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I have been Super Excited (Rob Symes-esque) for the new release of the Duardin as many others have been. I wanted to write down a few initial thoughts and observations now that we have a first glimpse of the SkyPirates. Firstly I play Fyreslayers solo atm and the biggest restriction to the army in general is the 4" which is circumvented somewhat by a tunnelling unit but that's it, one unit whilst the rest of the force tend to have to run and then run and usually then run first 2-3 battlerounds. So with this in mind I'm really happy that the Duardin will have this predominately airborne, flying faction which I'm assuming will have good general mobility as this is clearly so key to successful AoS.

@Mohojoe made the comment that they are a little bit OTT perhaps with the metal moustaches making them very tech heavy and quite a ways along the sci - fi spectrum and perhaps away from the fantasy realm. I agree that on first sight I thought maybe a touch overdone but they're lovely models and I'm looking forward to playing them.

I like my dwarves to be non-magical, that's a cool trait I don't want them to lose from the old world dwarves (and Dwarves in general) so I hope the book doesn't overdo the flying ships needing to utilise alchemy/magical forces too much, id prefer them to function on good engineering - cogs, steam, ironmongery, blacksmithing etc but it sounds a little like they've taken a bit of a magical leap perhaps.

I think my one wish with a new Duardin release was that it'd be the 'other half' to the Fyreslayer release, descendants of Grungni - which I think could've fit into a modernised steampunk engineering craftsmanship aesthetic and fluff base really well. It would have also allowed there to be a family feel to a dual fractioned Duardin race that could synergise easily and share artefacts etc. The wording on the release states that they are not the descendants of Grimnir or Grungni, and are basically another standalone faction which feels like a step away from synergising with Dispossessed and Fyreslayers which is a bit of a downer IMO.

I cant wait to hear and see more from the book, and of course there may be a ton more in there that speaks of shared artefacts and traits among Duardin which I'm holding out for as the Order Alliance stuff in general isn't that great.

Don't read this wrong, I really like the models and its a totally new concept within AoS which adds a lot of diversity and more depth to the game. They are going to be a real Bit%h to paint and build but I'm excited to get started.

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At uni at the moment so I'm gonna save my rant for when I get back but I am very much in agreement here. I think this has pushed me more toward mixed dwarves with a real emphasis on conversion to get them more in line with looking like they fit with the other two factions.

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For me the only downer is also the fact that it is not a mixed battletome. I would have also liked for new dwarf models to be included (IB, ID, warden, cogsmith. Gyros). Will have to see about that.   They are great models and seem to add a lot in terms of playstyle (always a problem for dwarfs).

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I can understand you guys not being too happy with how outlandish they are, but I reckon after some of the other factions are up to date the Dispossesed will get some love. From what I gather they're pretty healthy model wise. 

I think GW have a really awkward scenario on their hands where they want to explore new avenues for lore and models but also need to keep people's minis fairly viable too, I am hoping the way they do this is with strong, smaller factions like Sylvaneth, Kharadron Overlords, Disciples of Tzeentch, and so on, and then get "filler" races that help them gel well with the the Grand Alliance at large: Wood Aelves, Disposssed, Slaves to Darkness.

That said, they might just be going harder on the individual factions and expanding them all later on. Who knows. I definitely think they're trying to change the stereotypes, and I can understand why people are upset that after 30 years their Dwarves now descend rather than ascend but I also think it is a statement of intent from the company - this is AoS, this is is fantasy upside down, the stereotypes are on their heads.

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I'm currently wondering if we're going to see a mixed-race Battletome that covers everybody who went into Azyr before Sigmar closed the gates.  So would handle a portion of the old Empire, Dwarves, Elves races.  Would also break the Old World animosities that existed, as a few millennia is enough to resolve all of the grudges and disagreements especially under Sigmar's guidance.

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30 minutes ago, DynamicCalories said:

I can understand you guys not being too happy with how outlandish they are, but I reckon after some of the other factions are up to date the Dispossesed will get some love. From what I gather they're pretty healthy model wise. 

I think GW have a really awkward scenario on their hands where they want to explore new avenues for lore and models but also need to keep people's minis fairly viable too, I am hoping the way they do this is with strong, smaller factions like Sylvaneth, Kharadron Overlords, Disciples of Tzeentch, and so on, and then get "filler" races that help them gel well with the the Grand Alliance at large: Wood Aelves, Disposssed, Slaves to Darkness.

That said, they might just be going harder on the individual factions and expanding them all later on. Who knows. I definitely think they're trying to change the stereotypes, and I can understand why people are upset that after 30 years their Dwarves now descend rather than ascend but I also think it is a statement of intent from the company - this is AoS, this is is fantasy upside down, the stereotypes are on their heads.


12 minutes ago, RuneBrush said:

I'm currently wondering if we're going to see a mixed-race Battletome that covers everybody who went into Azyr before Sigmar closed the gates.  So would handle a portion of the old Empire, Dwarves, Elves races.  Would also break the Old World animosities that existed, as a few millennia is enough to resolve all of the grudges and disagreements especially under Sigmar's guidance.

Its such a fine line between bitching as we can all be a little guilty of and grateful for awesome efforts and new models. Overall its great, hands down another hit out of the park and I'm sure this will be further cemented by the warscrolls and all the finer details therein. The beef is just that if they don't synergise with their Duardin comrades on the ground (fyreslayers/dispossessed) then its a opportunity missed.


I agree with you @DynamicCalories that GW are in a tight spot, needing to show creativity and also lets be honest, bump up sales, whilst also keeping the old school content and models viable to continue to play with. @RuneBrush I love that idea of the mixed compendium style tome with all those who went into Azyr before shut down!! That'd totally be a plausible re-introduction of the older factions in a future release and I dare say would make a lot of players very happy.

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I do wonder if such strict battletomes - Ironjawz, Sylvaneth, Stormcast and Tzeentch, means GW are reneging on the Grand Alliance idea now though. Maybe if they make it so they don't well with the ground-based Duardin, it's proof positive that mono-faction is where their primary goals lie.

Or, maybe we'll see each Grand Alliance get a pool of Slaves to Darkness style filler that can bridge the gaps. I'd prefer the latter, I could see it being Free Peoples for Order (common Aelves, Duardin an men) regular Orruks and Grots for Destruction, and bang average Zombies/Skeletons for Death.

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I quite like the new stuff. I see the older Duardin models as those conservative Duardin who sort refuge in Azyr. They are happy with their way of life and not interested in going out and claiming a new homeland. The other Duardin didn't and become what we are seeing now :D 

22 minutes ago, RuneBrush said:

I'm currently wondering if we're going to see a mixed-race Battletome that covers everybody who went into Azyr before Sigmar closed the gates.  So would handle a portion of the old Empire, Dwarves, Elves races.  Would also break the Old World animosities that existed, as a few millennia is enough to resolve all of the grudges and disagreements especially under Sigmar's guidance.

I think that is unlikely. I think most of these will either move into new battletomes or become webstore only. They want to make new models and a couple of years in now, means that they can do so and move away from the older stuff. 

3 minutes ago, DynamicCalories said:

I do wonder if such strict battletomes - Ironjawz, Sylvaneth, Stormcast and Tzeentch, means GW are reneging on the Grand Alliance idea now though. Maybe if they make it so they don't well with the ground-based Duardin, it's proof positive that mono-faction is where their primary goals lie.

Or, maybe we'll see each Grand Alliance get a pool of Slaves to Darkness style filler that can bridge the gaps. I'd prefer the latter, I could see it being Free Peoples for Order (common Aelves, Duardin an men) regular Orruks and Grots for Destruction, and bang average Zombies/Skeletons for Death.

I think they will keep it open ended. Most people like to have a mono-faction but the Grand Alliances will still exist for those people who want to mix for something uber competitive or they have a great idea about a theme. For example my Ogor army is a combo of Gutbusters and Beastclaw.



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Played old Dwarfs in 8th, played Duardin AoS, and although I'm all in on Ironjawz at the moment, I will definitely be picking up some Kharadron Overlords for sure.

Genuinely think they're awesome. There was no need for GW to maintain the same old-Dwarf aesthetic, and it was always going to be a big push into the steam theme. Granted it's, as mentioned by others, a bit more OTT than expected - but I don't mind that! 

The minis looks amazing, just hope the rules match and that dwarfs don't end up the mid-tier army they usually do..

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If you're waiting for your faction to get an update then you have missed a point.

I think it's clear now that the old factions are not being added to or updated. They will likely get repackaged if they are to be included in the mortal realms (flesh eaters, beastclaw, etc.), but the new stuff will all be new concepts that are unique to the mortal realms.


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Just now, DarkBlack said:

If you're waiting for your faction to get an update then you have missed a point.

I think it's clear now that the old factions are not being added to or updated. They will likely get repackaged if they are to be included in the mortal realms (flesh eaters, beastclaw, etc.), but the new stuff will all be new concepts that are unique to the mortal realms.


100% agree with this and put much better than I attempted to earlier in this ;) 

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I think they're great, I'm especially liking the arcane technological look about them, even if I'm not quite sold on the airships, I suspect they will grow on me over time. Bonus points for Kharadron Overlords being a vastly better name than steamhead Duardin too.

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21 minutes ago, DynamicCalories said:

They aren't battle damaged because they're still hiding in the clouds ;)

Yup. Plus I imagine that they also really look after their equipment. I wouldn't be surprised to see a group of these guys who are a bit reckless though and have battle damaged gear.

25 minutes ago, LuckyReplica said:

The colour-scheme for me is a shame. 

Remember it's just one scheme out of many. I'm guessing it was chosen as the main one as it is easy to copy for new people to the game but also because it comes across as 'royal' which helps enforce the Overlord element :D 

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1 hour ago, RuneBrush said:

I'm currently wondering if we're going to see a mixed-race Battletome that covers everybody who went into Azyr before Sigmar closed the gates.  So would handle a portion of the old Empire, Dwarves, Elves races.  Would also break the Old World animosities that existed, as a few millennia is enough to resolve all of the grudges and disagreements especially under Sigmar's guidance.

Honestly, I feel like that's probably their best option at this point, if they ever want to "legitimise" some of the compendium factions.

I'll come out and say I absolutely love the minis for the new Steampunk Stunties. I also really loved the minis for the Fyreslayers (as much as I didn't like the confusion with the Old War Dwarf Slayer). And I love that with each 'old world' faction, they're bringing out something completely new and out there and the setting is really fleshing itself out as something completely original.

But the Old World Azyr refugees are canon. They're represented in the fluff. Games Workshop still sell miniatures for them (will the Dwarfs plastics get the Tomb Kings/Bretonnia treatment after this? I don't know). Heck, it wasn't that long ago that Island of Blood was re-released as Spire of Dawn, and it appears to be sticking around. If their plan was to phase out all the Old World stuff and move forward with only shiny, new original things, then they're going about it in a bad way.

I'd really love for them to make some sort of mixed race Dogs of War style Refugees of Azyr battletome, possibly with a couple box set re-releases with proper round bases and a couple new sculpts - especially considering such an army was featured in the battle report in this months (last months?) White Dwarf. It'd be a really good, relatively low investment way to sell a bunch of older box sets, if nothing else.

Anyway, I'm getting off topic..

These guys are way, way too cool and that's very problematic for me. As it stands, I'm only a month or two off of "finishing" my Stormcast and Chaos armies. I'd really like to diversify into another game at that point (maybe a Kill Team or two for 40K, or the starter box for Malifaux), or at very least if I were to start another Age of Sigmar army, I'd like to start one of the other two factions (Destruction or Death), with my recently re-based Duaradin army from 6th edition, I'm really tempted to build a ramshackle force of various Dwarfs - Azyr refugees, Fyreslayers and Kharadron Overlords.

Life is hard.

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I really really was hoping for a mixed Duardin battletome that would cover all the factions and let you mix and match them to an extent. 

I get the feeling we are seeing GW push mono faction more than mixed.

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I think these are awesome, really liking the look - first thing that popped into my mind was a mixed dwarf army of fyreslayers, dispossessed and steampirates  - this would be amazing to see.


Now, I don't know if I'm over-reading this or just got it wrong, but on the announcement page:


This new Duardin faction is a force unlike any you have seen before. These are not the descendants of Grungni who hid in their mountain holds or fled to Azyr, 

I though all the dispossessed were in Azyr? so who are these others that hid in the mountains - are these the originally named steamheads that was mentioned at AoS launch, the 'descendants of Grungni' - where's my Duardin Factiontome ?? :P

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I very much like the idea of long lost Dwarves returning to salvage what remains of the world via the sky. A new, imposing force that doesn't give a ****** what you think about them. Perhaps reforge some relations with the Dwarves of Old and make an alliance that will withstand the test of time. 


That being said I think that, while the models are pretty intense, we have a good mix of models that are not. They blend together well.


I find these less hideous than stormcast at least.


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3 hours ago, Turgol said:

For me the only downer is also the fact that it is not a mixed battletome. I would have also liked for new dwarf models to be included (IB, ID, warden, cogsmith. Gyros). Will have to see about that.   They are great models and seem to add a lot in terms of playstyle (always a problem for dwarfs).

it seems GW is moving away from the old lines and trying to define AOS. This release reminds me of WOW a bit. I love / think they're goofy but thats great by me. Happy its not the same ole stuff. I was bummed no giant robot tho. There was a rumor around about that. 

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