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Poll: Favourite Army 2022


Favourite Army 2022 Poll  

69 members have voted

  1. 1. Pick one

    • Cities of Sigmar
    • Daughters of Khaine
    • Fyreslayers
    • Idoneth Deepkin
    • Kharadron Overlords
    • Lumineth Realm-lords
    • Seraphon
    • Stormcast Eternals
    • Sylvaneth
    • Beasts of Chaos
    • Blades of Khorne
    • Disciples of Tzeentch
    • Hedonites of Slaanesh
    • Maggotkin of Nurgle
    • Skaven
    • Slaves to Darkness
    • Flesh-eater Courts
    • Nighthaunt
    • Ossiarch Bonereapers
    • Soulblight Gravelords
    • Gloomspite Gitz
    • Ogor Mawtribes
    • Orruk Warclans
    • Sons of Behemat

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What army did u have the most fun with this year? Could be about an awesome paint job, nice conversions/kitbashes or maybe u had an awesome tournament result.

My vote goes to Gloomspite Gitz this year as i got around to painting most of the army and worked on a Mirebrute Kitbash i am really happy how it turned out. Played a Warcry game with the Gitz and liked how they played. I am so hyped about the new Snarlfangs and the new Underworlds warband also looks great. So they got my vote this time around!

Some of the work i did:








Edited by Gitzdee
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  • Gitzdee changed the title to Poll: Favourite Army 2022

I had a lot of fun converting the skaven,

yet…. when it comes down to playing the game I only enjoyed a small amount of them.

currently skaven have probably one of the worst 3.0books that exist in aos.

Not really being able to play the horde game, no chance of manipulating reinforcment points or getting back models on 4+, and or being able to play units of 40 stormvermins and plague monks, really got me thinking.

and since the weapon teams like rattling gun and warpfire thrower weapon teams have been nerfed significantly for no reason I got even less interesting in playing the game.

the screaming bell an Iconic unit got basically removed from the game, and while all of this is extremely negative you might ask me the following thing.

so why choose the skaven.

most of my game since the new edition were with skaven, and although they removed probably the features from that faction, that in my opinion made them unique over any other factions, I must admit converting and painting the skaven has been currently my priority.

I love building rattling gun weapon teams out of different kind of bits and models, I enjoyed desecrating so many new green-things beasts to the liking of the clans moulder idealism (while also enjoying the bleeding of mercy from the green-thing player base in my area).

And while the book is so badly written, my hopes hasn’t yet shattered for the believe of getting a new skaven book at some time, replacing the trash we currently have

Edited by Skreech Verminking
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Tough call between Nurgle and Skaven. Nurgle I really really liked how the battletome makes their plausible feel like Nurgle armies work in the fluff. But what dampened it a little was the continued reliance on character choices over units, Epidemius completely changing functionality (T-T), and most of all it being just a bit too strong.

Skaven.... just, Skaven. It is pure madness all the time. EVERY Skaven army book is a schizophrenic mess of abilities that vary from laughably bad to hideously OP, unbalanced because they have never been seen before, and will unlikely ever be balanced because they won't be seen again. Blowing yourself up never gets old.

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8 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

I had a lot of fun converting the skaven,

yet…. when it comes down to playing the game I only enjoyed a small amount of them.

currently skaven have probably one of the worst 3.0books that exist in aos.

Not really being able to play the horde game, no chance of manipulating reinforcment points or getting back models on 4+, and or being able to play units of 40 stormvermins and plague monks, really got me thinking.

and since the weapon teams like rattling gun and warpfire thrower weapon teams have been nerfed significantly for no reason I got even less interesting in playing the game.

the screaming bell an Iconic unit got basically removed from the game, and while all of this is extremely negative you might ask me the following thing.

so why choose the skaven.

most of my game since the new edition were with skaven, and although they removed probably the features from that faction, that in my opinion made them unique over any other factions, I must admit converting and painting the skaven has been currently my priority.

I love building rattling gun weapon teams out of different kind of bits and models, I enjoyed desecrating so many new green-things beasts to the liking of the clans moulder idealism (while also enjoying the bleeding of mercy from the green-thing player base in my area).

And while the book is so badly written, my hopes hasn’t yet shattered for the believe of getting a new skaven book at some time, replacing the trash we currently have

Wait wait wait, how are you having trouble winning with Skaven!? DM me so as not to drag this thread off topic because I'm guessing there is a story here!

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14 hours ago, NinthMusketeer said:

Wait wait wait, how are you having trouble winning with Skaven!? DM me so as not to drag this thread off topic because I'm guessing there is a story here!

I’ve send you a message I hope you got it.

just pm me back about the answer.

ps: i started with a question but might add more of my problems into your question after you answered my first question

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I did not get to play a lot of actual AoS this year due to a lot of factors, but I did play more AoS-related stuff like Soulbound. In terms of models, this year I have worked on Nurgle, Soulblight, OBR and Cities stuff.

I enjoyed working on all those different factions for different reasons. Nurgle and OBR are just super relaxing to paint. For Nurgle, it is OK not to be precise and to just slap some colourful washes on a model to see what happens. And for OBR, I picked my colour scheme with speed painting in mind, so I can finish some pretty cool looking models in just a few hours. It's very rewarding.




In contrast, Cities is the faction I work on when I want to really spend time on a model and go for a clean, detailed paint job. Many of my favourite models this year came from Cities, including some terrain:






Hurricanum video:


Finally, my overall favourite project this year has been working on the two skeleton Underworlds warbands of Soulblight Gravelords. All the models from those two warbands are extremely nice and dynamic, and I enjoyed painting them from start to finish:


Close ups:





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