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Everything posted by zilberfrid

  1. I've doubled the Thunderers with a dwarf blood bowl team, but it takes some creativity.
  2. The female Kharadron from the novels deserve a mention. As well as that brilliantly fierce looking female Fyreslayer.
  3. I think the presents are nice, getting the family back together. Fyreslayers and Kharadron around the Forge, Lumineth and Idoneth around an... elven thing.
  4. This is for 40k, but nothing that should keep it just there. I was already interested in Tzeench, these eyes could make the blue and pink horrors a bit more specific Tzeench instead of generic chaos spawny.
  5. The Lumineth Cathaller has a way to channel battleshock from her own troops to the enemy.
  6. If you want better pricing, Frostgrave Soldiers 2 is a good set. Wizards 2 if you want more options for arms and heads. But I wouldn't call them AoS more than Necromunda's Kria, which would be my pick in GW models.
  7. If only GW made them... (except for the Blood Bowl human teams, that is).
  8. I think GW read this thread and went through designing, greenlighting and machining Sigvald as a lightning fast response.
  9. I have given/sold them away, except for a few that are usable in d&d or frostgrave. I don't care about the game, and a friend does. When it's painted, I no longer have a use for it. I'm not going to display 80 guards and Handgunners, but having 10 for some guard company my party might have to face is useful. I did save a model of about every three montgs I've painted.
  10. Oh yes, so they are more Ordered sailor vampire japanese schoolgirls (and boys, in the same outfits, of course).
  11. There are probably also anime that cater to Slaanesh. Not the ones I was referencing though.
  12. Well, if they are not nautical, why do they need the sailor outfits?
  13. I think you're missing the good bits: Gryph hounds Gryph chargers Aetherwings Most of the female Stormcast models
  14. Maybe they are Sailor Scout gloves. Sailormoon vampirates?
  15. Interesting. Is Morathi a full replacent of that BT? I didn't think so.
  16. Try Micron pigment pens. Grey line for the white of the eyes, dot with a 0.45mm coloured pen, dot with a 0.2 mm black pen. The pupils will be round. As for the faces, I think they fit perfectly. They have a Kenneth Copeland or Cher-like "off-ness" about them.
  17. Lizardmen can get really far out as well. Dreaming dead friends into existence can't be a sober activity.
  18. Dealing with Skaven is just such a chore, whack a mole on the campaign map, seemingly limitless summons and warp bombs on the battlefield. Now they did lack mass and mobility, which this DLC gives them. Meanwhile Vortex is still missing quite a few factions, and they need some love.
  19. It does come infested with yet another Skaven update. Except for Skaven and Wood Elf players, I expect the game to be worse after its release.
  20. If you're going Warcry, when they'll be available separately, the Blood Bowl team might be a really characterful Warcry team.
  21. Well, he got reanimated into one of the knight questors. There are loads of those, so special isn't really the right term.
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