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So what are your guys thoughts on this list?:

Command entourage:545p


1Verminlord Warpseer:335p.                  spell: flaming weapons

1plague priest:85p.                                      Prayer: heal; artefacts: liber bubonicus

1Warlock bombardier:125p.                               Spell: more more warppower; artefact: amulet of destiny; Warordtrait: Overseer of destruction.


60Clanrats:390p                                                 spears and shields.

40clanrats:260p.                                       hand weapons and shields

40clanrats:260p.                                             hand weapons and shields


3x1 warpfire thrower weapon teams: 210p

3x1 Rattling gun weapon teams: 195p

1 Warpgrinder weapon team: 75p

6 giant rats: 40p

Total points:1975p

My thoughts: with man units decrease on size and increase in points, I went for a more hordy army.

(Although clanrats having gone up in points, quite a lot (considering that 200 of them for 1000points seems impossible  currently))


for damage dealing, I went with warpfire throwers and and ratting guns.

Rattlings may not be the greatest yet with overseer of destruction they should do a good amount of damage to any enemy.

Sadly stormfiends went up in points as well, which makes it diffcult for me to choose either a unit of 6 of them or a 140clanrats.

Witht the amulet of destiny, my warlord, should be able to survive a good mortal wound spanking from any slaan mage, or archers (i hope)

and with heal on the priest this will allow me to heal him back up, or just any of my heroes.

with liber bubonicus that priest will or should be able to pray twice per turn, unless of course, the new rule even overwrites artefact allowing something likewise (hoping for an faq at this point for clarification)

Well should he be able to pray twice pee turn, this will also allow him to put a 6 up ward save on my unit of 60 rats

Edited by Skreech Verminking
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Looks decent, but very glass-cannon. Are you going for an alpha strike with the engineer jumping through the gnawhole to get in range of the three ratlings? The MMMWP is kinda wasted since you don't have a target for it before shooting. With no skitterleap you don't really have a way to bring more points to the fight, and the weapon teams tend to just die, especially when hit by things such as Teclis's unique spell.

I am really unhappy with the point changes. The two armies I'm most interested in - Skaven and DoT mortals - got huge point increases to the units I like most, including Stormfiends (over 20%), and Kairic acolytes (25% up, when it was the Daemon side that was a problem). I love the Doomwheel too and I don't think the point increase was justifiable on a model that didn't really see any play...

Would going for 9 Stormfiends unit with two units of 10 acolytes make any sense? No hidden weapon teams shenanigans whatsoever though, as you can only hide them in a mixed army. Still, a highly buffed unit of 9 stormfiends with vigordust, MMMWP and a spark should put out insane damage. The army wouldn't have screening though and it's putting all eggs in one basket, as those 9 Stormfiends are pretty much half the army at 945 points.

Edited by shalvan
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37 minutes ago, shalvan said:

Looks decent, but very glass-cannon. Are you going for an alpha strike with the engineer jumping through the gnawhole to get in range of the three ratlings? The MMMWP is kinda wasted since you don't have a target for it before shooting. With no skitterleap you don't really have a way to bring more points to the fight, and the weapon teams tend to just die, especially when hit by things such as Teclis's unique spell.

I am really unhappy with the point changes. The two armies I'm most interested in - Skaven and DoT mortals - got huge point increases to the units I like most, including Stormfiends (over 20%), and Kairic acolytes (25% up, when it was the Daemon side that was a problem). I love the Doomwheel too and I don't think the point increase was justifiable on a model that didn't really see any play...

Would going for 9 Stormfiends unit with two units of 10 acolytes make any sense? No hidden weapon teams shenanigans whatsoever though, as you can only hide them in a mixed army. Still, a highly buffed unit of 9 stormfiends with vigordust, MMMWP and a spark should put out insane damage. The army wouldn't have screening though and it's putting all eggs in one basket, as those 9 Stormfiends are pretty much half the army at 945 points.

Yeah I’m not to happy of the points changes either.

especially  the unit size of stormvermins and plague monks, the kept at ten.

I really was hoping that those guys would up to twenty, with a cap of only being able to be reinforced ones.

as for my list, I’m not really interested in an alpha strike.

the idea with the warpgrinder is to basically put a huge unit of 60 or 40 clanrats with a warpflamer in it on an objective.

I have no use for dealing damage as fast as possible, this army was basically written to hold objectives, which would force my enemy to engage, in which case my flamers or rattling guns would be able to give rhe rest to them.

against lumineth, this strategy will work in particularly great.

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For those interested in the points increases i have calculated the %increase for each unit/size

The biggest losers are the clanrats (mainly due to the horde bonus being removed) the plague furnace and the stormfiends

Interesting that the warp-grinder and master moulder have gone down in price though

Name-Qty Cost New Points Inc %
Thanquol 390 405 4%
Screaming Bell 240 265 10%
Grey Seer 140 140 0%
Clawlord 100 105 5%
Master Moulder 100 95 -5%
Arch Warlock 160 175 9%
Warlock Engineer 110 125 14%
Bombadier 120 125 4%
Deathmaster 100 115 15%
Plague Priest 80 85 6%
Plague Furnace 200 245 23%
Lord Skreech Verminking 320 330 3%
Verminlord Warpseer 320 335 5%
Verminlord Deceiver 320 345 8%
Verminlord Corruptor 280 285 2%
Verminlord Warbringer 280 305 9%
Clanrats-20 120 130 8%
Clanrats-40 200 260 30%
Stormvermin-10 100 110 10%
Stormvermin-20 200 220 10%
Stormvermin-30 300 330 10%
Stormvermin-40 400 N/A  
Night Runners-10 80 85 6%
Night Runners-20 160 170 6%
Night Runners-30 240 255 6%
Night Runners-40 280 N/A  
Gutter Runners-5 60 65 8%
Gutter Runners-10 120 130 8%
Gutter Runners-15 180 195 8%
Gutter Runners-20 200 N/A  
Plague Monks-10 80 85 6%
Plague Monks-20 160 170 6%
Plague Monks-30 240 255 6%
Plague Monks-40 280 N/A  
Rat Ogres-2 90 95 6%
Rat Ogres-4 180 190 6%
Rat Ogres-6 270 285 6%
Jezzails-3 140 145 4%
Jezzails-6 280 290 4%
Jezzails-9 420 N/A  
Jezzails-12 560 N/A  
Stormfiends-3 260 315 21%
Stormfiends-6 520 630 21%
Warp Lightning Cannon 180 185 3%
Warpfire Thrower 70 70 0%
Warp Grinder 80 75 -6%
Giant Rats-10 60 N/A  
Giant Rats-20 120 N/A  
Giant Rats-30 180 N/A  
Giant Rats-40 200 N/A  
Giant Rats-6   40  
Giant Rats-12   80  
Giant Rats-18   120  
Packmasters-3 60 60 0%
Packmasters-6 120 120 0%
Hellpit Abomination 220 240 9%
Rat Swarm-2 60 60 0%
Rat Swarm-4 120 120 0%
Plague Claw 150 160 7%
Doomwheel 150 165 10%
Doom Flayer 60 60 0%
Plague Censer-5 60 65 8%
Plague Censer-10 120 130 8%
Plague Censer-15 180 195 8%
Plague Censer-20 240 N/A  
Ratling Gun 60 65 8%
Acolytes-5 60 65 8%
Acolytes-10 120 130 8%
Acolytes-15 180 195 8%
Acolytes-20 200 N/A  
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Hey guys! I'm a recent new entry in this amazing crazy rats world, restarting aos during this covid year and now I have a decent army. 

I'm really disappointed by this changes. I really liked playing skaven, they were a strategic army with a lot of complexity on board. Now I feel like we passed from lists where needed some strategic play style to an "only clanrats can be played", send them in the middle and die in cac since our battle line deals 0 damage every game... 

Do we want to talk about "you army has bravery 2 because every 10 models get +2, ohhh plague monks max bravery now is 4"...

Want to talk about "Skaven strenght is numbers" and now 100 rats seems impossible. Oh right 10 skinks only 75, really smart they are equal to clanrats but skink shoot too...

Well now that I've cryed enough let's see what could be our best army composition. I think clanrats is the only way we can deal damage in cac now, all other units for they points cost and restriction with unit size feel like trash. I think we just can't anymore afford to spend points on an unit like monks for have a cac hammer cause we need those points for something that shoot. 

Stormfiend with new rules are great but they points cost make them really hard to fit. Do you think jezzail are still better? I think no cause jezzail now are useless target for MMWP but on the other side they are great on shooting on enemy charge phase. 

With the points increase also I think pieces like ratling gun became much much worst cause probably can't afford too of models that dies alone. Like WLC i think right now is fine but are 185 points that t2 died alone and seems like a waste of points to me. 

I'm not sure about warpfire thrower, seems great to menace an opponent that wants to charge clanrats sitting on objective but with a lot less models on other sides i think depends on the meta. 

(I'm focusing only on our "best possible" composition for find a good list for start to learn the new edition) 




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6 minutes ago, Yes-yes warpstone said:

Do you think jezzail are still better? I think no cause jezzail now are useless target for MMWP but on the other side they are great on shooting on enemy charge phase. 

Having MMWP on jezzails is still viable.... it lasts until YOUR next hero phase, and so is still active in your opponents turn... especially useful if he gets the double turn. And they've only gone up by 5 pts.

7 minutes ago, Yes-yes warpstone said:

now 100 rats seems impossible

It's still possible to run 3x40 clanrats and now possible to run 2x60. Far from impossible

9 minutes ago, Yes-yes warpstone said:

can't anymore afford to spend points on an unit like monks for have a cac hammer

Don't forget our Rat Ogors have the new moulder mutations from Broken Realms, and with the reduction in cost of the master moulder they are still a viable option. A 4+ save with 6 wounds is great for 95 pts


This whole season seems aimed at monsters, which is something that Skaven do very well. With Thanquol, Verminlords and Hell Pits it's quite easy to run a 4 monster army

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9 minutes ago, Cosmicsheep said:

This whole season seems aimed at monsters, which is something that Skaven do very well. With Thanquol, Verminlords and Hell Pits it's quite easy to run a 4 monster army

our monsters got a lot this season, and thanquol maybe could be a competitive piece now. Same for warpseer. The main problem with thanquol is his bravery 7 now 😬

About that I think warpseer is a great piece right now, but he disappointed so much during games that until I tried it again I don't trust in it 😂

Anyway yes is possible to fit a lot of clanrats but you will not have enough points unfortunately for support them and add to your list some pieces that deal damage :(

I have to say guys, doesn't matter what the  GW want to do with new edition but clanrats I think should have been decrease by cost and not the opposite. 

My think about jezzail is that: they didn't got increase and personally I found in 2.9 they where our best unit, I usually played a unit of 12 and with our stuff one shot whatever I faced every turn. But with a unit of 6, the magic is good anyway like @Cosmicsheep said, but d3 MW to them in a unit of 6 in a lot i think, and there is also the point thay you can have only +1 modifier to save (so only 5+ save for 2 wound mow). For this reasons a think 6 stormfiend now are better than 6x2 jezzail. Maybe I'm making the mistake of considering jezzail only on 12 but a single unit of 6 I think is not worth, it has not the dmg to one shot 800 pts models. 

Any other ideas/opinions? 

(Like I sayed I'm trying to figure out our best and not what I prefer play at least for the moment) 

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46 minutes ago, Congratz said:

Atm i think it’s best to go full Skryre it seems... Mixed Clans does not seem worth it :( 


poor horde armies :/ dont really like the whole MSU thing... 


SoB does Sound tempting tho ;) 

Thinking of doing that. Lots of 5x unit acolytes as screen. Since you can have them 1" apart as well.
 Your whole army is a big cage of Unleash Hell potential. 9x stormfiends, or 2x6.

Doomwheels, cannons etc.

60x clanrats with a warp grinder stacked up with weapon teams also looks fun. But always loved Skryre.

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12 minutes ago, Darkhan said:

60x clanrats with a warp grinder stacked up with weapon teams also looks fun.

Ooooohhh... i'm just imagining popping up 60 clanrats,  26" across (to be wholly within 13" of the grinder), 9" away from the enemy and then popping out 6 warpfire throwers 3" infront. Carnage !!  :D

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3 minutes ago, Cosmicsheep said:

Ooooohhh... i'm just imagining popping up 60 clanrats,  26" across (to be wholly within 13" of the grinder), 9" away from the enemy and then popping out 6 warpfire throwers 3" infront. Carnage !!  :D

One guy posted this scenario I never thought of:
Fun fact, the warpfire thrower teams can pop up within 6.1" of an ironclad right. Now that you can shoot at the ironclad, you can choose to shoot all the guys inside since they ALL count as being in range. Sweet you just toasted an entire unit of 5-15 (135-405pts worth) thunderers with a 75pts unit. Then destroy the 490 Ironclad with (195pts worth) 3 Ratling Guns.

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8 minutes ago, Darkhan said:

One guy posted this scenario I never thought of:
Fun fact, the warpfire thrower teams can pop up within 6.1" of an ironclad right. Now that you can shoot at the ironclad, you can choose to shoot all the guys inside since they ALL count as being in range. Sweet you just toasted an entire unit of 5-15 (135-405pts worth) thunderers with a 75pts unit. Then destroy the 490 Ironclad with (195pts worth) 3 Ratling Guns.

Yep, that is exactly how it works, and with the new weapon teams rules, this’ll be a lot of fun

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I'll absolutely be hiding warpfires in my clanrats now and the thought of using unleash hell on a 4fire thanqoul is hilarious. 


Does anyone know the points on our endless spells I cant find a screenshot that iant clipped off.


Edit: found it. Bell 85, tide 80, WLV 90

Edited by The Red King
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Yeah, I also thought of this, since I have a KO player who runs Zilfin with an Ironclad filled with 20 thunderers and an aether-khemist with a Warp Lightning Vortex in a Bottle. The thing is that it's pretty hard to actually kill the Ironclad in one turn with its 3+ save and rerolls from spent aethergold. Now the triumphs are different, so perhaps it will be doable. Still, remember that each subsequent warpfire thrower will roll fewer dice, so deleting the 2-wound thunderers might not be possible. I'm not positive 3 ratlings can reliably (xD) take down an Ironclad. We're talking 6d6*2, or 42 attacks. All three will optimally reroll hits, but to wound stays the same, which means 3/4 hits, 1/2 wounds, which means 16 wounding hits at -1. Ironclad will surely get+1 to saves to stay at 3+, so we get 5 attacks in for 10 damage total. We need lots of luck on the rolls to kill the ship.

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On 6/18/2021 at 3:55 PM, shalvan said:

Yeah, I also thought of this, since I have a KO player who runs Zilfin with an Ironclad filled with 20 thunderers and an aether-khemist with a Warp Lightning Vortex in a Bottle. The thing is that it's pretty hard to actually kill the Ironclad in one turn with its 3+ save and rerolls from spent aethergold. Now the triumphs are different, so perhaps it will be doable. Still, remember that each subsequent warpfire thrower will roll fewer dice, so deleting the 2-wound thunderers might not be possible. I'm not positive 3 ratlings can reliably (xD) take down an Ironclad. We're talking 6d6*2, or 42 attacks. All three will optimally reroll hits, but to wound stays the same, which means 3/4 hits, 1/2 wounds, which means 16 wounding hits at -1. Ironclad will surely get+1 to saves to stay at 3+, so we get 5 attacks in for 10 damage total. We need lots of luck on the rolls to kill the ship.

A spark adds +1 dmg to all of them, getting them to 21 wounds on avarage vs 4+ save. 

Edit: I see you already accounted for +1 dmg in the end as well as the CA to get it to 2+ save, which is indeed 10.5 wounds on average. At least its enough to bracket it out of fly high.

Edited by umpac
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Attempt #2 at starting list - basically, this is just a sort of "use what I have" while evaluating what else I might need. Really missing the stormfiends in this list but *woof* at their new points:

Battalion #1 - Hunters of the Heartlands

40 Clanrats

40 Clanrats

10 Stormvermin

Battalion #2 - Grand Battery

Warlock Bombardier

Warp Lightning Cannon

Warp Lightning Cannon

Battalion #3 - Battle Regiment

Grey Seer on Screaming Bell

Warpfire Thrower

Warpfire Thrower

Everything Else

Verminlord Warpseer

Warp-Lightning Vortex

Chronomantic Cogs


Comes out to exactly 2000 points. Theory is:  Battalion #1 has all the screens in it, and in Hunters to avoid getting yelled at by Monsters - if there end up not being many reasons to avoid this, all of these can be thrown into Battalion #3 that reduces the army drops to 5 *shrug*. Battalion #2 gives an extra free Unleash Hell for when things come charging in. 

I'm not sure it has quite enough threats between the Verminlord, the two Cannons, mortal wounds from the spells (8 or so casts a turn if the Cogs come out), potentially the Bell, and hopefully some pop-out Warpfire. Will be interesting to try out, though!

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