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Everything posted by Beliman

  1. Imho, they are not bottom tier, they just lack...gameplay. Let me explain, KO were a shooty army without magic. They were designed to make a gunline with boats (ppl played them for an alpha strike or just to block zones with their bases, something that is not really... interesting, btw). First nerfs were aimed to our mortar spam (classic gunline, just changing canons for g. thunderers), so the alpha strike started to grow in our community (if we can't shoot you from our home, we kill you in our first turn). After that, some armies started to have better alpha strike (SCE), and others had some debuffs vs shooting (Nurgle) and all new armies had some new and interesting mechanics. And then, AoS2 arrived. With new mechanics that nerfed shooting a bit more (look out sir and engaged units) and a new suplement that expanded the magic phase with new mechanics (endless spells), the future started to look bad. Even all new armies (ID and DoK) had more defensives buffs for shooting atacks, new mechanics like summoning didn't help in our quirurgic style of play (at this moment, we usually play a gunline with arkanauts and use buffed endrinriggers to remove our biggest threads and hope that the enemy can't recover from that hit, or just the classic alpha strike with lots of balloons to make exactly the same). And here we are. It's not that we are the worst, but it seems that we are not designes for AoS (even khorne has prayers and summonig!!!). I'm not saying that we want endless spells (btw, I don't want spells nor prayers for KO, we don't believe in that, just a new type of abilities!) or terrain (we build skyports...common GW!!!), but something that have the feeling that we are playing with flying steampunk dwarven pirates.
  2. Hello fellow commanders! I was talking with friends about new possibilities that GW can implement with the new wording of CREW and MOUNT seen in the Gloomspite Gitz Warscrolls. I love that because there can be some "buffs" to specific parts of the warscroll (before, it was the rider and the mount). Two examples that we talked about: -An Ironclad can "absorb" 1 ranged weapon profile from any Skyfarer model that is embarked in the Ironclad (Garrison). Of course, with some limitations, but the general concept is to have eazy garrison rules that can be understood and played with any "vehicle" in the game. -Heroes becoming CREW memebers when they embark could have some interaction with the CREW :Command Abilities, Reload Mines and weapons or even have some diferent type of ammunition (ex.: old flaming atacks, etc...). What do you think? Do you think that we could see new rules aiming to AoS3.0 (GHB2019) that could really transform our style of gameplay?
  3. You can't do that "now": -Banners are not Artefacts of Power (yet), so you can't remove them (same with musicians). -Even if you pick the model, the MW hit the unit. So the player that controls the unit will not put this MW to break coherency in his own unite. Time will tell if there are more things behind this wording.
  4. Try to understand that I'm a KO player. Anything that hints (even if it's just a keyword) to a possible new "garrison embark/disembark rules", like being part of the "CREW" of a model, is something that puts a smile on my face ❤️
  5. Some interesting things from the warscrolls: -Models that can block LoS (Sporeplatta Fanatics)!! I love that, even if I'm a KO player -New "nonbold" Keywords: CREW and MOUNT (I love that!!!). -Nikkit! Nikkit! has something strange. Maybe (AoS 3.0) we will see the return of heroes/champions joining units? Or unit leaders that can equip items? I mean, Select a model and D3 MW to the unit, and if the targeted model has an Artefact (at this moment, only heroes can have Artefacts of Power and they are their own unit...) you can remove it from play with a roll of +10? Yeah, it seems that it is just an arcane bolt for heroes but maybe (one can only hope) is a hint for new mechanics?
  6. I really love the new trolls (btw, I ❤️ Zbrush). So, If the Rockgutt Troggs and Dankhold Troggs share the same kit, that means that we can build 2 TroggBoss (the white one that we saw and the one in the Warhammer Community)? One being melee and the other being a caster? One can hope...
  7. Are we talking about lore or gameplay? because the problem about KO is not about their lore, is about gameplay. Wizzards and priest are not the same (you already said the arguments why they are diferent...). Magic has even more interaction with the enemy in the form of unbind rolls!!! But Duardin (and Khorne) needs new mechanics that are diferent than Magic. Call it Aether-binding or Rune-forging (or Blood-Tithe for Khorne) and I really don't care if it's pre-game (list-building and passive buffs) or active abilities (gameplay), or just new prayer tables (really strange for KO...but they can work for Dispossessed and Fyreslayers). But they need something.
  8. These are awesome concepts!!! I love them all. But some of them seems to fit other armies and not KO. Let me explain: After designing an unique army, the army has a "souls" (for me, it's a combination of flavour, aesthetics, background, etc...). And KO have one of the bests "souls": -We are stunties, and we don't believe in gods, magic or anything outside of their aether-science (we survived Age of Chaos because of that!!!). That's represented in our stats (low movement, same stats with other dwarfs) , grudges (some in the Code, some in our warlords traits) and Runes (we even have an item that's just a rune). -We are pirates! Even we had to create The Code to stop our own wars. On the tabletop, there isn't anything to support that: we have fast-hitting cavalry like other armies, and ships that plays like <insert a random transport here> but that's all. We need something more!!! And I'm not saying that more dmg to X weapons or more atacks with Y characters, I just want to say that I want diferent types of gameplay. -Aether-science: That's our secret weapon. We use our science to try to have an edge over the enemy. That's represented with high-rend shooting weapons on the tabletop and one article from our Code, but we need more "things" because our enemies have better (and advanced) weapons in form of Endless Spells, magic, summoning, etc... What I'm trying to say is that we need more gameplay mechanics (not just numbers) to feel like true KOplayers. P.D: I'm not talking about new units, I'm just looking to our out-dated battletome and why I find that GW just missed the mark writting it (btw, we still have the best models).
  9. Me too. One of the first things that AoS don't have is a "magic phase". We have abilitites that we call "magic", and this abilities have to be rolled first and the enemy can try to stop them. There are other abilitites that need one type of unit (Hero with CA) and spend resources (CP), others that just needs a roll (prayers), some armies have abilitites to heal/ressurect units or even summon new ones, so it's time that Duardins have their own rune-abilities: From Animated automatons/golems with runes (some tipe of summoning maybe?), protective-runes (scenary/ endless spells for duardins?) or some type of cannonballs with runes that can dmg endless spells, wizzards or whatever (Everblaze comet for Duardins?)... Just some brainstorming here, but you get the point.
  10. Me too!! I'm praying to Gorkamorka to see that release (my other army don't let me pray to any god/des).
  11. I completly aggree, but plis, I want to use 2 or even 3 ships in 1000 points game!
  12. I use diferent skyports. For unkown players (people that I never played before), I usually use Barak-Mhornar or Urbaz ("buffed first turn" vs "more dice in all turns until my khemist dies"). I'm not looking for a win, just to have a nice match. For players that I already know and play melee armies (or "shock" armies), I go with Thryng (with Brokk). Sometimes, I use Zilfin (not using the clown car), and I normally go with Iron Sky Squadron battalion to make the game more interesting (on ship flanking, the other going for objectives, etc...). Iron Sky Squadron is interesting enough, and eazy to build. Grundstock Escort Wing when I finish paiting the Gunhaulers... (never played with them). Never played with the other battalions.
  13. Not a rumour because we already know that ther will be a new GH 2019 edition. But they are starting working on it, and they want to know what we think and what we want to see in the new edition here. Really happy to see a lot of KO players praying for new mechanics or point reductions.
  14. KO incoming.!!!!!!!!!! All aboard the Hype Train Ship!!!!! (only for skyfarers)
  15. They should try to figure how this army should work first. At this moment, this army works like a gunline (with 1-2 vehicles) with glasscannon cavalry. That's really nice, but I don't feel that they did a good job. I play vs Nurgle/LoN, and I really find that their mechancis are really well made; they explain their army, and make everything interesting (magic, summoning, mortal wounds, demons, etc...). I want the same feeling when I play an army of steampunk-pirates dwarfs: -Pirates: That's one of our first themes, "plunder and fast atacks". Use everything to ensure that we win, and make profit in the process. That's te theme that I really want to see in our mechanics. Charging and shooting should be revised. Maneuvering should be part of our design (and I mean SHIPS!! Not endrinriggers/skywardens with grapnels). Our miniatures have all the tools that scream "pirates", from cutlass/skypikes, to guns/cannons, etc... but our gameplay only have 1 skyport/footnote to help us in playing like pirates. Btw, I want to see an utility ability called "Parrrrrrrrrley". -Steampunk: We have the best mid-range weapons, and the best looking models (ever). Now, we need a bit more utility to make this theme work. If we are stunties (0 magic), maybe it's time to use that steampowered tech to have an edge over enemy wizzards: "aether-bombs" that disrupt magic (maybe LoS for magic?), some gas-grenades that erase every endless spells (new miniature!!!)?, etc (you get the point). Anything is welcome to ensure that we don't trust in superstition (I mean magic) but we are really deep in our aether-science. -Stunties: Well my first love from WFB. I'm not going to focus on our stats, but I really want to have something that make us believe that we still play with dwarfs. I don't know, maybe use a bit of our ol'rune magic? Or our ol'stubborn traits (ressolute/relentless)? maybe some type of items that make us really hard to kill (Gromril armour?) maybe something that make us better at using steampunk-weapons (old engineers?). And I really hope to see some new units in the future (like exiled dwars that can't even put a foot on Mhornar skyports,a nd of course, more named characters!!). Note: I'm not saying to have the same feeling of our dispossessed cousins, my points are just a bit of brainstorming that anything.
  16. Looking at the Core Book: and So, you chose Beasts of Caos Allegiance unlocking "Battle line if..." Bullgors and build a lists with them (with the battallion that give Khorne marks). After that, you can chose three Allegiance Abilies: GA Caos, Beasts of Caos and Khorne. Taking Khorne abilities doesn't invalidate your list with your battleline bullgors. Is that right or I misread something?
  17. Giant crabs, Ship-golems, Land-Ships (marienburg landship doesn't count), etc... All screams AoS!!!
  18. I'm really loving this new warbands. All of them has some personality that was lacking in the season 1. That's what I hoped to see in season 2, and I'm glad that they desgined them so well. Can't wait to see the KO band.
  19. It seems to be the case. But from the core rules, you don't chose an Allegiance, you unlock them (so you need to make a list, taking in mind what you want). At least, that's what we interpreted just reading the rules (there is even an exemple). From the FAQ, you unlock what you can chose. So, if you take GA but you still have another (more specific) keyword (ex.:Stormcast Eternals), and that keyword unlocks another Allegiance Abilities, you must take them (removing your option to take the GA ones). I think that RAI, you are right. You take an Allegiance, and then, if your Allegiance doesn't have any Allegiance Abilities (so you are forces to take GA), then, you can use the free city abilitites. P.D: They need to clean up the rules about when you can take "battleline if...".
  20. Our gaming group plays a bit diferent, but we usually follow the same points: 1-You build a list. To build that list, you need to have at least the same keyword in all your units (can be Order, Stormcast, whatever...). 1.1-Doing your list, you can unlock some new battlelines (taking X general or whatever*). 1.2: Allies don't need to have the same keyword but they have their own rules to be allowed to be taken (Allegiance keywords from point 2). 2-Chose your Allegiance. If all your units (ignoring allies, 1.2) have the same keyword (point 1), you can chose your Allegiance and unlock some Allegiance Abilities: Battle traits, Artefacts of Power, Spell Lores and Unique Abilities (prayers, hosts, mount traits, etc...). If your army can chose multiple Allegiances Abilities (for example, Order and Stormcast), they must chose their specific Allegiance Abilitites (FAQ**). Some armies don't have Allegiance Abilitites, so you can chose the GA Allegiance Abilities (ex.: Swifthawk Agents army has the Swifthawk Agent keyword, but don't have any Allegiance Abilitites, still they have the option of "Battleline If..."). 2.1- If your army took the GA Allegiance Abilities, then, you can take a Free City (if your units have the keyword for that city). 2.2- Don't know if allies needs to have the same keywords to be from that city too, or they don't recieve the Freecity abilitites. Anybody knows something about that? 3-After building your list, chosing your Allegiance, unlocking Allegiance Abilitites and (if you are allowed) Free Cities abilities, your can chose a Realm for your army to unlock new Artefacts and Weapons (they are from that realm). 4-Chose the Battle Realm where your match will play to unlock New Spells. 5-Equip your heroes with all the unlocked Artefacts, Spells, Prayers, etc... following their rules. 6-PLAY THE GAME!!!!! *-The Warscroll builder seems to follow another rules. It seems that the Allegiance is what unlocks this "Battlelin if...", but I can't find anything in the rules. maybe someone can find any rule to clarify that? **-Faq: Page 62 – Pitched Battle Profile, Introduction Add the following section: ‘ARMIES WITHOUT ALLEGIANCE ABILITIES If a faction army does not have a set of allegiance abilities, then you can use its Grand Alliance allegiance abilities instead. For example, if you had an Eshin army you could use the Grand Alliance Chaos allegiance abilities, and if you had an Order Draconis army you could use the Grand Alliance Order allegiance abilities. Note that if allegiance abilities exist for a faction army, you must use them.’
  21. My KO collection: 2-Aether-Khemist 1-Aetheric Navigator 2-Arkanaut Admiral (only one painted) 1-Brokk Grungsson (not painted). 2-Endrinmaster 60-Arkanaut Company 12-Endrinriggers 12-Skywardens(only three painted). 20-Grundstok Thunderers (5 painted). 1-Arkanaut Ironclad 2-Arkanaut Frigate 3-Grundstok Gunhauler (1 WiP the others are not even assembled). Some of them are still waiting for highlights and some details, so not fully painted.
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