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Lord Krungharr

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Everything posted by Lord Krungharr

  1. Yeah I was thinking that's 60 points less than a Treelord, but the chariot is faster, plus the MW is handy and they give a hit debuff if they have charged I think. Nice to know Hammers gives them a ward save! Didn't realize that part. What about the Stormkeep mode of Stormcast? Is that something low model count armies might like? Or does the deepstriking outweigh the objective dominating? The Dracoths and Dragons are fast, so I'm not sure the deepstriking helps all that much actually.
  2. I'm gathering bits to make my converted dwarfy and animalistic Stormcast built. Wondering if I should be looking to make a couple Stormstrike Chariots? I like the looks of that warscroll actually, a nice fast and durable shock unit. And given how crappy the Mindstealer Sphiranx is in StD now, I'm thinking a couple giant cat-pulled chariots would fit right into my army; and they're not really that Chaosy looking. Anyone use those at all? I'd probably go with axe and spear, as the bow doesn't seem great at all. Don't have the tome yet....would chariots benefit from any certain Stormhost perhaps, or any certain hero to maybe get their charge rolls augmented for more MW action? I've got a Lord-Arcanum on Gryphcharger, Knight Draconis, pair of Stormdrakes, 4 Dracoths probably to be Tempestors, and another 4 Dracoths (the heaviest conversions) to be Fulminators or Concussors since they'll be big werewolf looking guys. Dracoths are battleline in the Hammers of Sigmar, but I'd get some alternate battleliners if the Chariots get buffed somehow with alternate Stormhost(s).
  3. Do you have the models for that?! Looking at some new stuff from the GHB. The Nightflyer Cloak and Tunnel Master thing will let anyone who can use a Warpspark deepstrike next to the Acolytes in the movement phase I think (don't have the GHB but glanced at the new enhancments/relics). So I'm thinking one could run multiple Acolytes up, perhaps using a Vanguard Battalion to get a free 6" run, then Warpspark them plus maybe the couple Doomwheels who really want to move up a bunch (more than 1" away from our own stuff though, learned that the hard way!), then add damage to those on the move. Really only need the 1 Engineer next to both Lightning Cannons, who pretty much are gonna explode themselves after turn 2 anways usually. That's my cunning-devious plan-scheme for the next episode of Suburban Acolytes. Also, multiple models should be able to use a Warpspark in every phase. Everyone should indulge in magical substances together.
  4. Oh heck yeah it was! And not giving a hoot about battleshock either. That's why I'm inclined to switch my list back to 5 rat units of Acolytes instead of 10s. What if the Doomwheels lose behemoth, we're Elite, AND could use warpsparks themselves.
  5. I had my first Adepticon practice league game today. 2k Skryre (2 Arch warlocks, 2 engineers, 4x10 Acolytes, 3 Ratling Guns, 2 Doomwheels and 2 Lightning Cannons, vermintide.). Vs Beasts of Chaos (2 shaman and that Grashrak one from underworlds, beastlord general w Arcane Tome and flaming weapon and master of magic, doombull, 3 big axe bullgors, 30 Gor unit, 20&10 ungor raiders, 2*10 bestigors). Nidus Path mission I got priority and kept it through the game. Turn 1 was glorious. Killed the 30 gors turn 1 to achieve Gaining Momentum though, both lightning cannons juiced up and rolled 1 for their power level on both.....the second cannon having to do so to finish off the single remaining Gor for the most over-cooked model ever! Both cannons survived just barely. But I was too aggressive on my left flank and should have held back letting him come to me to get more Acolytes in range at once. Once combat ensued he absorbed my couple unleash ****** w feeble Ungors. But it was a great fun learning game. I made a cheat sheet to remember the vast amount of effects for Skryre, and I don't think I missed anything. Probably should move up the Arch Warlocks with the units leaving the engineers behind with the lightning. And never ever ever try the juiced up version of Warp Lightning or Storm unless they're about to die anyways! I killed my general when it was unbound. Far too risky. Wondering if I should trade out 2 Ratling Guns for 10 more Acolytes next time, and also go full MSU w all 5 rat units instead of 4*10. The screening waves seem important. Sure Ratling Guns get tons of shots, before they die, but hit and wound worse and rend worse. 18 shots on one gun and I think only did 6 damage on a Ghorgon w it. Though that one actually survived rolling a 6,4,3,2! Wondering if 5 Acolytes woulda done better w the Warp Spark Damage. Range is actually similar too after a decent running too. I ordered a verminlord and 15 Gutter Runners now. Adding some stealthy poison power for future optional builds. Always liked those ninja rats too. Look what that beast is roasting in the Herdstone fire!!!
  6. I would just like Doomwheels to NOT be Behemoths. What's up with that anyways?
  7. If anyone out there has these, or is aware of who I sold them to, I'd love to buy back my magma cannons and Iron Daemon! Here's a picture which I luckily found in the old Azgorh forum.
  8. Age of Sigmar: Legion of Azgorh | Facebook Wasn't sure if Chaos Dwarfs Online was approving my membership so I went ahead and made a Legion of Azgorh Group. Me thinks I'll be taking them (either as Cities or Slaves to Darkness) to Adepticon for the 1000 point event. Probably Cities so I can use my Ironsworn and Fireglaives as Ironbreakers/Irondrakes, plus Daemonsmiths as Runelords are good. Probably Hammerhall too, as the Bull-Centaurs and Lammasu as Demi-gryph Knights/Griffin General are also an excellent fit. Someday this year I hope to get the Legends local games going. Then Azgorh proper can reign supreme!
  9. I'm bitter about that....I made a Skryre MegaGargant, not realizing a couple years ago that I couldn't even use it with my army, lest the battleline options not work. So I ended up selling it. And now of course....oh well. I could make another, I have 2 Plague Furnace kits.
  10. As awesome as a Clan Skryre Verminlord would be spewing Warpfire or Warpbolts all over the place, I consider Thanquol to be a close enough proxy. But it could be amazing if they just constructed a mech-version of a Verminlord.
  11. These are excellent points. Didn't consider the potential unfunness of clobbering someone super easily. I think I've been the clobberer once or twice with my old Sons of Behemat. However, I'd face Durthu with magma cannons! Dreadquake Mortar isn't all that awesome however
  12. The Krondspine is certainly a strong addition to most armies, but I think it's a bit wasted on armies without wizards. The Runes will work on the Magmadroth units so I'd probably stick with them. Though not having used either one, I could certainly be mistaken. Guess I'm a bit opposed to the Krondspine out of principle. The mechanic for killing it is too dum and out of sync from normalcy, and unnecessarily so...seems like something the Fyreslayers would hate and want to destroy.
  13. Oh yeah, I used to have the Spined Beast, that thing was cool! The ginormous Spawn was also cool, but never could find a well-priced one. Wish there was a Chaos faction that had 1) gigantic spawn 2) multiple various abilities to more regularly convert friends and foes into spawn 3) ways to make Spawn battleline and augment their performance. Thankfully the Mutalith and Spawn are still in the StD tome, so at least I have something like that. Guess the giant Spawn and Spined Beast could be Mutalith proxies, though they're not tentacly.
  14. For all who may wish to showcase models, related projects, what you're using your Azgorh forces for these days, please feel free to join up on the Facebook Group for Legion of Azgorh: Age of Sigmar: Legion of Azgorh | Facebook I just created it a couple days ago...apparently there was no such thing anywhere! I'll be posting my unit progress as they go.
  15. Ooh a Mammoth! Wish I had one of those...and that it was hollow so I could transport the rest of the army inside. I think the keywords in most of the Legends scrolls would prohibit too much abuse, if any were even possible. But happy to hear a TO is doing things right!
  16. Maybe if I can gather some local enthusiasts we can slap together a big enough crowd for a Legends tournament. Would be awesome to have all the old Fantasy terrain too but WOW those kits are expensive now!
  17. Thinking some bio-warfare to accompany the mad zap-tech of Clan Skryre might be fun. What does anyone think of this? Should I be switching out a few Acolytes for CenserBearers at all? Not sure I like the Plague Furnace as it needs so many rats around it to even move it. Hoping the next 'season' will let all the feeble foot heroes survive longer to do their thing... Arch-Warlock (general, deranged inventor, vial of the fulminator) 2 Warlock Engineers 3 Plague Priests (which I think will let those Great Plagues go off much more easily if they can get into range). 3x5 Acolytes 4x10 Acolytes 2 Doomwheels 1 Lightning Cannon
  18. Guess what I'll do is write some various lists from tomes that I could use my Legion of Azgorh as, and bring them with every time. If people don't want to play Azgorh, they get to play the City of Azgorh, or Slaves to Azgorh. Which means I'll have to make room for my Tree-Revenants, Treelord, and 3 Mutaliths in the travel case 😛
  19. Ooh yeah, that's a good magical force to start with, but I agree, just wait a month or two and you'll have the answers with the new tome. If you can find the endless spells though, definitely get those!
  20. I've probed fellow gamers about playing with Legends armies and units (I'm an Azgorh player), and while many are happy with it, many others are quite disdainful of it...that is, they don't want to play against them. All tournaments I've asked about it say no. Why is this? I mean, they're just different armies, and while underpowered, some of those Legends warscrolls are not push-overs by any means, and they can use generic GHB traits and enhancements and CAs, besides whatever else they have on the warscrolls. Some Legends armies owners are old Fantasy players, so I get a sense of a little bitterness from those folks. But the new young players are like 'Ewwww'. I for one would love to see Tomb Kings across the table even when I'm using my Troggoths or Clan Skryre! And Azgorh isn't even that old, still having their own CTs and Artefacts.....they had a good army trait when FW still had them available, the Blackshard Armor was great, ignoring the 1st wound taken by each unit per phase, plus the flying enemies taking magma to the face if they fly over 6". Then GW got rid of those when they went to Legends. BUT THAT'S OKAY, we just want to use our cool old-ahzz models! Any other ppl busting out the Legends here and there? Why wait for the Old World? Also Greasus Goldtooth has an AMAZING warscroll! (sorry can't post pictures for some reason) Eat this Belakor.....ENG_HEROES_OCTOBER.pdf (warhammer-community.com) Go to the first warscroll
  21. Yeah, with those changes I could fit all 60 of my Acolytes instead of just 55
  22. Skragrott should be able to plant mushrooms into enemy heads and make them do things. I hope that's a thing we get! And also control the moon phases too, but not having to be the general to do it (as I recall that's a stipulation currently).
  23. Definitely eagerly awaiting the new book. Hoping the allied Kruleboyz troggoth units will still be viable/permitted....but also wondering if allied Wurrgog Prophets might be good to take too for extra needed MW output. Just read a report about Lumineth stoneguards who ignore rend-2 or something. That's a bit scary! Need a potent staring contest to deal with that noise. Plus extra wizardry doesn't hurt.
  24. I fought against Karazai with my Fyreslayers once. Karazai charged in and killed 10 Vulkite Bezerkers w ease, but then I answered in my turn by charging with a Runefather and HGBs w Broadaxes, and they killed him. The one-two punch from the hero w retinue immediately striking afterwards is potent...and we'll be seeing a bunch more of that in the upcoming 'season'. Here's my new Stormcast list (no tome yet, and still need Dracoths) because conversions are more fun when they're bigger and less of them: Hammers of Sigmar Lord-Arcanum on Gryph Charger Knight-Draconis (general) pair of Stormdrakes (battleline #1) 4 Fulminators ( battleline #2) (I have 2 giant werewolf looking ones so far) 4 Tempestors (battleline #3) allied Treelord (for stompy strike-last and no pile-in effects) Probably not super good but I think it would do alright in some matchups. And I could switch out old Oaky for a Lord Imperitant or something when I find some more heroes cheap.
  25. The new upcoming GHB will help Azgorh a bit; I'm very eager to give them a whirl again! Having nearly all of our heroes unable to be shot at with missile weapons while next to battleline units is great (including Tauruks). I encourage anyone still holding Azgorh or Chaos Dwarves to bring them out once in a while if your gaming pals are cool with it, which I think most folks I've played with would be. It's not like we're overpowered 🙄 Or if you have people with old Legends armies, play a Legends match with just the generic stuff from the GHB, and whatever is in your Legends PDF! I am for sure asking Adepticon to permit Legends armies in the championships or at least find some tables for a Legends event. No good reason to not include them in tournaments frankly, as they're not competitive really, just fun to use the old stuff.
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