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Just realised after posting that sword pic.. what is this symbol? Notice it on the Questor, the Questor Soulsworn and the Knight-Vexillor. Looking again at the hand it looks like it is possible that symbol is on the gauntlet for this sword pic. There is the circle and what looks like the edge of the crescent above. I thought it was just a Questor thing until I saw it on the Vexillor too (2nd image). The crescnt goes all around on all of them except the Knight Questor on the first image in which it is just above, which looks similar to the sword pic.



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12 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

You can build it from the Evocators kit as well, so it is out.

And what about lord relictor? Dead aswell? Because he came just in a start collecting box full of dead minis.

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4 minutes ago, Vaellas said:

Just realised after posting that sword pic.. what is this symbol? Notice it on the Questor, the Questor Soulsworn and the Knight-Vexillor. Looking again at the hand it looks like it is possible that symbol is on the gauntlet for this sword pic. There is the circle and what looks like the edge of the crescent above. I thought it was just a Questor thing until I saw it on the Vexillor too (2nd image). The crescnt goes all around on all of them except the Knight Questor on the first image in which it is just above, which looks similar to the sword pic.



The crescent moon symbol is from the Paladins Conclave. Not sure if the Round also has any meaning.


Those are all the conclaves.

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I really do understand and have sympathy for BoC and Bones fans but I don't understand the level of uproar with the sacrosanct minis or the warcry bands. 

Warcry is a side specialist game. We all know Geedubs are having production problems and can you really expect them to carry 6-8 random designed warbands of just chaos cultists mind you? Products take up space. Space takes money, etc. 

To me it just makes sense. They've locked in a final design on their poster faction and the older versions do not match their vision going forward. AOS is almost 10 years old. 10!! That's a third of what fantasy was around for already!!! Things will change. Models and memories are forever...

I'm not trying to be insensitive here but does your faction really need -basic melee battleline- AND -basic melee battleline with a robe-?  What's to stop you from just using those as whatever they closest match to?

I've read several posts about projects of people using a certain warband across a whole StD army and I salute y'all!! That's friggin rad!! Ya know what, keep doing it! Finish that project!! Your StD army is going to look dope AF on the table top!! I salute YOU!! 

Also from what I've read over the years I've been in the hobby and this forum is that fans are sick of the bloat anyway and have been asking for this. 

Legitimately asking here.

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Just now, Ragest said:

And what about lord relictor? Dead aswell? Because he came just in a start collecting box full of dead minis.

I have no clue. Maybe he is considered to be replaced by Ionus already?

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1 minute ago, Vasshpit said:

but I don't understand the level of uproar with the sacrosanct minis

I'm on the opposite, I understand to say goodbye to minis that come from other games (uw, warcry or fantasy), but deleting a FULL edition worth of releases from 6 years ago? That is too much.

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30 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

Except they aren’t. Olynder is active, Nagash is rising again, and they’re still the best weapons against Daemons. The Sacrosanct withdrawing and saying “Mission accomplished” neglects to mention that literally every Nighthaunt character besides Reikenor are currently active

Sure, they will return most likely , but maybe only 2 or 3 specialist units, not an full army mode. Maybe thats the future of chambers? only a few units, ala extremis (and maybe ruination)

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So you tell me that BoC players had to re-base their army in 2015  to adapt to AoS...just to re-base them again in square  ? It's like a husband/wife coming back ten years after doing midlife crisis: "sorry honey I'm home now !".

Anyway personal feelings: absolutely mortified for BS, BoC and Sacro-sanct players. Even if I think Stormcasts will be redone in the future. What makes me angry more than the cut of  thoses factions is that it's 4th edtition incoming and there is still army culling in AoS...like...again ? We all could assume anything with a tome would be safe..but in the end it doesn't. And the cherry on the top is that it's always "Fantasy" that got rid of concept and  factions....when in 40k there is still old rhino and tactical marines from SM range...

I don't want old SM players to feel the same and I understand that SM sells much much more...but damn that's infuriating. 

I mean I have no trust at all with GW HQ decisions on what to do with AoS range now...what's next ? Getting rid of Ogors ? Fyreslayers ? since those sell so poorly aparently ? They got a Warcry band ? So did Horns of Hashut...

What GW did, to me, is putting back fear of losing the army I chose and some that grew on me when I thought everything was at least settled (souped or not). And that's a terrible feeling when you could spend that much time and money on something...(and before any response if tomorrow Ossiarch ended up as BoC i could notplay anymore because there is only like 3 people in my area who play AoS and they only play competitive...so Legends is a no go and I feel sorry for those who will met this situation).

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12 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

I really do understand and have sympathy for BoC and Bones fans but I don't understand the level of uproar with the sacrosanct minis or the warcry bands. 

Warcry is a side specialist game. We all know Geedubs are having production problems and can you really expect them to carry 6-8 random designed warbands of just chaos cultists mind you? Products take up space. Space takes money, etc. 

To me it just makes sense. They've locked in a final design on their poster faction and the older versions do not match their vision going forward. AOS is almost 10 years old. 10!! That's a third of what fantasy was around for already!!! Things will change. Models and memories are forever...

I'm not trying to be insensitive here but does your faction really need -basic melee battleline- AND -basic melee battleline with a robe-?  What's to stop you from just using those as whatever they closest match to?

I've read several posts about projects of people using a certain warband across a whole StD army and I salute y'all!! That's friggin rad!! Ya know what, keep doing it! Finish that project!! Your StD army is going to look dope AF on the table top!! I salute YOU!! 

Also from what I've read over the years I've been in the hobby and this forum is that fans are sick of the bloat anyway and have been asking for this. 

Legitimately asking here.

thank you, feels like it's been complaining about warcry-band bloat and stormcast bloat and now that they're refreshing things (in an army with incredibly easy proxy potential) the sky is falling.  GW has reasons for doing these things, as stupid as it is that BoC and BS are leaving.

other armies are fine lol.  your Nighthaunt are fine, your Daughters will not be stripped from this Earth tomorrow, and yes, Ogors will still be in AoS.  things will change when the hand of the refresh glosses over armies but i think once Cities gets cleaned out that'll really be it.

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I'm out of reactions here, been an interesting day for the hobby indeed. 

9 minutes ago, Ragest said:

I'm on the opposite, I understand to say goodbye to minis that come from other games (uw, warcry or fantasy), but deleting a FULL edition worth of releases from 6 years ago? That is too much.

May I ask why you feel that's too much. Again, legit curious.

6 years is a pretty substantial amount of time. Imagine raising a child for 6 years, doing a military tour for 6 years, recovering from a life threatening accident for 6 years,  hell, doing 6 yeas in prison... 

And I feel safe saying those minis were kinda redundant when the came out. If you are a fan then that's great. I myself thought they looked good but still felt the redundantcy.

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11 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

I really do understand and have sympathy for BoC and Bones fans but I don't understand the level of uproar with the sacrosanct minis or the warcry bands. 

Warcry is a side specialist game. We all know Geedubs are having production problems and can you really expect them to carry 6-8 random designed warbands of just chaos cultists mind you? Products take up space. Space takes money, etc. 

To me it just makes sense. They've locked in a final design on their poster faction and the older versions do not match their vision going forward. AOS is almost 10 years old. 10!! That's a third of what fantasy was around for already!!! Things will change. Models and memories are forever...

I'm not trying to be insensitive here but does your faction really need -basic melee battleline- AND -basic melee battleline with a robe-?  What's to stop you from just using those as whatever they closest match to?

I've read several posts about projects of people using a certain warband across a whole StD army and I salute y'all!! That's friggin rad!! Ya know what, keep doing it! Finish that project!! Your StD army is going to look dope AF on the table top!! I salute YOU!! 

Also from what I've read over the years I've been in the hobby and this forum is that fans are sick of the bloat anyway and have been asking for this. 

Legitimately asking here.

For Warcry, it impacts me personally in that I'm using the miniatures for a different game system. But, for me, my main gripe is that Horns were one of the poster factions for the Gnarlwood arc of Warcry: the arc *Warcry is still in.* Like the narrative there didn't even make it out of the woods entirely before they dropped em.


Iron Golems and Unmade, while I love the sculpts, were the original Warcry poster factions from years ago: I actually don't have as much of an issue with phasing those out. In fact, if (instead of this) they said that older/less popular Warcry warbands were going to start rotating in and out of production like Underworlds I actually wouldn't have any issues with that at all. Like you said; only so much shelf space.

My issue with "just proxying" the entire sacrosanct chamber is that they're supposed to be wizard-types. I agree that they really should have come up with a better idea than "wizard potion guns that look a lot like the preexisting guns" so they *could* be distinct, but they're still a unique thing rules wise. 

I would not have had *any* issue if they kept *some* sort of profile for "liberator wizards" even if it was just an upgrade like Chaos Marks; then Stormcast really would be a 1:1 mirror to Chaos Warriors. Give "liberators" or whatever a wizard, hunter, default, and berserker "mark" and you could rotate the *entire Stormcast range* if you wanted. 

As it stands right now, GW really would only encourage me to buy the *most recent* thunderstrike stuff; how long will "guy with sword" last when "new guy with hammer and shield" is also on the table? One edition? Because soon we'll just have to have another Stormcast chamber.

Skaven are different to me because the range is finally getting the "Age of Sigmar update" and, unlike cities, the only toes to step on there are their own. But, even then, I know a nonzero number of people have Skyre Acolyte armies.



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30 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

Like why buy Stormcast 4th edition when in less then 6 years they'll be drop. that the mentality that people are going into the edition rather then any sort of positivity. 

1. You're talking about it as if all Stormcast got cut. Meanwhile, you know what I'm going to do with my Sequitors? Run them as Liberators. There, shelf-life extended beyond the 6-year mark.

2. Even in this particular case, you get to play quite a few games in six years. 

3. Personally, I'm not going to make any definitive calls about people's mentality at this point. But how about we give it another, oh I don't know, three, four weeks and come back to this discussion then?

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4 minutes ago, The Red King said:

Will it? Are you sure? How much time/money/effort should I bet on that?

It is easy. Is it a fantasy mini that is not a big piece from the End Times like Nagash? Then it is going to go. And even those big minis I still have my doubts about them. Maybe they just disappear without replacement.

Edited by Ejecutor
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9 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

I'm out of reactions here, been an interesting day for the hobby indeed. 

May I ask why you feel that's too much. Again, legit curious.

6 years is a pretty substantial amount of time. Imagine raising a child for 6 years, doing a military tour for 6 years, recovering from a life threatening accident for 6 years,  hell, doing 6 yeas in prison... 

And I feel safe saying those minis were kinda redundant when the came out. If you are a fan then that's great. I myself thought they looked good but still felt the redundantcy.

I don't really care about, and I have tons of sacrosant minis, but I understand that the bloat in stormcast was impossible to handle, the problem is the message you send.

If 32 warscrolls that have 9-6 years old, full plastic, released for aos and being for the posterbys are not safe, who is?

Think about deepkin. Just one mini in 6 years, are they safe? Yesterday I was convinced that yes, they are perfectly fine, but today? im 80% sure, the doubt is there.

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3 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

It is easy. Is it a fantasy mini that is not a big piece from the End Times like Nagash? Then it is going to go. And even those big minis I still have my doubts about them. Maybe they just disappear without replacement.

Or if they "aren't selling well" by some invisible metric they don't show us. How safe are FS? I don't personally know any players. Or maybe they'll release a new unit that has "rules overlap" despite the fact they literally make up the rules themselves. 


I'm obviously exaggerating for emphasis.  No they're probably not going to get rid of newer kits without warning, but how many people said "there's no way beasts get squatted" and who called 6 year old minis from one edition ago as the next big cut?


Yes things get cut in warhammer.  But it's getting faster and faster as they push this card game business model.  If the pace keeps up who knows where we'll be at the end of 4th and why should we trust that it won't?

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I had dreams of a wurgog center piece (hence the username) and new naked orks with bone weapons and maybe even full frontal orruk nudity. 

Although I was ready for a complete squatting with next to no explanation. Kinda like what happened to the Phoenicium sub faction in CoS. So honestly getting our own Bonesplitterz battle tome that will be useful competitively for the next year and casually for all of 4th, im kinda stoked for that.

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The Squatting Flowchart :

Is your model one that existed during WFB and currently is being used for Old World? If Y, be concerned (unless you are Night Goblins bc I don’t see an updated Stabbas kit as much as a rerelease of Skull Pass tbh) 

Is your model one that has just been updated by a model that is the exact same? If Y, be concerned

GW’s internal issues surrounding production will mean that cuts need to be made. Beasts have been saved the chop completely by TOW. Undoubtably though, we will see cuts rolled out across all of the games to make way for new stuff - today’s announcement seemed to also be confirmation that Underworlds may not be long for this world too

This thread has seemed to turn into the doomsayers anonymous though - everyone immediately terrified GW will squat every model that exists.

Edited by RollSixxess
spelling is hard
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My first reaction to these minis leaving the range was surprise as I was really not expecting them retiring the sacrosanct range which is less than 6 years old.

On a second read it looks like they will update the sculpts in order to sell us more golden boys that we already have.

This is basically what they did for 40K with Primaris.

In response I think we should endorse the sequiberators as previously mentioned, and my dracoline certainly feels like it can identify as a Dracothian guard or a vanguard Pallador.

From the AoS launch video, certainly a number of sculpts from Skaven will get updated, rats swarms, jezzails, clanrats, clawlord on giant rat which used to be forgeworld… So it looks a bit like a range refresh not a complete squatting.

Bone splitters and BoC it is a lot harder to digest for people owning these armies. For my friends with those armies I will happily play their legend rules or the rules they had at the current battletome. But even if you don’t want to use the legend rules, a savage orc can be played with the same rules as an ardboy and I am sure most people won’t mind.

As someone who plays MESBG, that game rose from the ashes due to a core of very dedicated fans. If you truly love your army and show it, it will come back! Look at the leagues of Votann.

Lastly a word of hope, the old world came back a decade later and people are buying old sculpts. Keep your sequitors, evocators, they will re-release them like they updated the liberators.

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5 minutes ago, RollSixxess said:

This thread has seemed to turn into the doomsayers anonymous though - everyone immediately terrified GW will squat every model that exists.

I mean, light thought experiment though; Beastmen were one of the last WHF armies, released in 2010. Fyerslayers came out 2016. Both had an initial starting size (Beastmen were bulked by being a fantasy faction) and both have received *barely anything* else since they arrived to AoS. 

If Beastmen got the axe this year, getting relocated to TOW, who is to say Fyerslayers won't get the axe for 5.0, to make way for identical units representing a "united Duardin" along with the free city dwarfs' warscrolls. 

Sure; you could proxy your Fyerslayers for that new army. But like... that sucks? To have GW admit "yeah sorry, you probably shouldn't have got so invested there" 

Part of where I'm coming from is I've been on this end of things a few times in AoS alone but like to have a whole army that's been supported with multiple tomes and whole narrative arcs get cut like this because someone at GW hyperventilated about Beasts being in two games is stupid.

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@Ragest Those are valid points. Let me ask you this though, has any faction thus far undergone such a drastic design change (different proportions, the inclusion of the opposite sex, an arguably more gritty presentation, etc) AND needs to show consumers what the setting is a reflection of other than SE? I'd say no. So on that front I think we can all be a bit less emotional even if the situation justifies our intensities and look at this with a bit more logic. 

Geedubs is a mega corporation so I'll always give them the side eye regardless,  heh, but I'm pretty sure anything new in te setting is safe. 

@The Red King

First off, my condolences. ️ I truly hope you can find something as enjoyable as your goats. Wink, wink, Kruleboyz are pretty dope and I've got a feeling those tasty rules of yours may just make their way into our swamps in one form or another. 


Also again, my condolences. 💚

Hope you can find another half naked home of your own. If that last Kruleboyz warcry band is anything to go off we may get a spiritual successor to Bones in one way or another. 

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7 minutes ago, TreelordRecent said:

My first reaction to these minis leaving the range was surprise as I was really not expecting them retiring the sacrosanct range which is less than 6 years old.

On a second read it looks like they will update the sculpts in order to sell us more golden boys that we already have.

This is basically what they did for 40K with Primaris.

Not entirely true for Primaris comparison because they staight up cut the range when replacement was about to arrive two weeks after. And sometimes they coexist like tactical marines and rhino or razorback. 

But I agree with the Sequiliberator part. I saw a post on reddit made by someone who just finished painting his Sacrosanct army...I really hope he'll do that instead of giving up (as understanble as it can be it will still be a shame for his work).

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I do wonder how will they explain this all Lore wise? 

Every Bonesplitter stopped hearing the Thump and became an Ironjaw?

More curiously how do you write out Beasts of Chaos? Besides Darkoath and other Chaotic humans they were the most populous of all the creatures in the Mortal Realms.

Either theyre returning as something completely different or I dunno just gone?

They better explain why and not just pretend theyre gone.

Now Im worried for my Ogors...

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After letting the whole thing settle for a bit, my personal conclusion is that the squatting (or THE SQUATTENING!!) is bad for (individual) players and good for the game.

At first glance the BoC & BS situation seems harsh, but only if you see updates as an actual option. If in reality there was never an option for new kits for both ranges, I‘d rather see them moved out of the tournament space rather than in a strangely undead state of play. Sucks for everyone who invested in them, much less so for everyone who didn’t.

Same goes for stormcast (although I think many of the units soon gone will just be played as something else). Personal difference is that unlike with BoC and BS i do own a not so small amount of Sacrosanct units. And a few of the heroes. But if I‘m being honest… most of them didn’t see play anyway, the last couple of months. So here also not much did really change. But again I feel the „individual pain and anger“. 

Anyway. I believe they will cull units going forward, rightfully so, and they probably will only be semi upfront about it, much less rightfully so. So there is that. For the state of the game the culling is needed. For us players… well, depends, I guess.

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