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3 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

1. You're talking about it as if all Stormcast got cut. Meanwhile, you know what I'm going to do with my Sequitors? Run them as Liberators. There, shelf-life extended beyond the 6-year mark.

2. Even in this particular case, you get to play quite a few games in six years. 

3. Personally, I'm not going to make any definitive calls about people's mentality at this point. But how about we give it another, oh I don't know, three, four weeks and come back to this discussion then?

  1. All the Sacrosanct chamber did get cut. Like i understand there bloat in SE but they left nothing at all anyone who want to play Sacrosanct is just out of luck. There no real incentive to get the new models when next edition come around render the entire edition range obsolete & at best case scenario  hope they roll out their fancy new miniature that at best be just as or is better than previously again best case scenario. Proxy get you only so far nor does it really work out especially when said unit has a completely different playstyle
  2. So handling miniatures like a shotty warranty 
  3. Well the options can be made now since they made the announce now. You don't need to wait an entire month to know and read people opinion and mentality of what going on and how that effect the view on the coming edition. Month or year that same opinion will  stay less GW actually show anything to contradict it which they haven't of yet

Not trying to doom post but it setting a uphill battle when the biggest issue GW expect just blind trust that thing will get better without anything backing it up other the "trust me bro i tell you later" but that just causes the opposite

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And I will say this. For anyone just absolutely done for whatever period of time with the current state of things I'd highly suggest checking out One Page Rules fantasy games if you haven't.

Your minis will never be unwanted there. 🤜🤛

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11 minutes ago, Pizzaprez said:

I mean, light thought experiment though; Beastmen were one of the last WHF armies, released in 2010. Fyerslayers came out 2016. Both had an initial starting size (Beastmen were bulked by being a fantasy faction) and both have received *barely anything* else since they arrived to AoS. 

If Beastmen got the axe this year, getting relocated to TOW, who is to say Fyerslayers won't get the axe for 5.0, to make way for identical units representing a "united Duardin" along with the free city dwarfs' warscrolls. 

Sure; you could proxy your Fyerslayers for that new army. But like... that sucks? To have GW admit "yeah sorry, you probably shouldn't have got so invested there" 

Part of where I'm coming from is I've been on this end of things a few times in AoS alone but like to have a whole army that's been supported with multiple tomes and whole narrative arcs get cut like this because someone at GW hyperventilated about Beasts being in two games is stupid.

The point is that everything you tried for AoS so far has been from "other games". Are they cool as f projects? Yes, they are, but you never joined a proper AoS army like the FS you mentioned. If you focus yourself in Fantasy based armies or build a proper AoS army out of Warcry minis it is not surprising that your minis would be chopped at some point. Would that mean that less loved AoS armies would have the same treatment? Nope. Not even close. AoS as a setting is still in its early days even after 10 years. The core identity is not established yet, so things can change and we still need to get rid of everything from Fantasy, including whole armies like what happened with Bretonia or now with BoC because they have been there just as a way to maintain the playerbase.

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2 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Wait so with a certain SCE character killed off in Dawnbringers 4 and their model now removed...are they gone completely? Or being reforged as new mini?

I like to think they are returning :)

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14 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

I do wonder how will they explain this all Lore wise? 

Every Bonesplitter stopped hearing the Thump and became an Ironjaw?

More curiously how do you write out Beasts of Chaos? Besides Darkoath and other Chaotic humans they were the most populous of all the creatures in the Mortal Realms.

Either theyre returning as something completely different or I dunno just gone?

They better explain why and not just pretend theyre gone.

Now Im worried for my Ogors...

To me it sounds like the BoC will be going through some sort of apotheosis. They will Either side with one of the Chaos Gods as Slaangors and Tzaangors or they will succumb to devolution and became a Gavespawn - What That looks like is unknown but I think they want Morghur and his masses to be very different to how we see Old World Beastmen. It could well be a chance to have Beastmen of a range of Fauna and some varied Spawn like Beasts.

Shame that it seems that they will drop out anytime before they get anything relative to a replacement. But Chaos Dwarfs went oop a few years ago now and we’ve only recently heard murmurs of their return. If there any consolation in that. 




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I feel only Ogors are the army currently in the danger zone of being taken out of AoS. There also mini factions like Spiderfang and non human CoS that are in the same category

Stormcast are kind of an outlier army where they can get a lot of update and things can get discontinue to keep them fresh every three years. I wouldn’t use them as a bases for what may happen to other armies.

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59 minutes ago, bethebee said:

thank you, feels like it's been complaining about warcry-band bloat and stormcast bloat and now that they're refreshing things (in an army with incredibly easy proxy potential) the sky is falling.  GW has reasons for doing these things, as stupid as it is that BoC and BS are leaving.

while i'm sad to see so many stormcast squatted, it is a strange day indeed when the biggest community joke is "stormcast range is so bloated i don't bother learning any names lol!!!" and now the general playerbase is angry they've been culled. Not unwelcome anger for sure, but major whiplash

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9 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Wait so with a certain SCE character killed off in Dawnbringers 4 and their model now removed...are they gone completely? Or being reforged as new mini?

It is enjoying a vacation on the luxury spa from Azyr.

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8 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

So they exist in the lore but not as a Faction? 

It like Greenskinz, swifthawk agents, and wanderers when they got gutted, They exists only in the fluff now and slowly never mention again

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1 minute ago, novakai said:

It like Greenskinz, swifthawk agents, and wanderers when they got gutted, They exists only in the fluff now and slowly never mention again

Like Skavens. "They don't exist".

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19 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

or pretend they arenot gone. 

Honestly I figured that was going to be the case. Swifthawks still exist in the lore. There was a Dawnbringers short about a Phoenix Guard.

If anything I'm sure it will just be like the Sancrosact Chamber up and leaving the Realms. Aventis Firestrike's gonna either quit being magister of Hammerhal or retire from the field. Bonesplitters will become some... aspect of Greenskin culture that doesn't do any fighting.

Beasts will continue to be irrelevant.

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19 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

while i'm sad to see so many stormcast squatted, it is a strange day indeed when the biggest community joke is "stormcast range is so bloated i don't bother learning any names lol!!!" and now the general playerbase is angry they've been culled. Not unwelcome anger for sure, but major whiplash

Well, that's because when people called for a trim of the bloated Stormcast range, what they meant and imagined was culling the redundant foot heroes and consolidating redundant units into catch-all warscrolls, such as making Judicators with Bows, Judicators with Crossbows, Castigators, Vigilors and Hurricane Raptors into one warscroll called Judiciars that would allow you to use whatever models you liked under one statblock.

What they didn't mean nor imagine is taking the entirety of the most unique thematically, most unique in terms of playstyle and quite possibly most popular sub-theme of Stormcast that's functionally an entire army in its own right with models barely six years old, and yeeting it straight into the sun.

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