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Sisters of Sigmar - REBORN!


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That feeling when you go off on a two week binge of overtime, caffeine and paracetamol and come back to several posts' worth of unexpected praise. You guys are the best.

@Double Misfire I'd hate to disappoint having already won you over, so here she is.



The pictures doesn't show it well because of the angle, but the corpse beneath her foot is a Talabheimer zombie. Burn in the Light and all that, and a small throwback to the End Times and Vlad's shenanigans as Elector-Count of Sylvania.

I have five Judicators in front of me that are literally only an edge highlight, their bows and the snow on their bases from being done, so I'll get to that. More tomorrow!

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1 hour ago, Barimbino said:

@PayceNot sure but I think the sword handle on your last picture is broken off, not sure if you noticed that or not. Really love how well these heads work with the models, Looks awesome, and great paint job as well.

Yeah, I was made aware of this on Facebook as well. It's been duly fixed! It had indeed totally slipped me by in my eagerness to just FINISH HER.

Progress shot for this evening:


Now. Sleep.

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Really unique look, I love it.

Having seen your work on facebook I went ahead and ordered some of the heads myself, they really are of the perfect size - good find.

You've obviously got some judicators coming up, but what comes next after that? I think a Lord-Veritant could look really cool in your style.

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And there we are. The Judicators took a lot more time than I anticipated. I suspect a lack of concentration due to tiredness may be a cause, but regardless, they are done.

As for what's next, ten Protectors. After that, pretty much more of the same, five more Liberators and Judicators, another Dracoth, ten Decimators. It should come as no surprise I'm building a Skyborne Slayers list initially. I mean, tournament, right?





I just love that gauntlet for the Shockbolt bow - I intentionally swapped the Prime shoulderpad over to the other side so the two pieces would match up and I think it turned out awesome. That it matches with the Liberators also having their Prime pad on that side was just the icing on the cake (I actually had to look at them and check when I wrote this).

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Small update today - the five first Protectors are done and ready for black spray priming.


The other five (the Prime and four Starsoul Maces) aren't far behind, they need their heads, and I need to turn the maces into flails through the cunning use of wire, jewellery chain and superglue. Stay put!

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Funny enough just saw your signature and looked at pics of your army I just wanted to say they look bloody awesome and the nice thing is female stormcast are proper canon now. Going to get mentioned in a book, also they are mentioned in campaign books and white dwarf. 

About the armor you are correct GW said all of them wear the same armor in sigmar's visage it's a religious thing. Also they make a point that lord celestant's have to learn the mannerism's of their soldiers because they ALL wear the same gear. Since the only way to tell them apart is their voice and the helmets are meant to be more or less sigmar's face. Keep up the great work can't wait to see the whole army together. :D

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19 hours ago, Kramer said:

Looking very good! I'm looking for some bits as well. Can I ask where you tound the heads?

They are Heroic Scale female heads from Statuesque Miniatures. I cannot recommend him enough, phenomenal service, reasonable shipping charges, high quality product - an all-round excellent third party provider.

As for progress, ten Protectors and five Liberators are now fully built and primed, ready for painting. I've also got a game lined up for Tuesday evening, and while I'll feel the shame of playing unpainted models (unless I explode with paintastic progress this weekend), it'll be good to finally break in the girls. Stay tuned!

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So, I played a game.

Specifically against @Grimnaud's Flesh-Eater Courts, which is... somewhat interesting, and fairly frustrating. Slightly like masturbating with a cheese grater? I jest, I jest. He plays them very well, and they are by far the worst turtling army I've played against, the grind is simply endless when they're done right. The good news is, I learned a lot from this game, about my Sisters, and about how to deal with that level of defence.

I brought a Lord-Celestant on Dracoth with the Obstinate Blade relic (in hindsight, a wrong choice, I should have gone for the Talisman) and Reckless command trait; two units of five Liberators (both with a Grandhammer and regular hammers) and one unit of five Judicators (Shockbolt Bow on Prime, and bows on the rest) and finally, ten Protectors (four Starsouls). He brought a Ghoul King, and a Ghoul Patrol of ten, twenty and thirty ghouls, as well as a summoning pool of 120 points for a unit of Spirit Hosts. He had the Cloak of Wanting to be Skryre on his King, and Summoning Sword of Godlyness on his Ghast. Nasty.

In the end, he won a minor victory on kill points with an advantage of 20 points at 620 to 600 points killed. Breaking down the fight, however, let's look at what we learned from that...


Stuff that went my way.

- Rolling double sixes on the Protectors' charge move in turn two sped up my advancement massively, and opened up the board a lot.

- Being able to predict his battle plan well enough to have a fully formed tactic that would easily adapt to both getting and facing double turns.

- Being one wound away from a Major Victory at the end of turn three, as only the nearly-dead Ghoul King contested his own ojective.

Stuff that screwed me over.

- It's a cliché, but the dice over the course of the game were not even remotely in my favour. Whether it was the Judicator Prime that rolled her first roll over a 1 in turn five, the Celestant with a 3+ save that rerolls ones and rolled three twos for her last three wounds, or the Liberators that simply couldn't kill a unit of ten ghouls over the course of three turns, bad rolls in key situations hurt what would otherwise have been a sound strategy.

- Terrain rules. We've usually never played these in my gaming club, and tried them today. It went a lot better for my opponent than it did for me, as he used them very well tactically while I sort of, uh, didn't.

- Forgetting my Triumph Table roll like a dumbass.

Stuff I learned.

- While it won't matter as much once I get Skyborne into play, I made some mental notes on how to advance up the table. I did a few fairly bad mistakes that I paid dearly for in terms of positioning and board control, and I more or less immediately realised how I could have handled it different.

- Kill order. On a few occasions, selecting my targets in a slightly different order would have made a potentially massive outcome in terms of damage output and returning wounds.

-How much sustain I have in terms of various threats. He didn't have a monster or any Horrors, but overall I think his list gave me a decent impression of what I can expect of this army in terms of surviving.


And with that, back to the painting table to bump the list up to 2000. Tournament in four weeks!

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Great read, and I'm loving the conversion! Can't wait to see more of them. 

Can i ask, what colours went into the Dracoth scale and hide? I'm looking into making a gold/black/red themed SE army (all male,though ;) ) and I feel your Dracoth colour scheme would fit it very well. 

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Basecoat Mephiston Red, wash Agrax Earthshade, drybrush Mephiston Red again, then a lighter drybrush of Astorath Red and a final light drybrush of Fire Dragon Bright. Various highlights of Screamer Pink, Ungor Flesh and Fire Dragon Bright on the face. The dark areas are successive layers of diluted Rhinox Hide, then Abaddon Black, working your way darker and darker inwards.

Hope that helps :)

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That helps a lot, Payce. Thank you! 

And the Anvils of Heldenhammer are very cool, but mine will be more like the Fists of Sigmarite, which are a bit more golden to keep with the general SE theme.

But enough hijacking, how are the Sisters coming along? I'm eager to see the whole army completed!

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  • 8 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...


This died a sudden death; my tournament deadline came and went, and afterwards, I had the regular "I painted myself to death"-fatigue, and the Sigsters sort of... took a back seat to my pink Ironjawz. Which, incidentally, are now taking a back seat to the Sigsters for exactly that same reason after a tournament last weekend. Oh, the irony.

Anyway, the girls are back in production, and I have some units that never got fully posted here, so there's a lot to get back to. For now, here's not Neave Blacktalon:


I say "not Neave Blacktalon" since the rules clearly state that with these colours, she's not. She's pretty bamf though, and I look forward to her leading my skirmish warband this fall. Up next are some Decimators.

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