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AoS 2 - Hedonites of Slaanesh Discussion


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Dice! I've been hoping we'd get some of those for awhile now.

I'm happy that Blissbarbs will be battleline, I was pretty sure they would be by the background, but you can never be certain. Also the turn counters and feast of depravities token are interesting. I wonder if those turn based effects are specifically tied to Glutos, or are an Idoneth-style rule for the faction that he has some kind of special interaction with.

Super-psyched for this week.

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I absolutely love the archers. Drafting them as allies for my StD army as soon as time and money permits.

The Seeker riders with glaives are cool, too. And the wizard with horns is interesting...

Drat! I wish I had enough money, I'd buy the battletome just to read more about these guys...

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I only now realized that there are actually two variants of Exalted Steeds of Slaanesh.

The first one have spiny dorsal fins covering their back to tail.

The second one have purple mane covering their back and a blonde tail.

Example in art and models:




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2 minutes ago, Klamm said:

Is there any news on Hellstrider reboxing? I assumed GW would do it last Hedonites release, but they still came with squares. Also means you can't get them from most discount sites. 

It's difficult to say, especially with the new seekers coming out. However, considering they were basically the "stars" of the Slaanesh half of Shadow and Pain I'd be surprised if they don't bring them in with more modern packaging and bases. I don't think it's going to coincide with this release at the very least however, since they're still available on the webstore and I imagine they'd probably be temporarily unavailable if they were being reboxed.

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3 hours ago, Enoby said:

Likely prices:

Mymidesh £36.50

Seekers £43?

Archers £30

Slaangors £30

Heroes £17.50

Glutos £70 (same as Glottkin)

Sigvald £32 ish


Sigvald feels expensive, but he is bigger than a single hero and a non-repeat purchase so its "fair". 

Other prices seem reasonable/in line with GW's general pricing. The only one that really stings are Seekers at the £40s. I'd have thought £35 was a fair price in keeping with other previous cavalry, but GW pushed the prices up with Lumineth and seem convinced that they want to do that to the rest of the cavalry. A shame because its going to put a big dent in cavalry focused army themes. 

Still keen to see the rules on the models though. I really want to start seeing points and stats to get an idea of roles and model counts. Right now its tricky. 


Archers are likely a hoard unit.

Mymidesh are clearly counterparts to Chaos Warriors and Chaos Chosen so middleweight elite or could form a solid core of an army if you wanted

Slaangors seem like they'll be another elite monster heavy hitter, but like Chaos warriors might also work in larger numbers if the focus of the army - though they are unlikely to be battleline so they'll be limited by that 

Glutos is a one off and at £70 actually seems quite reasonable compared to some other recent big sculpts. 

Seekers are hard to work out. It's really impossible to tell right now if they are going to be a cheap swarmy cavalry or a more elite cavalry option. 

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2 minutes ago, Lucentia said:

I'm honestly a little surprised Hellstriders weren't cut for this new book, but I suppose another plastic kit to fill out the roster is worth more than retiring old/bad sculpts.

Hellstridres, seekers, deamonettes and chariots kits are all from the same generation and can all swap heads/arms/mounts with each other. With the exception that hellstridres can't swap heads/arms with deamonetts (their bodies are somewhat thicker so any swaps would require modification). 

I'd wager if GW were to update that block they'd do it in one big go. They aren't the best GW can make and I'm sure if they made them now they'd be far more dynamic with bigger seekers and chariots modelled so that they are flying over the ground with 1 spike connected to the base ;) etc... But they are still good quality models and stand up well.


Heck my only real problem with them is the style of hair - deamonette hair is a NIGHTMARE to clean mould lines off. It's all thin curves and whispy bits that defy a blade getting between them to clean. Honestly the legions of spikes on teh chariots are easy to clean up and prepare, lots of them but easy; but the darn hair!! 

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Just now, SorryLizard said:

I wonder how Slaangor will be differentiated from Fiends. If they're both fast moving hard hitters with limited defenses they could overlap a lot.

I think fiends may focus more on being a fast defensive/elite tarpit. The only downside to that is the role would overlap with whip hellstriders if their scrolls remain the same as the ones included in Shadow and Pain.

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Part of it depends how summoning ends up working within the army. GW could make it so that you'd rather buy a mortals army and then use it to generate points to summon demons. So Slanngors would be the heavy fast hitter that you buy with points; fiends the ones you summon in. 

Another aspect is that fiends have always been a debuff unit as well as a heavy hitter. GW might maximise on that aspect, making them hit hard, but also focus on perhaps being a powerful debuff model more so; thus making them an ideal companion to other units, whilst the Slanngors might be a solo unit better suited to holding their own. 


There's a lot of ways they could take it depending on what role they see things fitting into. 

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5 minutes ago, CeleFAZE said:

I think fiends may focus more on being a fast defensive/elite tarpit. The only downside to that is the role would overlap with whip hellstriders if their scrolls remain the same as the ones included in Shadow and Pain.

They'd need some meaningful changes to fill that role. But it would be cool to see.

4 wounds, 5+ save is not going to be an effective tarpit. Even with -1 to be hit (and -1 to wound if the unit is big). The cost becomes important too, if you're paying 200-odd points for those 12 wounds it's never going to meaningfully tie something up in that price range.

Though, they might do ok against monsters that often suffer a lot from -1 to hit debuffs and their stingers dealing d6 damage to big things works better there too.

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Just now, SorryLizard said:

They'd need some meaningful changes to fill that role. But it would be cool to see.

4 wounds, 5+ save is not going to be an effective tarpit. Even with -1 to be hit (and -1 to wound if the unit is big). The cost becomes important too, if you're paying 200-odd points for those 12 wounds it's never going to meaningfully tie something up in that price range.

Though, they might do ok against monsters that often suffer a lot from -1 to hit debuffs and their stingers dealing d6 damage to big things works better there too.

It's going to depend a lot on how depravity works in the new book. If fiends can generate it, and if they get a points decrease, they could reasonably work as a monster hunting unit to free up our keepers to go after prey that's less likely to take them down easily.

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2 minutes ago, SorryLizard said:

Says 11 new units (not just 11 new warscrolls, explicitly 11 units)


Demon Myrmidesh





Seeker Archers

Seeker Glaives

Mirror Wizard

What am I missing?

Lord of Pain.

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2 minutes ago, SorryLizard said:

Isn't that model already out in the shared box though? So not new?

Good question.

They say 11 units. I reread your listing. You listed them all, Lord of Pain was only new model not listed. Maybe they made a mistake in counting?

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1 hour ago, Overread said:

Seekers are hard to work out. It's really impossible to tell right now if they are going to be a cheap swarmy cavalry or a more elite cavalry option. 

One thing that may help in this regard, does anyone else see the Seekers as having a base bigger than the usal 35x60mm cavallary base? Its something I noticed in more than one picture (here is the latest one as a example). If the Archers are in 32mm bases and you compare than to the seekers base it looks a little bigger (maybe 40mm rather than 35mm). If that's the case, they could be a more elite cavallary unit, while the hellstrider/daemon seekers are the more "horde" one.



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