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Everything posted by Trayanee

  1. If this is really a battletome + endless spells only release, then I will start praying every day for a similar one for high elves. Just a few rules in reward for running phoenix temple alongside order draconis, eldritch council and swifthawks in one army would be enough.
  2. Rules question time!:) Can Arkhan cast nighthaunt endless spells If he is allied and within 18" of a NH wizard and the list contains that spell? To generalize it a little...is there a difference between knowing the spell and casting it? Can Arkhan know the spell per his ability and not be able to cast it because of the NH spell warscroll?
  3. If you start building the list with grand convocation battalion and Stardrake then you can't go wrong I suppose.
  4. You are right. Aventis would have to be a general for that list to be legal.
  5. No as units != army and allegiance != allegiance abilities. You can still make an order army with just stormcast eternals units but you have to use order battlelines. This way you are an order allegiance(army) and can take order allegiance abilities. Just in case you choose SCE allegiance and take say Judicators as battleline then you have to also take the SCE allegiance abilities which is what was FAQed in this case.
  6. Not really impressive to have another unit of Tzaangor If for the same cost, your single unit can attack twice, has bonus to wound and you have two super mobile units of Skyfires and Enlightened, which are much easier to use than another huge slow blob.
  7. All? Like all you care for or all we get till the end of the year?
  8. If you cut Gavriel, then dont go Hammers in my opinion. The 30% chance to bring back your one sequitor blob isnt worth losing staunch and realm artifact for a mediocre trait and crappy artifact.
  9. Heraldor is there for the retreat and charge again during the next turn after your alpha.
  10. Is it possible to change font size for ability texts? I know someone, who would like to use this tool to help his poor eye score.
  11. Which endless spells have you considered for your LoA armies? I am considering using prismatic pallisade in a 3 deathshrieker list.
  12. I don't think it gives you more options. Imagine you only want a Lord Arcanum on Dracoline. If there wasn't Astreia available, you would have to buy a box of three EoDs, build your Lord of one of them and put the other two in your bit box, because unit size for EoDs is 3 (or 6 etc.). Its the same as Nurgle Lord of Afflictions but worse because you have 2/3 and not 1/2.
  13. Looking at the pictures in the new battletome, it seems obvious that Lord Arcanum on Dracoline is an optional variant for Evocators on CD. I don't like this approach because you end up with 2 unusable Dracolines and cant help it by purchasing another kit. Fortunately, we have Astreia Solbright available and I doubt anyone is going to object against using her as a generic variant. What do you think?
  14. I am starting to like the look of Nighthaunt, but don't know anything about them really. Can someone please please answer a few questions? 1) How many units of starter box are actually useful in semi-competitive lists? Are they in decent configurations or are the full kits going to be strictly better? 2) What about the old stuff? Are models from start collecting/tormented spirits good in new battletome? Is Keldrek usable? 3) Are Myrmourn banshees a good complement to starter units?
  15. I have been thinking about such a list too, but I am worried about spending that many points on Dracolines, who without the charge don't look worth their cost especially against hard hitting fulminators. The celestial lightning arc has a lot worse power for point ratio on them than on their not mounted brethren and I feel like with just rend -1 and/or no rend at all they won't be able to take down well-armored targets on their alpha strike. Do you think its possible to complement them well to make a semi-competitive list? It seems like Gavriel, LAoDL, two units of Dracolines and a full unit of Sequitors to be empowered are a given especially with hammers CA available. That's already 1360 points and 5 units to be put into Scions. I was thinking about Judicators to fill the remaining battlelines but that leaves me with just 320 points for support heroes and some objective takers. That's probably a Heraldor and?
  16. All new units in your lists? Yes, you cant nerf just released stuff but everything old got nerfed or at least surpassed by strictly better new units. It is really disappointing.
  17. Is anyone still going to use paladins? Which do you think are viable? Evocators and their MW output makes Retributors obsolete to me especially with the spell and unbind being a bonus for Evocators. Protectors are still not bad for fighting monsters, provide cover and are easier to take in larger units so they could be ok in their niche, but I quite like the Decimators if they were really changed to count every model of every unit around them to determine the attack count.
  18. Yes, I am stupid. I have known this for ages but somehow forgot about it and got excited. That's probably because I am looking for an excuse to still field them in 2.0 and not build and paint new Sequitors.
  19. Thanks. It would be just a small buff, but it adds at least some offensive power if you go max grand, few shields, rest paired.
  20. Did the Liberators change or not? I have read something about better paired weapons bonus, but some youtube tome review just said no changes for them.
  21. Draz is awesome now and I hope he will manage to cast fireball and flames on one target in one turn in some of my games. Between that and Magma Cannons we can borrow a quote from a different universe here: "By fire be purged!"
  22. I think the changes are nice. The rend 2 on Renders and mortar nerf are sad, but we got a lot in compensation and of course going from "do we exist in 2.0" to having allegiance abilities and a wonderful spell is exciting.
  23. Interesting things: Battle traits, command traits, fireball, Draz has command ability, Fireborn summoning was removed, Ironsworn went down, Renders lost -2 rend, Centaur got battalion, Magma cannon bonus against hordes changed to add 1 to roll
  24. Oooh yesss! https://www.forgeworld.co.uk/resources/fw_site/fw_pdfs/aos_warscrolls/warhammer-aos-legion-of-azgorh.pdf
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