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Everything posted by zilberfrid

  1. Nou, niet mezelf, ik zit maar iets boven het gemiddelde voor Nederlandse mannen. Van iemand van 2.4 tot 3.3 meter zou ik dan wel weer opkijken.
  2. I've read that it comes at $50 at Barnes & Nobles, is that correct? If so, not having a compatible board and having these models, it's not for me.
  3. I think the last four or five ork/orruk models that GW has made were basing material for space marines or stormcast.
  4. I've just taken a look of the US side of things: US No longer available: Organ gun/cannon Dragon Noble Glade Guard White Lions Temporarily unavailable: War Altar Foot general (with greatsword) Warrior priest (shield) Unforged Flagellants Eternal guard/Wildwood Rangers Black Guard/Executioners Dragonlord on Dragon/Archmage on dragon Australia No longer available Organ gun/cannon General on horse Temporarily unavailable: General on foot with handgun Warrior priest with two hammers Handgunners/crossbowmen Corsairs Guard Greatswords Ironbreakers/Irondrakes Luminark/Hurricanum General/battlemage on griffin Hammerers/Longbeards UK/EU Same as yesterday What I can surmise: Someone in Australia is building a Freeguild army Aelf forces are also in demand, dark ones in particular About phasing out: Archers going towards no longer available Dragon nobles going towards no longer available White lions going towards no longer available Glade guard going towards no longer available Weird stuff: General on Horse no longer available, but option for mercenaries Organ gun/cannon no longer available, but required for mercenaries We do not know whether the no longer availables will be back, but there is a chance of that happening. Next is pure conjecture: High elf dragon safe General on griffin safe Bleakswords etc safe Guard safe Crossbows/handguns safe Corsairs safe Single pose generals and warpriests safe Ironbreakers/Irondrakes safe Eternal guard safe Luminarch safe War altar safe Greatswords safe Flagellants safe Unforged safe Drakesworn knights safe Hammerers/Longbeards safe I would rather have the models of the archers and general on horse than the models of the crossbowmen and the single pose foot generals, but what can you do.
  5. Technically, rises in the model can be filled in on the mould by hammering in metals, and engravings on the model can be ground off. Both are not very good for the mould though.
  6. As far as I know, the newest plastics like the dalemen did increase in size. Still smaller than current GW scale, more mid-90's. But that's only as far as I know. I think yhat, if you make your whole army out of LOTR stuff, the internal size discrepancies are not too bad. You're just a community that became smaller in isolation, but do check whether the place where you game allows it, and whether you can make a whole army.
  7. "Fairly large" is not what I would call 8-11 foot tall beings. "Freakishly large", "inhumanly tall" are things that spring to mind. And I'm Dutch.
  8. I have the 1980's familiars, purchased about a month ago, they were always meant to become fluff. They are exceedingly cute!
  9. That works too. My city isn't *that* devoted to Sigmar though.
  10. Just as we have disfigured humans, so too can Sigmar make a mockery of elves and dwarves.
  11. Free people currently have enough choice for battlelines, only outriders/pistoleers and the generals are not battleline. I was half-joking of course, but I have often heard "just ally in *SCE unit*" if I lament an option does not exist in Freeguild. The entire Aelves need to be redesigned, this was never a situation that could stay, and taking a few options away makes them entirely unplayable.
  12. For Freeguild, GW considers the nigh immortal 10ft tall tools of Sigmar that do not even have regular metabolism anymore human, so they might force us that way. Then make Aelven and Duardin Sigmarines and you can replace everything gradually with shoulderplates the size of car bonnets.
  13. Oh, I think it will be okay, but I did not pay much extra (3€) and now I'm both certain and I'll have it sooner.
  14. Yeah, that's why I rushed to get one. My faction leader tile is Karl, and this one "happens" to be called Franz. They could change the mould and machine out/fill in the name, or they might make a new one. If they make a new one, it is probably different, and this one I like. If I also like the new one, I'll get that one as well, but if not, I'm sort of covered.
  15. I am not someone that wants any sets to disappear. I would like the Guards and Crossbowmen sets to be replaced by more beautiful guards and crossbowmen sets, but that is entirely different, I can't currently see Free People work without guards and crossbowmen/handgunners. I am, however, quite interested in which sets are at risk of deletion, because I want to get them before they vanish. Even if -for instance- the General is just getting a new model, it might not be as good as this one (in my eyes), or having both options will give me more diversity in my army.
  16. War priest with book, hammer and shield joined the "temporarily unavailable" worldwide, so that might be a sign this set is here to stay. Hammer, shield and book is one of the best unconverted configurations, I think, even though it isn't mounted. If the warscroll of the warpriest is changed to include the rest of the army, there is a good chance I'll buy and kitbash one or a few of them to mounted hammer, shield, book dudes, because having save 3+ with unbinding, blessing, 12" movement and 6 attacks is nothing to sneeze at, especially for 80 points. (If my rampant speculation isn't wanted, please tell me and I'll tone it down).
  17. Guys, my resolve is weak. I purchased an Excelsior Warpriest and High elf griffin. If I can convince myself to purchase a set of Vanguard Palladors, I'll have my lineup of griffins complete (in order of decreasing size): General on Deathclaw Battlemage on HE griffin (I think it suits him more) Gryph Charger (still debating this purchase with myself) Demigryph conversion with spare Deathclaw head modelled after the Forgeworld demigryph Demigryphs Demygryph conversion with the spare double heads from Deathclaw and heavily greenstuffed Outrider horses Quartergryphs with Tsaangor heads Quartergryphs with gryph hound front quarters Gryph hound Silver tower Gryph hound Tiny griffin from General set. Now to make a list where I can all field them and not lose horribly General 280 Battlemage 240 Demigryph from Gryph charger 130 Demigryph from spare heads 130 Demigryphs 130 Outriders 120 Pistoleers 120 Gryph hounds 140 (Forgoing the Excelsior Warpriests, I could stick the two tinies in this set) 1290 points and quite horrible. I could convert my general to be a quartergryph as well, and it will still not be very good.
  18. Hi, do you know what your friend is into? There are quite a few options for gifts. If it's mostly aesthetics, I'd look into the warbands from Underworld, they provide a nice diversity in troops. If it's an army, we need to know which one. Hi, welcome to the group!
  19. Yeah! Sigmar took only the guys that did not block or armour up good enough! What's left are the guys that do come back from a fight and their decendants.
  20. I know there isn't a whole lot of realism, but I simply don't like impracticality. My girlfriend started with Tzeench, and that's its own brand of ridiculousness, but a brand that I can stomach a lot better than armour that blocks line of sight. As for the knights, jousting was always with shield, and plate was good enough to withstand human weapons, not from ogres, giants etc.
  21. Ah thanks! I was puzzled by that, and thought it might be a sign. Carry on then!
  22. If I was up against someone dressed as a Stormcast in a LARP, I would feel more confident than if I was up against someone in guard armour. The guy in Stormcast armour is severely limited in movement and vision, while the guy in guard armour is dressed in something that is actually fit for purpose. But then ahain, I really, really dislike the Stormcast/Space marine/Chaos warrior aesthetic.
  23. It's odd that the general is temp out of stock in US, but no longer available worldwide and UK. Cannon/organ gun, glade guard and war altar no longer available in US might be telling, dragon noble is odd for no longer linking to the warscroll.
  24. Bleakswords/dreadspears/darkshards/drakespawn knights and witch hunter/flagellants are out of stock, but temporarily, so those would not worry me. That actually is a better sign than available. If they are available, you never know whether they get "no longer available" as their next status, while temporarily out of stoch states you can expect to see them return.
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