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Everything posted by GrimDork

  1. Speed of Hysh only works on LUMINETH REALM-LORDS 🙁
  2. Here are my thoughts on this. I’m not going to comment on whether the NDA is real/fake, others have put both sides of the argument out there, not really anything more to add. Except to say the only way we will know 100% is if GW confirm/deny or if more influencers receive a copy and are willing to tell. On the subject of biased reviews, tbh I’m not too bothered if they are generally positive. I watched one “review” for the dominion box from Zona-something (can’t recall name). Video was entitled “why I don’t play AoS”, his opening words were “because it’s $*#t!”. He then goes on to recount the destruction of the old world and the early days of AoS. Apparently he hasn’t even tried the game. He opens his free dominion box, says nice models, then proceeds to kitbash some of the Stormcast into space marines. This video bugged me and if I worked at GW this is not the kind of thing I would want an influencer saying/doing with a free product they’ve been sent. Here are my thoughts/questions/speculations on the NDA. First off I’ll preface my comments with a blanket if it is real. If the leaked NDA is a revised document that will gradually be sent to all YouTube content creators it would be very concerning. In the clause about business dealings with restricted customer, what is a business dealing? In my mind it’s taking money from, which a large number of you tubers do in the form of Patreon or premium memberships for extra content (miniwargaming, WargamerOnline, GMG to name just a few). Not sure if Patreon would be viewed as business dealing, or if it would be viewed as artist/content creator and backer? Is that a business dealing? If such channels were given this NDA to sign they would not be able to, as they would immediately be in breach. If they don’t sign, presumably they would lose the perk of having pre-release copies? If they did sign they would effectively cut off funding, ending their channels anyway. Tin foil hat time! It seems odd that this comes out shortly after the launch of WH+ and IP policy changes. For a good number of years lots of content creators have been making money featuring predominantly GW games. Have GW seen this that people are willing to pay for batrep content and thought “that’s money that could be coming into our pockets!”. GW start producing their own content, then try to get rid of the competition by not supporting them with free stuff. I’ve not subbed to WH+ so no idea on the quality of the battle reports, but I would assume that they would be high quality productions. It makes me question whether this is part of a move where GW is trying position itself as the main source of all GW related content, all behind the paywall of WH+.
  3. It shows a "0" for me on the app on both phone and tablet (both apple)? Likely just a formatting error?
  4. Think that's because their save worsens as the suffer damage, scroll down and look at the damage table.
  5. Correct They are probably using Levitate from the universal spell lore on him. Does not gain IDONETH keyword, cannot benefit from Forgotten Nightmares.
  6. Gotrek must be one of the most efficient points to model ratio. 435pts for £20. Plus he can be used across multiple armies, which is great value wise.
  7. I'm in a similar boat to you. I think Cathay look cool, the trailer is very well done. My only gripe is that it doesn't feel very Old World Warhammer to me. Admittedly I'm not at all familiar with the Total War series, other than it exists so maybe this is just how the setting has developed over time, getting more exaggerated for a video game audience. It just all feels to me a bit too fantastical and advanced and OTT for TOW setting. I feel they would actually fit better in the AoS setting. If this were an AoS game or miniature range I'd be totally hyped.
  8. No. As the warp lightning cannon does not have a damage characteristic in it's profile you cannot +1 to the damage.
  9. 🤦🏻‍♂️I had hoped the core battalions for SoB were a one off cos of their unique army style. What’s the point of removing warscroll battalions to level the haves and have nots, just to reintroduce new faction specific battalions? I repeat……🤦🏻‍♂️
  10. Your sons will be pretty safe from warpfire throwers as they roll a dice for each model in target unit, each 4+ is a MW. Look out for overcharging warp lightning cannons tho!
  11. I’ve been thinking about this recently, they really hyped up the kragnos effigies when the were teasing Kruleboyz, saying “who is making all these little statues?” I was expecting the miniature range to be littered with more effigies and totems to scatter around as base detail much like idoneth get their fishies. But so far I can’t recall seeing any 😕 I know we’ve not seen the sprues yet, so I may be wrong, but it seems like a missed opportunity to me.
  12. Well, it’s been an age since I posted any pics of my work. When I looked back and found my old log I realised that the site I was using for image hosting had folded so all the pics had gone, so easier to just start a new log. This log will mainly feature my main armies Deepkin, KO & Lumineth. But I’m a bit of a hobby butterfly and there are too many armies that I like the look of/want to collect. My current plan is to collect armies of around 1000pts then scale up from there. Of late I’ve been trying to be disciplined and not open/assemble new models and force myself to finish WIP’s off. Last week tho I impulse bought a random mini I spotted for a decent price on eBay. A week later and I’ve finished it! I’m chuffed, this really isn’t like me! I really enjoyed painting this, after being strict with myself it felt so good to just paint a model I want to paint in whatever colours I feel like, not just because it fits into my collection somewhere. I could expand this into a force as I have the Tzeentch half of Aether War in a cupboard somewhere? Maybe next time I need a palette cleanser I’ll dig em out. Hopefully post again soon with idoneth progress. Thanks for looking!
  13. Yes they do stack, but positive modifiers to save are capped at +1. The +2 could still be worth it tho to cancel out rend.
  14. This post got me thinking. I’ve seen someone use tzeentch screamers as the basis for manta ray style counts as aetherwings. But then I thought why not use some of the spare fish from idoneth kits stuck onto a base. Was assembling my gloomtide shipwreck today, there are so many spare fish! Anyone else done this?
  15. I’m guessing B&C is bolter and chainsword? A long running 40k forum. Was space marine only back in the day but I think they have xenos sub forums now.
  16. Thanks for taking the time to write these up! Very enjoyable to read. Look forward to more!
  17. Others have done reviews as well. WargamerOnline to name just one. Don't think anyone means any disrespect by saying "man who reads book"
  18. Agree with this sentiment. Is the existence of a page by page book review on youtube going to affect someones decision to buy a book? I'm not sure that it will. People who don't want to buy will just find the rules they're interested in from other sources. I watched through one of GMG's broken realms videos to get the latest KO rules, but I was still fully intending to buy the book anyway (and did buy it). I totally get the chapter house side of IP infringement, what they were doing was directly competing for money that should of been going to GW for their designs. Custom heads or shoulder pads is one thing, but complete models/armies blatantly copying GW doesn't sit right with me.
  19. Yeah, for a while GW sold rectangular trays with round indents in. Think they were for LotR, iirc for the War of the Ring expansion perhaps? I couldn’t see them on their website now tho.
  20. I actually feel worse for the people who rebased their entire collections onto rounds.
  21. I've already commented my thoughts on the dominion box earlier in this thread. On a slightly related topic, I am surprised the ltd edition core book didn't sell out yet. The description says it's limited to 2,000 copies and it's still available from GW (UK site anyway). Though it is way overpriced (even for a ltd ed) at more than 3 times the price of the regular core book.
  22. After seeing the new 40k thousand sons character I really want the swirly/screamers bit of the sculpt to add it to a host arcanum hero with the fanged circlet.
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