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Double Misfire

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Everything posted by Double Misfire

  1. You're going senile Nagash. They've been doing D3 wounds to wizards and daemons since the compendiums.
  2. Congrats dude, insanely well deserved. The highlights and contrasting colours are freakishly crisp and I love how well the subtle skull you've stuck on his gauntlet works.
  3. Underdog gambits look great, and like a much better way to reward a weaker warband than the proven method of just chucking more gold and xp at them at the end of a game. The rule of three sounds like a good way of curbing AoE stuff that would otherwise dominate such small games. I'd maybe think about changing the name of your "mortally wounded" injury result to just about anything else so it can't be confused with the popular way of bypassing save rolls at a glance. Is cripplingly wounded still PC? The new scenarios sound very fun and hopefully I'll get the time to playtest them this time round!
  4. Still maintain that the grot scutling models would have been a lot better received if they didn't have bases.
  5. I love the 6th ed Empire wizards. Great work giving the model a different tome with suitably moody colours.
  6. Thanks for complimenting the army, I was originally inspired to overhaul them for AoS after seeing your thread on Dakka. Only bad photos! I've got a new phone with a marginally better camera and should really use it as an excuse to getting around to starting a thread on the painting board showing my guys off. Bizarrely, most of the banners and shields on my newer dwarf stuff are red and gold (well, red and Averland Sunset), so it seems I'm in good company. The few bits and pieces of Empire stuff I've got painted so far are in Averland black and yellow uniforms though, so I'm planning on doing a bit of background about them being a noble house/trading company with a slightly different colourscheme to the rest of the force.
  7. Oh nice, I decided my army was from Greywater Fastness recently, mostly necessitated by the volume of artillery in it and the fact everything's on a grassy base. I'm quite keen to develop an official coat of arms/logo for the city if you've got any ideas!
  8. Please do, the steam tank on a steam tank is inspired.
  9. Wow, not sure how I missed these! You never fail to make me feel bad about my own painting ability! My only real criticism would be that while beautifully highlighted you've chosen to leave most of the details on the body of the hurricanum and the knights' shield the same colour as the background they are on, but that's probably got more to do with the way I'm used to seeing studio models painted and is a pretty bold choice on your part. The damsel's alternative colourscheme and the waywatcher are especially cool. Did you scoop best army in the end?
  10. Dang, are those yours, I am in love, please post more.
  11. These look very cool, very 80s Jes Goodwin ogres. Post better pics!
  12. You had your Isle of Blood rebox, now wait inline for another five years.
  13. The book's contents and some battalion info from BoLS: http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2017/01/disciples-of-tzeentch-lets-talk-battalions.html Hosts Duplicitous sounds like a lot of fun!
  14. You need to have bought the Generral's Handbook in app and then points will display for units you select for my battle (entirely anecdotal, I've only got the GHB in hardcopy)
  15. Review/preview is up with a Changeling pic: http://ageofwarhammer.blogspot.co.uk/2017/01/disciples-of-tzeentch-preview.html
  16. It's a relief destiny dice won't work on the Eye of Sheerian, they'll probably be scary enough with the Slayer of Kings alone!
  17. It's keyword Tzeentch dude, though I wouldn't mind them whacking a new keyword on units in a Free Cities book to unify them a little better and keep the legacy units out of allegiance armies. All this talk of a Free Cities/Azyrheim battletome makes me want to wishlist more:
  18. Awesomeness. What is the chest he's stood on from?
  19. Loving the Doomseeker conversion and may have to pinch it! You're right, Thorek does look a million times better with the modern Runelord's flaming tong-things. Great work overall, the freehand on the Questor's cloak really stands out.
  20. I love it! Spite revenant head? What is the beastie?
  21. Phenomenal work! Too much nice stuff to name... I especially like the black knights and abyssal terror.
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