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8 minutes ago, TubbyWargamerCZ said:

Hi guys, I really like the warcry content and since i collect warcry boxes, I was wondering - I keep reading on various websites that this new box (Briar and Bone) is the last release of the current "season" - where was this stated by GW? I´m still hoping for o fourth dual box (I really like the warband tomes, and I believe kruleboyz and fyreslayers warbands donť have theirs...). Thanks!

They just mean the last one due for 2023 (Winter). We'll get another box set in Spring, then they'll show off a new roadmap.


Edited by Shiro Kabocha
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6 minutes ago, Someravella said:


By the way, gnashtoof cavalry confirmed. If you look closely that gnashtoof you'll see that it is not that great, so it is no the killaboss. 🧌

These gnashtoofs are small. But the ones out there are faaar away.

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I didn't expect they would reveal the miniatures for the next starter box, it's simply too soon. Gotta keep content for future Warhammer Community articles, after all.

I find it really funny they keep making the same mistake with their "end edition" books. I mean, who will be really bothering buying the 6th book from Dawnbringers now, knowing that it will be completely invalidated a few months later ? Well, except from collectors like me. ;)

I expect it will be the last book I buy for AoS, though. Like 10th edition of 40k, I believe the new battletomes will be as soulless (meaning no more unit background description, just a few novels barely telling anything about the faction and just boring warscrolls for the rest). I will be fine with free downloads from the site, thanks - and don't forget to download EVERYTHING on day one, for when the battletome is released, GW WILL remove the corresponding faction's cards from their site. That way, you can play forever for free. :P

I have no worry for the 4th edition, it will still be tournament friendly like 10th currently is. Things will change, yes, but it will be still be written by the same team that is tournament data obsessed - and they totally learned from 10th edition's  launch to make sure not to repeat some mistakes, I doubt we'll have the Eldar situation. Spearhead mode will be the easy way to play in store and a great way indeed to introduce a new player to the game. Balance isn't that much important, only for tournament obsessed players and drama-seeking youtubers desperate for clickbait. Besides, we know that GW waits for data from played games before making adjustments - no matter how much you playtest, the amount of data you get simply can't compare when the game is actually out and played by thousands of players. That's how they work, gotta deal with it.

I won't miss 3th edition, TBH. It was too convoluted, great strategies and tactics system was quickly ruined by some being simply too interesting / easy to fulfill and added needless complexity to victory conditions, and I got tired to constantly follow the meta. It wasn't the "best edition ever" for sure, just the most tournament / elitist player friendly. It was horrible for casual players like me. I will miss the content of 3th edition battletomes, though...they were the best IMHO, with a great balance between background, painting guides, lovely miniature pictures and rules. My true fear lies in the 4th edition battletome' content, because when I look at 10th edition 40k ones comparing with 9th...it's really abysmal and a true downgrade, from my point of view.

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10 minutes ago, Shiro Kabocha said:

They just mean the last one due for 2023 (Winter). We'll get another box set in Spring, then they'll show off a new roadmap.


aren't Briar and Bone the spring warbands? The last ones from this roadmap.

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Awesome 4th edition cinematic!

I am hyped for all the new minis and its finally time to shine for the skaven! 


So after seeing the 4th edition trailer I would speculate that the new launch box could mimic the first aos edition launch box regarding the stormcast externals content wise.

So one new hero on „Gryphraven“.

10 new liberators.

The ruination equivalent of the retributors (probably 3) we saw in the trailer with shield and axes.

Three new prosecutors. Maybe five like we saw in the trailer.

This would be 17 to 19 miniatures.

Since it would be a launch box there could be another hero on foot. (comparable to the knight-relictor that was in the first aos edition boxset)

Dominion had 21 stormcast miniatures, while Leviathan had 25 space marines.


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4 minutes ago, Sarges said:

Maybe this one too but I'm not 100% sure:


I thought looked like the right hand on the right one, but there's one extra division on the fingers, isn't it? Maybe we can confirm it once we see the sprue.

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1 minute ago, Gotz said:

aren't Briar and Bone the spring warbands? The last ones from this roadmap.

Ohhh yea you're right. I read "2 new warbands" and assumed 2 new sets of Order vs Death in Winter. Then I thought about how they just announced the Lumineth and Nighthaunt set recently along with the Ossiarch and Sylvaneth set now and thought "yep, that sounds right." 😅

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Random doddles on the Adepticon reveals :

1/ I thought Abraxia would be smaller… I did expect a standard Varanguard mount, not a full blown half dragon !

2/ That OBR warband must be a nightmare to balance with all the wildly different minis, I do hope it’s split into different warscrolls.

3/ Hallowed Knights are now the posterboys ! Yeah ! Their lore is so much more interesting than the Hammers of Sigmar and their colour scheme is better too. Less over the top than the full gold armour we had. Only the faithful !

4/ They’re bringing back the brood horror !

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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2 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I thought looked like the right hand on the right one, but there's one extra division on the fingers, isn't it? Maybe we can confirm it once we see the sprue.

Yeah that's definitely not dryads but maybe something from other options which were not shown in trailer.

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2 hours ago, Ganigumo said:

Being honest and putting that complexity on full display on the warscroll is both better user experience, and also will make the designers think twice about the complexity.

so put the USRs on the warscroll??? whats the problem?

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Looking at these dryads makes me happy because they still look similar to the old ones. I wont have to paint up another 30 something more, if an update looks like these, they look similar enough for me.


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We got a new trailer! VERMINTIDE IS HERE! Annnnnnd so, I have to do another one of these, it's my duty! So, let's analyse a little bit this trailer to see what is coming for the rats, aka, the best warhammer faction to ever exist! What is being shown, what is missing, and what is on the starter box?



1) NEW CLAWLORD... mounting what is clearly an eldritch horror from your worst nightmares! First of all, unless GW has changed lore, this isn't neither a wolfrat/poxrat (too big) nor a brood horror (too small). It's a new thing! And it's clearly the leader of the pack! And look at that horny head? Is that the suposed rat ogre from SG Warhound leaks? Also, from the newsletter artwork seems like this guy wields a halberd and a gun, a mini-ratlign gun to be more precise. Perhaps he'll be leading a new skaven cavalry? Rats can dream too...


2) NEW CLANRATS! Yes, despite all skaven fans deying it, they are coming. For what we can see here, they'll be wielding shields, swords (no spears on the trailer) and with the whole command team (standard bearer on the left) All skaven models here seem like retaining that Perbet/Goodwin touch, but with a bit of a new twist on the faces perhaps? Too soon to tell.


3) NEW RAT OGRE! ITS COMINNNNNNNNG! Seems like in a tribute to Colin Dixon models this guy is wielding a flamer on the right hand, acompanied of a tank on the back. Glorious looks, can't wait to see the model tbh.


4) NEW GLORIOUS AND MAGNIFIC JEZZAILS!!! TOLD YOU GUYS!!!!! This was the perfect old skaven unit to appear on the kit. very glad to still see these guys around on a new game system and a new world with magnificent plastic. Also, seems like the model will see some changes, like more spikes, helmets, and most of all... Are those backpacks on the crew? I guess the munition will be on the backpacks? But I can also see wires on the jezzails... ummm... perhaps there is a dual kit of these guys coming????????


5) WHATEVER THE ****** IS THIS!!!! Already we have the sprue leaked on the wild, but it's still exciting to see it in action! Still can't say for certain if this is or not a new weapon team, tho. Also, the scene where the pilot runs over one of the slaves and laughs maniacally? Best scene of the trailer, 10/10

But, wait, there are things missing!


A) Grey Seer. Whitefang already told us he wasn't 100% sure on whether the grey seer would appear or not, but it seems like there's only a clawlord leading the pack. Weird.

B) Stormvermins. Only clanrats fighting the new shiny guys? Also weird. But new stormvermins would have been showed on the trailer 100%, it's a sell-point for this kind of boxes.

C) More rat ogres. Only one? Wouldnt be surprised if there's at least one more rat ogre coming. But then again, all the starter box stuff is allways showed on the trailers...

D) Master moulders/packmasters. This is also weird, a rat ogre needs it's master behind controling it, but stormcasts don't appear to have more than one character on the box as well.


It really depends on whether or not everything was showed here. It really depends on what GW wants. Do they want to make a Leviathan aosified box? Or keep it simple for AoS fans? So, let's make two cases for it:

1A) There's more on the box. We have many things to add here if there's more stuff. Mostly, I'd say A), B) and C) are the most likely candidates. C) at the very least seems like an almost granted on all scenerios, at the very least. That would mean: 1 clawlord, 1 grey seer, 20 clanrats, 10 stormvermins, 2 rat ogres, 3 jezzails, 1 new artillery

2A) It's everything, take a breath Garrac. This makes the case simple, and also keeps it boringly on line with Dominion. So, comparing with the Kruelboyz content I think I can even tell you the exact numbers of this: 1 clawlord, 20 clanrats, 1-2 rat ogres*, 3 jezzails, 1 new artillery

*still not certain because of C)

Also, skaven players, 2A) isn't bad! Because clanrats are getting more like 100% granted (at least spears, like kruelboyz), and this also means more spots for multimodular kits! Clawlord didn't need of those anyways (not so certain about jezzails ,tho)

Anyway, with this in hand I can also start guessing the price of the box, which also depends. If 1A) this will be priced on Leviathan levels with 200 euros. If 2A), then this will be priced at dull Dominion levels, which with inflation on hand would be... 170 euros, perhaps? Or a little bit more, but 170-200 euros are the prices with which GW seems more confortable as of now.

So, what did you think of the trailer? Do you concur with my points, or have something to object? Either way...



Edited by Garrac
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26 minutes ago, HolyPestilence said:

Awesome 4th edition cinematic!

I am hyped for all the new minis and its finally time to shine for the skaven! 


So after seeing the 4th edition trailer I would speculate that the new launch box could mimic the first aos edition launch box regarding the stormcast externals content wise.

So one new hero on „Gryphraven“.

10 new liberators.

The ruination equivalent of the retributors (probably 3) we saw in the trailer with shield and axes.

Three new prosecutors. Maybe five like we saw in the trailer.

This would be 17 to 19 miniatures.

Since it would be a launch box there could be another hero on foot. (comparable to the knight-relictor that was in the first aos edition boxset)

Dominion had 21 stormcast miniatures, while Leviathan had 25 space marines.


Do you think they would reduce the number of minis from 27 to 17? I think it gotta be something else, but is weird that it wouldn't be present in the trailer.

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42 minutes ago, Shiro Kabocha said:

They just mean the last one due for 2023 (Winter). We'll get another box set in Spring, then they'll show off a new roadmap.


The winter order vs death is pyre and flood which still isn't out, spring is definitely briar and bone

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41 minutes ago, RollSixxess said:

Whoever at the art team finally realised the best way to make SCE look good was to not paint them gold is the biggest hero of this edition. 

The opposite innovation to Necrons

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