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Hedonites of Slaanesh Discussion


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Yeah I think a lot of opponents are going to default to refusing temptation dice. I'm also running into a lot of stuff that doesn't care about D3 mortals (last night was squid herd Gitz) and just keeps tanking the mortals. 

Speaking of squig herd gitz... golly gosh. He had 2x20 squig herds and a unit of 20 squig hoppers. They are nasty. They don't die because they're huge wound pools, and they just keep coming back between rally and the squig herds' innate rezzing mechanic. 

I went Godseekers with a Keeper general, Paths of the Dark Prince and the trait to do mortals on 4+ according to your charge roll. Also had an Epitome, Blissbarbs, Slickblades, 3 Fiends, 5 Painbringers, and Sigvald. 


- Keeper did something like 9 mortals to Skragrott on a Paths charge, killing him outright. 

- Keeper retreated away from 2 squig herds that, with all their buffs, put her on 15 wounds even through Finest Hour and the Aegis. She then still died to battleshocked squigs doing mortals. 

- Sigvald didn't kill hoppers even with a double activation (40 wounds is... just so much to get through) and then they killed him with their attacks back (5 attacks from each squig each doing mortals on 6s to hit. Just so many buffs in this army) 

- Slickblades generated 20-odd DPs on a charge and then killed his (rezzed) Gobbapalooza (rezzing a whole unit of wizards = not busted). Then they died to the unending tide of squigs. 

- My opponent rolled +1 attack from Snufflers 3/4 turns. This was not fun. 

At the bottom of 4 he was beating me 22-15 (couldn't take objectives off him at all) and, though I had a shot to deny his grand strat, I almost certainly would have lost had we played out turn 5 (we didn't have time). 

Conclusion: take Glutos and run Pretenders. I wanted to try something new, but Glutos and Pretenders fixes most things. 







Enemy deployment: 


The Masque gets swamped and dragged down: 


The Keeper charges and kills Skragrott. Siggy kills 7 hoppers, which isn't all that great on 18 attacks from a double activation. 


The Keeper nearly kills the Gobbapalooza and takes 5 wounds from the Squigs. 


He gets turn 2 and manages to get into my backline (this is roughly where Siggy was) 



10 summoned Daemonettes hold my back objective in the late game. 


Archers manage to stay out of trouble and ping things down all game. 


Slicks killed a full unit of squigs and the (rezzed) Gobbapalooza before being killed by more squigs. 


The Keeper's claw roll. Sigh. 


Edited by LeonBox
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 thanks for a proper batrep :)❤️ 

i am also learning into trying pretenders with glutos. In theory i really like the idea of invaders and alot of Hurler of obcenties with a bunch of LOPs, but usually they were more usefull sitting on objectives, buffing stuff. 

i am also curious about more ways to generate damage other then shooting and glutos.

Slickblades seem awesome, iam 100% going to find a way to fit them in my list. nothing else seems like they can punch as much? 

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1 hour ago, Thor said:

 thanks for a proper batrep :)❤️ 

i am also learning into trying pretenders with glutos. In theory i really like the idea of invaders and alot of Hurler of obcenties with a bunch of LOPs, but usually they were more usefull sitting on objectives, buffing stuff. 

i am also curious about more ways to generate damage other then shooting and glutos.

Slickblades seem awesome, iam 100% going to find a way to fit them in my list. nothing else seems like they can punch as much? 

Thanks for reading! Slickblades are amazing for EK to the point that I have a hard time passing on them for anything else. They can be in your enemy's face turn 1 and easily get you to to 12 DP (provided you have a good target). 

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I still think the 10 daemon seekers on the little bases are great for depravity gen - 40 attacks that go up by 10 every combat phase is a lot, especially with +1 to run and charge (with 2d6 rolls for both).

My mates in the local club lost money on the battle scroll release that left seekers on 50x25s

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26 minutes ago, Unit1126PLL said:

I still think the 10 daemon seekers on the little bases are great for depravity gen - 40 attacks that go up by 10 every combat phase is a lot, especially with +1 to run and charge (with 2d6 rolls for both).

My mates in the local club lost money on the battle scroll release that left seekers on 50x25s

I don t think they re meant to be on 50x25. They were sold with 32×60 in the last battle and rapture set

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3 minutes ago, azdimy said:

I don t think they re meant to be on 50x25. They were sold with 32×60 in the last battle and rapture set

Agreed.  And the soonest this would possibly be corrected would be with the next Hedonites FAQ and update push to the app.  And who knows when that will be.  Its not a change that would be in the battlescroll.

Edited by KrispyXIV
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How do you think that the change could be accidental?

Copy and paste from pior editions, copy and paste from other Cavalry units, copy and paste from the basing sheet, or literally just not changing anything at all would have resulted in the 60mm base as mentioned. 

Someone would have had to have gone in and deliberately change it, which strikes me as something that is unlikely to happen by accident.

"Hey guys, I accidentally had the app open in edit mode, accidentally clicked on the 60x35 that was already there, and accidentally typed in the bases that just so happen to be the ones the unit is actually sold with in it's only current iteration."

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Just now, Unit1126PLL said:

How do you think that the change could be accidental?

Copy and paste from pior editions, copy and paste from other Cavalry units, copy and paste from the basing sheet, or literally just not changing anything at all would have resulted in the 60mm base as mentioned. 

Someone would have had to have gone in and deliberately change it, which strikes me as something that is unlikely to happen by accident.

"Hey guys, I accidentally had the app open in edit mode, accidentally clicked on the 60x35 that was already there, and accidentally typed in the bases that just so happen to be the ones the unit is actually sold with in it's only current iteration."

Its an entirely unique base size on the Pitched Battles Profiles document, so far as I can tell.  With significant rules implications, as it would make them the... only?... cavalry unit in the game with a 25mm wide base that can be fought across.  

A mistake seems wildly more likely in my experience - and based on past experience with companies, its entirely possible someone is referencing information from an older source, or potentially when the base size was 'updated' previously for the models last release no one remembered to change the 'core' resource or spreadsheet for the unit.

Its possible that the 'change' was intended, but that would be... kindof inconsistent with all of the rest of AoS.  

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5 minutes ago, KrispyXIV said:

Its an entirely unique base size on the Pitched Battles Profiles document, so far as I can tell.  With significant rules implications, as it would make them the... only?... cavalry unit in the game with a 25mm wide base that can be fought across.  

A mistake seems wildly more likely in my experience - and based on past experience with companies, its entirely possible someone is referencing information from an older source, or potentially when the base size was 'updated' previously for the models last release no one remembered to change the 'core' resource or spreadsheet for the unit.

Its possible that the 'change' was intended, but that would be... kindof inconsistent with all of the rest of AoS.  

I think it's consistent with the "put the models on the bases they are sold with" policy, considering it coincides with the removal of the Start Collecting that came with the earlier size and its replacement with the Vanguard.

The only Seekers still sold come on 50x25s, and rather than reboxing them, GW decided to keep them that way, thinking it isn't a big deal.

I consider that far more likely than an unintentional change.

It's uniqueness is just MORE evidence for this, not less. It shows that GW didn't just make a copy-paste error from another unit. This unit specifically is alone on that base size, and only recently was updated to be such. That seems extremely deliberate precisely because it is so weird.

Edited by Unit1126PLL
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1 hour ago, Unit1126PLL said:

I think it's consistent with the "put the models on the bases they are sold with" policy, considering it coincides with the removal of the Start Collecting that came with the earlier size and its replacement with the Vanguard.

The only Seekers still sold come on 50x25s, and rather than reboxing them, GW decided to keep them that way, thinking it isn't a big deal.

I consider that far more likely than an unintentional change.

It's uniqueness is just MORE evidence for this, not less. It shows that GW didn't just make a copy-paste error from another unit. This unit specifically is alone on that base size, and only recently was updated to be such. That seems extremely deliberate precisely because it is so weird.

The thing is though, that base size used to be the size for the models ages ago. Back at the tail end of fantasy 7th edition the models were released as a dual kit for warhammer fantasy and 40k and that thin oval base was used for 40k. So the reason it's all on the pictures and such is they haven't been properly updated. Not to mention the fact that the base style wasn't even used in 40k for very long, they switched to the more rounded version a long time ago. It would extremely weird to intentionally change them to a base size that hasn't been used on models for like... more than a decade? Like absolutely bizarre. I'm vastly more inclined to believe that they updated off a weird spreadsheet like Krispy suggested. 

Wouldn't be the first time they've made mistakes with official bases either. If you go back a couple years to when they first created the base size document they said that Skarbrand was supposed to be on a 120 mm x 92 mm oval base like the other bloodthirsters. He's literally never been sold with that base, absolutely no reason to have him on it, the person creating the doc just made an obvious mistake and set it to the wrong size because he's a bloodthirster so he should be on the same base as the bloodthirsters.

Edited by Grimrock
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I think the difference is that in this case the 25x50s are the only bases they come on, if you bought fresh seekers from GW.

I assume they would be the rounded "bike" bases though that come in that kit. Not the square ones. That I agree with - I am using the round ones.

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18 minutes ago, Unit1126PLL said:

I think the difference is that in this case the 25x50s are the only bases they come on, if you bought fresh seekers from GW.

I assume they would be the rounded "bike" bases though that come in that kit. Not the square ones. That I agree with - I am using the round ones.

The thing is the rounded edge ones are bike size base for 40k and are 25×70. It s clearly an error on the app

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6 minutes ago, azdimy said:

The thing is the rounded edge ones are bike size base for 40k and are 25×70. It s clearly an error on the app

25x70? Interesting, I had assumed they were by 50 since the website doesn't specify.

In that case it is even more mysterious, and I will wait for an FAQ so I know if I have to order a whole other bag of bases every time I get a new seeker box.

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Got my second full game in vs. a kindof skewy STD anvil list.  I expected a depravity piñata, that did not work out as I hoped.  

I recant my previous skepticism about the lord of pain aura needing to be melee only.  If it remains as is, LoP needs to skyrocket in price.  

Also, as much as I love strength of godhood... it may be worth it to hide your pretenders benefits behind Glutos after all.  

Finally, blissbarbs are a freaking steal.  They do so much work.  

As well, an opponent that refuses to take temptation  dice and has no soft targets can make depravity generation a real slog.  

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27 minutes ago, KrispyXIV said:

As well, an opponent that refuses to take temptation  dice and has no soft targets can make depravity generation a real slog.  

Had the same problem against monster heavy Soulblights last night. I only could generate depravity points by killing his skeletons, but thar was a trap, as skeletons just came back but my Slickblades died fast.

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59 minutes ago, KrispyXIV said:

Got my second full game in vs. a kindof skewy STD anvil list.  I expected a depravity piñata, that did not work out as I hoped.  

I recant my previous skepticism about the lord of pain aura needing to be melee only.  If it remains as is, LoP needs to skyrocket in price.  

Also, as much as I love strength of godhood... it may be worth it to hide your pretenders benefits behind Glutos after all.  

Finally, blissbarbs are a freaking steal.  They do so much work.  

As well, an opponent that refuses to take temptation  dice and has no soft targets can make depravity generation a real slog.  

The archers are steal because our other options are not as good. Our infantry units are really kinda meh until you get depravity rolling and some seem pointed as though we should have some level of depravity buff going immediately. The buffs are swingy depending on army, battleplan and opponent skill level. 

Our cavalry revolves around slickblades and blissbarb seekers. The others ones are just meh possibly overpointed. Yeah there fast but without depravity bonus rolling they will be lacking in performance.

The depravity made a huge difference in archer survival as they die to stiff breeze. several units didn't feel impactful until depravity started rolling in and thats assuming you have enough of them left to do the work. 

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So I got to attend a small casual tournament over the weekend and managed to take first with what at least in my opinion is a pretty casual list:

Pretender host

LoP - General, strength from godhood, crown of domination

Keeper with hand and born of damnation

Shalaxi with shield and phantasmagoria

1x10 twinsouls

1x22 Blissbarbs

1x20 Daemonettes

1x5 Slickblades


Some quick comments:

- The keeper was only effective as a stalling piece to tie stuff down and heal off the hand for killing a model or two. After burning excess of violence her value outside of "mobile wall" was nonexistent.

- Shalaxi folded like origami against non-hero units but absolutely dunked on any hero I could get her into.

- Twinsouls my beloved, they carried me

- LoP is so busted for 135pts, on top of boosting the twinsouls and blissbarbs to absurdity, he tanked and killed way more than the keeper thanks to his ward and strength of godhood


Round 1: Troll gitz Battlelines drawn

2 troggbosses, one with skull fetish and monster trait

2x6 rockguts

2x3 rockguts

2x3 fellwaters


skraggy (we used pre battlescroll points since it dropped three days prior to the event)

I got first turn and out of morbid curiosity threw shalaxi into the trolls head on and used excess of violence! She killed two trolls, got puked on and died before she could fight again... Then the keeper died the following turn... So hard on the backfoot I picked off fellwaters with my blissbarbs, pressured him into bad movements with my slickblades and we both discovered that -1 to hit and -1 attacks makes rockguts useless! As I built depravity through some big euphoric combats the game swung hard in my favour as my dwindling slickblades scored objectives and tactics while the twinsouls + LoP murdered rockguts like stonecutters and the daemonettes I was holding back got a good charge in and killed his general troggboss. Skraggy lived, and put a lot of hurt on me, but it wasn't enough with a win of 27-18


Round 2 Skaven Only the worthy


Thanquil W/ 4 flamers

2x Engineer

2x Plague priest

Plague furnace

3x20 clanrats

3x warp lighting cannon

lightning vortex

This game was one part luck and one part good matchup for me. Got first turn again and ramped early depravity willingly throwing my slickblades into the screen protecting the plague furnace. The keeper and Shalaxi walked onto the middle objective while the LoP and crew took the righthand objective and shot at some clanrats. Thanquil moved up and killed a few twinsouls, the keeper lost 10 wounds to two lightning cannons while the third self destructed, plague furnace killed half the slickblades and he used tunnel master and skitterleap to get plague priests and engineers on objectives. When it came back to me on priority I picked 4 wounds off of thanquil with blissbarbs while shalaxi finished the job in spectacular fashion getting both spear hits through. The keeper got into the lightning cannons and tied them up, killing one. The daemonettes mauled an engineer on my back objective. From there it was all downhill for the skaven player as he had nothing left to threaten shalaxi and the twinsouls. 27-16


Round 3 Troll-gitz 2: furry boogaloo

Troggboss with glowy and monster trait

arachnarok shaman

dankhold trogg

1x10 wolf riders

1x6 fellwaters

2x6 rockguts

fungoid shaman

This was the closest game of the day as neither of us had much left by the end. I once again got first turn and got depravity going by throwing shalaxi at the exposed dankhold, killing it and pulling in the shaman who only managed to deal 2 wounds to shalaxi before losing half of his to the excess of violence. Shalaxi went down quickly after to rockguts and the wolves tied down my blissbarbs wasting two turns of shooting. The majority of the fighting was actually done by the LoP who killed an impressive amount of rockguts while the keeper tanked hits and healed off of picking one off every turn. Daemonettes died to the troggboss getting a big charge and I lost my back objective to the fellwaters being teleported by the fungoid and landing their charge. Something notable about this game is I got to ramp a ludicrous amount of depravity by abusing stomps and the keepers temptations to wound troggs enough that a temptation die would risk killing troggs off. For the most part we ended up taking eachothers home objectives and fighting over the middle trading it back and forth each turn. Pulled the win in the final turn by rushing a mostly restored blissbarb unit into the middle and using the LoP to deny his grand strat (keep people away from the loonshrine). Final score if I remember correctly was 30-24


All in all I think the keeper will be staying on the shelf again but Shalaxi is good enough at her niche I might take her as a pet unit every once in a while when I'm not running invaders GC spam or Glutos pretenders.

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13 hours ago, Lucky Snake Eyes said:

So I got to attend a small casual tournament over the weekend and managed to take first with what at least in my opinion is a pretty casual list:

Pretender host

LoP - General, strength from godhood, crown of domination

Keeper with hand and born of damnation

Shalaxi with shield and phantasmagoria

1x10 twinsouls

1x22 Blissbarbs

1x20 Daemonettes

1x5 Slickblades


Some quick comments:

- The keeper was only effective as a stalling piece to tie stuff down and heal off the hand for killing a model or two. After burning excess of violence her value outside of "mobile wall" was nonexistent.

- Shalaxi folded like origami against non-hero units but absolutely dunked on any hero I could get her into.

- Twinsouls my beloved, they carried me

- LoP is so busted for 135pts, on top of boosting the twinsouls and blissbarbs to absurdity, he tanked and killed way more than the keeper thanks to his ward and strength of godhood


Round 1: Troll gitz Battlelines drawn

2 troggbosses, one with skull fetish and monster trait

2x6 rockguts

2x3 rockguts

2x3 fellwaters


skraggy (we used pre battlescroll points since it dropped three days prior to the event)

I got first turn and out of morbid curiosity threw shalaxi into the trolls head on and used excess of violence! She killed two trolls, got puked on and died before she could fight again... Then the keeper died the following turn... So hard on the backfoot I picked off fellwaters with my blissbarbs, pressured him into bad movements with my slickblades and we both discovered that -1 to hit and -1 attacks makes rockguts useless! As I built depravity through some big euphoric combats the game swung hard in my favour as my dwindling slickblades scored objectives and tactics while the twinsouls + LoP murdered rockguts like stonecutters and the daemonettes I was holding back got a good charge in and killed his general troggboss. Skraggy lived, and put a lot of hurt on me, but it wasn't enough with a win of 27-18


Round 2 Skaven Only the worthy


Thanquil W/ 4 flamers

2x Engineer

2x Plague priest

Plague furnace

3x20 clanrats

3x warp lighting cannon

lightning vortex

This game was one part luck and one part good matchup for me. Got first turn again and ramped early depravity willingly throwing my slickblades into the screen protecting the plague furnace. The keeper and Shalaxi walked onto the middle objective while the LoP and crew took the righthand objective and shot at some clanrats. Thanquil moved up and killed a few twinsouls, the keeper lost 10 wounds to two lightning cannons while the third self destructed, plague furnace killed half the slickblades and he used tunnel master and skitterleap to get plague priests and engineers on objectives. When it came back to me on priority I picked 4 wounds off of thanquil with blissbarbs while shalaxi finished the job in spectacular fashion getting both spear hits through. The keeper got into the lightning cannons and tied them up, killing one. The daemonettes mauled an engineer on my back objective. From there it was all downhill for the skaven player as he had nothing left to threaten shalaxi and the twinsouls. 27-16


Round 3 Troll-gitz 2: furry boogaloo

Troggboss with glowy and monster trait

arachnarok shaman

dankhold trogg

1x10 wolf riders

1x6 fellwaters

2x6 rockguts

fungoid shaman

This was the closest game of the day as neither of us had much left by the end. I once again got first turn and got depravity going by throwing shalaxi at the exposed dankhold, killing it and pulling in the shaman who only managed to deal 2 wounds to shalaxi before losing half of his to the excess of violence. Shalaxi went down quickly after to rockguts and the wolves tied down my blissbarbs wasting two turns of shooting. The majority of the fighting was actually done by the LoP who killed an impressive amount of rockguts while the keeper tanked hits and healed off of picking one off every turn. Daemonettes died to the troggboss getting a big charge and I lost my back objective to the fellwaters being teleported by the fungoid and landing their charge. Something notable about this game is I got to ramp a ludicrous amount of depravity by abusing stomps and the keepers temptations to wound troggs enough that a temptation die would risk killing troggs off. For the most part we ended up taking eachothers home objectives and fighting over the middle trading it back and forth each turn. Pulled the win in the final turn by rushing a mostly restored blissbarb unit into the middle and using the LoP to deny his grand strat (keep people away from the loonshrine). Final score if I remember correctly was 30-24


All in all I think the keeper will be staying on the shelf again but Shalaxi is good enough at her niche I might take her as a pet unit every once in a while when I'm not running invaders GC spam or Glutos pretenders.

Great writeup. I haven't had the heart to take Shalaxi again myself since she fluffed both spear attacks into a Megagargant, but she sounds like she can really put some work in against the right opponent. 

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Faced off against khorne tonight. 


Allegiance: Slaanesh
- Host: Pretenders
- Grand Strategy: None Chosen
- Triumphs:
Keeper of Secrets (400)**
- General
- Shining Aegis
- Command Trait: Strength of Goodhood
- Artefact: The Crown of Dark Secrets
- Universal Spell Lore: Flaming Weapon
Contorted Epitome (190)**
- Artefact: Sceptre of Domination
- Lore of the Magnificent: Born of Damnation
- Aspect of the Champion: Fuelled by Ghurish Rage
Lord of Pain (130)**
11 x Blissbarb Archers (150)*
11 x Blissbarb Archers (150)*
11 x Blissbarb Archers (150)*
10 x Slickblade Seekers (400)
- Reinforced x 1
5 x Blissbarb Seekers (200)
3 x Fiends (200)
*Galletian Sharpshooters

Total: 1970 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 1 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 133
Drops: 9

was my list. Went full drops and took fiends to try them out. 

His list...

a bunch of priests, blood throne, skarbrand, some bloodthirster. 

20 bloodletters, 3 bloodcrushers, 2 units of dogs. 


Mission was Realmstone Cache with some awkward terrain placement from TTS. He gives me first turn, and I move up with archers, throw LOP on objective. I killed both units of dogs and dealt 8 damage to a blood thirster. He heals some of the wounds back and gets some buffs up. He summoned dogs in and sends them in to eat unleash. Problem for him is I unleashed with archers furtherest from his bloodthirster and they killed the dogs. 

Bloodthirster charges in, but rolls low and ends up in range of 2 units now free to unleash hell. They kill the bloodthirster on the charge. Bloodletters roll poorly on their charge, fight fiends and archers but don't do a whole lot. I end up winning priority which puts Bloodletters in a bad spot and Skarbrand is wide open. 


He conceded. We talked about what could've been done. What are some good units into the army and where the list would fall apart. 

Edited by Carnith
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4 hours ago, Carnith said:

Went full drops

I think full drops is viable. You are loosing too much if you try to go one-drop. Maybe I will try something like this:

Allegiance: Slaanesh
- Host: Pretenders
- Grand Strategy: Selfish Desire
Contorted Epitome (190)*
- Artefact: The Crown of Dark Secrets
- Lore of the Magnificent: Phantasmagoria
Lord of Pain (130)*
- General
- Command Trait: Strength of Goodhood
- Aspect of the Champion: Fuelled by Ghurish Rage
Sigvald, Prince of Slaanesh (205)*


22 x Blissbarb Archers (300)*
11 x Blissbarb Archers (150)*
10 x Myrmidesh Painbringers (290)*
5 x Slickblade Seekers (200)*


Krondspine Incarnate of Ghur (480)*

*Battle Regiment

Total: 1945 / 2000
Drops: 1

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7 hours ago, Carnith said:

Bloodthirster charges in, but rolls low and ends up in range of 2 units now free to unleash hell. They kill the bloodthirster on the charge. Bloodletters roll poorly on their charge, fight fiends and archers but don't do a whole lot. I end up winning priority which puts Bloodletters in a bad spot and Skarbrand is wide open. 

How did you unleash hell on two separate units in that way? It was my understanding that once you've issued one unleash hell, you can't issue it again. With our ability to issue the same command three times, surely they'd all have to be issued at the same time? 

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1 hour ago, LeonBox said:

How did you unleash hell on two separate units in that way? It was my understanding that once you've issued one unleash hell, you can't issue it again. With our ability to issue the same command three times, surely they'd all have to be issued at the same time? 

"...you can issue the same command up to 3 times in the same phase"

so no need to do it at the same time, just in the same phase.

Other requirements are still valid (charge ended in 6" and no other enemy in 3"...)

Edited by Sonnenspeer
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Just now, Sonnenspeer said:

"...you can issue the same command up to 3 times in the same phase"

so no need to do it at the same time, just in the same phase.

Other requirements are still valid (hare ended in 6" and no other enemy in 3"...)

It's this interaction, specifically, that convinced me Lord of Pains aura needs to change. 

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