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Hevy cavalary

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9 minutes ago, Skarband said:

Hi i whant to start pure cavalary army i whant to Play competetive help me to choose i dont whant ogres and idk

Slickblade Seekers are really nice in Slaanesh :) Chaos Knights look nice but hit like a wet noodle. Varanguard in the Sixth Circle with Archaon also hit like a truck, but at the same time it's very one note

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I don't think anyone can give you a particularly good answer at this point since you want to go competitive, and no one knows what full changes of Age of Sigmar 3rd edition are going to be.

I suspect that AoS 3rd ed may follow 40k 9th ed in many ways, including attempting to create well-rounded, take-all-comers lists. I say this since it is entirely possible that your choices might be:

  • A pure cavalry list
  • A competitive list

There may not be anything in the future that has both.  Since you seem to be newer to this forum and asking this question, I am going to assume you are new/new-ish to AoS. I don't know if I would suggest trying to go the competitive route if so.  Playing competitive GW games often means spending a lot of money to keep up with the meta.  It also tends to mean not being particularly loyal to an army, play style or faction as the meta changes.  And the meta changes really fast these days.  Even without a new edition around the corner, by the time you get your army all built and painted (and most competitive events require painted), the meta has moved on.  I think to some extent, AoS doesn't suffer from this as much as 40k, but as I suspect AoS is going to take some things from current 40k, I don't know how true that's going to be going forward.

So I can't give you the information you seek.  I do want to caution you in case you weren't aware of how Games Workshop and their games tend to work.  Especially if you want to chase-the-dragon that is 'competitive' play.

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@Saturmorn Carvilliis right that it would be best to wait a few weeks before investing in what would be a fun project. But I will indulge as I love cavalry. 

I will echo @Enoby's Chaos recommendations.  It is the alliance that seems to best cover the heavy cavalry roles with Juggernauts and Pusgoyle Blightlords filling in some of the other army options. I do think Slaves to Darkness with a mix of Varanguard and Chaos Knights would work well aesthetically plus you can add Chariots into the mix. Strangely the best pick if you want traditional mounts, just expect some mutations to make the horses look a little cooler.

Death has the new Blood Knights and they look amazing! Ossiarchs have a decent cavalry option with Kavalos Deathriders, but they are more of medium cavalry option ruleswise though. But with the recent battalion set from Broken Realms it is a feasible option.

I know you are not interested in Ogres but they do have the heaviest Cavalry with Beast Claw Raiders but they are more monstrous mounts than anything resembling traditional cavalry. However Ironjawz/Orruk Warclans present a cool alternative, with a Mawcrusher leading hordes of pigs... if you have seen Princess Monoke you would know how scary this prospect can be. 

For Order; Cities of Sigmar is probably my favourite order option as you can borrow from Stormcast while also using Gryphknights and Coldone riders for an awesome and varied army. But they also allow you to run some more traditional horses, although they tend to be light cavalry. Lumineth and Stormcast have great mounted options but are limited in terms of their battleline as I believe they force you to take some infantry*. I know you said no to IDK but they might as well be AOS Bretonnians at this point. 

*New Stormcast are inbound and I suspect that Stardrakes may allow for Drakoth units to become battleline... but this is entirely based on my own theories based around Kragnos' special rules. 

Edited by Neverchosen
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9 hours ago, Skarband said:

Hi i whant to start pure cavalary army i whant to Play competetive help me to choose i dont whant ogres and idk

Cities can do this really well, you can take Griffons for melee and they even have some with guns. They even have lots of HQ's that are mounted. 

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A Hammerhal Lancers Demigryph list would have been my reccommendation a year ago, but there's a good chance the batallion stops existing, so I wouldn't gamble on it.

Demigryphs are excellent models though, with lots of extra parts, and the General on Griffin is even better.

If you can make a Blood Knight heavy cav list, that has reasonable chance of staying roughly the same, but I can't really give a good estimation for anything else come 3.0.

Edited by zilberfrid
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