiper of Slaanesh in my tendency to excessively collect things...)

It would be nice to have had at least one or two units and a mortal hero or wizard that is actually the in the faction. Marked units kind of barely work, it’s just slightly better than allying in units. 

It would be pretty cool to see a duality of wizards, one who seeks pleasure through magic and is a healer with some healing bound spell and one who seeks pain through overcharging their magic and risks hurting themselves for better casting or something. See geedubs? Designing slaanesh isn't hard! Instead we get the generic sorcerer lord, but at least he somewhat helps with our poor armour save problem and his spell really helps daemonettes if their losing out on the reroll from the banner.

Edited by Lucky Snake Eyes
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Just now, King Taloren said:

Here’s an interesting idea. Mortal unit that rerolls all hit rolls but if they roll any 1s on the reroll they suffer-2 leadership as they freak out over failing to be perfect.

i want 20... albeit the immune to battleshock spells and warshrine prayer do mitigate that issue, unless the debuff also counts towards bravery tests for spells and abilities like nighthaunt.

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50 minutes ago, Lucky Snake Eyes said:

I missed the livestream due too work so hopefully someone else in this thread can correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember people quoting them as having said "mortals are not in this book because we haven't figured out how we want to do slaanesh mortals yet" Obviously paraphrasing a secondhand source here so hopefully someone who saw the livestream can confirm the quote. Besides they probably won't do a full book if they do get around to it and do something like a supplement book akin to the shadowspear supplements for 40k  with just the new warscrolls and maybe command traits and artifacts specific to mortals. But if it does happen then it would definitely be much later down the line possibly as a foil to one of the major aelves releases for a dual box themed around a slaanesh jailbreak or something. Slaanesh being freed does sound like a good reason for a bunch of mortals to roll up on the aelves doorstep and for the aelves to get off their butts and start doing stuff in the lore so that all the bereaved high elf players can feed their addiction like the rest of us.

If the design team is still brainstorming over what to do with Slaanesh mortals, than we can be certain that we will not see them next year.

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25 minutes ago, Forrix said:

I'm beginning to think that battletome got canceled considering the absolute lack of new StD and bros rumors. I think there is going to be a new paradigm in which GW explores Chaos mortals which Warcry will be the cornerstone of. I'm curious to see how those warbands get worked into AoS and how it compares to how they do the shadespire warbands.

Side Note: I'm also hoping for a surprise Bonesplitterz battletome release before Seraphon so my rumor doesn't get completely disproven. 

Yeah that’s my fear, that the Darkoath got canceled. Like I said we should know soon with all the previews. 

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14 minutes ago, Ghark said:

Got to say I do like the mirror. Movement control, and a chance to wreck enemy heroes with a mortal force multiplier for a 6+ cast isn’t too shabby. Especially when you can drop and move it 24” for a across table turn one mess up you opponent opening moves if they can’t dispell it.

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4 minutes ago, AaronWilson said:

As always it depends on the points cost but the mirror I see most potential in. The death wheels be really good at shredding some back field heroes on a lucky roll. 

Backfield heroes like Hag Queens will get absolutely wrecked with that spell.  They only have a 5+ save and you go with the unmodified characteristic. Even with a 5+ save after save they are probably dead or almost.

most aelves and Khorne priests are just dead getting hit with those wheels.

Edited by King Taloren
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