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Everything posted by Vasshpit

  1. MW wilst under the affects of a called Waaagh! 😉
  2. Bring on the inevitable ELITES expansion! I need a Rockgut Trogg up in this motherlicka!!!
  3. Anyone have any idea if the Warchanter will now buff savages as well? What about savages counting towards the Weirdnobs to cast bonus?
  4. @Balrogue Very cool touch with the the tusks on the Krusha. 🍻
  5. My initial impression is one of disappointment although no one knows full details just yet. Time will tell. Maybe even a few models that are yet to be announced... Even though I'm not a fan of Bonesplittaz I just feel both of those factions have potential for their own expansion. Again, not much is known. Im hoping the inevitable terrain / endless spells are something different. Maybe some waaagh banners and something more like summonable beasts or warmachines. Again time shall tell. 🍻 to another 3-5 years for new models and units. Hoping for some kind of lore shake up. Something like Gordrakk finds the crown of Azhag in a stormvault and becomes a wizard as well as the ultimate green badass.
  6. So no new models for Orruks?... Not a fan at all of combining Ironjawz & Bonesplittaz... just comes off as lazy to me. To each there own though.
  7. There was a rumor a awhile back about ogors getting a size/scale upgrade and becoming a kind of super elite faction where your basic troop towers over everything else. Im imaging Rockgut sized Ogors... just more plumpy. I believe it was firebellies mentioned. If this becomes true I'll definitely become an ogor collector. Imo all the current sculpts just don't do it for me when compared to newer ones.
  8. Hello again. Just thought I'd double check, have the brutes and shaman been built, primed?
  9. Anyone else feel like Kroot could find a place amongst Destruction?...
  10. I'd like to see more rules like these. As far as i know its only them and chainghasts. Id Like to see more 3" weapon profiles. The club the dankhold troggs use is like 4" in and of itself. Just silly to see a 2"reach. Id also like to see some kind of universal calvary rules that help elimate hordes. Thats what they're used for. It's silly to see these 4x-5x bigger models charge teensy weensy battline units and just stop right in front of them. Heh. Im no expert though. #bringbacktactics
  11. An easy fix could be to just combine the two warscrolls. Boom! Done! So what happens when soul wars is no longer available? How does one acquire a a GoS then? Just release the damn model GW. You messed up here. Its an easy fix.
  12. Thats also pictured in the Nighthaunt tome... GW kinda dropped the ball with them. I dont believe they had a clear direction for them at all...
  13. Looks good. Welcome to TGA! This will get moved to the painting and modeling section, fyi.
  14. Ive been thinking that a combined Ironjawz and whatever replaces Gitmob may become the AoS "Orcs and Goblins" similar to how Gloomspite is the combination of a few things. Gw could play on the "Hobgrot" aspect of cream of the crop grots and come up with some cool concepts. If done right it think it could be cool although id be fine with just an expanded Ironjawz.
  15. I recall rumors of the past mentioning a "prophet of the waaagh" model. Seeing as how Bonesplittaz are ruled over by shamans perhaps this is also an indication of things on the horizon.
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