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Everything posted by Mikeymajq

  1. I would honestly not mind if the seraphon range got 'pruned' a little along with some new models to update the range to feel/look more modern. Not gonna happen though. Maybe one or the other but not both My guess is they get the same treatment as nearly everyone else. New tome, maybe endless spells and maybe a terrain piece (Please no terrain piece GW). Hopefully this means reworked warscrolls too because stuff like saurus warriors and knights sure could use a face lift. Speaking of, I would love new saurus models, maybe with some more weapon options 🤤
  2. Sorcerers are always good, we have some nice spells. I just built the chimera. You can build both the lord and sorcerer and just switch them. But I haven't tried any of them yet. Might be a bit pricey for how squishy it is with the sorceror maybe? Can't speak for the slaughterbrute or vortex beast except they look cool. And if you want lots of Monsters you might want to consider playing as Despoilers for that 4+ heal on all your big boys. Which means you'll want a daemon prince too. Daemon princes are great with their new warscroll (I liked them in Blades of Khorne before the change, and I love them now!). And they get lots of love in a Despoiler army.
  3. I personally hope they don't backtrack Seraphons lore too much. Them being crazy af space lizard wizards is exactly why I like them in aos
  4. Thanks! The tought struck me and I had to ask to be sure 😅 Edit: Well, I got absolutely slapped around in our Meeting engagement game yesterday. I faced off against Disciples of Tzeentch. Coupled with some bad manouvering on my part and getting my chariot torched by and endless spell, and my knights killed by tzaangor enlightened doing exactly enough wounds to kill them in one go made for a pretty horrific first impression... I only got 3 vp and didn't even cause him to lose a single model before round 4. I think it's back to the drawing board for me
  5. If i have a unit of 10 chaos warriors and they take a bunch of wounds. Can I roll them all at once or do I lose the reroll after 1 guy bites it and need to roll them seperately? I can't for the life of me remember how this works
  6. Ugh. No. I'm so tired of these knee ****** reactions to game balancing. The Nurgle Dp'w command ability was way too strong. It's a good thing for the game that it was reigned in. Especially since the nurgle battalion combos well with it to create a pretty punishing situation to attack the s2d unit with those buffs. Especially on top of the Mark of nurgle buffs were for example a brick of chaos warriors become very tanky with a 3+ rerollable save on top of doing damage to the attacker on their activation. D3 mw + a few extra mw when the enemy attacks is still really good.
  7. Most of the FAQ made sense tbh. That archaon battalion sounds strange tho' I'm playing a Meeting engagement on saturday (1st time we try this game mode, and first time with the new S2D battletome). My list is either Main body - Chaos Lord and 10 chaos warriors Spearhead - Exalted hero of chaos and 5 chaos knights Rearguard - Darkoath warqueen, 10 chaos warriors and a chariot Everything that can take a mark is mark of Khorne (because they're painted red haha) And the Ravagers subfaction just because the others won't do much for this list. Sadly I have zero marauders in any form Or I could go Despoilers and drop the Chaos lord and Warqueen for a Daemon prince in the main body. But I'm a bit worried a DP would be too gross in a 1k game
  8. What's you guys opinion on the Manticore? I got a hold of last years battleforce (godsworn warband), and looking at the warscrolls I'm kind of not impressed by it's prowess or survivability. 🤔 The sorceror version has a really mean spell though. So I'm leaning towards that one. Or doing my first magnetisation if it's easy to do.
  9. I actually like the lances. Just screen and make sure you get the charge in and they will do damage. I use them with my BoK and just giving them an extra attack and +1 to hit or something and charge them into something and they will make a nice dent. Never keep them in combat though unless you really have to stand there and take it.
  10. Haha I think it's a great book! The 1st level scenario is a great opening quest for a new group (played it twice, once as a DM).
  11. I really like the warscroll changes tbh and multiple sources of exploding 6's to hit is gonna be hilarious The wizard artefacts look sweet to, especially the 3rd one that gives you a random spell every round (+ you get to cast it in addition). Especially strong if you roll the spell you already have because that lets you cast it twice The disco boiis get to pick a dance now and they all seem nice-ish. altough they are on a 3+ now. My favourite clan is probably icebone since it fixes our issue with having almost no rend a bit Plus the slow people down with ice is so cool. I almost dislike drakfoot, becase it takes away something from other armies. Like it strips nurgle of its theme, plus it such an obvious hard counter to armies that rely on that save-after-save...
  12. There was a fluff piece in the old Bonesplitterz tome about IJ's going full waaaagh!-crazy After the Bonesplitterz join the fight, due to the rampant waagh energies these crazed maniacs exude. Basically the IJ's go from fighting tactically in tight ranks to wild abandon. I can totally see this in the mixed alliegance. Personally the book is great for me. I have bonesplitterz and my wife recently started collecting Ironjawz
  13. That and Goliaths are probably the worst gang to fight with Toxin weapons and very few guns over strenght 3 at start. The chem-thrower was a trap to take. (If you only consider the startbox)
  14. I'n gonna miss to wound and armour saves, but the abilities sound like fun and the scenarios look wild. Some of them are only 3 rounds though which reminds me of Shadespire a bit and was something I didn't enjoy in that game. The campaign sounds amazingly cool and I already can't wait to see them add more of them! Also I'm dying to see the stats and abilities of the other warbands now! 😍
  15. You are both completely seperate armies and do not share any abilities even if they have the same name. If a unit dies you both get 1 bloodtithe point each like normal. You can't spend someone elses blood tithe etc.
  16. I disagree a bit here, Escher is probably more akin to the snake boiis than the untamed. I think most squishier warbands will have more toughness 3 models and maybe more strength 3. If you compare stats between them and the Iron Golems, most members of both warbands have toughness 4 and a move of 4 or 5. So the Untamed aren't that much faster (except for the doggo), but not that squishy either. It's a bit more true when you take their abilities into account, with untamed focusing more on extra attacks and some movement and iron golems generally dishing out more strength or damage, plus their banner guy has an insane AoE +1 toughness ability. it's more tough vs ferocity I guess is what I'm trying to say. At least on paper it looks like a more even fight. At least I hope so because Escher was so underwhelming against Goliath (especially before they got an extended armoury from FW).
  17. That's exactly it. Just shooting with them is a waste, get that badboy stuck in!
  18. Just make sure to screen him and hope nothing shoots him because he's one squishy big boi. I had a slaughterpriest with resangiunation (I had quite a few multiwound units too).
  19. I tried out Skarbrand yesterday. I was not dissapointed, he one shotted yhe enemy general on a Stonehorn and mopped up two mournfang cavalry units with some blood warrior backup. He's insane. Though he did almost die to the second unit as they did 10 wounds to him. On the flipside that just made him angrier
  20. On the Bloodthirsters, you can either build them as flying or on the ground with the right leg (literally the first step in the assmbly). I'm just wondering if the flying one makes him less stable? I'm guessing the on the ground one is better (also makes him slightly lower), but does anyone have any advice to which is better?
  21. Did our Coach drop in pts btw? Or the dreadblade harrows? Super glad of the hexwraith pts drop. And KoS. (I run a Deathriders list) Still won't fix the army, but it should help.
  22. My wife just bought Ironjawz so she'll be pretty stoked on their point drops and spell lore. Plus their movement boost is a cp now and doubles as a fight in the hero phase for some extra punch! Most of my armies recently got battletomes so not much for me. Except for Seraphon, new spell lore seems ok. Some nice point drops. Kinda wish they'd nerf summoning some because it feels a tad ridicolous. My Nighthaunt list (mostly hexwraiths) saw some nice points drops too, might give them another go now
  23. yeah it's 6" from objectives 1" from other stuff. for the initial trees. Do we know about the others?
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