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Slaves to darkness viable by them selves?

Zombie Joe

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Hi guys.


I'm wondering if Slaves to Darkness are a viable faction to run by themselves? I think the models look great but would like to know if they need other chaos units to be formidable? Are they lacking good synergies if I don't want to use other chaos factions? 


Thanks for the help.

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I'd say yes. Powerful infantry and cavalry. The only things they lost in the transition to AOS were the god specific characters, which you can still mix in without any problem. However, they are limited in ranged and magic options, unless you mix in daemons, skaven, or the god specific subfactions. If you want a Hellcannon you are basically going to have to find an alternative model or pay a lot.

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They do look cool,  and are most probably my next purchase,  but they are very static and samey... 

At the local shop one guy runs them alone,  with the Battalion from the start collecting box,  but he intends to expand them into an Everchosen army. 

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Slaves to Darkness will never be a top tier army, as mentioned by others, they lack the tools to deal with things from afar. So they'll never be able to snipe things out like the Bonesplitter heroes giving a million buffs to the Arrow Boys for example.

I think that if you want to be competitive with Slaves, you definitely need to invest in Chosen though. They are killy to the extreme and buff your other nearby Slaves to Darkness units as well. IMO they are the best unit in the Slaves to Darkness army.

They suffer a bit in that they alone don't have a lot of high rend or high damage. The Manticore for example brings neither rend or damage (Which is why I'm not a huge fan of it). For reasons like these, you might end up branching into other factions later on. Chaos Knights with Glaives do bring a bit of damage though on the charge, and they become battleline if you stick purely to Slaves to Darkness so there is that to consider. But yeah, you might suffer if you come up against Seraphon due to lack of rend -2 (In my local group I luckily don't have to deal with much of that though).


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^^^^^Sady, he's right. That being said tho, I play them often. Usually when there's a noob who needs some introductory games to get the fee of the game, as well as when I just feel nostalgic and want all my old stuff out there.

They're still a lot of fun in non competitive settings. Don't think I'd take them to a tourney tho.

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They are fine,  more than suitable for games against your mates.

You can take them to tournaments too, you a) just won't be the one person who wins it and b) under a Swiss system, will end up playing the other guys who took the armies they liked too - neither of which, should sway your decision against an army imho.

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6 hours ago, Taketheskull said:

You can take them to tournaments too, you a) just won't be the one person who wins it and b) under a Swiss system, will end up playing the other guys who took the armies they liked too - neither of which, should sway your decision against an army imho.

I think this needs to be emphasized, just because of how important it is.

You'll be a guy playing an army you like. BUT. Among people doing that (I'm one of those myself), you have the tools to be one of the strongest and hardest opponents. It comes down to how well you can adapt and play them tactically, which is something you can always improve as it comes down to player skill and experience.

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Hi, it was very viable and u can mix it with khorne bloodbound or nurgle rotbringers.

But they are good by themselves. You have a cheap unit with a normal combat (marauders) but in a competitive play 30 ov this guys with Shields was only 180 points. If u put him near a warshrine they can be prety good taking or conserving objectives.

You have the best warmachine in game, the hellcannon. Only one turn can be a mess for ur oponent and... U dont need see the target!! Really abyoning.

The Chaos warriors with 2 hand weapons have 20 wounds, 4+ save and 2 atacks each (3+ to hit, 3+ to wound and -1 rending) for 180 points... If u put 20 of theese guys with a bit buffs like the warshrine, místic shield and the spell of Chaos socerer they can be pretty anyoning.

They have shooting power, and good mobility (I always play with 1 unit of horse marauders with spears, sometime I use it as sacrifices but other times I go fast and shoot the crews of warmachines, or enemy wizards, they are expendables).

Maybye they don't have the most powerfull breaker combos, but they have the tools to break this combos and u can play it, but you need a warshrine and hellcannon to be trully competitive. Anyway the best options is mix the marks and play with bit combos like khorne units and bloodsecrator, or harbringer Of decay and nurgle units. (one day I played with 40 marauders and 20 warriors, one warshrine and one harbringer Of decay (I play the harbringer safe). Thath ****** was ***** annyoning for the oponent xd. I killed with my wizards the enemy Empire General (before they die) and stomped his 30 handguners combo xd.

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2 hours ago, Tasman said:

Warriors hit on 4's. Am I missing something?

No, u're not missing nothing, I remembered choosen to hit and to wound atributes instead of warriors xd. Anyway, 2 atacks each with 4+,3+, rending 1 are pretty good for his price. Other units like ironbreakers or phoenix guard have 200p cost for less combat power (and u can mark it and do some combos). Retributors have more base combat power (and they have less wounds for more price) but they can't combo like the slave to darkness.

Our wizards canbuff it with mystic Shield and demonic power, if u mark it u can give him extra skillls with warshrine, Chaos wizard, and u have good  and useful warscroll batallions. They are pretty playable bcause they have good points cost and a lot of combo, not a destroyers combos, but a lot of litle combos.

And if u play it mixing khorne bloodbound, nurgle rotbingers or slaanesh cohort they can really be a pain. For example, with ur comander trait the warriors can win an extra atack, you can give daemonic power and the slaanesh lord can allow him ti atack twice, they can have 6 atack in one single round each!!! But they miss loyality to Slaves to darkness.

Anyway, they can be pretty strong by themselves.

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One note on the Hellcannon: keep it well guarded when facing a deep strike army. In a game against Seraphon, a unit of Ripperdactyls w/ the Skink Patrol battalion slaughtered the Hellcannon's crew in turn one, eliminating my best ranged unit. Thankfully the Hellcannon at least killed something before this happened, but still. My bad for not guarding it

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Looking at their battlescrolls, it really seems like the Slaves to Darkness were intended to be used as chaff and support in god-specific armies. That's also how they appear in lots of the fiction - in both the Khorne and Nurgle specific books I've listened to, the narrator mentioned hordes of lesser servants and barbarians fighting alongside the god-marked chaos warriors.

However, I don't think that they're not viable on their own. And as an Undead player, I can tell you that being able to fight at range isn't all that. I've won a lot of games with my ghouls, even against opponents with decent shooting.

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50 minutes ago, ElectricPaladin said:

Looking at their battlescrolls, it really seems like the Slaves to Darkness were intended to be used as chaff and support in god-specific armies. That's also how they appear in lots of the fiction - in both the Khorne and Nurgle specific books I've listened to, the narrator mentioned hordes of lesser servants and barbarians fighting alongside the god-marked chaos warriors.

However, I don't think that they're not viable on their own. And as an Undead player, I can tell you that being able to fight at range isn't all that. I've won a lot of games with my ghouls, even against opponents with decent shooting.

thats probably talking about marauders 

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