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Everything posted by Planar

  1. I was actually quite perplexed why nobody seemed to be loosing their mind about this ability😂
  2. Haha got this totally wrong . 🤣 Just re-read the ability and you are right Thanks for clarifying!
  3. It just occured to me that the new strength from victory might be our answer to chaff screens. Enemy centerpiece behind chaff of 30 x1 wound models? No problem. Charge your megaboss head first, kill 10-15 of them and then comfortably loose the double turn, no problem. You have just stocked 10-15 extra wounds and 10-15 extra ttacks to face the enemy charge. Even better even if they get you down to 1 wound the extra 15 attacks dont go away with a diminishing profile. Am I getting this wrong or is this new ability an awesome screen deterent for IJ?
  4. I just imagined an overlooked MB of foot with thermalrider cloak going full YOLO, flying above the daemonette mobs and landing attacks on a KoS who is still trying to understand why the F Locus is not working 😂
  5. That would be great but the way Locus is worded I dont think so. Locus also takes place at the end of the charge phase LOCUS OF DIVERSION At the end of the charge phase, each friendly HEDONITE HERO that is within 6" of an enemy unit can create a locus of diversion. If they do so, pick 1 enemy unit that is within 6" of that HEDONITE HERO and roll a dice, adding 2 if that HEDONITE HERO is a GREATER DAEMON. On a 4+, that enemy unit fights at the end of the following combat phase, after the players have picked any other units to fight in that combat phase.
  6. @Kasper agreed and I am having high expectations there especially for big G. I hope he can be viable at least for semi competitive play. Smashing and Bashing is hard to pull off against an experienced opponent (essentialyl you are counting on opponents mistake) and it also means your unit is already engaged in combat. I was having in mind those 30 heathguard mobs which tend to delete everything that comes close to them before it gets a chance to fight. Let's see. Today everythign will be revealed. Personally I will continue playing my IJ as I have done continously since day one. The real question is if we will have a chance to bring them back to tournaments as well
  7. Lets WAIT and see. At the moment I am most concerned about our non-representation in the activation wars. Even the strongest offensive output is not much use if you get deleted right after the charge and before you get a chance to attack. I hope they will give us something at least to defend against it.
  8. Hey thanks a lot for clarifying. Is there any other ability of achieving the same effect with fyreslayers? Because I am almost sure my opponent stated that he was using VOSTARG lodge (and was indeed using the run and charge command ability). Or maybe you can have more than one lodges in your army?
  9. Hi, At the moment it is possible but we are expecting a new battletome very (?) soon. See posts above. It might be a good idea to wait a bit to see what the new book will bring.
  10. Hi everyone. Can someone please assist? I played against fyreslayers for the first time yeterday and my oppenent kept using an ability / rune/ prayer (?) which allowed his units to play frst every round before me no matter what (even the rounds i charged his units). I checked the battletome and also looking around on the net but cannot locate the ability. Could someone point it out for me? Thanks!
  11. It would be fun to pit snake Morathi against him . Unless I am wrong these are the 2 models in the game that limit damage received per round . Gortek will need 4 rounds to kill her. Will she be able to kill him before that (including use of spells)? Theoretically she can do 2 wounds per round on him (one in hero phase and one in meelee) so it can go both ways
  12. I like it a lot. I think most of us have given up on getting models back through ressurection and thus MSU make much more sense. I had great success with multiple units of 10 rasps. They harass and steal objectives very effectively. Also the balefire blade on the KoS means he intented to put him on meelee and not simply use him as support. He becomes Dmg3 with that artifact My only objection is that I just cant get 30 reapers ever to work. For me 20 is the number I managed to get most utility from.
  13. Hey people I need some help as I am facing FEC for the first time real soon. I am skimming through their tome (never read it before) and I want to know if I read this correct: An Abhorrent Ghoul King on Royal Terrorgheist of the Gristlegore Court will always play first in combar (Savage Strike) and then he can play immediately again (Feeding Frenzy + Feast Day)? Is this interpretation correct? Thanks!
  14. It ll take him two -three turns to arrive anywhere meaningful on the battlefield All it takes is 2 units of 10 of your cheapest chaff to encircle him (not engage him) before that. One unit per turn and he is off the game for good. Poor little basterd, he is damned to roam aimlessly the battlefield killing everything he touches without achieving anything meaningful ever
  15. In fact, you are right @xking. Let say it simply doesn't work for me. Nothing wrong with silly models as a general principle
  16. Pass for me. I like where the lore is going. I like the hero models. Overall though, the robo-bone dudes look a bit silly , in my eyes at least. Compared to the utter brilliance, the dynamism and the horror-inspiring design of the Nighthaunt range, these feel dissapointingly cartoony.
  17. Thank you for this report and the effort you put in writting it. I enjoyed reading it as part of my preparation for an event Allow me some critisism, if you might. Writting things like: "He thought he could fire the magmic thingy at will, but I played against him a couple months back, and checked its rules afterwards so I knew you needed a priest within 6” to activate it." or "Fyreslayers begin to attack back. Since I wasn’t too sure of the rules, I wasn’t aware that ONLY units who charged that turn OR had an enemy within 3” were eligible for combat, so technically his hearthguards weren’t allowed to attack again" reveal some underlying bitterness towards your opponent and specifically his lack of understanding the rules (or worse his deliberate bending of the rules). This is something I read a lot in battle reports., even on some from very experience people. Is it really necessary to put such commentary on a battle report? Does it add or detract from the overall writting?
  18. @Tropical Ghost General Never played against them but I guess killing the heroes is our best bet. The fungoids generate the CPs so target them first. Banshees that target bravery might be able to do the job from range since even the strongest heros are low bravery and low wounds comparatively Maybe keep a few banshees and Lady O in the underworlds and emerge them behind enemy lines to target the heroes. Banshees abilty has 10in range and activates in the shooting phase and so is Lady's O bravery targeting ability . So you can emerge at the end of movenet phase and then squash them with mortal wounds (hopefully)
  19. As a NH player I am fine with it. Just a different sort of challenge to face, different things to think about. Btw, fyreslayers and skaven are also affected by it, both featuring heavily in the current meta. I think it is a useful scenarion
  20. I am not sure if its bad for the game but it is certainly bad for Nighthaunt NH is a really thematic army designed to a large extend around the concept of being scary and demoralising to fight against. It was a great concept but the current state of the game with common high bravery stats and abudance of inspiring presence nullified all NH mechanics aiming on bravery. Furthermore I agree with whatstated above. Morale should be a way to deal with hoard non-elite armies armies . At the moment this is not the case as such armies appear to have abudant CP to never have to deal with battleshock. It seems that only my Brutes have to fear battleshock at the moment 😂 Having said all these, I personally don't feel IP is game braking or deeply problematic. Far from it. I believe it could be improved but even if it doesn't I wouldnt worry too much about it.
  21. Out of curiosity why you choose to play a game that you absolutely hate one of its key features?
  22. I enjoy big upsets and epic returns when I play with my toy soldiers so think it is one of the best features in AoS compared to other games.
  23. I think the major change we will see will be the abilities' effectiveness extending until our next phase (Waagh abilities and Warchanters prayer) like all other armies abilities do. This alone will massively buff the army. Also I would be surprised if some MW output generation (e.g gruntas charge) is not included. It is not acceptable that goblin bouncing tomatoes can cause mortal wounds on a charge but gruntas can't Other than these changes I do not expect many radical changes in the warscroll stats. But let's see... In either case, post GH2019 I feel I am playing a much more powerful army. Waagh under bloodtoofs has become extremely powerful and easy to pull off. I have played some rematches post GH2019 and easily won some previously impossible matchups. things are looking good right now for IJ
  24. Maybe its the list I am playing. I run two segments in my army. One YOLO fast (1x maw crusha+ 2 units of 3 gruntas) and one slow (2 x 5 brutes+ 1x20 ardboyz+ Megaboss babysitter with banner for battleshock immunity). This gives me enough flexibility for all scenarios. With Bloodtoofs I can pull Waaghs with both megabosses and that is crucial as it channels our offencive power to the most needed area. On this last game where the brute boss scored 28 wounds I was alpa striked by the Dracolines. If it was not for bloodtoofs I would have spend 4 command points and get only +1 extra attack. (my Waagh roll was 3,5,5,6 6) and I had 3 units around the megaboss. With the battalion I got 7 extra attacks! Bloodtoofs eliminates the Waagh gamble and allows you to spread your units for more board control. These make a HUGE difference for IJ. Also starting the game with 3 CP is super awesome.
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