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21 minutes ago, Snarff said:

Oh yeah I don't mind, I just love discussing FS lore and speculating on where the lore could go. I didn't mean it as an attack in any way.

I mostly wanted to highlight that people really leaped to the conclusion of Bael-Grimnir still being alive and now having metal limbs, even though it's far from confirmed. I'm really wondering what they'll do with him and I'm really hoping for leaks on what would be the first non-underworlds named Fyreslayer model. Either we get continuation on this lore and a model out of it, or it's yet another unfinished lore thread that goes nowhere for 5 years (I'm still waiting for any continuation on Bael-Grimnir's daughter 😢 ).

While I agree that the new minis are a step in the right direction, I also understand those saying that FS and Chorfs could be seen as the same. I think in order to see this objectively those who know the lore have to take a step back and think as they would know nothing.

With that, now tell me this is not a Chorf (and I only changed the colour of the hair):


I agree lore wise there are plenty of directions to go and expand the army, but FS and Chorfs have to look different to the eyes of those knowing nothing. And if GW doesn't achieve this, it could be detrimental to the FS and Chorf sales.

Maybe this is what Whitefang were talking about when he was saying that crazy stuff is approaching and Chorfs are completely different in an unexpected way.

Edited by Ejecutor
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5 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Yes! That's what I'm waiting for

I do expect some gods to take some heavy losses, but maybe not outright die. Worship re-empowers gods after all, so if any die it will be more of a temporary thing.

I don't currently see which of the major gods can die without breaking at least one faction. Destruction Pantheon is underdeveloped, Nagash is already out of action (though not dead), and I don't think the major chaos gods are ever going to truly die.

The only god that I can see who does not have a dedicated faction depending on them and whose death would be impactful but not setting-breaking is Grungi. The only thing he's really doing is helping Sigmar and trying to get the Duardin to cooperate more. Grungi being shattered once we get Grombrindal onto the tabletop properly is a possibility.

I would've said Grimnir since it is very in character for him to die and his followers would continue to be fanatics anyways, but he's already 'dead'.

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I dunno how you can think a guy in full plate armour with a big hat looks identical to a half naked man in a loincloth and a mohawk. 

Besides, Space Marines and Chaos Space Marines prove that you can sell the exact same army with like 60% of the units being pretty much the same except one is good and one is evil and the audience doesn't get confused at all. 

Edited by BarakUrbaz
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Just wanted to point out since there was discussion on Kurnothi and Dark Harvest the other day that I did go and listen to it and finished it. It was a great book, thanks for the recommend and highly encourage others to read/ listen too. It was nice to see the Sylvaneth in a very creepy, terrifying and almost folk lore way aaaaand really opens up some horrifying ideas for Kurnothi models. A lot of it made me think of tales from our own folk lore, pagan/ evil fae-creatures myths etc

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5 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

I dunno how you can think a guy in full plate armour with a big hat looks identical to a half naked man in a loincloth and a mohawk. 

I don't think anyone thinks they are identical, just close enough to cause conflicts for those who do not know enough about the game.

This FS could be a war priest for the Chorfs from the next picture without a problem.



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3 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

With that, now tell me this is not a Chorf (and I only changed the colour of the hair):


This is not a chorf.

To anybody that plays AoS already or is familiar with the setting, that's just a Fyreslayer with black hair (Greyfyrd for example). It's not suddenly a Chaos Duardin, because those have not existed in the game for 10 years already while FS are an established aesthetic at this point.

To people completely new to the hobby, they wouldn't necessarily know what a Chaos Duardin even is. It was a niche army in a game that ended 10 years ago, and a non-core faction in a GW side-game.

Some old WFB players might claim it is a 'Chorf'  (usually mostly to mock AoS) but it's not even close to what the recently established Chorf aesthetic (armored, slavers, mechs) is with TWW3.

And finally, this is a single model. A full army of Fyreslayers has an even more distinct Aesthetic. Just comparing one model isn't doing much. You could also say 'Tell me this is not just a knight in armor instead of an immortal lightning warrior:'




My point was about the design space the two would occupy, not about their looks. They're the same race, so they will have some similarities for sure. But Fyreslayers don't have to radically change because a new army is introduced 10 years later by giving them metal limbs or something.

I was just saying that the focus of Chaos Duardin in a new setting could be for example a little less on fire and a little more on Daemons to occupy a different design space. Horns of Hashut have already shown that they can have a new look. We've seen 2 Chaos Duardin in AoS so far that look nothing like Fyreslayers.

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19 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

This FS could be a war priest for the Chorfs from the next picture without a problem.

Sure, if you paint them the same (you changed the FS armor and hair colour to match the Chorf models) then they look more alike. But that can be said for literally any two factions of the same race.

You can do the same with an Ironbreaker (red armor, black beard) and put it next to that picture and it would look like they're the same army too.

Heck, if you paint chaos warriors gold and blue and put them next to some Stormcast they also wouldn't look that out of place.

Edited by Snarff
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54 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Maybe they substitute the Hobgrots with humans this time? Based on Horns of Hashut? Would be weird releasing Hobgrots for KB and the next edition doing the same for Chorfs. Is like Chorfs theoretically stepping into the FS but rather than being the main army the ones doing it would be their slaves.

I don’t think it’s that odd for Hobgrots being both. They’re only a single unit in Krule Boys, just like Cities have their Ogor.

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6 minutes ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

Chorfs 🥱

Wheres my Skaven article?

Maybe Skaven are going to be playing a part in DB6? So they'll wait until after that releases to prevent spoiling too much

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4 minutes ago, Snarff said:

Maybe Skaven are going to be playing a part in DB6? So they'll wait until after that releases to prevent spoiling too much

If the theory about the trailer city being Embergard is true, ratpocalypse happens years after DB 6.

In fact we have plenty of stuff to close for DB 6.

Main plots:
- Callis & Toll and Geomantic lines. This includes Trugg, the new S2D scenery and rats.
- Both cities ending. Abraxia. Zenestra.
- Hammerhall siege. Probably involves SCE seeing the end of some characters and some follow-ups on others like Ionus.

Minor ones:
- Krethusa.
- Phoenicium.
- Ushoran.
- Khorgos.
- Kragnos, Kroak and Karazay.

Minor between the minor plots:
- Bael.
- Blacktalon.
- King Brodd.
- Belthanos.
- Arkhan.
- Nurgle? Seems Abraxia stepped into that.

I cannot remember now if there was something else significant opened during the books.

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20 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

If the theory about the trailer city being Embergard is true, ratpocalypse happens years after DB 6.

In fact we have plenty of stuff to close for DB 6.

Main plots:
- Callis & Toll and Geomantic lines. This includes Trugg, the new S2D scenery and rats.
- Both cities ending. Abraxia. Zenestra.
- Hammerhall siege. Probably involves SCE seeing the end of some characters and some follow-ups on others like Ionus.

Minor ones:
- Krethusa.
- Phoenicium.
- Ushoran.
- Khorgos.
- Kragnos, Kroak and Karazay.

Minor between the minor plots:
- Bael.
- Blacktalon.
- King Brodd.
- Belthanos.
- Arkhan.
- Nurgle? Seems Abraxia stepped into that.

I cannot remember now if there was something else significant opened during the books.

What plot is there for Arkhan? He’s the lich that shows up, speaks Nagash’s will, then vanishes. I could’ve told you he was doing that since the OBR got their tome. 

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2 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

The WD Chaos Dwarf Lore describe their society as a mix of industrial-middle west asían religious culture but the first models were not that related, and It was very confuse. With Tamurkhan they fixed that and warmachines were industrial but the crew mantain the babylonian style.


If you go deep in their Lore they are way different to Fyreslayers. They hate everything and everyone, even the other Chaos Gods. They only work with people like Archaon because he provided fuel to the Chaos dwarfs. They don't care about gold or money like dwarfs, they care only about power to submiss they others, they are crazy because they don't have a real objetive as common dwarf.

I agree! A Magamadroth and Great Taurus are two very different "fiery beasts," and the rest of the Chaos Dwarf range *should* have enough unique detail in their armor, vehicles, weapons, and vibe that they'll look pretty distinct from Fyerslayers despite both of them being Dwarfs. Sort of like how Lumineth, Dark Aelves, and Daughters don't really step on each other's toes 

2 hours ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

Anyone taking bets on how long it'll be before Hashut joins the Genuine Full-Blown Chaos Gods Club? Because apparently they let just anyone in nowadays.... 

Honestly I'd expect him to be a full blown god out the gate, albeit one that they try to actively ignore because he's the god of "stuffing demons into machines" and the other gods probably don't want to risk getting stuffed in a machine themselves

I'm curious if they decide to link them *at all* to 40k's forge of souls in the realm of chaos. Both factions are big on trapping guys inside painful constructs, so I wonder if they won't do anything at all with that, even as a lore footnote easter egg type thing

Edited by Pizzaprez
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1 hour ago, Vaellas said:

Just wanted to point out since there was discussion on Kurnothi and Dark Harvest the other day that I did go and listen to it and finished it. It was a great book, thanks for the recommend and highly encourage others to read/ listen too. It was nice to see the Sylvaneth in a very creepy, terrifying and almost folk lore way aaaaand really opens up some horrifying ideas for Kurnothi models. A lot of it made me think of tales from our own folk lore, pagan/ evil fae-creatures myths etc

Its so good isnt it!! Whilst not in the Horror genre per se I highly recommend Gloomspite by Andy Clarke.

It completely changed my view on Gloomspite Gitz from funny quirky little Grotz to truly horrifying creatures that make me feel like Id have a better chance against a Khornate Bloodbound.

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26 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

What plot is there for Arkhan? He’s the lich that shows up, speaks Nagash’s will, then vanishes. I could’ve told you he was doing that since the OBR got their tome. 

That's why I added it to the minor of the minor section. Maybe the OBRs do something else, as they are going full defence.

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12 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Its so good isnt it!! Whilst not in the Horror genre per se I highly recommend Gloomspite by Andy Clarke.

It completely changed my view on Gloomspite Gitz from funny quirky little Grotz to truly horrifying creatures that make me feel like Id have a better chance against a Khornate Bloodbound.

Gloomspite 100% should have been under the Horror branding. Everyone should read it.

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Rather than serving a god I would like them to enslave Hashut
 and drain him from his divine/chaos power to fuel some apocalyptic weapon. could work with
 a corrupted/hybrid daemonic machine  Valaya joinning Chaos dwarves, some sort of Anthrasax.
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1 hour ago, Snarff said:

Some old WFB players might claim it is a 'Chorf'  (usually mostly to mock AoS) but it's not even close to what the recently established Chorf aesthetic (armored, slavers, mechs) is with TWW3.

And finally, this is a single model. A full army of Fyreslayers has an even more distinct Aesthetic. Just comparing one model isn't doing much.

This is the key point, I think, how a full force looks. FS and CD would be very different, even with the uncertainty about how FS might might change or CD pan out. Different profiles, different spread of unit types/heights/silhouettes, different dominant textures and colours. These are the things we know GW designers think about, how a faction looks on the table.

Fyreslayers: infantry horde of nude dwarves with axes, a few monsters and (who knows) cavalry. Predominantly bare flesh, gold, metal weapons and orange beards/hair.

Chaos Dwarfs: armoured dwarf infantry with missile weapons and shields/axes, hobgrot/greenskin auxiliaries, war machines. Predominantly metal armour, metal structures, dark beards, hobgrot/greenskin flesh.

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1 hour ago, RetconnedLegion said:

I don’t think it’s that odd for Hobgrots being both. They’re only a single unit in Krule Boys, just like Cities have their Ogor.

I am not 100 % sure but, in 40k, aren't genestealers a unit both for tyranids and GSC?

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1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

If the theory about the trailer city being Embergard is true, ratpocalypse happens years after DB 6.

In fact we have plenty of stuff to close for DB 6.

Main plots:
- Callis & Toll and Geomantic lines. This includes Trugg, the new S2D scenery and rats.
- Both cities ending. Abraxia. Zenestra.
- Hammerhall siege. Probably involves SCE seeing the end of some characters and some follow-ups on others like Ionus.

Minor ones:
- Krethusa.
- Phoenicium.
- Ushoran.
- Khorgos.
- Kragnos, Kroak and Karazay.

Minor between the minor plots:
- Bael.
- Blacktalon.
- King Brodd.
- Belthanos.
- Arkhan.
- Nurgle? Seems Abraxia stepped into that.

I cannot remember now if there was something else significant opened during the books.

Minor plot the fight between Kragnos and the dragons? It was a cliffhanger at the dragonball level! And also the part of Gobsprakk and the drogrukh.

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1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

If the theory about the trailer city being Embergard is true, ratpocalypse happens years after DB 6.

In fact we have plenty of stuff to close for DB 6.

Main plots:
- Callis & Toll and Geomantic lines. This includes Trugg, the new S2D scenery and rats.
- Both cities ending. Abraxia. Zenestra.
- Hammerhall siege. Probably involves SCE seeing the end of some characters and some follow-ups on others like Ionus.

Minor ones:
- Krethusa.
- Phoenicium.
- Ushoran.
- Khorgos.
- Kragnos, Kroak and Karazay.

Minor between the minor plots:
- Bael.
- Blacktalon.
- King Brodd.
- Belthanos.
- Arkhan.
- Nurgle? Seems Abraxia stepped into that.

I cannot remember now if there was something else significant opened during the books.

Well there the

  • The Old elven gods resurrection unless that what you meant with Krethusa 
  • The Ossiarch fortification towards the Vermindoom
  • The Nurgle & Alarielle rain war

the Nurgle plotline was just Abraxia sending the harbinger of decay to intercept the crusade but him just going off script to fight Bonemarrow Herald Jerrod  (which is kid of hilarious looking back)

Ushoran plot is tie to the whole Verdigris being establish most likely to intercept Abraxia and be the sacrificial lamb

Edited by Dragon-knight77
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8 minutes ago, Someravella said:

Minor plot the fight between Kragnos and the dragons? It was a cliffhanger at the dragonball level! And also the part of Gobsprakk and the drogrukh.

Minor because it is not the main topic that has been moving the narrative.

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