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Everything posted by XReN

  1. Flesh-Eaters are their own allegiance, skeletons and vampires are part of Legions of Nagash book and can be taken under 4 different allegiances. You can ally those units between allegiances (though FEC can't ally vampires). And you can field them as a single army under Grand Alliance Death allegiance. But keep in mind that Allies are restricted by points you can spend on them and ratio at which you can include allied units (1/4 allied/all), they usually don't bring any sinergy with units from other allegiances and GA Death allegiance is rather unimpressive compared to FEC/LoN
  2. First - Prosecutors and Azyros themselves ARE support for your other elements, try playing Vanguard Wing - it can be fun. Maybe as a variation of anvils list with big judicator unit. Sigh, I miss the days of VW's glory
  3. Pros: You can play "Killing Ground" by Sabaton whille playing with this list Low model count - faster to build and paint 1-drop army Good speed Cons: Wasted Artefact of Power No shooting No magic/anti-magic Low model count - hard to contest objectives
  4. The general can be many things, like distraction carnifex, huge-base durable and mobile platform for Hawk-Eyed, a damage dealer
  5. I don't like pistoliers that much because of short range, but Outriders sound pretty decent, if you were to give them General's CA and send across soulscream bridge they would outdamage the handgunners point for point in 33% of times, whille being more independent with better save, being able to retreat from combat and still shoot and only losing damage each 2 wounds instead of 1
  6. @robertxtrem is right Also you can apply Scar Veteran's command ability multiple times to the same unit https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/age_of_sigmar_seraphon_designers_commentary_en.pdf
  7. Oh yes, battalions are a mess and really need some clean-up. Keywords would be a great solution.
  8. That would have been hillarious, "Oh boy here are my 13 000 points of Stormcast shoved into mega-battalions, have fun playing against that with yo 2 000 points list" It is actually specified in the GHB's Matched Play section that battalion cost is only the cost of battalion's benefits and not the units.
  9. 5 evocators can self-buff with decent efficiency for only 60 more points, and they are evocators, not just an unbind battery
  10. They are bad inside SCE book and terrible everywhere else, problem is that you are paying 160 points for 2 models that stop being wizards once they lose 3 wounds and cannot take city's spells. You are better of taking a normal incantor and 5 evocators, for only 40 more points
  11. Just take Sorceress for Bridge, if you also can fit in Hurricanum - even better. And you probably can position everything the way you still can teleport your unit where you want it to be whille being too far to unbind your cast roll.
  12. Spirit of Durthu is a rather powerfull melee fighter that can also shoot AND is a hero, so he can be set up from reserve, shoot and push himself with Living City's CA making an easy charge
  13. Lets crack Volleyguns with some more mathhammer, we're a city of engineers after all, here are some numbers: Chance to jam 2 Decks - 11.11% (with reroll) 33,33% (without reroll) 3 Decks - 18.53% (with reroll) 43,05% (without reroll) Min and max number of shots without jamming: 1 Deck - 1 to 6 2 Decks - 3 to 11 3 Decks - 6 to 15 Expected Average number of shots: 1 Deck - 3.5 (this is the number I used in my calculations) 2 Decks - 7 3 Decks - 10 And here is damage calculations with some modifiers (it's a reroll of hit rolls in second column) Now I made a rough comparisson in my head of 4 Volleyguns with Lord Ordinator and Cogsmith in a battalion (800 points) against 60 handgunners and General with his CA (700 points) in a following situation: turn one hangunners run and shoot via Command Trait and deal around half the damage that Volleyguns do with double shooting, second turn they get buffed and deal twice as much damage volleyguns can do without double shooting. So almost equal if you commit to spam super hard, with handgunners being able to shoot at opponent's turn and Volleyguuns having superior range (and also Handgunners are not guaranteed to shoot in the first turn unless you spend a CP to run auto 6". Of course you can add a sorceress and Soulscream Bridge and deliver Handguner's full potential turn one. Than I took a look at Hellstorms and they are actually worse than Volleyguns (which I expected), Volleyguns easily outperform Hellblasters even at 2+ save but at the cost of not being able to fire at all, so if you don't feel like taking a risk, take Hellstorm Rockets Comparissons above are made assuming +1 to hit with rerolls of 1 and firing 3 decks The conclusion is: Volleyguns are surprisingly better than expected and artillery all together can sort of stand it's ground compared to missle infantry (but only when range is detrimental), the most point-efficient usage of artillery is full 4 pieces battalion with LOrdinator. Thanks for reading
  14. I think it will work, most factions have similar capabilities. Wanderers , Phoenix Temple and Disspossesed can deploy sturdy combat units. Disspossesed and Freeguild can bring shooting with rend. Freeguild and Darkling Covens have massed no rend shooting. Disspossesed and Freeguild have melee mortal wounds and Wanderers have ranged MWs etc. What do you mean by that? All battalions have been anounced and they are tied to sub factions
  15. For me it's not good enough, you really don't want a Hag sticking around longer than 1 turn, you won't kill an Arch-Regent ever unless you dedicate other resourses to it etc. I did some quick math, you can kill a 4+ save 5 wound character with 2 hellstorm battaries, both buffed with ordinator and one with Rune, expending 6 shots on 4+ and 3 shots on 3+ or vice-versa. With all 12 shots you can kill a 3+ save character as well. (now I realise that I forgot rerolls of 1 to hit, but whatever) So yeah, dump a bunch of explosives on a character, than decide if you can finish him with long rifles or need to expend some more shells. Greywater way.
  16. Even if you buff them to 2+ 2+ with general it still requires 4 units to kill a hero with 6+ save, If you spend 2 CPs to buff 6 units you will be able to kill a 4+ save hero.
  17. This are calculations for 5 wound heroes
  18. Battalions have a faction and if it's different to army's allegiance you can only include this battalion and all units within it as allies. Just like I already mentioned.
  19. Some chipping damage - probably, hero sniping - totally no
  20. Well, I agree that there is some hero-sniping potential. I will definetely try most of possible arty builds because I have all the models needed except for really spammy variants like 4 hellstorms.
  21. There is Rune that can be used once per turn giving +1 to hit, that as well as extra range specifies Ironweld Arsenal units
  22. There is no CA that buffs artillery with the exception of Steam Tank, Celestar Ballistas can't benefit from extra range and to take 4 'listas and mister mustachio you have to have another 15 non SCE units in the list.
  23. I also think about a versatile duo of battlemages that can act as anti-horde and debuff team, one from Aqshi with Ash Cloud and one from Hysh with Choking Fumes. Good amount of MWs against big units or combined -2 to hit will be good in any scenario.
  24. Yeah, that is true Greywater is solid, but not broken, most of it's buffs target not-that-great units. Situational is a rather polite description for artillery battle trait and command ability as well. Probably not, very dissapointing.
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