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Everything posted by kaaras

  1. Very interesting scheme. Good transitions.
  2. Great scheme. Will look great when complete.
  3. @Tommy thanks mate. The chariot might be enough this month. It is a motivation but also time thing. Brutez are a good call. So there we go. Chariot with a stretch of the Brutez.
  4. Including Ironskulls boyz, 1060. 440 of that is the Maw Krusha. Its the battle line elements that are low. Overall, depending how I split up the Boyz, I can get the army to 2500 points almost exactly.
  5. Tough one this month. I have 24 models to go in my mixed Orruk army. In undercoat are: 5 x Brutez 3 x Gruntaz 5 x Ard Boyz 10 x Boyz 1 x Chariot. Thing is I am not really motivated to do any of them. I am thinking the last 10 boyz and the chariot as the stretch, or the be Gruntaz and chariot as stretch. I am out of character models for this one, so its a bit of a grind to go... thoughts?
  6. And now for some magical support. Not a bad model to paint.
  7. Hmm, seems I haven't added much here lately. Ironskullz Boyz have joined the horde, as have another 10 boyz. and a different view: and the 20 boyz all together: Sadly, not one game all year thus far, so bit hard to tell of Balogog's exploits in the mortal realms. I guess he is just waiting for his time to strike. Thanks for visiting!
  8. Very nice. The theme is coming together nicely. I think that something on the bases, greens or red to just add a small splash of something might be beneficial. I love the dark tones for the skin. Makes them unique. The blue highlights on the KoS and banner really shine for me.
  9. Very nice. I think it looks fine and will be great once painted. The conversion matches well.
  10. Love the commitment and they look awesome.
  11. Cool and interesting work as always. Be interesting to see what they look like with some colour. The greys and purples of traditional slaanesh against the various shades of the life cycle should be an interesting challenge.
  12. So, after 20 orruk boyz, time to do something different. Going to pledge to do Ironskullz Boyz. After that, the Weirdnob Shaman or a chariot. EDIT: Completed Ironskulls Boyz. Stretch goal possible but looking shaky... Need to get this camera to work properly... anyway, here they are: And the bosses cloak and different grouping just coz... And with a few days to go, the stretch of the Weirdnob Shaman is completed: 5 for 5 so far this year. Pretty chuffed
  13. Very cool bro. Nice contrast... unlock those models.
  14. Nice work. I did something similar for my slaanesh, but used a dark brown (rhinox hide) and shaded up a bit more, using pinks, purples, golds and silvers to highlight. My daemonettes are a deep purple rather than grey for the same reasons as you. There are photos on my plog if you are interested, as I don't have the pics handy. Lovely work you have achieved.
  15. 10 days in and the first 5 boyz for this month are complete. I have started the tedious batch painting process on 10 more, to at least make it slightly less painful. Need another 10 to make the massive regiment....
  16. No pics handy but i have a unit of fimir and the exalted gd of Slaanesh. The fimir are excellent
  17. So, I jumped onto the arrer boyz. I have 30 or these to get thru so its time to just crack on. First 10 done...
  18. Well, I made last months on the last day... I will aim for 10 more orruk boyz. A second 10 if I am very motivated. Edit: 8 down, 2 to go... c'est fini Well, mostly. I will probably do more to the bases at some stage, and perhaps some war paint to keep up the theme that they are going a little weird... I hope this isn't for nothing and that the Greenskinz will be resurrected in a future tome, or they will be stand in Hard Boyz or Savage Arrer boyz... I also don't know which 10 I finished this month, so I added all 20. Oh, and I will add something to the banner one day, some free hand or a decal or two.
  19. I would leave it bright. It might be a newer addition to the fortress, and thus not been as weather beaten as the rest of the structure. Overall, very impressive piece whatever you decide.
  20. These boarz aren't half mad, thought Balogog astride his mount. Must be the nutterz riding them. I can see the touch of Gork (and/or Mork) pourin' out of 'em. These were just boyz not dat long ago. Must be all dis darkness and sneakin' about, makin' 'em go funny... So Balogog has his ride on a boar as well as the Krusha now, (Slorz... does that work as a name... Big Smasha or Gut Skwisha (in honour of the rampage ability, I just imagine the big fella belly flopping on people) doesn't really do much for me...) and his entourage of 9 other boar boyz. I mixed and matched the models to have a combo of normal boyz and savage boyz but made all of them look more feral as if they are turning to Bonesplitterz. They aren't there yet and still have some armour and iron weapons, but the tattoos are out and some of the weapons are certainly more primitive. I think they turned out well. Interesting at least. I can run one group of 10 or two of 5, which is handy. As always leave a comment or critique. Next up... hmm, I am not actually sure. Maybe the chariot or Ironskullz boyz...
  21. damn straight brother. finished is better than perfect any day. love the names too. so much character
  22. More boyz to join the gang. These are orruk boar boyz that have picked up some savage tendencies so I can use them as either. I haven't modified these pictures and they are a bit rubbish but you get the idea. I have finished 8 of the pigs, 3 riders now. These are pretty slow going, or I am, but I will have them finished by months end. I am using a Bonesplitterz force in a pairs tournament with my brothers Gloomspite Gitz, so should be very silly. Which is good.
  23. Awesome project. Good luck. I have 6 of these boys and a Shaggoth. 3 are painted, might have a photo around somewhere if interested.
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