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Everything posted by Gecktron

  1. Not to interrupt these very interesting tactics discussions, but I wanted to ask the admirals here, do you name your ships? Ships are so central to our faction and real life history is full of famous names (the Victory, Bismarck, Constitution, etc.). So it would be only fitting to name our Skyvessels. I named all of my ships so far. The flagship of my fleet, the “BLACK DEATH” My two frigates “DEBTORS RUIN” and “BRINGER OF PROFIT II” Plus my three Gunhaulers “INVISIBLE HAND”, “AETHER WOLF” and “IRON ACCOUNTANT” Am I the only one? What did you name your ships?
  2. I think Tim Neal was the one that scored 8th. Sadly not the Lancer list like I first thought....
  3. Lists are here, sorted by GA: https://aosshorts.com/cancon-2020-lists/ Here the two Hammerhal lists.
  4. Using always the cheapest options lands you at 1980 points. Not every battalion is made for 2000 points matched play. Especially not battalions including other battalions. 2500 points is also an official format.
  5. That means you can fill these 3-9 slots with models from this list. So you could have 3 Knight-Azyros or 9 Knight Zephyros, or 3 of each or everything in between. Now coming to your list: your list is in so far legal as its follows the list building rules, but you dont meet all the requirments for the Vanguard Auxillia chamber battalion. That battalion needs 1 Lord Aquillor, the mentionend 3-9 heroes (youve got those) but also the Vanguard-Conclave Angelos and Vanguard-Conclave Justicar battalions. You have the right units but you also need to pay the points for those battalions too!
  6. No, they did find Aelfs. Just not a whole lot of them. Way less than for example Duardin or Humans. For example, Morathi had some Aelf followers after she was exiled by Malerion but before they imprisoned Slaanesh.
  7. The Lumineth dont change the history of the rest of the Aelfs. There were Aelfs before the gods captured Slaanesh. Maybe survivors of the world-that-was, or maybe they just randomly sprung up in the mortal realms, it doesn't matter really. These Aelfs lived their lives, build cities and empires. Some of them were especially cunning sailors, they build a seafaring empire. They had a pretty good raiding coasts and ruling the seas, but everything must come to an end. So when Chaos destroyed their empire, they fled to Azyr. The book Heart of Winter explains all this in greater detail.
  8. Looks like Nurgle gets it 2.0 treatment in Wrath of the Everchosen.
  9. Hysh spirits sounds cool. Also the bit about four distinct sub-cultures!
  10. Really surprised by the one Anvilgard player ending up in 8th place. Is there a way to see who that was? The Order PDF has two Anvilgard lists...
  11. This is a miniature game. Where "ugly" is definend by vastly different characteristics. People dont want to make love to a bone construct or a ghoul. They want some cool miniatures that are fun to paint and look good on the battlefield. And the Ossiarch Bonereapers succed in that.
  12. Idoneth Deepkin, Fyreslayers, Kharadron Overlords and Nighthaunts would like to disagree, so do Daughters of Khaine and Flesh-Eater courts.
  13. The Age of Sigmar has lasted 200 years or so already, plus 500-700 years of the age of Chaos and the thousands of years of the Age of Myth. 200 years is not a lot compared to the rest of the timescale.
  14. To be fair, Alarielle is much much younger than Teclis. Or, atleast her body is. She was reborn during the Realmgate wars. So maybe 150-200 years ago. As far as we know, Teclis had this form since the Age of Myth.
  15. I saw some color mock-ups yesterday and I think black with gold details could look pretty good, kinda like the Adeptus Custodes Shadowkeepers.
  16. Adding Eltharion. Looking at these close ups convinced me that Tyrion will be part of this release. All the units shown so far have both moons (for Teclis) and suns (for Tyrion) all over their designs. The banner of the Warden champion, the bottom part of the normal plumes, the shields of the Dawnriders, the shinguards of Eltharion...
  17. Colonies all over the world, strongtest navy, their former colony in "not-north-america" fighting a war against them and becoming independent. Its not on the nose but there is some stuff in there.
  18. So what do you guys think, how many kits are left? The Vanari Auralan Wardens make it sound like there are other Vanari units (similar to Namarti Reavers and Thralls). The Dawnriders come in sets of 5, so there could be enough space in the roster for a more elite cav unit? More generic heroes are a given. EDIT: more generic HEROES, not units...
  19. Click on your user name on the top bar. And then under "Settings", "Blocked Users"
  20. Thanks! Yeah, I left out the artefact stuff. For the endrinworks I was thinking Buoyancy Aid on the Ironclad, and omniscope and sky mine for the two frigates. For the second artefact, I was torn between the mask-hailer or the signal flare on the navigator. I like the idea of a spell in a bottle, but there is not enough space for that to fit.
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