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Everything posted by Holy_Diver

  1. Simply cap abilities with the same effect. Period. And give more rend -2 to unit that deserve that: Hellblades blast trough power armor in 40k, so yeah bring background back in strenght and let Khorne rise (example).
  2. My take, as I said, is that they will rework Sub Allegiances (maybe also new core battallions and secondary missions dedicated). And I hope in a power up.
  3. I agree on most of your thoughts, but not on the chaos warrios. Thay are very tough in a blob of 20, they are a bit overcost, but you can buff them very badly in defence of a objective.
  4. Yeah, that's can easly be the other face of the coin. But before the leaks of the new rules, I wanna read some of your (mean anybody of course) wishes about Slaves 3.0. Mine: - KoTET untouched. They are so, so good now. If I can exagerate I'll say: choose a Circle for the General. - Everchosen must say that you can deploy every CHAOS MORTAL unit from other tomes and give them SLAVE TO DARKNESS keyword. - Despoilers maybe a new Command ability: at the end of the movement phase, players can't set up new units whitin 12" from this model. Until your next movement phase. - Ravagers are nice, but if I can choose something new, I'll say: the ability to activate "Rally" in close combat and "run and charge" for Marauders. - Idolators can grant the Warshrine Hero, so can be your general. - Cabalists are the only ones imho that need an heavy rework. Cabalist must have flat bonuses for cast/dispel (other than the ritual), new command traits and artifacts, plus wizards can cast 2 Endless at round.
  5. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/08/31/white-dwarf-468-is-all-about-wolves-warriors-and-kill-team-hunter-clades/ Well, let's hope in a first class treatment here.
  6. +3 shots and +1 save is irrelevant? Dude, I don't know your local meta, but here, as I writen, must armies struggle capture my objectives. And now they are even more tanky! (our allegiance do not have abundance of CP, so 2/3 at turn; so the bravery trick is also nuts). If you put Be'lakor to be the general of your army you miss one of the most powerful trait of the game right now: of course I'm talking about of Ruinous Aura. As I said before in this topic, the phylosophy of "Lifeswarm + Rally + Be'lakor general" is one of the ways of listing, but for me is cumbersome. You must cast and maintain the lifeswarm, you must roll 3+ and D3 and you don't wanna be charged. And don't forget you must own a lot of horrors. A LOT. My way is: Kairos+Khorne DP+ Be'lakor and "zone out" the enemy. I go All in on the best charactersistic the Legion have (zoning), not even SoB can do much if the player isn't skilled enough (true story).
  7. Are you kiddin me??! Same cost, but: -+1 save! - unbreakable until 35 wounds!! - don't trigger "slain models abilities" until 31wounds - Iridescent shots +3 hits - +1 to hit in melee And that's it. They lost something, but nothing useful in particular. and I can assure you that every player I met, who wanted to steal my objectives, had to put in a lot of effort (SOB, Sylvaneth, OBR, Vyrkos, ecc). Imagine now.
  8. There are sites to see some lists of the latest tournaments? Aosshorts seems in vacation.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9Dg-g7t2l4 ...Nuff said.
  10. If they maintain the ability to shoot in the hero phase, there's no All out Defence that stands, man. Bonesplitterz in a edition full of monster can be a menace, if GW dropes the right rules. The only models needed here are the heroes, the rest is in a "multikit plastic dynamic pose standard", so why bother?
  11. Hey! Somebody gives a big poke to Mr. Aosshorts! Where are the results of the Orlando tournament??
  12. Mh it's a different kind of list. I prefer have the 5+ ward because makes be'lakor near unkillable and protectecs your other heroes. In my list pink horrors are the other wounds of Be'lakor (the other battlines are 2x5 flesh hounds).
  13. I see. Why not to make the DP general for Ruinous Aura? That trait is too strong to leave it at home. Another thing I'm not aure about is: lower drops or not care.
  14. I think also the Changeling is very interesting to play in this allegiance. This is what he can do for 170 points: - deep strike in enemy zone (out of 3"!) at the end of your first move phase, after he can summon 5 horrors near him. - within 9", target unit get: -1 to hit (ranged and melee) and halves movement, until your next hero phase. - he casts/dispell 2 spells and knows all the spells of enemy wizards within 9". - you can cast Metamorphosis on him, the turn after he arrives, to: count 5 models on a objective, destroy enemy scenery or shot 5 wounds support heroes. - you can do easly "Savege Spearhead" battle tactic with him and another unit.
  15. Hi dudez! This week I'll try this Knights of The Empty Throne list for a future 2 day tournament: REGGIMENT: 6x Varanguard (General; mark of Nurgle, Unescapable Doom, Grasping Plates) 1x Sorcerer 1x Lord 30x Marauders (Mark of Slaanesh) 20x Warriors (Mark of Tzeentch) 5x Knights (Mark of Nurgle) 1x Warshrine 1x Harbinger of Decay (allied) It's early to know the exact point where the meta stands, but obvisously I must train against Archaon, SoB, DoK, Idoneth, Fyre and Ogors.
  16. In aos 1 (free pdf times) I picked Khorne because I like "aggressive playstyle" and... well, looking back to what that faction as been in the years, that was a wrong interpretation. Life is good, but ****** happens! 😅 Jokes apart, the Ghur battlepack is very cool (in first place the removing objective, that can revert a game upside down) but after a series of games, I think 3.0 is very time dependant. What that mean? It means some armys have desperate need of rebalance to only start to give you a fun matchup, and that doesn't mean competing. For competing tomes like Beasts of Chaos need rules steroids.
  17. Damn, you're right 🧐 (despite skaven for "rat riders" in their bg and kharadron for ballons dudes - maybe a strange sort of cavalry-) Anyway I hope in one more units, becuase of the overload of heroes presented.
  18. Of course it was a joke, this hobby isn't indispensable. BUT!...this army is so actractive to not buy all units 😅. Yeah, there's no rumors about mini "normal gnashtoof", but if we wanna reflect on that: out of Gargants, there is an army without cavalry?
  19. How about a gnashtoof cavalry? My pour wallet... 😢
  20. Everything that's not "deleted" or "changed by Errata" is still in charge. It's not a point of view of the rules, tournament or happy hour games. Anyway, to do one's who are playtesting: how we deal with Megagargants? (my first input is Khorne Daemon Prince)
  21. Mh so this stands in a "gray zone". Mount traits aren't treated at all in the rulebook...will be a problem if they don't solve this question.
  22. Hi! In my Ogor Mawtribes army, I choose the Boulderhead Sub Faction: this faction allows me to choose a mount trait for each STONEHORN and THUNDERTUSK HERO, instead of only one. After that I wanna include a Warlord Core Battallion, that grants me another enchantment. Now: can I choose the mount trait "Metal Cruncher" twice on my Frostlord on Stonehorn?
  23. Some points to take into account, boys: 1) 5x Flesh Hounds are a very good battleline choice: cheap, fast, can dispel, can screen, no bravey or coherency problems. 2) Khorne Daemon Prince can be a real pain in the ass, if opponent can deep strike us. Force to fail 4 charges is strong (true story), in a edition that allows you to repeat only one of them (out of special abilities). 3) Reapers of Vengeance have a big "damage output problem": I tested this faction quite a bit (against Lumineth and Kragnos) and, without Archaon, I realized that only the Insensate Rage will benefit from the combo (move+run+double pile in from 6"), because the Unfettered will activate his warscroll command pretty always. And we all know Bloodthirsters aren't tanky at all. 4) Wise choice, because is our way to go (and this time that's not an opinion), cause we can accomplish the strategy with the starting units AND summonings. You can summon, you can retreat from combat and take position and you can smash with monsters the enemy's faction scenery (to avoid less control).
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