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What was Nagash's Betrayal?

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Is it known how Nagash and sigmar fell out? they used to be buddy buddy killing chaos n such and then Nagash betrayed sigmar and sigmar threw a fit and kicked him out of his cool kids club. I know that it occurred in the age of myth before stormcast where a thought but that's it, is there more info out there?

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The betrayal was sort of in both sides so to speak.

Nagash being the god of the dead believed that all dead were his to deal with. And he wasn’t too happy when he discovered Sigmar had been using souls of fallen heroes and righteous people to create his Stormcast.

When the Chaos Gods launched their new assault at he end of the Age of Myth, Sigmar was expecting Nagash to come back him up during one of the battles with his army of dead. But Nagash instead stayed home in Shyish and let his allies lose the battle and subsequently the war.

Sigmar basically went “fine be that way” and then booted him out of the pantheon. Creating Grand Alliance Death in the process.

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3 minutes ago, King Taloren said:

When the Chaos Gods launched their new assault at he end of the Age of Myth, Sigmar was expecting Nagash to come back him up during one of the battles with his army of dead. But Nagash instead stayed home in Shyish and let his allies lose the battle and subsequently the war.

It's also a little more complicated than just Nagash randomly refusing to come to Sigmar's aid. Chaos played him by sending the Skaven (again) to mess with him. Nagash's wounded pride and Sigmar's inflexibility did the rest.

Also, remember that King Taloren's facts are correct, but not in the right order. Nagash stayed home to defend Shyish so Sigmar lost at Allpoints. Nagash and Sigmar couldn't make up because they're both dicks. Then Sigmar starts stealing souls to create his Stormcast, which Nagash doesn't become aware of until the Storm of Sigmar. Although Nagash is initially willing to work with Sigmar to break the back of Chaos, that alliance is tentative compared to their old friendship, and it goes completely to ****** when Nagash is able to confirm that Sigmar is breaking their old agreement about souls. The Soul Wars are Nagash's retaliation.

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Sigmar didn't cast him out of the Pantheon. It's when the dead started attacking the Alliance at the Shyish Arcway did Sigmar found out that Nagash had turned against him.

No wonder he would just hunt Nagash himself in extreme wrath.

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2 hours ago, King Taloren said:

Man those Skaven seem to be Nagash’s biggest nemesis outside his own pride.

Yeah, it's always been something of a lore annoyance for me, sort of Scooby Doo ish.

The Skaven always just comically. "oopsie" thwart him. I love the Warhammer story, but hate this aspect of it.

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3 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

Yeah, it's always been something of a lore annoyance for me, sort of Scooby Doo ish.

The Skaven always just comically. "oopsie" thwart him. I love the Warhammer story, but hate this aspect of it.

And then Nagash will enslave some clans of Skaven, using them only to produce new soldiers, killing them and resurrecting, turning billions of skeleton clan warriors on his old Nemesis. Horned Rat is up for a bright future.

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Another thing of note in all this, is that Sigmar and Nagash have a long history, going all the way back to the World that Was.

One of Sigmar's last great accomplishments as a mortal was leading his armies against Nagash's undead legions and destroying him in 1v1 combat.  There's some hints in the various novels that Nagash had forgotten about the whole thing when he was first awoken by Sigmar but felt like he'd been deceived when his memories starting to come back.


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3 hours ago, SaJeel said:

Is it known how Nagash and sigmar fell out? they used to be buddy buddy killing chaos n such and then Nagash betrayed sigmar and sigmar threw a fit and kicked him out of his cool kids club. I know that it occurred in the age of myth before stormcast where a thought but that's it, is there more info out there?

All part of the great horned rats plan.😉

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23 minutes ago, SleeperAgent said:

Nagash did nothing wrong. It's all Sigmar's fault. He promised the dead to Nagash all the while knowing he was taking the best for his golden boys. 

That was after the gates of azyr were closed, but Nagash and sigmar had a falling out before that

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Where is the source of nagash saying he'd send and army a breaking that deal? I know he did that during the realmgate wars but I'm curious about before all that in the age of myth Nagashes first betrayal in the mortal realms

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12 minutes ago, SaJeel said:

Where is the source of nagash saying he'd send and army a breaking that deal? I know he did that during the realmgate wars but I'm curious about before all that in the age of myth Nagashes first betrayal in the mortal realms

in the latest core book, in the battle for all-points, the undead army actually turn against the army from heaven. I forget the exact page number, but that's a page before the battle of the burning sky.

Actually, GW's lore about nagash's betray, the battle for all-points and the battle of the burning sky is messy, different book have their own version narrating these events.

The most strange part of this mess is that in the core book, it first said that nagash turn against the army from heaven, sigmar get mad and charge into shyish for vengence, so archaon take the all-points without much difficulty. Then the next page says that the undead army still join the battle of the burning sky, although the great necromancer did not press his full strength....

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2 hours ago, SaJeel said:

Where is the source of nagash saying he'd send and army a breaking that deal? I know he did that during the realmgate wars but I'm curious about before all that in the age of myth Nagashes first betrayal in the mortal realms

The Novel ‘Lord of Undeath’. My personal favourite.



All about Stormcasts asking Nagash to join them at the All Points and Nagash playing hard to get, having Sigmars finest run his errands just to show them the bony middlefinger when it comes to it. Instead he spends, the time with the Stormcasts studying them and their weaknesess. 


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Okay so that isn't Nagash's initial betrayal, as his initial betrayal that got him kicked out was done pre stormcast back in the age of myth.

Sooo what book talks the Nexus Wars, cause that is when Nagash seemingly fully joins the side of chaos?

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18 hours ago, King Taloren said:

Sigmar basically went “fine be that way” and then booted him out of the pantheon. Creating Grand Alliance Death in the process.

If "fine by that" meant, storming through Shyish, abandoning the war in rage to hunt down Nagash, accidentally freeing the Carrion King hence unleashing the Flesh Eater Courts ... yeap :D


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