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So I've had a slow day and decided to compile all I can find on the Shadowkin and maybe figuring out what a potential release might look like.

Our first bit of info comes from Mighty Battles, the first book released. Here it describes Malerion (the patron god most likely) who is a vast shadow dragon mosnter after Malakeith merged with his dragon. Morathi is also back, attended to by a court of shadow-daemons. I'm getting an Alarielle/Drycha relationship here with Malerion as the faction leader and Morathi acting as a foil. It wouldn't surprise me if they're both special characters with Malerion being the set-piece model.

As one might expect, they’re from the Realm of Shadows.

Next up is the description of the Caengan lodge in the Fyreslayers book. In particular we get the name of the faction (Shadowkin) and how they've learnt guerrilla tactics from individuals known as Shroudling Kings. I imagine Shroudling King will be the name of the main command unit of the Shadowkin. This also matches the speculation of the Tenebrael Shard and Mistweaver Saih being Shadowkin due to the similar naming conventions. 


Speaking of which...





Here are our only suspected Shadowkin models. So far we can derive a fairly dark elfy vibe from them, with a little bit of dark eldar thrown in for good measure. The main thing that sticks out are the bits of metal jammed into the flesh of both models (hard to see from this angle but on the right arm of the Mistweaver and the back of the Shard) which is very Dark Eldar-y to me - maybe some kind of power through pain aspect?

They’re also very spikey models, GW just loves their spikes I guess. There is no unified colour scheme between the two models, but we’re probably looking at the black and purple faction since that has been the staple for the dark elves.

Now for the stats. Both have 8" move, 5 wounds and Bravery 8. The latter two are fairly standard but the 8" move sticks out - one is an assassin and the other is literally floating but I wouldn't be surprised if a high movement score was common throughout the faction, given they're apparently very sneaky. In fluff I would guess they emerge suddenly from the mists that plague the Ulgulands and then disappear rapidly back into them.

Speaking of which the Shard does exactly that - he can rapidly teleport about the battlefield and after making a kill can do an immediate move away. I imagine the Shadowkin will be the go to faction for movement shenanigans.

Both the Shard and the Saih have rubbish saves, 5+ and 6+ respectively, but each get a boost in their own respective way. The Shard is immune to Rend since he relies on his speed to avoid hits and the Saih can use her Glimmermist ability to save one attack per turn at 1+. Finally the Saih's unique spell is rolled against the enemy Bravery. This might be just a one off but I can see the Shadowkin being a faction who don't necessarily attack you face on and in the fluff follow a doctrine of move in, cause chaos, disappear.

We don’t really have any clue what their units will look like beyond the heroes, but I would assume a core of light infantry. Perhaps with the ‘shadow daemons’ thrown in for diversity, probably 1 wound and a high movement score.

As for the fluff we've only got scraps. The Saih and Shard are both described as emotionless in battle - the Saih is serene despite the carnage and the Shard is called callous in his killing. I haven't read the novel, but I also believe a Shard and Saih are working together and murder their allies? They don’t sound like a nice bunch. Likely they're in the tower for an ulterior motive. 

And we can probably guess that motive is something to do with Slaanesh. Given that Tzeentch is tied up in the Prince of Excesses absence, and this giant invocation Tzeentch is plotting, there might be some big changes coming to the Mortal Realms. Anything more I don’t really know, but more than likely it’ll involve a Stormhost going into the Uglalands, meeting some Shadowkin and them going from there.

So for a release I would probably reckon something around the size of the Sylvaneth:

-          Three hero sprues. Two we already have and the Shroudling King as a third. Perhaps a fourth if they’re feeling generous.

-          Some units, probably dual kits since GW loves them. Maybe a shadow daemon kit as well. Maybe two boxes to give us 3-4 options. But hopefully more!

-          A Malerion box in the vein of Alarielle, Archoan and the Prime. Though there is the possibility of him being a dual-kit alongside a more generic shadow-dragon monster rider.

-          Morathi, though she might end up in the background fluff if the release is smaller.

-          A battletome with all the bells and whistles.


Thoughts? Anything I've missed?

Edited by BlooDeck
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I think any release will use some older kits

with Shadowkin I suspect Witch Elves are quite easy go and then maybe Shadow Warriors/Sisters (or Corsairs) which makes perfect sens as both units are quite similar to Mistweaver and Shard 

I guess going by GW release policy get : 

Malerion as big kit monster 

some monster/monster hero - Morathi, maybe some kind of new monster

heroes - Mistweaver,Saih and maybe something new 

New battleline (possibly dual kit)

Witch Elves + Shadow Warriors 

Some bigger elite unit - some kind of cavalery. 


So : 2 leaders/behemots, 3 leaders, 6 units ( with new unit being possibly a dual kit and Witch Elves+Shadow Warriors) , new "bigger" elite unit.  Some very much DoT and Sylvaneth alike. 

Edited by DantePQ
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Maybe yes It depends what kind of theme they want to follow but I doubt they will use more then 3 older units and looking at aesthetics Witch Aelves and Shadow Warriors/Sisters look very similar to Saih and Shard. Maybe add Dark Riders + 2 new units , but it would push Shadowkin almost into DoT territory regarding number of units and kits. 

Also fluff wise Tyrion/Teclis are more connected with Slaanesh then Malerion, they all went after him looking for their people but it's said that Twins captured him. My wild guess is that Twins captured him freeing Aelves and then Malerion holds him captive in Uglu (that why Slaanesh demons look for him there) But to make it one story arc they would have to release Shadowkin, Slaanesh and then Light Elves who knows ? 

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  • Most Daughters of Khaine are dynamic and thematically strong enough to fit the new aesthetic, and are one of more complete "holdover" factions in terms of their range. I think they'll eventually get repackaged on rounds with a battletome, but might not get a new miniature release.
  • Darkling Coverns models currently look very intentionally static and regimented, and I suspect the whole faction will eventually be replaced or dropped.
  • Scourge Privateers obviously have a very strong theme, but nautical armies (i.e. sea monsters, etc) are quite difficult to model in a land-based game with terrain bases. However, I heard a rumour that the Fleetmaster is in WQ now, so they might get a repack.
  • Shadowblades are a cool concept, but a whole army of assassin-type models seems unnatural as they are an archetype that obviously relies on stealth. I think these two units, especially Dark Riders, are the most likely to get folded into the Shadowkin.
  • Order Draconis are a strange concept to base a army around, and I don't think they will survive as a long-term faction.

Either way, I think the Shadowkin will basically be a entirely new faction.

Edited by Kyriakin
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The main strong points for dark aelves/ shadowkin in old WHFB were the witches, the crossbows, executioners and later on the scourge privateers had a seemingly separate but still thematically strong place. I wouldn't be surprised to the daughters of khaine get the initial bulk release with someone like Morathi and some redone models for darkling covens. I also wouldn't be surprised to see order serpentis lumped into another subfaction like scourge privateers.

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I agree that it's very unlikely that Witch Aelves will get put into a new Shadowkin faction. The daughters of khaine have a very strong and recognisable theme and are in a great spot overall - they just need a battletome to be a fully fledged army.

I think we will see very few, if any, current dark Elf models repurposed into Shadowkin. I suspect it will be like the Sylvaneth release and in many ways they will be only half-elf and maybe half-shadow demons (think like the tree revenants).

One exciting option could be a dual release of Shadowkin and Light Elves. Imagine a release where each box has 2 build options, one for shadow elves and one for light elves. They could do some cool stuff to make the two factions fairly similar but visually distinct. This would retain the whole concept of the Sundering; Same species essentially, just seperated by circumstance and location (only in this case, circumstance and location can turn you into a shadowy monster or a being of pure light)

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6 hours ago, AAL said:

I also wouldn't be surprised to see order serpentis lumped into another subfaction like scourge privateers

I could see this. I have a small 1000 pt army of scourge privateers and am a little surprised they don't have access to more monsters from the old elves, considering their new theme as beastmasters.

Something like the hydra and cold one knights would suit this, especially considering they share kits with the chariot and hydra.

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I think GW will focus on newer factions going forward then repacking models and releasing them with smaller battletomes. They got quite serious with tournament supoort and balance is quite important and it's hard to balance countless "small" battletomes.  I think Shadowkin for that reason ( and another - GW still want to sell their WFB minis) could be bigger Battletome in DoT vein - maybe they will include a lot "older" kits.

I can see them fitting Witch Elves, Shadow Warriors, Dark Riders, Assassins easily, that's the reason I think for example Eternal Guard models could easily fit with Light Elves

That's why I think GW can release Aelves tome with all other units not used in main factions Battletomes.  

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I think that the Shadowkin could definitely include a lot of the models mentioned above. 

Are we thinking that the lore behind shadow warriors will be changing? I know that in 8th they hated Malekith and the dark elves more than any other high elves. I could see them staying in the realm of shadow but as a constant harassment to the shadowkin that reside there. 

I also would love to see these guys having a much more political related relationship to the high elves in the realm of light. Rather than constantly being at war they could be secretly harassing and messing using subterfuge, assassins, hit and run type stuff. 

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18 hours ago, Russellbogentoff said:

I could see this. I have a small 1000 pt army of scourge privateers and am a little surprised they don't have access to more monsters from the old elves, considering their new theme as beastmasters.

Something like the hydra and cold one knights would suit this, especially considering they share kits with the chariot and hydra.

TBH, I chose Scourge Privateers more for their maritime feeling than the beast element. The chariot is already a stretch for me, but opening the floodgates to all sorts of terrestrial beasts would kill the character for me personally.

Many armies satisfy a certain biome (e.g. tundra, desert, forest, jungle, swampland, etc.) and to me the Scourge Privateer are, potentially at least, the aquatic-themed faction that WHFB never really had, aside from the presence of Sea Elves at the very beginning, unofficial nauticans and the ongoing in-joke that is the Fishmen.

Edited by Kyriakin
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In regards to the Sylvaneth, they are awesome sculpts for the most part. Shadow blades are the answer when we are talking about the aesthetic GW should base future dark/shadow/aelves on. 


Kiriakin, don't you dare joke about the immanent fish man release... that shit is real.

Edited by Lavy
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  • 1 year later...
18 minutes ago, Hankster said:

Any rumors or news about more Dark elf successor factions? 

I'm really intrigued by what sort of army Malerion might run. We know so little about him and Ulgu despite him being one of the major gods. 

...plus I want new elves to ally my Deepkin with.  

Ever think about playing undead?  Some solid Necro skills here! ;)

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29 minutes ago, Drofnum said:

Ever think about playing undead?  Some solid Necro skills here! ;)

Not really. I've always thought Nagash was a giant ****** and I don't like vampires, so I'm a little biased against death.

I do like the ethereal nature of the Nighthaunts though and the broader alliance does have some very cool mechanics. 


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  • 9 months later...

Honestly, I think that DoK and Shadowblades, along with a few new kits and mistweaver/shard will all get tied into one. That would make for a HUGE new faction, and double as a new release for the so-far neglected Daughters of Khaine. I don't see why they should be separate. So basically, something like this:

DoK line

+ Shadowblades

+ Darkling Covens

+ Malerion, Battleline, and 1 or maybe 2 new kits.

I know that seems like a lot of units, but just look at the stormcast. This all comes out to 27-30 units. Ok, still a lot, but I think GW could make it work.

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11 hours ago, AthelLoren said:

Honestly, I think that DoK and Shadowblades, along with a few new kits and mistweaver/shard will all get tied into one. That would make for a HUGE new faction, and double as a new release for the so-far neglected Daughters of Khaine. I don't see why they should be separate. So basically, something like this:

DoK line

+ Shadowblades

+ Darkling Covens

+ Malerion, Battleline, and 1 or maybe 2 new kits.

I know that seems like a lot of units, but just look at the stormcast. This all comes out to 27-30 units. Ok, still a lot, but I think GW could make it work.

Neglected Daughters of Khaine?

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19 hours ago, AthelLoren said:

Honestly, I think that DoK and Shadowblades, along with a few new kits and mistweaver/shard will all get tied into one. That would make for a HUGE new faction, and double as a new release for the so-far neglected Daughters of Khaine. I don't see why they should be separate. So basically, something like this:

DoK line

+ Shadowblades

+ Darkling Covens

+ Malerion, Battleline, and 1 or maybe 2 new kits.

I know that seems like a lot of units, but just look at the stormcast. This all comes out to 27-30 units. Ok, still a lot, but I think GW could make it work.

I really, really hope that they are not going to do something like that, for several reasons:

1. This would just recreate the old Dark Elf line for the most part, which I think (and hope) is not going to happen.

2. I don’t think it makes a lot of sense to include the DoK from neither a lore nor style standpoint.

a.       Lore: The Daughters of Khaine are religious fanatics, who believe they can revive their god through slaughter and bloodshed (while in reality they are only strengthening Morathi). Maybe I am wrong, but I feel like the other elves aren’t too interested in a dead god when they have so many shiny new ones, who are still alive. So why would another faction want to include them? The old Dark Elf bonds should be gone by now.

b.       Style: This is of course up to interpretation, but I imagine the daughters and especially the Witch Aelves to be screaming and chanting berserks who are throwing themselves into the enemy (most likely high on witch brew). This is not something I would expect from someone calling themselves the shadowkin. I would imagine them more like sneaky, silent, guerrilla fighters.

3. I can’t agree with your statement that DoK are neglected. They are (or at least have been, up to this point) a really strong army. They have a great range of models. Yes, they are a small faction, but this is fine imo. I don’t have any sale numbers, but judging by tournament data (I know it’s only the tip of the iceberg and the numbers might vary if casual gamers were included) they do have a meta share of 5%, which is were a lot of good and new factions can be found.


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