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Everything posted by Kramer

  1. Next addition coming up! I'm combining a lot of different parts and sets in the hope that it will help tie all the elements together but we'll see
  2. Its still wednesday right?! On my table: Love combining different elements of my army in the chariot but having a tough time with the large surfaces of the cannon. Wll can't win them all.
  3. It feels like there are but cant think of them right now.
  4. Oerl was staring sullenly at the realm gate. His skin marked by lashes and his face bruised. Internally he was seething with rage but externally he looked as calm as a bear fishing for trout. At least that’s how he imagined himself.‘That infernal Realmgate be damned’ Oerl thought to himself. It seemed to be mocking him, with it’s ordinary stonework. A stupid, overgrown, ancient, crumbling, uninspired, basic, piece of rock in the middle of a burned forest. Everyone knew it was useless and broken even though they had been charged to protect it. But less than three months ago it had lit up and the ‘nameless one’ had stepped through. He knew it to be impossible yet he had seen it with his own eyes. It was like the warrior had stepped straight out of the ancient paintings. Of course nobody had believed his warnings. He had run screaming and babbling into the town. Panicked he had rung the gong of war. His explanation had been met with scorn and ridicule. Frustrated Oerl had lashed out but foolishly against Bran, a brute of a man and second in chief. His retaliation had been animalistic in it’s savagery. Oerl grimaced to himself, ‘It was no more than I deserved’ he whispered. Lost in thought he played with the beginnings of fur that started to grow from the scars on his shoulders, it was the one thing that confused him the most. Only the fiercest warriors of his tribe were blessed in this manner. ‘Why me?’ Oerl sniffed. There was something in the air… magic!? Shifting his focus back to the Realmgate he could see the ancient runes starting to glow a deep, dark red while tendrils of smoke started to drift from between the rocks. ‘Finally!’ ,Oerl thought, this was his chance to redeem himself. He slowly drew his axe and lifted his shield. Flexing his muscles he awaited to see what would come through the Realmgate. Crouched down with his hair on end, his whole body at the ready, he waited. He waited until his calves burned and the sun started to go down but he would be patient. Although the fog coming from the Realmgate thickened he could see nothing coming through. ‘Nothing!’ he seethed to himself. Nobody would believe him if he didn’t have a trophy to prove…. wait! What was that sound? He could hear a flute playing a strangely soothing song, soon followed by a fair haired man striding from the mystical fog. He was a graceful man, wearing little armour but carrying an immense shield with a matching spear. Right, this was Oerl’s chance! But before he could advance more men came through the Realmgate. All wearing bronze armour with big plumes on their helmets. Every man far taller than he was. They were clearly seasoned fighters and nothing was to be won by charging these men alone. ‘Even the most fierce beasts knew when to attack alone and when they needed their pack’ Oerl told himself. Suddenly, his hairs back on end Oerl realised he had left his guard down, so enraptured had he become with the music. ‘Perfect, aren’t they’ the Nameless One whispered in his ear. Well the first squad is finally finished! A concept I thought of the first time a saw the mortal Slaanesh models more than 15 years ago finally has come to fruition. I'm quite happy with the results but very very happy I started this project and finally getting some momentum. I will be adding a freehand logo on all the shields before I varnish them but that can wait. (mostly waiting on inspiration). I have so many possible conversion ideas, storylines and additions flying through my head... I just can't wait to start them all but first up 7 more Daemonettes to finish the 10 girl squad and i'm close to finishing the chariot. After that I will be adding to the court of the 'Nameless one' with two more heroes for a clean 1000p army.
  5. With wings. Flying tunneling cavalry dragons
  6. That Awesome and a little bit insane 86 beards to paint ?
  7. Thanks @Seraphage! Almost done with the last two models. So it's going to cool to see how it will look with Daemonic elements next to them as the Daemonettes are on the table next.
  8. I started using some of that pity used for photo albums. Works like a charm. Only disadvantage it occasionally gets in between the toes and stuff. But it's easy enough to remove.
  9. How would you phrase it? but still keeping your options open for any unexpected delays.
  10. I hope not. Would seem like a very quick and dirty fix to avoid developing pox-walkers and/or pestigors
  11. Two down just two more to go for my first completed unit ? also done on the side for my skaven army (hey, my warriors need something to kill). It was very fun to paint.
  12. Very true! And I like how they introduced the 40k one with, paraphrasing, you can participate by winning playing painting it doesn't matter what your favorite part of the hobby is.
  13. I'll add another cent. The global campaigns always increase sales (at least so a friend who worked in a store told me). So for that reason alone a new campaign book would make sense.
  14. Kramer

    The Bleakswords

    Looking good! I personally found the dreadspears to be quite a bore to paint but happy you had fun with the swords As for heroes/generals, I just based an old Malus darkblade to use as a mounted dreadlord. The command ability does not synergise anymore but he looks quite decent in combat. But compendium. Otherwise you could go for the dreadlord on dragon. Quite expensive but packs a punch. His ability can target any order serpentis unit. So himself, your knight and any hydras or chariots you add. Helped me immensely because it is the only hero with an applicable command ability left*, made it easy and fast to go from 1.500pt to 2.000 and he was a joy to paint. (also quite fast) *I purposefully ignored the fleetmaster because dang, my 30 corsairs have not once won a combat even when buffed. It's insane they just hit like a wet towel. Or as we like to say in the Netherlands: 'they couldn't strike a dent in a packet of butter.' I fielded them about 8 games and not once was I happy I brought them.
  15. Thanks! This idea has been bouncing around in my head for years. But when the kairic acolytes dropped i knew I finally head the base models I needed. GW have really outdone themselves with them?
  16. Thanks man! Yeah those little tie in's to mythology and culture is one of the few things I miss from the old world. But then again. Endless realms so I can do what I want I have a couple of conversions and additions planned that take the spartan theme and broaden it a bit into Greek mythology. And about the sandals, haha I did try to sculpt them but I couldn't get them to work. So I decided on bare foot... only later did I do the basis. Never thought about it ?
  17. Wait what? You don't agree but you are agreeing with something? Could you elaborate because I can't figure out what you mean ?
  18. Wow that's quite the collection and very fun to look through. Won't spoil it the hidden gem for others but loved the 'red suprise' in there ?
  19. Very true, the only inherent drawback for stormcast is their numbers.
  20. Think or hope True, but that also means that this might part of christmas release (really hoping, because I still wish for a starter set without stormcast or bloodbound to support GHB2 and this looks very Stormcasty)
  21. Oh man, @Krzyek, hate to tell you but... Photobucket is blocking all the images
  22. Some make sense that it is a reboxing. Such as ironbreakers. They were still on squares. But for the Slaanesh daemons... they have been on rounds since they launched AoS. A bit weird.
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