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6 minutes ago, Boole said:

New edition starter box will have 74 models.

Skaven side:


Rat Ogors 


Grey Seer 


Ratling Cannon 

Cool, now list the SCE side!

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8 minutes ago, Boole said:

New edition starter box will have 74 models.

Skaven side:


Rat Ogors 


Grey Seer 


Ratling Cannon 

Everything we already knew so far plus a similar models count to the one from Leviathan. Suspicious.

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51 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Yeah, because more people play SCE than Beasts, Ogres, DE, Spiderfang and Bonesplitterz combined. Simple as.

more people play SCE because GW push them more than any other faction

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Just now, Luperci said:

more people play SCE because GW push them more than any other faction

Yeah i dont get why. Bonesplitterz are easy to paint, look great on posters and are most of the time already called boyz in 40k anyway, small transition to posterboyz. Everyone knows what an orruk is. Bonesplitterz for posterboyz!


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9 minutes ago, Luperci said:

more people play SCE because GW push them more than any other faction

More people play SCE because the relative universality of their design is meant to appeal to the most. 

That and the fact that they are inherently easy to paint. 

It's not easy, but one have to admit that some armies, some concepts, are naturaly less appealing. 

For exemple : I play aliens space beggars in 40k (AKA Genestealer Cult). I wish they got more attention from GW but I know deeply that, even if they got dozens of new kits, they would never sold as well as Space Marines. Because they are more niche. Because they are aliens space beggars.

Same thing could be said about a lot of AoS armies : some armies will always sell less than Stormcasts, no matter how many kits they get. 

Edited by Swamp Trogg
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1 minute ago, Gitzdee said:

Yeah i dont get why. Bonesplitterz are easy to paint, look great on posters and are most of the time already called boyz in 40k anyway, small transition to posterboyz. Everyone knows what an orruk is. Bonesplitterz for posterboyz!


They will be the poster-boys, yeah, but just because we would only see them in old posters 😈

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6 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

Yeah i dont get why. Bonesplitterz are easy to paint, look great on posters and are most of the time already called boyz in 40k anyway, small transition to posterboyz. Everyone knows what an orruk is. Bonesplitterz for posterboyz!


having gone from painting KB to DoK recently, orruks are definitely easier to paint than humans lol

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2 hours ago, KarrWolves said:

Why not tomorrow?

It's not how warcom works. Monday is allways for a mini reveal, this time it only got delayed because of April fools day.

It's not enough minis on any starter box for a full month of reveals, unless you want a daily clanrat

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Can't wait for Skaven side. I don't expect much from SCE after today's reveal.

I'd say that most of AoS factions would score top 3 popularity of they had SCE level of support. Not all of them as some target specific taste, but must of them for sure.

Edited by Aeryenn
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5 minutes ago, Swamp Trogg said:

More people play SCE because the relative universality of their design is meant to appeal to the most. 

That and the fact that they are inherently easy to paint. 

It's not easy, but one have to admit that some armies, some concepts, are naturaly less appealing. 

For exemple : I play aliens space beggars in 40k (AKA Genestealer Cult). I wish they got more attention from GW but I know deeply that, even if they got dozens of new kits, they would never sold as well as Space Marines. Because they are more niche. Because they are aliens space beggars.

Same thing could be said about a lot of AoS armies : some armies will always sell less than Stormcasts, no matter how many kits they get. 

Exactly this. Stormcast are purposefully generic, in their lore, rules and models. They make a great counterpart to whatever unique army they put in the starter. You want Skaven, here you go, and here is some stormcast and after a while you feel like well, I have half a starter box of Stormcast and they seem easy to paint and play. I'll start a small army of them as well. 

There is a reason we are seeing less and less duel boxes. I think they have found that other armies are more niche and specific. A box with OBR and Ogors or Idoneth and Fyreslayers isn't as appealing because I may not want to take the full plunge into one of them and now I'm stuck trying to unload another half. 

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37 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

If these factions had sce level of support these numbers would be much different. If Dark Elves/GG/Lumineth/KO were in every edition starter box they would be in top 3 popular armies as well. 

No. Even if LRL were the posterboys they wouldn't be as popular as SCE. People seem to forget why SCE are the posterboys in the first place : GW needed a faction of elite, easy to paint (ie having to paint as less flesh as possible) and collect good guys for beginner players, because the posterboys good guy factions of WFB (high elves, empire) required you to paint 1/ lots of flesh which beginners can struggle with (I sure did when I began Warhammer) and 2/ paint lots of models.
So they came up with this faction of elite (which means easier to collect as you need less minis), heavily armoured (reducing the flesh areas to the bare minimum), straightforward to play good guys as the new beginner friendly faction, and so the SCE were born.

Even if you put LRL as the main protagonist every edition they'll still have the same issues : the models are fragile because of their graceful aerial elf poses, harder to paint than SCE (including lots of flesh), are a nightmare to transport (ever tried to transport auralan wardens with their looooooong pikes ?), more numerous than SCE and on top of that you're adding the SCE's problem, that is you're turning the army into a subscription service.

The same problems apply to all the factions you cited. "Dark Elves" ? They're barely good guys. Neither are GG. And KO is not an easy faction to start with. Their gameplay is more difficult for beginners and all the flat surfaces on their airships beg for an airbrush.

And lastly, if all of the factions above were getting more attention than SCE, you'll be there instead criticising GW for how a "huge waste of resources" and that now Y or Z other faction begs for a refresh... Because I always feel like no matter what AoS release happens you'll still find a way to be negative about it.

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Tbh I initially went in for something and decided on Sylvaneth but after talking I ended up going with Stormcast because they seemed like a good entrry point, easy to paint so thought they would be a nice basis to learn then move on to something once I knew more about the game and lore. Still like my Stormcast but honestly Cities, Idoneth and Darkoath are the things that sway me the most now.

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37 minutes ago, Luperci said:

more people play SCE because GW push them more than any other faction

There always must be “good guys”, if you want to sell such a  product. But collecting generic humans is too boring, people want to imagine they are real heroes, full-plated daemon slayers with super powers and big mega-weapons. That’s why GW push marines and stormcast. With FB dead new product must have been more attractive to a wider audience. Many people love elves, dwarves or orcs, but even more love this archetype.

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13 minutes ago, Ookami said:

There always must be “good guys”, if you want to sell such a  product. But collecting generic humans is too boring, people want to imagine they are real heroes, full-plated daemon slayers with super powers and big mega-weapons. That’s why GW push marines and stormcast. With FB dead new product must have been more attractive to a wider audience. Many people love elves, dwarves or orcs, but even more love this archetype.

oh no I completely get it, the new SCE are designed with WHFB, space marines and the old SCE to be the ideal drawing point for new players

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Got to be honest, I'm really not a fan of the new Liberator. I just think it's boring and next to the Vindictor it isn't different enough that it looks like a different unit (for me). I remain unconvinced with Thunderstrike tbh, especially the guys who don't come with extra robes, or fur or some other texture to them.

I am kinda worried what they're going to end up doing to guys like the Lord-Relictor and Lord-Castellant who are my favourite Stormcast models.

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2 minutes ago, mojojojo101 said:

Got to be honest, I'm really not a fan of the new Liberator. I just think it's boring and next to the Vindictor it isn't different enough that it looks like a different unit (for me). I remain unconvinced with Thunderstrike tbh, especially the guys who don't come with extra robes, or fur or some other texture to them.

I am kinda worried what they're going to end up doing to guys like the Lord-Relictor and Lord-Castellant who are my favourite Stormcast models.

can we be sure that the 3rd ed knight relictor won't just serve as a replacement for lord relictor as it presumably gets removed along with the other 1st ed stuff same with the lord imperatant for the lord castellant. Apologies I don't know SCE hierarchy and ranks if that wouldn't make sense

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1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

And lastly, if all of the factions above were getting more attention than SCE, you'll be there instead criticising GW for how a "huge waste of resources" and that now Y or Z other faction begs for a refresh... Because I always feel like no matter what AoS release happens you'll still find a way to be negative about it.

You got it wrong.

It's not that I want any faction to be favoured over SCE. I want SCE NOT to be favoured over few factions combined.

If we had like 5 factions (for the simplicity of example) it should always be like: "we release A in January, B in March, then C in May, D in July and E in September."

Instead we have: "Let's release a huge box of A vs. B in January. Then in March we can support A with some additional models. We send C in June and 1 hero on foot for D in October. What about E? I say f* E. It can wait until '26. Instead we can have this A WarCry band in December. Has the A 5th Underworlds warband left the factory yet"

I collect few armies at the moment so to be honest I don't really feel that abandoned (none of which are SCE) but I still feel sorry for these E guys, which are quite a few. Pretty tired of yet another clone SCE models. If at least thay had GSG variety but they don't. Instead we get resculpts of 9 year old models when some factions still run 15 yo models (or older). 

Oh and I'm not being negative most of the time, especially for AoS. Many great models and factions in recent years. I'm just completing painting my 6th 2000 point AoS army so that tells a lot about my attitude for AoS.

Edited by Aeryenn
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53 minutes ago, mojojojo101 said:

Got to be honest, I'm really not a fan of the new Liberator. I just think it's boring and next to the Vindictor it isn't different enough that it looks like a different unit (for me). I remain unconvinced with Thunderstrike tbh, especially the guys who don't come with extra robes, or fur or some other texture to them.

I am kinda worried what they're going to end up doing to guys like the Lord-Relictor and Lord-Castellant who are my favourite Stormcast models.

If you want to know how the will look, here you go. A Lord-Castellant:


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