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Everything posted by TJ@DFG

  1. My Wrathmongers (super bloody) and bloodthirster. The thirster is my first stab at the black Daemon flesh.
  2. Well, after a ton of work, my Bloodthirster is finished. I have wanted to paint this kit for a year now and I finally got to it. I wanted to try the black based skin tone. It worked better than I expected and it made for some sick contrasts. I used some techniques I've never tried, like filtering the colors near the bones on the wings with blood technical paints, which is a far departure from the blood spatter on the wing symbols. i also sculpted some fire on the base and I am overall really happy with all the contrasts on the model.
  3. Having a few drinks, I decided to make a few conversions. I love the insanely metal Exalted Deathbringer with spear. What an incredible model ... that will never hit the table! To make it more of a table staple, I made the savage headbanger into a bloodsecrator. Then I went a step further to make the bloodglaive into a better looking weapon. I hate that Klingon look, so I made it more of a giant axe. Please let me know what you think.
  4. Here is what I have so far. The Bloodbound models are recent and were designed to fit in with my precious models, which are more like the Soul Grinder and the Maulerfiend type model I have here. As I move through the Bloodbound, I'd love to share more of my work here.
  5. Working on a bloodthirster for my Yellow Bloodbound! This is my first time doing the black and grey skin on a Daemon and I love it.
  6. This is the first hero model I've painted for my yellow Bloodbound. There is a lot of blood and I didn't really know how much I'd like it but I decided to be liberal with it as it drips from the portal down onto the man's arms, armor and the ground. It turned out better than I thought it would. I normally take it easy on the blood. Anyway, enjoy!
  7. TJ@DFG

    Beastman Giant Scratchbuild

    Great work! I love scratch builds like this. People must get really excited to see it on the table!
  8. Great army! What colors do you use for your brass?
  9. This is absolutely amazing. I love when a hobbyist truly takes the time to add movement to a model and you have captured the riot that must be happening in this scene. Great nod with the shroom btw!
  10. TJ@DFG

    Army of the Apocalypse

    Here is a group shot of my old Daemons and Chaos who will be making the jump from 40k to Sigmar with me.
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