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Everything posted by TheArborealWalrus

  1. Haven't played Khorne for a while (played 5 years straight before taking a break), but I've been getting inspired to take them back up because of the new total war game. My ideas for new/different army abilities: 1: A 6+ save to ignore spell effects as an innate ability or perhaps a short ranged unbind. Khorne hates sorcery, if some free guild boys can will magic away, Khorne should to. Maybe make the daemons do it on a better roll and keep flesh hounds doing a normal unbind on top of that. 2: A 6s to hit doing an additonal attack feels very Khornate, but Slaanesh already has taken that. So, a prayer or ability to increase damage (which I feel ironjaws also stole from our metaphorical toolbox) or +1 to wound rolls might be sufficiently different. 3: Stat increases. The warriors of the god of war should be the deadliest foes to face in melee. Touching an operational khorne star should be a death sentence. Nothing in the army should hit on 4s except maybe that shooting bone tentacle from khorgoraths. Make most of the daemons hit on 2s and the big clunky attacks hit on 3s. We're pretty slow already (not nurgle slow though), make us hit like a freight car. Give bloodletters more attacks! Poor buggers are pretty much the worst infantry available. (at least according to my tests) Hardly fitting for Khone's chosen. 4: Obviously make it so you don't lose all excess blood tithe points and, since we're wish listing, don't cap us at 8. All the blood tithe! 5: 32mm bases hurt nowadays, make the reavers, bloodletters, and blood warriors be able to fight more effectively. Not sure how beyond an increase to range. 6: Maybe some very powerful buff that makes the unit have to move forwards as far as it can and charge the closest enemy unit. Maybe just something to buff our speed generally. 7: Exalted daemon units to compete with the mortal infantry better. Khorgorath kit. Maybe a second version from it too. Plastic bloodletter hero, and lord on juggernaught. Since we're wish listing, I'd like a more dynamic blood warriors kit too. I know they're relatively new, they just feel more akin to the old chaos warrior models. Slowly marching. None of this will happen, but I can dream 8: Make Khorne's shields do something. A 4+ spell ignore? A 6++? Not sure what, but I'd like them to matter again. Maybe make blood warriors able to have them with an upgrade sprue. (Had to add one to honor Khorne XD). Hope you all are having a lovely week.
  2. I have made a probably terrible list with giants. (I recently got some to be ironblasters, but got distracted by warhammer 3 and decided to turn 1 into a reference to the inspiration for the ogre giants. Lots of chains and attitude. Not sure on the helmet or not yet.) Having faced thundertusks when they were broken and now, the modern kin need help. The old ones were oppressively unfun to play against though. Need a medium between the two. Schauer's suggestion isn't a bad one. Gluttons and mournfang need a buff, and I'd like to see some more utility for the faction as a whole, but the gutbusters feel like they need more help. Making everything 2" + would help a lot. Leadbelchers need a tweak I feel. I get that they're firing scrap, but making it longer range and d3 damage would feel better. They're shooting cannons after all. Something closer to a more aggressive kurnoth bows sounds right. (It won't happen, but I'd like a faction that incentivized you to use old school allies, or maybe even gnoblars.) Anyways, the list that will likely get stomped once I have fulfilled my debt to Khorne next weekend. Xp The idea of the list is to use the gorgers + mournfang to screen out for the monster horde. If by some miricale you get to be the alpha striker, you use your beast pack move to keep the giants up with the rest and hopefully your tyrant can hand out buffs if there's a scary monster. Is this a meme list and in no way is going to stand a chance against my tournament scene area? Yes, but I will die with honor. XD Sadly, I have suffered nothing but defeats since my tournament win. Simply don't stand a chance against all the alpha strike heavy cavalry lists. My gun ogres still have good odds against the old monster list meta, but those have gone the way of the dinosaurs. Without the +1 to hit, it just doesn't have the gas. Especially with how I've been rolling lately. Xp (A 10% success rate with 3+ 3+ melee and 3+ 2+ shooting. It hurts my soul.) Hope you all have a lovely week. Cheers!
  3. I uploaded my successes, so I thought I should talk about my list's losses. Maybe it'll help some of you. My list: 1920pts - Underguts tribe, command battalion, hunters battalion, artillery battalion First loss VS Ironjaws It was corner box deployments with 3 objectives in the center. I used the mawpot to minimize frontage he could hit me on. Unfortunately, I didn't read the warscroll to see that it was impassable. It would have drastically changed the game. (only getting hit by 5 instead of 10 goregruntas and no mawcrushas able to hit me after the gnoblars got obliterated.) In his defense, my opponent is the best player in our state. He's played ironjaws from the very beginning, so no bandwagon for him. Tis they who jumped on his wagon. XD Basically, he boosted his pigs and double moved them a truly ridiculous number of inches (think it was something like 26 inches). They crawled over the pot like ticks, killing the slaughtermaster, 7 leadbelchers, and 20 gnoblars. Considering that his entire army save, 1 mawcrusha and the foot heroes, made it in with the extra damage attacks ... it went ... okay. Especially when the tyrant survived 2 pigs and then killed 3 of them back. XD (Go tyrant!) Smashing and bashing let him wipe out the entire front with no repercussions. My turn I wiped out the 6 man pig unit and would have crippled if not killed the 1st mawcrusha if my dice hadn't have betrayed me at the most inopportune moment. 2 shot out of 6 3+ attacks hit, and 1 failed to wound. He failed his save for ... 1 damage. Ow. My opponent won the roll off and basically wiped out everything but 1 belcher unit and 2 cannons. Lessons ... It was over so fast that it's a little hard to pick up lessons. Screening is obviously key vs ironjaws. "If you screen your army well, then we can have a game," as eloquently put by my opponent. Ugh, I'm still bothered by my forgetting the impassable rule. My list struggles vs the non-hero, super cavalry, armies that are common from the latest books. (You might notice a trend) I did learn to not always place the gorgers in ambush. Would've served far better as screens than going for his heroes. Game 2 vs Living cities I did my standard deploy in the center to give best flexibility trick and he put both fulminators in ambush. Having learned my lesson from the ironjaws and put a gorger on each side to screen out the inevitable ambush instead of in reserves. He took first turn and shot down 2 belchers from different units and disintegrated the right-hand gorger with the first fulminator unit and managed to get a 9 inch charge that obliterated a belcher unit and its firebelly. Caught a blaster in combat too. It did a few wounds to them. My turn I focused my firepower on wiping out a crossbow unit. Did that and peppered the fulminators as best I could. Got 2 of them. The remaining gorger and a leadbelcher unit moved up and charged the swordsmen guarding the general. Considering the potential damage between them, they whiffed hard and killed 5 of them. My opponent won the turn and moved his heroes away and decided to drop the other fulminators on the right to release the other unit. Fortunately for me, they failed to kill the cannon and one haggard crossbow unit struggled to make up for it with 1 belcher kill. The dracoths did manage to finish the cannon in melee though. The swordsmen finally felt the wrath of the leadbelchers they were engaged with and were wiped out. My turn I went for a bold strategy. I threw my tyrant at the now exposed general, pointed the cannons at the smaller fulminator unit and tried to chip down the new one. 1 fulminator, a couple wounds on the hydra, and most of the other crossbow unit fell to my fire. The tyrant killed the general with impact hits alone and then slew the hydra. (My tyrant is a monster. I'm so proud *sniff*) Sadly the cannons mostly flubbed their shooting (again) and charged in to finish the last fulminator. They took some damage but did the job. It was now the tyrant, 2 cannons, 3 and 2 belchers, the slaughtermaster, a gorger, and the butcher vs 1 mage and 4 fulminators. Easy, right? My opponent won the roll off and took the turn. My cannons were sitting in a nice blob with the 2 casters on the right while the leadbelchers were scattered. He hit the tyrant with all 4 lightning blasts, taking him out. They then charged the blob and killed all of them. I now had 5 belchers and a gorger left. They unfortunately did not have the dice power to kill anything more than the wizard and were both wiped out in the following turns. (they did kill 1 fulminator at least) That one was closer than the first at least. There were quite a few opportunities I could have won the game with some better dice rolls, but that's always the case. Outside of beastclaw units (and probably the tyrant XD) I don't feel like we have good tools to deal with that high armor and high damage from the fulminators. Blobbing up was my big mistake. It let them focus on 1 target and there's almost nothing that can survive a good charge from them. I'm tired, so ultra fast version of the last one. Vs Nurgle, mortal plague fly army. I spread out and tried to use the gorgers as screens on the flanks again. Cannons in center. My opponent had a small fly unit and his general in reserves. My opponent took first turn (tends to happen with 14+ drops) and double moved the flies into my face and charged me with everything. I lost 2 belcher units and another half unit. In exchange he lost 1 fly. Ow. My turn I killed belakor and another 4 flies (from different units but lost the butcher, the firebelly, and another couple belchers. It was small solace that the tyrant killed Belakor. My opponent won priority and closed in on my bastion of (constantly missing) cannons. I lost 1.5 cannons, a gorger, and the last leadbelchers. Wounded, but failed to kill any flies. Tyrant went for broke and finished the big fly unit and the cannons mangled the other. I was basically out of steam at this point though and he hadn't dropped his general yet. I lost priority here and decided to slink into the shadows with my tyrant still alive. Out ground by nurgle. To be expected, but I really underestimated the damage of the fly boys. They easily wiped out a leadbelcher unit and were tough enough to not expect to lose a model if they let you swing first. To be fair, my opponent was rolling his ward saves like a god, but I don't accept such lazy excuses from myself. My opponent actually apologized multiple times for how well he was rolling. XD Great guy. I underestimated the flies, it won't happen again. Lots of small attacks. Hope this was educational or at least entertaining for you all. Hope you have a wonderful rest of your week. For the Maw!!
  4. Question for my fellow tyrants. I was thinking of altering my list by swapping a fire belly for a unit of mournfangs. I asked my local group and was told, "Mournfangs are the most awful things ever and contribute nothing XD" I didn't find that very helpful, so I'm asking you all. I thought that adding a mobile unit that didn't need the tyrant's buffs to harass a flank sounded good. Thus far, the fire belly just hasn't added much to the army besides a 3rd unbind. Of course, when I remove him and his anti-horde spell, I'll run into a one. Xp Any advice on mildly altering my cannon list? Ironically, I don't feel like the answer is more cannon. XP My proposed list: Thanks, and a lovely week to you.
  5. I will now be the one who knocks! Xp Ogre pirate ahoy! Saturday Pre-orders – Fury of the Deep Joins a Salty Sea-Ogor and Aerial Aces - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com) There's something about that monkey that amuses me. Not in love with the set, but it's fun. It took me about 3-4 games before I figured that out too. It's a painful lesson. They're really only worth it against something with few wounds left or not a hero. It's likely going to fail otherwise. I often roll poorly which is why I've been enjoying the trophy rack. Free all out attack against most army's heavy hitters. Makes the dracoth riders an extra pain though. Until I took it, I didn't realize how many armies' used monster heroes to do the damage. Even if I just snipe buff heroes with it, the rack pays its dues. (Helps that I like taking a tyrant XD) Stay safe out there everyone.
  6. Welcome to the Warglut! I'm not going to claim to be that knowledgeable on this, but I see 2 factions useful to your gutbusters. Underguts would boost your leadbelchers' range, but the trait and artifact aren't great outside of a few niche scenarios. Bloodgullets would boost your butcher and give a good artifact to the frostlord. (I don't remember much about it, beyond it being pretty good.) The beastclaw one that gives penalties to shooting attacks in your territory isn't bad either. Rather niche, but it's there. May we hear tales of your Tyrant's mighty conquests! In the traditions of the Warglut, I present to you, The tale of Forlund Heartseeker. Newly raised to tyrant over the broken body of his dwarven pitmaster, he led his people in revolt against the mage lords who ruled the city. Drawn by the carnage, nighthaunt fell upon them, but their will was shattered with their master's body. Next, the warglut sought the mega fauna of Ghur, but they were not the only hunters. Squabbling mega gargants bumbled into their path and thought they had found easier prey. They were met with powder and blade where no giant left alive. (This sounded fun initially, but now I just want to go to bed.) This is the kill count on the Tyrant so far: 1 daemon price, 1 mega gargant, 1 hydra, 4 goregruntas, 2 huricanums (1 with wizard), 2 foot wizards, Nurgle snail guy, 1 Nurgle herald, 1 knight of shrouds, and a bloodthirster. 5 of them were the enemy's general. I had planned to model trophies on him, but he immediately stopped that by killing a mega gargant in his 3rd game. XD Now I'm just going to have to make a totem adorned with his conquests. Maybe make a board of vengeance against those who have slain him too. Fortunately, he doesn't have many of those yet, but I feel the local meta shifting to try and kill my boy. They shall be found wanting. >: I Happy new year folks!
  7. So, it will always be a 6+ for the mortal wounds unless it has the MONSTER keyword, more than ... 6? models, or has the RHINOX keyword and is affected by a spell. Gorgers can only be in units of up to 2, so there's no buffing their impact hits (or whatever it's called nowadays). As an example, let's say that a gorger is charging buffed by Kraggy. He rolls 3d6 for the charge and gets an 11. He decides to keep that roll instead of re-rolling it. He then rolls 11 d6 and inflicts a mortal wound on the selected enemy unit within 1 inch for every 6. We'll say that 3 mortals are done. Next, your opponent removes the casualties from the mortal wounds. They can do so to make the charge harder for your other units. Lord Krungharr had thought of a list focused on using the 3d6 charge ability as much as possible with gorgers on the previous page. I don't think we've gotten any battle reports from any similar lists yet though. I personally don't like taking named characters, so Papa K being useful hasn't changed my army at all. I'm also enjoying the frustrated look on the face of our legions of the first price player when I have no one unit that is so essential that stopping it will derail my army. XD (Yes, know my pain! *Maniacal laughter*) I'll see if any of this weekend's games are worth transcribing. Have a happy new year y'all!
  8. So, this isn't some informative post or anything; but the more I play this army, the more I enjoy it. I haven't liked an army like this since my Khorne. It just feels good to play. On top of that, the conversion potential is high. I'm loving having my ogres cosplay as other units. I can't finish them until I get more green stuff, but I currently have a spiderfang, lumineth, empire, and bonesplitter leadbelchers and I just enjoy seeing them. At someone's suggestion I also made my stonehorn a Unicorn. XD (I'm also looking forward to making giants counting as ironblasters.) So, yeah. I like this army. I even enjoy using the meh units. I feel like I have an answer for almost anything. It's a good place to be in. Joy has been expressed. Mission accomplished. Enjoy the new year everyone!
  9. Not sure if you're talking about the HoTT or Kragnos, but Papa K has a natural 6+ ward from his shield now. Happy Holidays y'all.
  10. I wouldn't say an auto include, but he's a legitimate option now. Very deadly running with some frost lords. One of our group will cause carnage with that. The points drop on gnoblars is fun. Might eventually try and make a tidal wave of gnoblars. XD Become the danger GW thinks hordes are. Tyrant's drop is nice, but I don't think it'll change much, and as much as I love gnoblars, the points drops aren't going to be changing many lists here. Overwatch nerf is nice. No heroic recovery in combat will help us in grind fights I feel. (Opponents are more effected than we are) The nerf to amulet is a nerf-buff. The poor huscard will no longer be stone horn tough but we won't have to fight it as much. Gotrek went up by 50pts ... and that hasn't prevented anyone in my area from taking him still. *sigh* Oh well. My current list is actually good at dealing with him fortunately. Save stacking is annoying still, but it's harder to unleash hell from the back field. My gungres list is 20 pts cheaper ... still would rather have my triumph than the unit of cats I can now afford. XP It'll take a few games to get a real feel for the changes. I think the game will be a bit healthier from this. Now to make my own ogres. Happy Holidays, y'all.
  11. Finally fully painted a mini. XD Feeling more motivated to paint, so might finish some more units. (A LOT of the army is about 50% painted)
  12. Manfred is the bane of melee armies, or so I've been told. I haven't had to face him yet. (too busy fighting Teclis and Belakor XD) I imagine that you kind of treat him like Archaon. Kill everything else first. He'll have to fight you eventually. Ah, one of those missions. Well played, but I've never really liked instant win conditions. Out of curiosity, how were your leadbelchers and gorgers? It's only one game, but they didn't seem very impactful to your battle. Off topic question. Has anyone used the drunk giants? Are they too worthless to take? I liked the idea of having some giants to harken back to fantasy days. If the actual giant rules are bad, what do you folks think of giving them a cannon and counting as an ironblaster? (Don't suppose that anyone has some to show?) It's been a busy weekend. Have a happy holidays y'all.
  13. Had a 1 day event with 3 games. I had 1 practice game (that I might batrep later), for the list I used. Since I'm borrowing his army, my friend requested I take up his ogre shooting mantle. This is my version of it. Focused more on shooting and leaving the melee infantry at home. Somehow, it feels like I have more ogres than my last list, even if there aren't. This was my list: 1955pts, Underguts tribe, Triumph: +1 to wound rolls, 15 drops, 150 wounds First match was against nighthaunt on the battle for the pass equivalent. I got lucky two fold. First, I matched with nighthaunt, and second, the tournament was random picks. So, I wouldn't automatically get matched with the top players. I thought I got lucky with my matchups, but other people thought I had hard ones. *shrug* My opponent's list: more than 1955pts (I might have forgotten some stuff, but this one was never going to be good for nighthaunt.) Terrain/Setup: A big piece of line of sight blocking terrain in the center and on the corners, creating "sight lanes." I set up my main line a little further back in the center of the board with a leadbelcher unit on each flank and the fire belly on the right. My opponent hid most of his army behind a LoS blocking terrain piece with a mournghoul, knight of shrouds, the revenants, and 1 of the support heroes set up in reserve. He won the roll off and had me go first. I scooted up and peppered one of his chainrasp units. Dropped the gorgers to intercept charges on both flanks. On his turn he swarmed towards my left but and got caught up on the gorger. He still managed to kill 2 leadbelchers with a chain rasp horde that slipped through. I did some damage back to it, but not enough. I won the roll off and went first. I chose, kill a battleline on his horde that had made it in. I unloaded everything into them and dropped some shots onto the mournghoul. Destroyed the horde and wounded the monster. My right flank moved up with the gnoblars and peppered the lingering chainrasp horde. On my opponent's turn he dropped all his reinforcements on the left hand corner and moved up everything he had. He chose to kill the lone leadbelcher as his tactic. The ghoul and stalkers made it in and the revenants got a wave of terror on an unlucky leadbelcher unit. The revenants killed their unit, but in a freak accident a lone leadbelcher survived the foes and killed half the stalkers. My opponent was in a rough spot at this point but managed to get the double turn. He attacked my cannons with a mournghoul and his heroes, Our generals dueled and with a flurry of failed 4+s the tyrant killed his general. Compounding the disaster, the chainrasps and revenants failed their charges. At this point I began to mop up his army and take his home objective. Killed one mounghoul with shooting and maimed the other. I got surprised at the amount of damage my leadbelchers took. Guess I was sort of used to higher saves. Game 2 VS Sons of Behemat: I forget the name, but there are six objectives and you can burn your opponent's for points. Terrain/setup: Standard setup for this tournament. LoS blocker in the middle and 1 on each side, in this case, trees.I settup my cannons in the middle with leadbelchers on the left as a screen and the gnoblars on the right. My meat based wizards setup by the mawpot in the center. The left flank had the fire belly and a leadbelcher unit. My right had a lone belcher unit. My opponent set both warstompers on my left and the gate breakers in the center. My opponent had me go first and I trundled up my center formation to get the cannons taking pot shots at his closest giant. Did 11 wounds. (it was the 5++ one) Not great, but not nothing. Did 4 to the 6++ one from leadbelchers. The gorgers were placed as a sacrificial screen to make his movement awkward. His turn he chose to run 3 units and sent his general forward. His rock missed and he obliterated the gorger in his way. Turn 2: I won the roll off and went first. I picked having 2 units in his territory and sent my remaining gorger and forward most leadbelcher unit to do that. I unloaded everything else into his general including the curse, and then charged it with 2 cannons, a leadbelcher unit, the fire belly, and the slaughtermasrer. Managed to secure the kill with the leadbelchers. Took mortal wounds from him falling but I had a sort of screen ready in the form of the fire belly. His turn, he left the unequiped warstomper guarding the central left side of the board. The other stomper went for my left flank and the remaining breaker went for my cannons. My tyrant dodged another boulder and I lost 3 leadbelchers, 3 on the fire belly, and 7 on a cannon. Got lucky there, could have been much worse. In return a second cannon piled in and the giant took 11 wounds (total). Turn3: I once again won roll off. Cursed and then finished his breaker and then maimed the closest warstomper. For my objective I took his right objective with the maimed leadbelchers unit. I left my left-hand ogres there to get the best shots, but saved a command point for what I knew was coming. My opponent moved on the left where I redeployed. Alas, he made the 8” charge but somehow failed to wipe the unit. Turn 4: My opponent won the roll off but was in a dangerous position. He made the mistake of moving his giant off of my objective and went after my cannons. With his charge he finished the fire belly and a cannon. His stomper on his side stood defensively on both his remaining objectives. My turn involved throwing everything including the kitchen sink at the stomper in my lines. Fittingly the tyrant made the killing blow in a flurry of failed armor saves. (my opponent finest hour'ed + all out defensed) With only 1 giant left my opponent conceded. Game 3: VS Cities of Sigmar – The hold the objective for 2 turns to score battle plan. My opponent's army: More than 1955pts Hallowheart, less than 15 drops. Terrain/setup: Same old terrain. The sight lanes haven't been a problem for my shooters because they are fully functional on the move. That's why I put them up last, although, I usually put them in the center anyways.Similar setup to my other games, but I hid everything important behind a central giant tree. My opponent put the crossbows on the right and everything else in the center, also hiding behind the central tree. He did put an allowpex on each flank. (We were both spooked by the other's shooting. XD) Turn 1: To my surprise, my opponent took first turn. He trundled his general further behind the tree and didn't move anything onto his left objective. I was very confused. (I later in the match realized he was drunk) He buffed up his 3 crossbows and killed 3 ogres from one unit and 1.75 from another. I popped a command point to keep the belcher champ. The crossbowmen did a lot more damage than I thought they would. The allowpexes moved up on each side and did some wounds to the belchers. On my turn I rolled my cannons out on the right side and threw my unbreakable gnoblars on the center objective. The gorgers wouldn't be able to charge his crossbowmen alive, so I just had them stand threateningly. One on each flank. Did about 6 wounds to the not hero hurricanum and killed 4 + 2 crossbows. Turn 2: I won the roll off and took the double turn. I chose to wipe out the wounded shooters and shot them with 5 belchers. Now, rather frightened by the crossbows, I unleashed 2 of my cannons on them too. The final one killed the wounded hurricanum. Sadly, the bows were left with 1 guy standing there. I decided to sacrifice the gorger to hopefully kill him since I would be able to choose the order of operations on my turn. My mostly untouched belchers, on the flanks, squared up with the allowpexes. Shot them and managed to charge them both, killing the right one with a lucky impact hit roll and beat the other to 1 wound. Lost an ogre in return The gorger died to overwatch but impact hit the last archer, getting me the tactic. My opponent declared he wasn't going to cast any spells and moved his remaining big hitters forward. A luckily bad hurricanum roll left the gorger still on his left and forced his phoenix to charge them instead of the engaged ogres on the left. His phoenix guard came and slaughtered the gnoblars, taking the central objective. The ogres finished the allowpex in return. Turn 3: I won the turn and dropped everything onto the phoenix guard including the -1 save curse. Moved the side leadbelchers in too. There were 18 or so of them left after shooting and I charged them on both ends to lock them in place and maximise impact hits. The left ogres made their charge into his general and would go on to kill him. The right ones got into the crossbows but lost 2 of their number to overwatch. Everything went according to plan until he moved his guards into 2 seperate groups on each end. I told him he couldn't do that and he didn't believe me. We got the TO over to settle it and he agreed with me at which point my opponent conceded. Conclusions: After all was said and done, I came in second place, scoring 9 points under the ironjaws player in first. Interestingly my MVP goes to the gorgers. Their sacrifice enabled the cannons to do their job unimpeded in all my match ups. The tyrant is definitely a linchpin of the army, making the Lumineth a natural counter. (no hiding behind the cannons against them) Would have lost against giants without that nice +1 to hit. The leadbelchers kept drawing people's fire rather than the cannons which was not what I had expected. Without the +1 to hit the cannons, even with 2 shots, kind of were mediocre. Entirely RNG based with little reliability. The gnoblars strangely got ignored in all the games. Every match I got asked if they were battleline too, which kind of makes me glad they weren't. I'm not sure why, but I rarely see people using screens. My screens were extremely useful for letting the shooters do their thing. Unfortunately, no big revelations on tactics or anything (except perhaps the usefulness of gorgers), but it was a mostly fun time. My dice were actually playing nice with me, which was a pleasant surprise. Well, I hope you enjoyed reading these batreps and that you have a lovely winter. For The Maw!
  14. Unfortunately, I have no experience with Nagash, but the vengorian with the brick of the keep (Kastelai) neutered my mega gargant opponents very well. Followed up with a roar and they're suddenly a lot less scary. Prince V backed by rousing commander + Bella's 6's are additional hits, brought a mega down in 1 combat phase. Most of the rest of the army would struggle to kill a mega as well as prince V though. I had 2 units of blood knights backed by rousing commander kill one too. The de-buffs are necessary to survive even a wounded gargant's counter attacks. Without Prince V or another such damage dealer you'll need to isolate them. Separate a giant from the others and dog pile it with your stuff. Unfortunately, Nagash is at a severe disadvantage against SoB. Wolves are excellent screens and can separate an overextended mega from the rest. If your opponent plays it safe and keeps the megas in pairs you are not going to have many answers in a Nagash list. The main thing to keep in mind, (presuming you talk out the turns rather than cutting off at the time limit.) is to try and isolate and drag down individual megas. One loss is one more objective that he can't guard. Place your grave sites to threaten his home objectives. Keep some units in the grave to force him to split up or lose his home territory. Grave guard, buffed up, can do serious damage to a mega. Even 10 of them. If it's a hard cut off you can play objectives and win on points. Go low drops and summon in the way of/on objectives. At that point wounds per point efficient units will be best. So, wolves mostly. Sorry that the SoBs have been giving you a hard time. Hope some of this helps.
  15. I've only played 2 games and the 40 gnoblars have been less useful to me and more of a hinderance to my opponent. (vs DoK & Nighthaunt) They're better against the god tier monsters with massive bases. A few of them struggle to chew through 40ish wounds quickly too. I made the mistake of not charging Morathi with them and she proceeded to fly over and terminate my leadbelchers and butcher. Admittedly it was a double turn for them, but still. It would have taken a minimum of 2 combat phases for her to remove them. I'm biased though. I love gnoblars. They're my adorable little morons. My ideal army would have gnoblars and some blocks of gluttons backed up by the specialists like leadbelchers and iron guts. I suppose my current list has 3/4 of them. They require some set up, which makes them worthless against lumineth sadly. I will continue to use them as best I can though. The day of the gnoblar shall come! (I give them a 3/5) I've got a tournament next weekend and wanted to get some suggestions. It's going to be rough, but I'd like to give a good showing. (Maybe my dice will even cooperate!) Have a good one. (For the Maw!)
  16. I haven't tried them (still borrowing stuff), but I feel that if you want to keep your army in the 4+ wounds department then trolls are a better tar pit than anything we have. Otherwise, unbreakable gnoblars are just better at the job for less points. (roughly) I like the fellwater trolls for their decent damage with that high rend shooting attack. There's utility in them I feel. The 5++ of the stone trolls isn't bad. High rend melee too, but we can't efficiently buff their hit rolls. If we could get that +1 to hit troll from warclans that would be really good. Alas, it is not to be. I remember sour-something trolls being good. Don't know if they still exist. Hope this helps. Cheers
  17. Sadly, I would recommend dropping Kragnos. All the players that I spoke to (admittedly only 3) that had used him said he felt like a poor investment. I personally prefer the gutbusters, but beastclaw are generally more powerful. (Presuming you want to push the competitive side of this) So, I'd say start with the first list and drop big K. Replace him with ... gnoblars to babysit your objective. Could go with a leadbelcher or iron guts instead. Butchers are always useful and the slaughter master could heal up your monsters with his pot. If you go with the gnoblars take a tyrant to make them ignore battleshock. Hrothgorn could provide some mild back line pressure. Sorry, just talking through my thoughts. So, drop Kragnos, put the beast riders into an alpha beast pack battalion, put the mournfang into the hunters of the heartlands (put another unit in there too. Doesn't matter much who.), Add in 2 units of leadbelchers to hold back line objectives, A slaughtermaster and a butcher to complete a command battalion and provide spell support, you have 85pts left so a unit of frost sabers wouldn't be bad as a nuisance/flanker. Could eat the unleash hell for the stone horns one round too. For the second artifact I'd recomend the dracoline heart so you can do a second big AoE heal from the maw pot on all your monsters. For the underguts, replace Kragnos with a second frost lord and a butcher. That leaves you with 160pts. I'd say a mournfang unit to run with the frost lords in this configuration. Unbreakable gnoblars are always useful too, so maybe 40 of them instead of the butcher/mournfangs. Leaves you with 55pts. If you don't care about the triumph, take frost sabers. Probably less competitive than the boulderhead list, but you get to control the flow of the battle more. I've only just started here so I don't have a lot of experience playing ogors, but those are my recommendations. Obviously, flavor these lists to best match how you want to play. Your beast claw list lacks many defensive pieces while your underguts lacks a solid, heavy punch. Kragnos is a big unknown for me so I'll have to defer to others in my group on him. Maybe he'll be worth his points for you. I'm told he's a real monster killer. Rather squishy though. I've been babbling for far too long. Happy winter to you all!
  18. Thanks for helping this aspiring Tyrant on his way. What size is recommended for iron guts? 4s or 8s? Really, I suppose that question applies to all the units. I feel like the gluttons need a stat increase or a point drop. 260 for 6 feels bad. That's probably been said before though. (I like the idea of a glutton swarm bashing heads, but I don't see that happening. {still going to grab a bunch for fun games}) Are units of gorgers/yetis/saber tusks recommended to eat unleash heck? I love gnoblar models, are there any tricks for them or the other infantry? Could try to find a priest to get curse off with. *shrug* Firebellies are cheaper (and sort of fulfil the forgemaster role I had imagined) than butchers. Are they significantly worse? I never see the rhinox artillery being used, are they just not worth the 130pts? I get the impression that we're just rather point starved in general. I had something like this in mind: Winterbite is chosen soley to make shooting armies' day harder. I'm open to suggestions otherwise. Leadbelchers are for the idea of 4d6 unleash hell shots. Maybe Underguts then? Fits my theme idea of escaped chaos dwarf slaves better ... The artifact would still be the same, just swapping out for the relevant equivalent. Thoughts? Thanks for taking a look. Happy feasting to you!
  19. Perhaps, to no one's surprise, I was inspired by the new total war game to make an ogor army. (Been eyeing them up for a while) Unfortunately my area only does high level competitive play where shooting armies and iron jaws reign supreme. Sons and Tzeentch are on the gentler side around here. I wanted to run a very mixed army but centering more around the gutbusters. Would it be possible to make a mixed army work at high level play or am I doomed to continue being curb stomped? (My last army was weak vs shooting. Or at least with my consistently bad rolls they were. :p) Thanks for any advice. Happy winter to you all.
  20. I forgot to post my depth guard conversions last week. 😛 I should have them painted (amongst other models) next week. Hope everyone is having a good week. Cheers!
  21. It states that it is a normal move, so yes. The wording on the warscroll overrides the normal movement rules. A little funky, but cool. Makes Blood knights always able to get their charge bonus.
  22. I forgot to upload these. Whoops. I finished them last week and have been preparing for a GT this weekend. Lots of painting, but alas, no more progress on my non tournament stuff. Hope you like them. Cheers.
  23. Big Drogg is a gate breaker with a special rule. He rolls a dice for every enemy model in 3" at the end of the combat phase and on a 6 they take a mortal wound. You also lose your first command point on turn 1 because of his disruptive presence. Otherwise he's exactly a gate breaker.
  24. I'll ask my warclan opponents about the savage orks Sunday. It sounds like you need to play cagey. Don't take any fights you aren't getting good value out of. Isolate and focus fire. If they're wasting troops protecting their back line it's a win. I've been fighting a lot of Gotreks in my practice games, so avoiding is getting pretty natural for me. Had to do the same thing against the old Archaon death star too. You'll likely have to out think her. Bait the boars out of position, give tempting charges away from archers/heroes/objectives. Like I said, isolate units and destroy them. Unfortunately this is more of an experience thing. There's only one hard rule I can give you. Most tournament games only make it to the 3rd turn, so if you're winning at that point it doesn't matter if she's wiped your army. Play for the easy battle tactics. If it doesn't require a dice roll and will be harder to do later, do it. Small side note, the 4++ is their WAAAGH ability so it's once per game for the entire army. If she pops it to save her shaman she's just made her army vulnerable for the rest of the game. If it is only the combat phase I would try to abuse that too. shooting and spells to chip off damage to make the prayer dangerous. Other than this, it's just going to come down to experience and practice. Good luck, and may Nagash watch over you.
  25. First, prayers work like spells now so she can only use each prayer once per turn. She can only heal once and maybe kill 1 unit per turn. That's assuming you get within 12 of him too. Second thought is to just focus down the rest of the army. That's a lot of effort for the possibility of wiping 1 unit per turn in a smallish bubble. It's totally a mind game ability though. Like why I usually deploy a lot of stuff in reserves. Skilled opponents tend to spend a lot of time preventing you from flanking them which makes them split their army up. Savage orks are meaty, but a 6+ is still bad. You could try to bait out the 4++ by staggering your attacks into waves, but I'd just accept the damage mitigation is going to happen. Blood knights eat savage orks pretty well but are very vulnerable to that prayer. Attacking wherever the buff squad isn't is my go to strategy here. If she's incautious outflanking units could just pop her hero from behind. Grave guard are going to suffer heavily from the high volume of low rend attacks but will chew through ork units quickly. We don't have much range, but a zombie dragon could snipe heroes as it closes in to charge. Likewise Orks have fairly low bravery, forcing lots of batteshock will help chew through her high wound units. (Remember the bravery de-buffs). Other than that, it rather depends on your army for specific tactics. Also keep in mind that, while I've been fighting a good number of kruleboyz, I haven't fought the other warclan factions. These are just my hypothesis. Honestly, these tactics work on any buff star. Avoid it until your opponent is forced to split up, or leaves an opening. Hope this helps, Cheers!
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