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Black Library AOS Books

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Here is a link to all the Black Library books and the readying order for that series


If you haven't started to read them yet... Start now. They are fantastic

I will try and make sure I keep this updated 




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As a guy who's read all of it (except advent calender stuff), I highly recommend it. It's not GRR Martin level fantasy, but it's imaginative, engaging, and much better than you might expect.


Favourite so far is undoubtably the Call of Archaon. Excellent chaos-focused book.

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My completed AOS reading list so far:

Realmgate Wars #0 - Gates of Azyr
Realmgate Wars #1 - Warstorm
Realmgate Wars #2 - Ghal Maraz
Realmgate Wars #3 - Hammers of Sigmar
Realmgate Wars #4 - Call of Archaon

Realmgate Wars (Hunt for Nagash) #1  - Prisoner of the Black Sun
Realmgate Wars (Hunt for Nagash) #2  - Sands of Blood
Realmgate Wars (Hunt for Nagash) #3  - Lords of Helstone
Realmgate Wars (Hunt for Nagash) #4  - Bridge of Seven Sorrows

Just ordered the next 3 novels. Gates of Azyr and Call of Archaon are my favourites from the books, and the audio series is just cool because Nagash + Mortarchs = :D

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11 hours ago, Tronhammer NZ said:

My completed AOS reading list so far:

Realmgate Wars #0 - Gates of Azyr
Realmgate Wars #1 - Warstorm
Realmgate Wars #2 - Ghal Maraz
Realmgate Wars #3 - Hammers of Sigmar
Realmgate Wars #4 - Call of Archaon

Realmgate Wars (Hunt for Nagash) #1  - Prisoner of the Black Sun
Realmgate Wars (Hunt for Nagash) #2  - Sands of Blood
Realmgate Wars (Hunt for Nagash) #3  - Lords of Helstone
Realmgate Wars (Hunt for Nagash) #4  - Bridge of Seven Sorrows

Just ordered the next 3 novels. Gates of Azyr and Call of Archaon are my favourites from the books, and the audio series is just cool because Nagash + Mortarchs = :D

Sanp, except I just finished Hammers of Sigmar - got to get the next one now.  I have loved all of them so far. 

I'll admit though, the 1st book or part in the Hammers of Sigmar took a while to get used to as I found the writing so different. 

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I have currently read so much of it it's easier for me to just say what I haven't read. The only books I haven't read are the Fyreslayers and Clan Pestilens novels, but I really want to, I just don't have the time. I'm currently reading Black Rift which is amazing! I think it may be my second favorite AoS story so far after the first one in Hammers of Sigmar. All of the audio's are fantastic. So actually, the audio storyline may be my favorite. The Bullhearts are great.

I have Fury of Gork and the next audio drama already ordered. Godbeasts is currently sitting beneath Black Rift on my nightstand waiting to be read.

Love all of the stories so far.

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We've had the authors on some recent episodes of Combat Phase podcast (listed in this forum's podcast page) where David A and David G talked about their AoS stories spread over the books. Guy Haley coming up in a few weeks on his various AoS stories. If that interests anybody. No BIG spoilers but insightful.

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Glad it was intelligible from the iPad and autocorrect gremlin which lives within.:o


Probably the best if you have to pick only a few books. The calls of Chaos and Archaon are the development of the big badies and what you would eventually encounter in other stories.

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I've read The Realmgate books up to Call of Archaon and enjoyed them all. It's been great to have my eyes opened to the possibilities offered by the Realms and to get a feel for the wider story. Cool and inspiring stuff and I've been recommending it to any AoS skeptics that I run into. I particularly loved David Guymer and Josh Reynolds' stuff in Call of Archaon and the ongoing, developing narrative. Very excited to see where things lead over the next few years.



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Just updated it to now include the new following books. 


The Realmgate Wars: Great Red  Audio Drama (Part 3 of the Knights of Vengeance)

The Spiral Tower Bladestorm series (Part 6) final 

The Realmgate Wars: BldeStorm 



you can now also download a excel version



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