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28 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

Another price hike is really pushing it now. I'll be holding off on growing my Cities backlog (apart from a Spearhead when I'm done with what I have) until we maybe get a christmas Battleforce and/or new army set.

But on the topic of Cities, I've been reading Lexicanum maybe a bit too much, and have come up with another wishlist.

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Slightly more „realistic” / informed Cities wave 2 wishlist:


  • Bombardier-Major / Fusil-Major on foot
  • Freeguild Sub-Marshal / Captain
  • Freeguild Marshal on Griffon / other big creature
  • Devoted Priest
  • Mage


  • Freeguild Knights (heavy infantry)
  • Flagellants
  • Ogor Warhulks (unit of 3-5 ogor infantry)
  • Wildercorps Outriders (scout/crossbow cavalry)
  • Steam-Wagon with crew options
    • Wildercorps Arbalesters
    • Fusiliers
    • Fusil-Major / Bombardier-Major


  • Cogfort


  Hide contents
  • Bombardier Major: mentioned in Dawnbringers
  • Sub-Marshal: mentioned in Dawnbringers
  • Freeguild Marshal on Griffon: Fantasy Empire kit that stuck around
  • Devoted Priest: Devoted still only have Zenestra and Flagellants (and now an Underworlds band)
  • Mage: Empire Battlemage kit is still around (maybe Hurricanum/Luminark replacement with Steam-Wagon/Cogfort options?)
  • Freeguild Knights: Arch-Knights have to come from somewhere/filling in a gap in specializations
  • Flagellants: Fantasy Empire kit that stuck around
  • Ogor Warhulks: Fusil-Major descriptions give me the vibe that a Warhulk is a separate type of thing and not only a mount option
  • Wildercorps Outriders: filling in a gap in specializations
  • Steam-Wagon: mentioned in Dawnbringers and Warcry Wildercorps background as being extremely common military vehicles
  • Cogfort: Whitefang back me up

Wave 2 is dead and I'm killing it.

Steam Wagon? I gotta read about that.

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1 hour ago, Mutton said:

There's a reason they suddenly pulled out this news right before revealing their edition launch box. People will instantly forget about price hikes and crave the new FOMO plastic. It's psychological manipulation.

Must be why they announce the Squating of armies last month. 

like the outrage of BoC and Sacrosant getting discontinued has largely died down now. It probably still sting but people move on in the end.

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2 hours ago, Mutton said:

There's a reason they suddenly pulled out this news right before revealing their edition launch box. People will instantly forget about price hikes and crave the new FOMO plastic. It's psychological manipulation.

It also comes just a few weeks before the next fical year starts. Upping the sales on the latest days, I'd guess.

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1 hour ago, Kempak said:

I've been pondering it, I thought they may give us a break as inflation has eased in the uk  And lets not kid ourselves they participated in the greedflation over the past two years.

I have plenty of backlog to keep me busy.

I've been luck the past couple years to have little outgoings and a national average paying job.

But I'm getting to the point in my life where this will change more work, responsibility and less time for the hobby. I also have to put more money towards everyday things.

I am lucky to have been drawn in by battleforces after the first year and managed to pick up a few for £80/90 before the average with the 20% discount became about £100-110.

Specialist games now after the loss of so many warbands, I'm just leaving them well alone and I've purchased quite a lot of warcry and underwolds in the past.

Not going to lie I've bought the darkoath box and grombrindal recently if the dwarf old world box comes out before the rise then that and maybe the 4 editon launch boxes will be my final purchases for a long time. 

I'm lucky to have been able to make large purchases but feel bad that more people will be priced out.

I think a lot of their (gw) success over recent years was because of the start collecting boxes and offering real value with a lot of support, well come second edition for aos.

A lot of the customer base too has been people who wished they had it as kids but didn't have the money now do. But now has pretty much become a higher end luxury good again, even more so if considered so before.

I held off on buying a printer, but I find I'm spending far more on paying people to make me resin minis than on GW product these days.

Was going to buy some weirdbrutes yesterday, but - even with more than enough disposable income - I can't quite countenance spending £35 on three infantry models. With the price hikes, that's only going to become more uneconomical. 

Maybe it's just time to embrace the potential cancer and respiratory illness and learn how to print my own minis. God knows, its a golden time for miniature sculptors and there's some real amazing stuff out there. 

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Asbestress said:

Another price hike is really pushing it now. I'll be holding off on growing my Cities backlog (apart from a Spearhead when I'm done with what I have) until we maybe get a christmas Battleforce and/or new army set.

But on the topic of Cities, I've been reading Lexicanum maybe a bit too much, and have come up with another wishlist.

  Reveal hidden contents

Slightly more „realistic” / informed Cities wave 2 wishlist:


  • Bombardier-Major / Fusil-Major on foot
  • Freeguild Sub-Marshal / Captain
  • Freeguild Marshal on Griffon / other big creature
  • Devoted Priest
  • Mage


  • Freeguild Knights (heavy infantry)
  • Flagellants
  • Ogor Warhulks (unit of 3-5 ogor infantry)
  • Wildercorps Outriders (scout/crossbow cavalry)
  • Steam-Wagon with crew options
    • Wildercorps Arbalesters
    • Fusiliers
    • Fusil-Major / Bombardier-Major


  • Cogfort


  Reveal hidden contents
  • Bombardier Major: mentioned in Dawnbringers
  • Sub-Marshal: mentioned in Dawnbringers
  • Freeguild Marshal on Griffon: Fantasy Empire kit that stuck around
  • Devoted Priest: Devoted still only have Zenestra and Flagellants (and now an Underworlds band)
  • Mage: Empire Battlemage kit is still around (maybe Hurricanum/Luminark replacement with Steam-Wagon/Cogfort options?)
  • Freeguild Knights: Arch-Knights have to come from somewhere/filling in a gap in specializations
  • Flagellants: Fantasy Empire kit that stuck around
  • Ogor Warhulks: Fusil-Major descriptions give me the vibe that a Warhulk is a separate type of thing and not only a mount option
  • Wildercorps Outriders: filling in a gap in specializations
  • Steam-Wagon: mentioned in Dawnbringers and Warcry Wildercorps background as being extremely common military vehicles
  • Cogfort: Whitefang back me up

Wave 2 is dead and I'm killing it.

My top choices for a CoS second wave


The human parts since there that whole discussion about that

  • Freeguild Knights
    • Obvious with how popular the Steel-rook, Archknight & Cavaliers were received & having  filling the heavy weapon that vacuum. Knight was oddly an ever present thing in AOS background showing up randomly like Eight lamentation having that Knight from an Alarielle order, the tragic Myrmidian knight that got slaughter by Khornites in Acts of Sacrifice & the whole Order of the fly origins in Plague garden & Nagash Undying King. While felt "We want Bretonnia" at first it does have the potential to blossom into something
    • Plus it give me hope they be similar to the knights from Berserk & Soulborn because i'm shameless fan :P
    • grunbeld on Tumblr
    • Mule, 'The Duck Knight' (Berserk Panel Redraw) by LordGuyis | Berserk,  Knight, Fantasy armor
    • The Brutal Beauty of Berserk — sabukaru
  • Ironweld Reiter
    • A range calvary riding a Rattletrap (pic) would be a good replacement for the pistoleers
    • Rattletrap - Age of Sigmar - Lexicanum
  • Cult specific customizable War priest
  • Warshrine
    • Ever teased
    • Cities of Sigmar Leak: HOT TAKES ONLY – Plastic Craic
  • Golden Jacket
    • The elite of the elite of Freeguild and is what the cover of 2 edition guy is. Still a think post-Reformation and nothing else would be a good Warcry team to go with maybe a less 16th century landsknechts look more 15th century Conquistador to fit the western european Renaissance
    • Weird Choice of Art From Warhammer Community Today : r/ageofsigmar
  • Steam-walker
    • Mention in COS 3e tome as one of the many war-machines of CoS a variant was mention in 2e call a gun-walker. I picture it being more Mecha then tank
    • Steam Knight Lancelot, from my series of reimagining the knights of  Arthurian legend. : r/steampunk
  • Freeguild general on Griffon
    • A replacement on Karl despite it hurt me since i just bought and assemble it an alternative would be a dragon-esq Gargoylian or Lion golems (mention in white dwarf as guardian of Hammerhald parliament)
  • Jade wizard on Beetles
    • Mention in the COS vinnette diary of them showing up chasing the Kruleboyz ambush
  • Cogfort 
    • The big and beautiful Behemoth ever teased
    • cog-fort-art-age-of-sigmar.jpg.affec0e0d1363ef2cf46a40981bd5868.jpg

The Dwarf 

  • Warden-king
  • Cogsmith
  • Gholemkind
    • Large sentient cog golem that was mentioned in the Kharadon tome as reactivating to Grungi return and in COS tome mention some taking up mercenary work for greywater
  • Oathbound
    • Standard dwarf warrior
  • Dwarf Bombardier/demolitionist
    • Dwarf with a bazooka
2 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Steam Wagon? I gotta read about that.

Unfortunately it only like a reference in two places one in the beginning of Dawnbringer to remind people that CoS isn't standard High-middle age fantasy rather more Da Vinci-punk. The second the 3 edition COS tome how Talhia Vedra got the Castlite idea by rounding all the steam wagons around as cover as her handunners and spearmen was pair together (the historical parallel Talhia being AOS version of Jan Žižka the Bohemian commander during the Hussite wars)

Jan Žižka Czech Center Museum Houston - A place to celebrate our world's  art, music, dance and diverse cultures — What to do in Houston? Visit the  Czech Center Museum Houston The

There also this (pic below) the wagons the hangunner are on from Hammer and Bolter in which i think is suppose to be a steam wagon


Edited by Dragon-knight77
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Posted (edited)

@Lord Kroak


the other Old Ones that they listed are

  • Spoiler
    • Quetzel the preserver (strange serpent making pyramid icon)
      • Quetzl is worshipped as the god of protection and the physical world. To the Seraphon, particularly those spawned beneath his asterisms and marked by denser muscle mass and jutting bony protrusions, he is a deity of both guardianship and warding. Quetzl’s sigils can be found emblazoned on items ranging from glyphic charms to the shield-vanes that protect their temples; even the grim pictogram-covered steles that indicate where the Seraphon have buried troves of realmstone and other magical substances far from prying warmbloods bear his mark. Quetzl is believed to have many relations, including his brother Quetli, the keeper of future paths. Yet some skinks maintain that Quetli is merely a mistranslation of Quetzl, and so fervently does this debate rage that two constellations - the Roaring Corona and Quelli’s Mantle - have come to outright blows over the schism. 
    • Tepok the seer (Coatl icon)
      • Терок is the ruler of the mystical in all its forms, blind to everything but the whorls and eddies of the arcane winds. In the frescoes of the Seraphon, he is depicted in the form of the great Coati - a flying, feathered breed of serpent that possesses a natural affinity for magic and can often be found guarding geomantic nexuses deep within the jungle. Tерок is the patron of skink scribes and especially mages; many of these otherworldly souls will clad themselves in feathered raiments as a means of honouring him. The Inscrutable One’s own sacred spawnings often sport clusters of iridescent proto-feathers and are marked by purple scales. Peep within the windswept Hyshian geo-segment of Helon, the greatest temple-cities ofТерок are believed to float atop luminous metaliths, drinking in the energies of light.
    • Itzl the tamer (Inquana head icon)
      • Itzl is father to all cold-blooded creatures but especially the saurus and their ferocious war-mounts. He is the most bestial of all the Old Ones, identified in mosaic art by his sharpened fangs and elaborate head-crest of bone - a feature occasionally shared by those spawned under his stars. Seraphon who bear the blessings ofItzl are able to communicate with the reptilian beasts of the jungle and exude a faint scent that lulls them into a state of deference. Itzl's worship is most popular in Ghur, and he has been accepted as a minor deity by the resurgent Draconith. These drakes understandably do away with those aspects of Itzl that involve the breaking and taming of beasts, instead framing him as a guardian spirit who preserved them against the Drogrukh, their ancient mammalian nemesis.
    • Chotec the Invigorator (Crocodilian with a sun aura icon)
      • Chotec is lord of the sun, the bringer of day and spirit of cosmic flame. He is a god of singular import to the Seraphon, for as cold-blooded creatures, they rely on his fires to imbue them with energy and drive. His icons are fashioned from black igneous rock or shimmering gold, though this latter material is chosen less because of avarice and more on account of how it glitters so magnificently in the light of searing flame. Chotec is widely worshipped in the Realm of Light but even more so by the Seraphon of the volcanic mountain ranges of Aqshy. At the base of the most volatile peaks cluster temple-cities dedicated to the Blazing One; the priests who dwell within - often marked by orange-hued scales excel in the manipulation of pyromantic energies and the rearing of the god’s flaniebelching spawn, the salamanders.
    • Huanchi the predator (Jaguar icon)
      • Huanchi is the most secretive of the Old Ones. Known as He Who Stalks Unseen, he sometimes takes the form of a panther-like hunter with a pelt of pure shadow. Huanchi is often portrayed as a cunning god of the night and rival to Chotec, but his most infamous aspect is that of the supreme hunter. Any Seraphon charged with chasing down quarry may venerate Huanchi, though the Chameleon Skinks, who share the god’s mystical stealth, worship him above all others. Huanchi’s primary temples are nestled deep within the shade-forests of Ulgu, but any site bathed in the light of realm-moons may house a shrines to him. Each of these celestial orbs is believed to be the eye of Huanchi, and many skinks view the increase of lunar-influenced lycanthropy in the Era of the Beast as signs of the god's displeasure.

all having their own icons now so yeah

notice that all the old ones got something from the wave

  • Sotek-->Kroxigor warspawn
  • Tepok-->Raptadon Hunters/Chargers
  • Huanchi-->Hunter of Huanchi
  • Itzl-->Aggradon Lancers
  • Chotec-->Spawn of chotec

except for Quetzl who i think is what the new saurus guard will be their patron warriors with a Carnotarus look to them

Jurassic World Carnotaurus V2 By Sonichedgehog2 - Jurassic World Fallen  Kingdom Carnotaurus Transparent PNG - 1406x798 - Free Download on NicePNG

Edited by Dragon-knight77
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2 hours ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

I held off on buying a printer, but I find I'm spending far more on paying people to make me resin minis than on GW product these days.

Was going to buy some weirdbrutes yesterday, but - even with more than enough disposable income - I can't quite countenance spending £35 on three infantry models. With the price hikes, that's only going to become more uneconomical. 

Maybe it's just time to embrace the potential cancer and respiratory illness and learn how to print my own minis. God knows, its a golden time for miniature sculptors and there's some real amazing stuff out there. 

As someone just getting into it (and only as a painter) those Weirdbrutes look really cool... but they just don't seem worth it in the slightest

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5 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

Its the final straw for me. Im officially now only able to collect 1 Faction with this increase. If it goes up again I wont be able to afford the hobby.


5 hours ago, Gareth 🍄 said:

I'm resisting starting any new armies too, it's just Orruks for me in AoS.

Same here. Im not starting a new army 4th even if its Gitmob. Just simply cant afford it. I will set my sights on 1 army and spend my time on that. I think i am going with Orruks too. I do hope Big Waaagh will continue to exist, but im not holding my breath on that one.

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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

Maybe it's just time to embrace the potential cancer and respiratory illness and learn how to print my own minis. God knows, its a golden time for miniature sculptors and there's some real amazing stuff out there. 

To anyone that might be thinking about getting into resin printing from someone who has been involved in the process at a business level for many years:

Just don't be a bozo and get the correct PPE, especially a respirator with appropriate filters (ABEK2P3, e.g. 3M 6099) not just for the resin VOCs, but the IPA/denatured vapours. Wear eye protection for splashes. They happen. Better yet, combine the two (3M 6800 mask + filters).
Ensure you are using tough nitrile gloves and do not touch uncured or semi-cured resin ungloved. Repeated exposure leads to allergic reactions that will essentially never go away. Some people can expose themselves for a very long time before it happens, others a few.
Don't be a macho-man back in my day boomer about PPE, or just leave the room and go smoke some asbestos.

Make sure to have it in an isolated and ventilated space in a position that is easy to clean down as needed.
Practice safe materials handling procedures and invest in not only a printer, but a cleaning system as well as it will reduce your time, stress and mess greatly.
Remove waste material appropriately to your areas rules for disposal. Don't put this stuff into the waterways, or your drain that you pay to get fixed.

Treat it like a tool and process that requires reverence and respect and you will keep yourself and others safe. You don't behave stupidly with a lathe or mill, so don't with the printer 👍.

EDIT: Feel free to DM for questions or advice on the topic so we don't derail the living heck out of the rumor thread.


Edited by GloomkingWortwazi
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Posted (edited)

Now as for rumors.... if that isn't a Temple Guard sculpt, I am eating another old clanrat model!
We need more of the elite troop choices updated for these holdover armies, oh my god.

I really hope for the lizard people among us that it is a Temple Guard unit 🤞

Grave Guard next, pretty please 💖

Edited by GloomkingWortwazi
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46 minutes ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

Grave Guard next, pretty please 💖

Well, quite. I was randomly looking at pictures of the current Grave Guard models recently, and they really are quite bland. There's so much more they could do with them. I remember the previous metal ones being a lot fancier (I painted about 25 of them back in a previous life when I flirted with something that wasn't Slaanesh). 

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1 hour ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

Grave Guard next, pretty please 💖

Black knight while you're at it. Fantastic kit but definitely make it stand on its own with a modernized touch. 

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6 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

My top choices for a CoS second wave

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The human parts since there that whole discussion about that

  • Freeguild Knights
    • Obvious with how popular the Steel-rook, Archknight & Cavaliers were received & having  filling the heavy weapon that vacuum. Knight was oddly an ever present thing in AOS background showing up randomly like Eight lamentation having that Knight from an Alarielle order, the tragic Myrmidian knight that got slaughter by Khornites in Acts of Sacrifice & the whole Order of the fly origins in Plague garden & Nagash Undying King. While felt "We want Bretonnia" at first it does have the potential to blossom into something
    • Plus it give me hope they be similar to the knights from Berserk & Soulborn because i'm shameless fan :P
    • grunbeld on Tumblr
    • Mule, 'The Duck Knight' (Berserk Panel Redraw) by LordGuyis | Berserk,  Knight, Fantasy armor
    • The Brutal Beauty of Berserk — sabukaru
  • Ironweld Reiter
    • A range calvary riding a Rattletrap (pic) would be a good replacement for the pistoleers
    • Rattletrap - Age of Sigmar - Lexicanum
  • Cult specific customizable War priest
  • Warshrine
    • Ever teased
    • Cities of Sigmar Leak: HOT TAKES ONLY – Plastic Craic
  • Golden Jacket
    • The elite of the elite of Freeguild and is what the cover of 2 edition guy is. Still a think post-Reformation and nothing else would be a good Warcry team to go with maybe a less 16th century landsknechts look more 15th century Conquistador to fit the western european Renaissance
    • Weird Choice of Art From Warhammer Community Today : r/ageofsigmar
  • Steam-walker
    • Mention in COS 3e tome as one of the many war-machines of CoS a variant was mention in 2e call a gun-walker. I picture it being more Mecha then tank
    • Steam Knight Lancelot, from my series of reimagining the knights of  Arthurian legend. : r/steampunk
  • Freeguild general on Griffon
    • A replacement on Karl despite it hurt me since i just bought and assemble it an alternative would be a dragon-esq Gargoylian or Lion golems (mention in white dwarf as guardian of Hammerhald parliament)
  • Jade wizard on Beetles
    • Mention in the COS vinnette diary of them showing up chasing the Kruleboyz ambush
  • Cogfort 
    • The big and beautiful Behemoth ever teased
    • cog-fort-art-age-of-sigmar.jpg.affec0e0d1363ef2cf46a40981bd5868.jpg

The Dwarf 

  • Warden-king
  • Cogsmith
  • Gholemkind
    • Large sentient cog golem that was mentioned in the Kharadon tome as reactivating to Grungi return and in COS tome mention some taking up mercenary work for greywater
  • Oathbound
    • Standard dwarf warrior
  • Dwarf Bombardier/demolitionist
    • Dwarf with a bazooka

Unfortunately it only like a reference in two places one in the beginning of Dawnbringer to remind people that CoS isn't standard High-middle age fantasy rather more Da Vinci-punk. The second the 3 edition COS tome how Talhia Vedra got the Castlite idea by rounding all the steam wagons around as cover as her handunners and spearmen was pair together (the historical parallel Talhia being AOS version of Jan Žižka the Bohemian commander during the Hussite wars)

Jan Žižka Czech Center Museum Houston - A place to celebrate our world's  art, music, dance and diverse cultures — What to do in Houston? Visit the  Czech Center Museum Houston The

There also this (pic below) the wagons the hangunner are on from Hammer and Bolter in which i think is suppose to be a steam wagon


In fact, the Steel Rook already looks a bit like Griffith.

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2 hours ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

Now as for rumors.... if that isn't a Temple Guard sculpt, I am eating another old clanrat model!
We need more of the elite troop choices updated for these holdover armies, oh my god.

I really hope for the lizard people among us that it is a Temple Guard unit 🤞

Grave Guard next, pretty please 💖

If you have to eat multiple clan rats, please, record it.

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2 hours ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

To anyone that might be thinking about getting into resin printing from someone who has been involved in the process at a business level for many years:

Just don't be a bozo and get the correct PPE, especially a respirator with appropriate filters (ABEK2P3, e.g. 3M 6099) not just for the resin VOCs, but the IPA/denatured vapours. Wear eye protection for splashes. They happen. Better yet, combine the two (3M 6800 mask + filters).
Ensure you are using tough nitrile gloves and do not touch uncured or semi-cured resin ungloved. Repeated exposure leads to allergic reactions that will essentially never go away. Some people can expose themselves for a very long time before it happens, others a few.
Don't be a macho-man back in my day boomer about PPE, or just leave the room and go smoke some asbestos.

Make sure to have it in an isolated and ventilated space in a position that is easy to clean down as needed.
Practice safe materials handling procedures and invest in not only a printer, but a cleaning system as well as it will reduce your time, stress and mess greatly.
Remove waste material appropriately to your areas rules for disposal. Don't put this stuff into the waterways, or your drain that you pay to get fixed.

Treat it like a tool and process that requires reverence and respect and you will keep yourself and others safe. You don't behave stupidly with a lathe or mill, so don't with the printer 👍.

EDIT: Feel free to DM for questions or advice on the topic so we don't derail the living heck out of the rumor thread.


Ventilation and space is the reason 3d printing will never become mainstream. It's the same reason I don't own an airbrush. 

I deal with the pricing issue by having an annual budget. It means I just end up buying 3-5 % less stuff each year. After buying cursed city  in 2021, I was only able to afford dominion because gw put it on sale. It's something I wish they'd do more often but they've managed to clear all the old Stormcast and Skaven stock without it. Of about 50 items from the recent purge there are only 9 left in stock in the UK and 4 in America. Who is buying this stuff? 

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9 minutes ago, Chikout said:

Ventilation and space is the reason 3d printing will never become mainstream. It's the same reason I don't own an airbrush. 

I deal with the pricing issue by having an annual budget. It means I just end up buying 3-5 % less stuff each year. After buying cursed city  in 2021, I was only able to afford dominion because gw put it on sale. It's something I wish they'd do more often but they've managed to clear all the old Stormcast and Skaven stock without it. Of about 50 items from the recent purge there are only 9 left in stock in the UK and 4 in America. Who is buying this stuff? 

There are many people out there who can afford it and others who do some juggling to be able to, like selling painting commissions or second-hand minis, but it is clear that if they get more profit year by year there's no lack of customers.

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Posted (edited)
48 minutes ago, Chikout said:

Ventilation and space is the reason 3d printing will never become mainstream. It's the same reason I don't own an airbrush. 

Thats the big reason why I don't own a resin printer. Airbrush is fine with just a small booth and a single fan but I tried out a resin printer once and even build it an enclosure with fan duct out the window and it still somehow managed to make the whole room smell of resin strongly so I returned it in the end.
Of course it could have been some faulty resin but I tried 3 different kinds so doubt that.
Also had a filter and air purifier running so might just be my nose that reacts badly with it but then again is it just my nose reacting badly or others just not noticing it?

I know that I could get minis way cheaper with resin printing but its simply not possible for me unless I install something to swap out the whole air in the room. And I actually have better conditions than most I would assume since I'm not in an apartment.

Edited by Matrindur
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34 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

There are many people out there who can afford it and others who do some juggling to be able to, like selling painting commissions or second-hand minis, but it is clear that if they get more profit year by year there's no lack of customers.

People who can afford are generally not vocal on the internet about it either. Or they actually have lives.

and Warhammer as a hobby, while is pricy, there are other hobbies out there that are more expensive. Or even somewhat comperable like going into hardcore Lego building.


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17 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

Thats the big reason why I don't own a resin printer. Airbrush is fine with just a small booth and a single fan but I tried out a resin printer once and even build it an enclosure with fan duct out the window and it still somehow managed to make the whole room smell of resin strongly so I returned it in the end.
Of course it could have been some faulty resin but I tried 3 different kinds so doubt that.
Also had a filter and air purifier running so might just be my nose that reacts badly with it but then again is it just my nose reacting badly or others just not noticing it?

I know that I could get minis way cheaper with resin printing but its simply not possible for me unless I install something to swap out the whole air in the room. And I actually have better conditions than most I would assume since I'm not in an apartment.

I had this debate in a WhatsApp group where most of them are GW detractors and own a 3D printer. My points against this were that it was not easy to use nor for everyone, and they were treating me like crazy, but IMO it is the reality. Until 3D printers are not plug-and-play where you drop the file and get the mini ready without curing or smells it won't hurt GW.

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Btw, with all the prices fluff we didn't notice yesterday there were no #NewAoS article. Are they really lacking content that much considering the faction focus' could take a whole month?

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7 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Btw, with all the prices fluff we didn't notice yesterday there were no #NewAoS article. Are they really lacking content that much considering the faction focus' could take a whole month?

Once they've announced what's in the box and done the full reveal on the 16th/17th(?), we'll get the full faction focuses I think. As a few people have pointed out before this box was teased earlier than the 40k one last year so they're not cramming as much info in an alloted time. I don't think it's a bad thing either! I can only take in so much info on a weekly basis let alone a daily basis 😅

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37 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Btw, with all the prices fluff we didn't notice yesterday there were no #NewAoS article. Are they really lacking content that much considering the faction focus' could take a whole month?

They've always skipped Tuesday for some reason. I expect an article today. Not sure what the topic will be though. I imagine they won't start the faction focuses until after the full reveal. 

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