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Which Battletomes are likely to be re-issued?


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My understanding is that we can expect that older Battletomes without relics will be re-issued this year. Which ones? I think I'd like to Ebay the current ones that I have and replace them as the new ones come out. Unfortunately, both my armies (Stormcast and Khorne) are older battletomes. 

Is it likely that the new Stormcast battletome will contain the Extremis units?

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23 minutes ago, The Jabber Tzeentch said:

Where have you heard this? I very much doubt this will be happening to be honest. 

Possibly they will get additions in the new Generals Handbook. 

Well it's happening to stormcast, honestly who knows what's going to be in the next edition of the handbook. 

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39 minutes ago, The Jabber Tzeentch said:

Where have you heard this? I very much doubt this will be happening to be honest. 

Possibly they will get additions in the new Generals Handbook. 



To accompany this impressive range of new models the Stormcast Eternals are also getting a brand new Battletome. This book will match the format of the recent Disciples of Tzeentch book, and will be packed with content for those who love Sigmar and his champions. The background of the book, like Chaos Battletome: Disciples of Tzeentch before it, explores the setting beyond the events of the Realmgate Wars, including Sigmar’s new cities.


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As long as there's something new I guess. If I have to buy the flesh eaters battle tome again with no new additions besides the alliegance and artefacts I'll be pretty pissed. Well what I'd probably do is just read it somewhere and write it down and add that page to my existing book.

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1 hour ago, Oppenheimer said:

As long as there's something new I guess. If I have to buy the flesh eaters battle tome again with no new additions besides the alliegance and artefacts I'll be pretty pissed. Well what I'd probably do is just read it somewhere and write it down and add that page to my existing book.

Id bet on them being absorbed in the Death tome that's sure to come out. The only thing I can think that would indicate against that would be that it would be a 1 faction 1 battletome setup. Which isn't weird considering how death kind of works. It would also be pretty economical.

The new direction seems to be fewer subfactions. Get all aspects of one faction into one nice big tome.

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38 minutes ago, The Jabber Tzeentch said:

It's not a replacement Battletome, it's an additional one just like Battletome: Extremis. 

Hmm while they don't explicitly state they're replacing the older stuff, they mention they're including stormcast in the same vein as DoT.

I would be surprised if it's not, in effect if not name, a replacement for the two Stormcast tomes so far.

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37 minutes ago, Turragor said:

Hmm while they don't explicitly state they're replacing the older stuff, they mention they're including stormcast in the same vein as DoT.

I would be surprised if it's not, in effect if not name, a replacement for the two Stormcast tomes so far.

Yeah i suppose it's likely they might have allegiance abilities for Stormcast in there. 

I seriously doubt this will happen for other factions individually though unless it's some sort of combined mega-faction like Disciples of Tzeentch. And even then they'll be in addition to rather than replaceing. 

For example if they did a "Clans of the Duardin" Battletome, it might have abilities Fyreslayers could use, but won't replace the Fyreslayers Battletome. 

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1 hour ago, The Jabber Tzeentch said:

Yeah i suppose it's likely they might have allegiance abilities for Stormcast in there. 

I seriously doubt this will happen for other factions individually though unless it's some sort of combined mega-faction like Disciples of Tzeentch. And even then they'll be in addition to rather than replaceing. 

For example if they did a "Clans of the Duardin" Battletome, it might have abilities Fyreslayers could use, but won't replace the Fyreslayers Battletome. 

That would make sense. I don't think the new Stormcast tome will contain all the same content of the last two for instance.

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Honestly, who knows.  What they should have done instead of this is, the moment they changed direction with Sylvaneth to give specific army abilities, they should have had a book (not necessarily General's Handbook 2.0) that gave those similar abilities to all other factions that didn't have one.  Instead, we are sadly likely to see an approach to how they do 40k, where they update things at random, with some factions (looking at Death here, since it's less played) waiting forever to get updates while others that are popular (e.g. Stormcast, Sylvaneth maybe) getting frequent updates.  Totally the wrong direction to take IMHO, and I won't lie one that has me getting a bit soured since for a while it seemed GW was going to avoid doing that in AOS.  A lot of the old world factions didn't necessarily need full updates, just reboxes (to give them round bases) and then allegiance abilities like Sylvaneth had.  

Now, hopefully they will prove this worrying wrong, but it's still a bit offputting to see what is the equivalent to a new Space Marine codex for the posterboys while half the factions haven't even gotten an update yet.

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It does feel almost like they are going back on having tons of little mini-factions.  So maybe we will have tomes for each grouping (e.g. aelves, skaven, duardin) that will include the other related factions.  They likely realized it would be impossible to release a battletome for each subfaction.

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25 minutes ago, PJetski said:

I would love it if they released an updated Seraphon battletome with a handful of new units and allegiance bonuses.

I'd settle for plastic Kroxigors and Salamanders/Razordons

I don't even need new units (but that would be wonderful). Sign me up for allegiance bonuses and maybe another battalion or two though!

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Seraphon are in a tricky position. They are a subfaction. They have no strong character. They're probably less interesting than Flesh Eater Courts. I think they're the least interesting faction in the game at the moment (and they could be the coolest).

This is on GW ofc, one of the earliest tomes, there was a chance to make them super cool but they flubbed it (personal opinion).

However they've a ton of models. I think they've still the longest Order pitched battle profile list?

And they sell well - they sell well because the old idea of lizardmen is still popular. But there's nothing interesting about them anymore! NOTHING I TELL YOU. NOOOTHING! "Old frogs dream up lots of other lizards and that scares chaos" is not enough NO WAY.

(sorry seraphon fans)

They need a rewrite imo. Not just a tweak and some allegiance morsels.

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Just now, Turragor said:

However they've a ton of models. I think they've still the longest Order pitched battle profile list?

On the web store, Seraphon have the most options (29) out of ANY single faction -- including the Stormcast (27), Khorne Bloodbound (26), and Daemons of Tzeentch (26), which have been the GW darlings at times since AoS's release.

Yes, I agree that GW could get way more interest in Seraphon from a fluff rewrite. There's no need to even add a single model (but converting to all plastic would be a great benefit). However, adding allegiance abilities and Path to Glory tables is the low-hanging fruit for a Seraphon update.

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1 minute ago, rokapoke said:

On the web store, Seraphon have the most options (29) out of ANY single faction -- including the Stormcast (27), Khorne Bloodbound (26), and Daemons of Tzeentch (26), which have been the GW darlings at times since AoS's release.

All those lizards but they're just a figment of another lizard's imagination!

PS I agree that some easy tweaks would be helpful to them - like it would be to any faction missing the new format of stuff.

But a new battletome, I dunno. Maybe an imaginary one conjured up by a frog you buy in the shop.

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RE: Seraphon I think they dropped the ball completely; should have been a total reimagining, get rid of the Mesoamerican lizards and make them dragonmen, descendants of Dracothion's children, not star daemons and all of that.  They should have been the ones with the dracoths/stardrakes, and Stormcast should have gotten gryphons (which it seems they are going to get soon anyways).  But GW wanted to keep the current line (as opposed to how Tomb Kings got treated instead of becoming Deathrattle).  

Moot point, as what's done is done, but my two cents. 

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